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LA Ute
02-15-2017, 10:20 PM
I've wondered if Hackett is a possible replacement

Or maybe Scott Mitchell. He's been on the ESPN700 air a lot. Also, Hackett and Phillips are covering Riley's show tomorrow.

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02-16-2017, 08:12 AM
Swinney said it was because his ratings weren't good enough.

02-16-2017, 08:21 AM
Radio is a brutal industry.

LA Ute
02-16-2017, 08:33 AM
Swinney said it was because his ratings weren't good enough.

Because he was boring.

02-16-2017, 08:56 AM
Swinney said it was because his ratings weren't good enough.

But O'Connell's were? hmmmmm.

LA Ute
02-16-2017, 09:20 AM
But O'Connell's were? hmmmmm.

Interesting question. Maybe O'Connell has a better history of decent ratings, not only at 700 but also at other stations? I don't know. What the two of them were doing on their show together as a team was not interesting to me at all.

02-16-2017, 09:23 AM
Interesting question. Maybe O'Connell has a better history of decent ratings, not only at 700 but also at other stations? I don't know. What the two of them were doing on their show together as a team was not interesting to me at all.

I wanted to like it, but it rarely held my interest.

02-16-2017, 09:35 AM
I wanted to like it, but it rarely held my interest.

This. I always tuned them in first. I was so excited when their show started. I pumped it up here and other sites (RIP). But, I always ended up changing the channel. It's too bad.

02-16-2017, 11:34 AM
Swinney said it was because his ratings weren't good enough.

He might be half-right, but that's a cop-out answer for why his show wasn't kept on the air. On-air talent simply cannot remain employed just because of their content. They have to be able to sell airtime to local businesses. If they can't do that, then they better be crushing it in the ratings, and Ute-centric STR will never do that in this market. Find me one STR personality in the SLC market who makes a living wage based solely on their talk show duties. I can't think of a single one.

02-16-2017, 11:37 AM
Radio is a brutal industry.

I could've done half the job I did in newspapers and still lasted as long as I did/wanted. But radio is brutal, and a niche market like STR is ruthless. Forget about having a slew of "hot takes", if you can't sell air time, you won't stay around.

02-16-2017, 12:01 PM
What's STR?

02-16-2017, 12:02 PM
Single topic radio?

02-16-2017, 12:04 PM
Single topic radio?

sports talk radio

02-16-2017, 12:20 PM
sports talk radio


02-16-2017, 12:24 PM

it was either that or a fuel additive for your engine.

02-16-2017, 12:24 PM
I suppose since OC was retained that they want to attempt to keep a local drive time show going. The show never really stood out to me. Sure, there were times i listened for a while but all in all, it was not my thing.

I am shocked that SLC has had 3 STR stations for as long as it has.

With the miller family backing, I dont see any way that 700 could entice Spencer Checketts back, but his talent is being absolutely wasted opposite Monson. Monson should be partnered with another guy who is full of hot takes, like Kevin Graham.

I would love to see the demo ratings for 1320 KFAN in the afternoon.

02-16-2017, 03:52 PM
I suppose since OC was retained that they want to attempt to keep a local drive time show going. The show never really stood out to me. Sure, there were times i listened for a while but all in all, it was not my thing.

I am shocked that SLC has had 3 STR stations for as long as it has.

With the miller family backing, I dont see any way that 700 could entice Spencer Checketts back, but his talent is being absolutely wasted opposite Monson. Monson should be partnered with another guy who is full of hot takes, like Kevin Graham.

I would love to see the demo ratings for 1320 KFAN in the afternoon.

Yeah, I think the issue wasn't so much that the show was bad (it wasn't great but it was generally your best option if you wanted to hear some Utes talk). The biggest issue is the timeslot and the saturation of the market. 1280 is always going to dominate because the Jazz are still the king in this sports market and they have the best access to the Jazz (by a longshot). While I can't understand why anyone willingly listens to or reads Gordon Monson, I get that the Jazz are a big enough draw that 1280 will control the market almost regardless of which personalities are on air.

Then you have 1320 and 700. There's just not enough fans (and I'm assuming advertising dollars, to Pat's point above) to fuel three stations. The fact that 1320 is still afloat is a marvel of modern media (not that I'm an expert on the subject, but I just don't know anyone who listens to them--maybe that's where the BYU fans in SLC go?). I have no idea what the ratings have been over time but I doubt 700 had much better ratings over time comparing before or after Swinney. I think the same group of mostly Ute fans listened before Swinney, during Swinney and will still listen after Swinney. I also assume they kept OC only because he is more experienced and if you're going to the solo host you're sticking with the guy who has been around longer (although I've never felt that OC can carry a show by himself).

