View Full Version : Hi. I'm ex'dute and I'm an alcoholic.

03-19-2013, 03:27 PM
Actually, I'm not really an alcoholic -- I just play one at Ute football games.

After a week or so of lurking, I thought it was about time to jump into the fray at this place. It seems to be a diverse, interesting board and I hope I can contribUTE a little bit. I will be civil and will try NOT to post nsfw pictures or links. (I said "try" about the nsfw stuff. I made no promises. I've got some great stuff from BamaFanKy saved up that I'd love to recycle).

Here's my introduction:

How did you get your moniker?
Well, I don't really like it much anymore, but it's the one I have at uf.n and utezone, so I thought I would continue to use it here for consistency sake.

I called myself ex'dute when I signed up for uf.n in 2002 or 2003 because I had recently been ex'd by the great state of Utah's predominant religion. That's right. I am a heathen that got kicked out of "The Church" by a so-called Court of Love -- as 15 neighbors, many of whom I thought were friends, listened to my story and proceeded to tell me I was unworthy to be one of them.

If it sounds like I'm bitter, don't worry. I'm not. I deserved it. I knew the rules. I didn't play by them. They had every right to give me my second technical and send me to the locker room early, so to speak. Plus, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. As the old joke goes, I got an instant 10% raise and Sundays off. And it saved me the headache of writing a resignation letter -- not to mention the postage.
My board name seems dated now since that experience was more than a decade ago, but that's where it came from. I don't know that I've ever really explained that before on uf.n or not.

Where are you from? What do you do?
Born in Salt Lake and raised in Utah -- and proud of it. After graduating from the U. in 1991, I got my dream job right here in Salt Lake. That dream job has sometimes been a nightmare, but 22 years later I'm still cashing decent pay checks and paying the bills on time, so I can't complain too much.

What are your sports loyalties?
First and foremost, of course, are Ute basketball and football teams. Then the other Ute sports.

After that comes my fantasy baseball team and then my fantasy football teams.

After that comes the Padres, the Chargers and the Jazz. But truth be told, I'd rather watch a Ute game against Athletes in Action than the Jazz vs. the Heat.

I will admit that a always enjoy a BYU loss no matter who the Coogs play. I know that's not very Christian of me -- what with the Y. being God's chosen school and all -- but those Zoobie bastards in elementary school in the late 70s weren't very Christ-like to me, either.

Why are you a Ute fan?
I can't help it. As my friend Lady Gaga says, I was born this way. My dad and grandfather had football and basketball season tickets my whole life. I grew up going to the games with them. As a child I remember some horrible seasons in the 70s and 80s in football. But we were always there in the old, run down Rice Stadium with the hard-as-concrete AstroTurf along with 20,000 of our closest friends. That's why I laugh at Ute fans that are depressed over a 5-7 record in the PAC-12. We're in the freaking PAC-12! I still can't believe it.

Trust me, it's been waaaaaay worse before. This season will be better, but if not, I'll still enjoy every minute of the seven homes games, being with 45,000 fellow Utes. It's about entertainment and not life and death.

Are you religiously affiliated, and if so, what is your current standing? What about politics?
I was born and raised Mormon. I did the whole mission, temple marriage, start a family right away thing. I served in stake and ward young men's presidencies. I have been in bishoprics in three different wards. And, like I said earlier in explaining my name, I have been unceremoniously kicked out of that church. But, thanks to 30-plus years, countless service hours and tens of thousands of dollars that I have given to that organization, I still believe I can call myself a Mormon -- sort of like a Jew that never goes to a synogouge or a Catholic that hasn't been to mass in decades can still identify with those religions.

Unlike many Republicans, I do believe in science. I believe humankind is basically good. I believe some people are evil. I believe many Utah lawmakers are clueless to the real world and that a 7-foot wall hiding alcohol in restaurants won't stop kids from being curious about drinking. I think FOXNews is propaganda for the right. I believe MSNBC is propaganda for the left, but I enjoy watching it (and think Rachel Maddow is kinda hot in a dykey sort of way). I don't believe CNN and the rest or the "mainstream media" has any sort of overt agenda. They are just doing the best they can and are sometimes (often?) imperfect. I love reading newspapers and getting ink on my fingers, but know they are dying and I am contributing by getting most of my news off websites.

As for belief in God, I just don't know. I don't think anyone can "know" -- especially 5-year-olds in fast and testimony meetings who are being told what to say by their 8-year-old siblings.

I guess you could say I'm agnostic.

Sorry this is so long winded. I will still take part in the uf.n community, but hope to add something to UB5 occasionally as well. I do like the format.

Just one question. Where are the red (and blue) stars?

Jarid in Cedar
03-19-2013, 03:45 PM
Killer intro. As far as the nsfw stuff, place it in a spoiler tag, and folks can make their own decisions. Personally, I have a higher threshold for most of it, but it helps that I am the boss :). However, I can understand the winced of other folks who are not as fortunate.

03-19-2013, 07:35 PM
Nice intro ex'dute. Welcome to the fun house. Looking forward to your posts - all of them.

You are right - The old games at Rice Stadium were like a refiners fire for many of us. It would take a whole lot more than I can imagine for me to be convinced to not cheer for the Utes above all else.

Freaky Girl
03-20-2013, 04:08 PM
Actually, I'm not really an alcoholic -- I just play one at Ute football games.

lol Funny.
Thanks for sharing your story.
And welcome!

03-20-2013, 10:33 PM
Interesting intro. Thanks for sharing.

How sadistic that they only ex you if you care.

03-20-2013, 11:38 PM
I'm with you on the Rachael Maddow thing. I thought I was the only (straight) one who thought that.