LA Ute
02-16-2017, 04:14 PM
(although I've never felt that OC can carry a show by himself).

He can't.

02-16-2017, 07:11 PM
I really like 1320. I don't listen live as I cannot stand commercials but I listen to a couple hours of the podcast (previous day's radio show without the commercials) most weekdays while at work.

02-16-2017, 09:59 PM
I used to really like Gunther. He seems to have gone off the rails recently. I don't if he is giving up or what, but he has fallen lately.

I think Gunther tried to go after BYU fans but got sick and tired of BYU fans, snapped and burned that bridge. Ha ha. Poor guy.

This is a tough market. 1280 is horrible. Every show they do is awful. PK is by far the best guy we have in the market, when he wants to be. The problem is, he is bored 95% of the time and just trolls BYU and Utah fans.

1280's daytime stuff is garbage.

Monson is awful.

I like Bill Riley. OC is as good as anyone else in this market (I'm not sure if that is a compliment or not). It's too bad. This market used to have a stream of really good talent coming through. Now, it's a bunch of hacks that are happy with their 30K a year.

There is a lot to talk about. The Jazz, Utah, BYU, the PAC-12. ESPN 700 only has local show for what? 6 hrs a day? It shouldn't be that hard to fill up 3 hours a day. 1 hour on the Jazz, one on the Utes, 1/2 hour each on BYU and PAC-12. That isn't even counting the commercial time.

All the radio guys in this market are just so lazy. But, for the low pay, what do you expect?

02-17-2017, 07:34 AM
Here's a twist to think about. Wonder what the reaction/ ratings would be like if 700 would pair either OC or Swinney with a really knowledgeable sports geek female. Just to continue this thread anyone care to throw out names?

I'll start Rebecca over on Channel 13.

02-17-2017, 08:20 AM
I don't think it would hurt. I just don't see why this area is so hard. These guys only have 3 hours a day. In television, that means 42 minutes every hour. That is three 14 minute segments. That is 9 segments a day. That is all.

Two segments, go over the Jazz game. One segment go over Utah football. One segment, go over Utah basketball. Have two guests. One segment, go over football in general. NFL, BYU, PAC-12. One segment dedicated to some sort of PAC-12 thing. One segment for national news.

That is 9 segments. That's it. This isn't rocket science.

And honestly, for a show like OC's, his three o'clock listeners and his 5 o'clock listeners are probably not the same people.

So, hour one, do your headlines, Utah football, Jazz.

Hour two, your filler crap. Utah basketball, BYU/NFL/PAC-12, guest.

Hour three, go over some headlines again, review the Jazz, do Utah football, replay a guest interview or have another big name on the show.

That's it.

Should be pretty simple stuff.

But, what do I know, right? Because we just have to have all this silly banter about pants or whatever.

And I didn't even take into account all the time spent talking about whatever food or remote location they are at.

02-17-2017, 10:28 AM
Here's a twist to think about. Wonder what the reaction/ ratings would be like if 700 would pair either OC or Swinney with a really knowledgeable sports geek female. Just to continue this thread anyone care to throw out names?

I'll start Rebecca over on Channel 13.

I am not sure if people will ever be able to get past the Britain Covey thing with Rebecca, unfortunately. People still tweet at her about it. Which is funny because how many times has Monson said something even more dumb than that and no one brings it up every time he tweets. I would listen though, as I think she knows whats going on. 700 had Amy Donaldson host for a while, but I dont know how the ratings were.

02-17-2017, 11:31 AM
I'll admit, I like Gunther. I think he's one of the better local guys. In his case, I'm not expecting a smooth orator with the brains of Einstein. I'm expecting a dumb jock with *some* real life experience/insights into competitive athletics and a bit of a sense of humor. I actually like his stuff. He just needs a better "straight man" to be with. I think he and DJ or Bill Riley or Checkets would do a good show together.

I'm also not as polarized about Monsen as some. I think he's okay. He gets a little high and mighty sometimes, and I agree that he's a) stepped in "it" a few times, and b) been caught blatantly trolling. But listeners/readers hold onto his follies way too long and way too hard. When a guy has been a journalist and talk show host for, what, 20 years in a market this size, you're going to say and do a few stupid things over the course of that time.

I sort of pity guys who've had to prop up Utah, BYU, and Jazz sports every day in two media types for that long. It would make me HATE those teams so bad, and it wouldn't take me 20 years to get there, either. If nothing else, I sense market fatigue from Monsen, PK, DJ, and even Checkets sometimes. They don't love what they're doing in the same way that Riley, Locke, Bolerjack, and even that BYU dude seem to. I mean, how many times can you rehash the rivalry, or Jazz mediocrity, or Whittingham coach speak, or Cougar fan eternal hype, and Ute fan shoe gazing? Not to mention that absolute desert of topics that happens around here from April to August. Man, this market needs an MLB team SO bad.

02-17-2017, 01:33 PM
If nothing else, I sense market fatigue from Monsen, PK, DJ, and even Checkets sometimes. They don't love what they're doing in the same way that Riley, Locke, Bolerjack, and even that BYU dude seem to. I mean, how many times can you rehash the rivalry, or Jazz mediocrity, or Whittingham coach speak, or Cougar fan eternal hype, and Ute fan shoe gazing? Not to mention that absolute desert of topics that happens around here from April to August. Man, this market needs an MLB team SO bad.

I think this has a lot to do with it.

I also think a lot of the "staples" (all of 1280 mainly) have just gotten lazy. For so long, it was MWC and the Jazz were good. Utah and BYU would both get 10+ wins, the Jazz were always in the playoffs. Life wasn't that bad.

But now...Utah had two bad years, BYU hasn't been relevent since 2009, the Jazz haven't made the playoffs in forever. It's a bit of a drought.

BUT, there is still plenty to talk about. Watch PAC-12 spring ball games. You could easily break down position groups and then compare them to BYU and Utah over the summer. You have OL, DL, LB, CB, S, RB, QB, WR, TE.

That is 9 topics and 13 teams.

Break down individual schedules. Like, Stanford plays ASU before Utah but Utah has a bye. Normally, Stanford beats Utah, but the bye and the fact that it is in SLC, gives Utah a chance (like USC in 2016. Utah should never expect to beat USC. But last year, the scheduling gods did everything they could for Utah to win that game).

That is 13 more topics. Some of those (like Utah, BYU, USC, Stanford, Oregon, Washington) could take more than one segment.

Then, there is always summertime scandals, blah, blah, blah.

You get the point. There is a lot to talk about. Talk about LSU and Wisconsin and Mississippi St and Boise St.

They are just lazy.

Nice Marmot
02-17-2017, 02:33 PM
What was her Britain Covey mistake? I must have missed it.

I am not sure if people will ever be able to get past the Britain Covey thing with Rebecca, unfortunately. People still tweet at her about it. Which is funny because how many times has Monson said something even more dumb than that and no one brings it up every time he tweets. I would listen though, as I think she knows whats going on. 700 had Amy Donaldson host for a while, but I dont know how the ratings were.

02-17-2017, 03:39 PM
What was her Britain Covey mistake? I must have missed it.


I dont think she realized what the fallout would be, and I honestly dont think she was trolling either. I think she was genuinely naive.

02-18-2017, 05:41 PM
I used to like Monty in the Morning until they changed the guy who does the news updates. Haven't listened to 1320 since. Same for 1280. The news update guys are both terrible.

02-24-2017, 01:29 PM
OC tweeted that a HUGE announcement is being made at 2. Rumor is it will be Tom Hackett joining him in the afternoon.

02-24-2017, 02:05 PM
Well, who is it?

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Dwight Schr-Ute
02-24-2017, 02:15 PM

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02-24-2017, 02:16 PM
Well, who is it?

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It is indeed Hackett.

Im interested to hear different perspectives, but it feels like they are just rearranging deck chairs. It feels like they have conceded drive time to teh zone and are just making sure they can beat out KFAN.

Tom is a nice guy, and I will give him a chance. Not sure who I expected, but I guess we will see.

LA Ute
02-24-2017, 04:26 PM
It is indeed Hackett.

Im interested to hear different perspectives, but it feels like they are just rearranging deck chairs. It feels like they have conceded drive time to teh zone and are just making sure they can beat out KFAN.

Tom is a nice guy, and I will give him a chance. Not sure who I expected, but I guess we will see.

We will see. He seems to have some raw talent.

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LA Ute
02-24-2017, 09:55 PM
The official announcement.


02-27-2017, 03:26 PM
Jalen Thomas‏ @orthute (https://twitter.com/orthute) Follow


Hate to hear the news of @GuntherKFAN (https://twitter.com/GuntherKFAN) and @BenKFAN (https://twitter.com/BenKFAN) at @1320KFAN (https://twitter.com/1320KFAN) . Hope they find another spot in the market.

02-27-2017, 03:58 PM
Jalen Thomas‏ @orthute (https://twitter.com/orthute) Follow


Hate to hear the news of @GuntherKFAN (https://twitter.com/GuntherKFAN) and @BenKFAN (https://twitter.com/BenKFAN) at @1320KFAN (https://twitter.com/1320KFAN) . Hope they find another spot in the market.

I first saw this on twitter, I went to 1320kfan.com and it looked like business as usual. One hour later, 1320kfan.com is now a redirect to the main Cumulus media site. Id say the plug has been pulled. Its a bummer to hear of anyone losing a job. Best of luck to those guys.

02-27-2017, 04:06 PM
I first saw this on twitter, I went to 1320kfan.com and it looked like business as usual. One hour later, 1320kfan.com is now a redirect to the main Cumulus media site. Id say the plug has been pulled. Its a bummer to hear of anyone losing a job. Best of luck to those guys.

I did the same thing. Facebook and twitter accounts also gone.

02-27-2017, 05:49 PM
Former producer Napoleon tweeted that station was doomed once Kevin graham left in 2013. New management couldn't find a buyer and no one could control Gunther.

02-27-2017, 07:00 PM
Former producer Napoleon tweeted that station was doomed once Kevin graham left in 2013. New management couldn't find a buyer and no one could control Gunther.

Driving home both 1320 and 1230 were off the air. Nothing but static.

LA Ute
02-27-2017, 07:11 PM
Driving home both 1320 and 1230 were off the air. Nothing but static.


02-27-2017, 07:26 PM
Driving home both 1320 and 1230 were off the air. Nothing but static.

What was 1230 before? I know a while back it was kfan2 and it was national stuff.

02-27-2017, 07:59 PM
Dang, that is sad. That was my favorite station. I guess I am going to have to check out kall700 as I refuse to support 1280.

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02-28-2017, 08:38 AM
I listened to twenty minutes of the daily podcast from themontyshow about what happened at KFAN. It was mostly useless rambling, however there was some 'takeaways'

-Tim disagrees with the idea that SLC cant support three STR stations, simply because KFAN was the only one that he considered to actually talk sports.
-Tim considers Kyle Gunther to be the best football analyst in the state.
-In 2014, the station brought in more revenue than it ever had before.
-Some meanie in management took all of this revenue and gave it to the 'music stations' because they were failing.
-This left Monty with zero budget outside of salaries.
-He admitted to being a jerk to everyone and being almost impossible to work with, but also mentioned how hard he worked and his only regret was not working harder.
-He talked about how he didn't want to brag, but if he wanted a job in radio, he could get one again in no time.

Only parts of his story seem legitimate to me.

Rocker Ute
02-28-2017, 09:17 AM
I listened to twenty minutes of the daily podcast from themontyshow about what happened at KFAN. It was mostly useless rambling, however there was some 'takeaways'

-Tim disagrees with the idea that SLC cant support three STR stations, simply because KFAN was the only one that he considered to actually talk sports.

Actually none of them talk sports, it is pretty bad.

-Tim considers Kyle Gunther to be the best football analyst in the state.

I was on a pendulum with Gunther, sometimes I found he was funny and other times just obnoxious. He is the B-52s of STR - fun in small doses.

-In 2014, the station brought in more revenue than it ever had before.

Unfortunately it is 2017 and those dollars don't pay bills today.

-Some meanie in management took all of this revenue and gave it to the 'music stations' because they were failing.

-This left Monty with zero budget outside of salaries.

Of course.

-He admitted to being a jerk to everyone and being almost impossible to work with, but also mentioned how hard he worked and his only regret was not working harder.

Someone other meanie tanked the station but I am intolerable to work with. Perhaps we identified the problem.

-He talked about how he didn't want to brag, but if he wanted a job in radio, he could get one again in no time.

Only parts of his story seem legitimate to me.

Monty was horrible the few times I listened to him. When someone makes your finger twitch on the seek button on your steering wheel it is a problem. I could last about 3 minutes with him before I had to change the channel. Sometimes guys (like Gunther) become an acquired taste. That never happened for me with Monty.

02-28-2017, 09:48 AM
I listened to twenty minutes of the daily podcast from themontyshow about what happened at KFAN. It was mostly useless rambling, however there was some 'takeaways'

-Tim disagrees with the idea that SLC cant support three STR stations, simply because KFAN was the only one that he considered to actually talk sports.
-Tim considers Kyle Gunther to be the best football analyst in the state.
-In 2014, the station brought in more revenue than it ever had before.
-Some meanie in management took all of this revenue and gave it to the 'music stations' because they were failing.
-This left Monty with zero budget outside of salaries.
-He admitted to being a jerk to everyone and being almost impossible to work with, but also mentioned how hard he worked and his only regret was not working harder.
-He talked about how he didn't want to brag, but if he wanted a job in radio, he could get one again in no time.

Only parts of his story seem legitimate to me.

When he says Gunther is better than a guy like Hans Olson, my bullshit meter goes into overdrive.

If SLC can support 3 STR stations, it's only because the true 800-pound gorilla (BYU athletics) hasn't aligned itself with STR, and instead keeps its live events on news-talk KSL. 1320 closing shop doesn't do much to help Monty's theory.

Someone wanna refresh my memory on what live events 1320 aired? Wasn't it Weber State and high schools? There's money to be made in the latter, not so much in the former.

02-28-2017, 10:04 AM
When he says Gunther is better than a guy like Hans Olson, my bullshit meter goes into overdrive.

If SLC can support 3 STR stations, it's only because the true 800-pound gorilla (BYU athletics) hasn't aligned itself with STR, and instead keeps its live events on news-talk KSL. 1320 closing shop doesn't do much to help Monty's theory.

Someone wanna refresh my memory on what live events 1320 aired? Wasn't it Weber State and high schools? There's money to be made in the latter, not so much in the former.

The only thing 1320 had was high school and the Grizzlies. They lost the grizzlies to ESPN 700 this year. Weber and Utah St are on the zone sports networks (AM or FM Depending on schedule). 1280 also has the bees. The ogden raptors are on the TuneIn app. So yeah, nothing of value.

Diehard Ute
02-28-2017, 01:34 PM
The only thing 1320 had was high school and the Grizzlies. They lost the grizzlies to ESPN 700 this year. Weber and Utah St are on the zone sports networks (AM or FM Depending on schedule). 1280 also has the bees. The ogden raptors are on the TuneIn app. So yeah, nothing of value.

Bees owned by Miller so they'll always be on 1280

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02-28-2017, 03:36 PM
Anybody else remember when 1280 was KNAK and 1320 was KCPX and they dominated rock and roll, later joined by KRSP?

LA Ute
02-28-2017, 04:45 PM
Anybody else remember when 1280 was KNAK and 1320 was KCPX and they dominated rock and roll, later joined by KRSP?

Bonus question: Who remembers the names Woolly Waldron, Skinny Johnny Mitchell, and Lynn Lehman?

02-28-2017, 04:47 PM
Bonus question: Who remembers the names Woolly Waldron, Skinny Johnny Mitchell, and Lynn Lehman?

and Joe Lee

LA Ute
02-28-2017, 04:53 PM
and Joe Lee

I'm not old enough to remember him.

02-28-2017, 05:15 PM
Bonus question: Who remembers the names Woolly Waldron, Skinny Johnny Mitchell, and Lynn Lehman?
I grew up in Lynn Lehman's neighborhood. He still lives there I think.

03-01-2017, 09:12 AM
With all of this shuffling going on, I wonder what will happen with the Jim Rome show. I assume since he is with CBS and not Premiere anymore that no one will pick him up which is kind of strange.

03-01-2017, 09:17 AM
With all of this shuffling going on, I wonder what will happen with the Jim Rome show. I assume since he is with CBS and not Premiere anymore that no one will pick him up which is kind of strange.

I noticed driving to work yesterday that 1230 was back on the air, with national CBS sports radio. dont know if they carried Doug Gottlieb in the afternoon or jim rome midday.

03-01-2017, 10:02 AM
I noticed driving to work yesterday that 1230 was back on the air, with national CBS sports radio. dont know if they carried Doug Gottlieb in the afternoon or jim rome midday.

ah ok that makes sense. Our market is probably an afterthought but Im sure the folks at CBS aren't thrilled with this. IIRC, the reception for 1230 is awful even in town.

03-01-2017, 10:16 AM

Monty mentioned this in his rambling that apparently that 1230 am tower burned down and his bosses just decided to leave it off the air rather than fix it.

Here is more history of the KFNZ station.


03-01-2017, 10:26 AM
I'm not old enough to remember him.

yes you are. Joe was the baritone voice who did the news at the top of the hour, all the voice overs, and lots of ads. Also voice overs for channel 4. You would recognize his voice in an instant.

I worked in the news dept. at KCPX channel 4 for two summers during college, and the radio studios were downstairs. I got to know all those guys. I am trying to remember the dj who was Shelly Thomas's first husband, but cant. He had Van in the middle of it, but i draw a blank.

03-01-2017, 10:42 AM
With all of this shuffling going on, I wonder what will happen with the Jim Rome show. I assume since he is with CBS and not Premiere anymore that no one will pick him up which is kind of strange.

Weak Take City has always been good to Rome. Why wouldn't 1280 drop Jake and Tony and put Rome in that spot? Or could 700 pick up Rome on an hour delay from 11a-2p? What's currently on in that spot? (Never mind -- didn't realize Bill's show was on at that time.)

Two Utes
03-01-2017, 10:44 AM
Anybody else remember when 1280 was KNAK and 1320 was KCPX and they dominated rock and roll, later joined by KRSP?

Why yes I do. The battle of the records. I think "seasons in the sun" won the battle for like 3 months in 75 and yet that song truly sucked.

03-01-2017, 11:04 AM
Weak Take City has always been good to Rome. Why wouldn't 1280 drop Jake and Tony and put Rome in that spot? Or could 700 pick up Rome on an hour delay from 11a-2p? What's currently on in that spot? (Never mind -- didn't realize Bill's show was on at that time.)

I think in a perfect world, one of those two would, but I am not sure that 700 (as an ESPN affiliate) or 1280 (as a fox sports radio affiliate, recently switched from NBC sports radio) can take a CBS sports radio show. It was easier when he was on Premier and he just went to the highest bidder. Not sure they can do that now. If his show ends up on 1230 for good, then the ratings will be hilariously low.

03-01-2017, 08:03 PM
Why yes I do. The battle of the records. I think "seasons in the sun" won the battle for like 3 months in 75 and yet that song truly sucked.

Oh my hell, I can't believe anybody remembers that. Me and my two brothers every night would listen to see which record won. I remember the long run by seasons in the sun, I also remember a longish run by Cherokee People. I am old!!


LA Ute
03-01-2017, 08:28 PM
Oh my hell, I can't believe anybody remembers that. Me and my two brothers every night would listen to see which record won. I remember the long run by seasons in the sun, I also remember a longish run by Cherokee People. I am old!!



03-06-2017, 09:16 AM
I was thinking about who 1280 might scoop up from 1320.

If they could find a producer with the personality to keep them wrangled, Gunther's wild man act combined with Hans's straight man act could be a duo right out of the Odd Couple. Plus, their combined football analysis would own college football around here.

It could be awesome, or it could be a train wreck. LOL

03-30-2017, 11:25 AM
Swinney put his thoughts together.


Also, it looks like 1430 KLO has picked up Rome. KLO is the home of some second and third tier right wing political shows.

03-30-2017, 11:46 AM
Swinney put his thoughts together.


Also, it looks like 1430 KLO has picked up Rome. KLO is the home of some second and third tier right wing political shows.

I liked listening to Swinney a lot. He is right--he was informed and articulate. and provided a lot of info and insight re the U. Same with Ben Anderson on 1320. Clearly I am in the vast minority.

Tom Hackett and OC are impossible to listen to, so I dont try any more. It is now just a goofy clown show.

03-30-2017, 12:04 PM
I liked listening to Swinney a lot. He is right--he was informed and articulate. and provided a lot of info and insight re the U. Same with Ben Anderson on 1320. Clearly I am in the vast minority.

Tom Hackett and OC are impossible to listen to, so I dont try any more. It is now just a goofy clown show.

I thought that when OC and swinney were focused, they were ok. But I go back to that time where they came in from break and started talking about where they get their haircut and they just kept going and then finally they got around to bringing Scott Mitchell on (who had been on hold through this) and they started off by asking him where he likes to get his haircut. I might have just hung up. There was too much of that for me. I don't mind some off topic stuff, it makes it interesting but they really veered off the path too much for me.

Agreed on OC and hackett. I simply cant do it. Its bad radio. I dont expect it to last long.

I didn't like Ben Anderson on KFAN. But I have to admit that I have really enjoyed the few episodes of that NBA show that ESPN 700 does on thursday nights since KFAN went off the air. He has a really good basketball mind and expresses himself well. I hope he can find a landing spot where he doesn't have to keep someone in check like he had to do with Gunther. Hes kind of like Jake Scott on 1280. He is soooooo much better now with a guy like Tony Parks than he was when he had to put up with Monson.

03-30-2017, 03:01 PM
...... I think "seasons in the sun" won the battle for like 3 months in 75 and yet that song truly sucked.


03-30-2017, 03:07 PM
Where's the love for Skip Ward and Stereo X? He was the king of FM!

04-19-2017, 08:34 AM
This interview is getting some run on the old twitter machine.....Tom Hackett asks new Ute Donnie Tillman about the transfers and how he feels about it and then it gets REALLY awkward when hackett asks him how committed he is to the U. He then doesn't get any more air time. The other weird thing is that they asked him almost verbatim the exact same questions that Bill did last week.

Tom is new to this and I expect him to get better, but man he was really unprepared coming into this and it looked BAD.


04-19-2017, 09:51 AM
This interview is getting some run on the old twitter machine.....Tom Hackett asks new Ute Donnie Tillman about the transfers and how he feels about it and then it gets REALLY awkward when hackett asks him how committed he is to the U. He then doesn't get any more air time. The other weird thing is that they asked him almost verbatim the exact same questions that Bill did last week.

Tom is new to this and I expect him to get better, but man he was really unprepared coming into this and it looked BAD.


I was hopeful Tom would jump into this role and excel, because ex-players have viewpoints that many of us don't have.

But from what I'm reading about Tom's radio skills second-hand, it sounds like a disaster.

04-19-2017, 09:53 AM
But from what I'm reading about Tom's radio skills second-hand, it sounds like a disaster.

OC and Hackett are impossible to listen to.

04-19-2017, 09:54 AM
I was hopeful Tom would jump into this role and excel, because ex-players have viewpoints that many of us don't have.

But from what I'm reading about Tom's radio skills second-hand, it sounds like a disaster.

Tom is hilariously funny in small doses and when telling personal stories, but 3 hours a day is meh! Maybe he'll get better?

04-19-2017, 09:56 AM
This interview is getting some run on the old twitter machine.....Tom Hackett asks new Ute Donnie Tillman about the transfers and how he feels about it and then it gets REALLY awkward when hackett asks him how committed he is to the U. He then doesn't get any more air time. The other weird thing is that they asked him almost verbatim the exact same questions that Bill did last week.

Tom is new to this and I expect him to get better, but man he was really unprepared coming into this and it looked BAD.


I don't listen to sports radio, but it sounds like Tommy needs to understand his role. He's a late night TV host - make the guests look good. Make them sound interesting. If you want to ask them hard questions, give them the questions in advance. The guests will be happy, the listeners will be happy. The boss will be happy.

Diehard Ute
04-19-2017, 10:05 AM
I don't listen to sports radio, but it sounds like Tommy needs to understand his role. He's a late night TV host - make the guests look good. Make them sound interesting. If you want to ask them hard questions, give them the questions in advance. The guests will be happy, the listeners will be happy. The boss will be happy.

Well the boss is Riley so we'll see what happens.

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04-19-2017, 10:20 AM
I don't listen to sports radio, but it sounds like Tommy needs to understand his role. He's a late night TV host - make the guests look good. Make them sound interesting. If you want to ask them hard questions, give them the questions in advance. The guests will be happy, the listeners will be happy. The boss will be happy.

Hackett has no standing upon which to ask tough questions. He never fielded them as a player, and I remember reading one report that he wasn't the most accommodating player out there anyway.

ESPN 700 is the HOTRU. It's not supposed to act as the 60 Minutes of Utah sports. Hackett has zero reporting/journalism experience and probably can't discern between the two. In any event, Tillman shouldn't be forced to field any tough questions before he's played in a game. And anyone who's deserving to field tough questions don't need to be softballed and given them in advance.

You forgot one key stakeholder that needs to be happy -- your advertisers. They rank ahead of all of the other groups you mentioned.

04-19-2017, 10:23 AM
You forgot one key stakeholder that needs to be happy -- your advertisers. They rank ahead of all of the other groups you mentioned.

True! I guess if the other groups are happy, the advertisers are as well.

LA Ute
04-19-2017, 10:25 AM
OC and Hackett are impossible to listen to.

It's a combination of mediocre talent with an unproven newbie of questionable talent. I don't know what the bosses at ESPN700 were thinking.

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-19-2017, 10:52 AM
I listened to the interview last night. Clown show. Hackett has a nice niche of an hour podcast once a week, focused on one thing: football. He was good because it was an independent venture and he didn't shy away from "telling it like it is." None of those things work well on a daily three hour radio show. I couldn't believe that his first question started with, "don't take this the wrong way by any means..." Idiot.

But clown show is kind of what they do there at 700. I was trying to use their mobile app and can't get any of the interviews to play, no matter how many times I hit the play button. Or I go to the website through Safari and can't scroll down far enough to find the interview I was looking for. Outside of playing live programming, their mobile app is worthless.

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04-19-2017, 10:54 AM
You forgot one key stakeholder that needs to be happy -- your advertisers. They rank ahead of all of the other groups you mentioned.

As Bill O'Reilly can testify.

04-19-2017, 11:12 AM
I dont know the ins and outs of a typical sports talk radio show, but do these guys not go over questions together? How does OC not point out that that is a dumb question.

And why is Tillman on again? What has changed since he talked to Bill last week? Very very strange.

LA Ute
04-19-2017, 11:30 AM
I dont know the ins and outs of a typical sports talk radio show, but do these guys not go over questions together? How does OC not point out that that is a dumb question.

And why is Tillman on again? What has changed since he talked to Bill last week? Very very strange.

I have a good friend who is a talk radio show host. He is has a national show and "show prep" is a big part of his daily routine. He is always prepared. He always knows the questions he is going to ask. He always has a few follow-up questions he has thought through. He has always read the books he's asking people about in interviews. That's how pros do it. I think there is evidence of that professionalism in Bill Riley's show. There's no evidence of it in the O'Connell and Hackett show, which I can't stand to listen to.

LA Ute
04-19-2017, 11:31 AM
I listened to the interview last night. Clown show. Hackett has a nice niche of an hour podcast once a week, focused on one thing: football. He was good because it was an independent venture and he didn't shy away from "telling it like it is." None of those things work well on a daily three hour radio show. I couldn't believe that his first question started with, "don't take this the wrong way by any means..." Idiot.

But clown show is kind of what they do there at 700. I was trying to use their mobile app and can't get any of the interviews to play, no matter how many times I hit the play button. Or I go to the website through Safari and can't scroll down far enough to find the interview I was looking for. Outside of playing live programming, their mobile app is worthless.

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I figured out a workaround to the interviews problem. If you use the app to email the interview to yourself, then go to the link that shows up in your email, you'll be able to open the interview and listen to it. Ridiculous, but it works.

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04-19-2017, 11:38 AM
I have a good friend who is a talk radio show host. He is has a national show and "show prep" is a big part of his daily routine. He is always prepared. He always knows the questions he is going to ask. He always has a few follow-up questions he has thought through. He has always read the books he's asking people about in interviews. That's how pros do it. I think there is evidence of that professionalism in Bill Riley's show. There's no evidence of it in the O'Connell and Hackett show, which I can't stand to listen to.

Hugh hewitt?

04-19-2017, 12:26 PM
I have a good friend who is a talk radio show host. He is has a national show and "show prep" is a big part of his daily routine. He is always prepared. He always knows the questions he is going to ask. He always has a few follow-up questions he has thought through. He has always read the books he's asking people about in interviews. That's how pros do it. I think there is evidence of that professionalism in Bill Riley's show. There's no evidence of it in the O'Connell and Hackett show, which I can't stand to listen to.

Show prep is vitally important when you're solo. You have no one to bail you out.

With another co-host, show prep is much easier and takes much less time. My prep consisted of about 15-30 minutes with my co-host about what we were going to open with and current events we wanted to touch on. We would research our own talking points to bolster our views. Improv came naturally. We were both avid sports fans, well versed on a lot of sports and we could talk about anything. Having a guest or two per show certainly helped, and we always had a segment where we let the advertiser come on -- all of our shows were done via live remote.

We weren't Mike and Mike, but we were pros, and our show came off as such.

LA Ute
04-19-2017, 01:24 PM
Show prep is vitally important when you're solo. You have no one to bail you out.

With another co-host, show prep is much easier and takes much less time. My prep consisted of about 15-30 minutes with my co-host about what we were going to open with and current events we wanted to touch on. We would research our own talking points to bolster our views. Improv came naturally. We were both avid sports fans, well versed on a lot of sports and we could talk about anything. Having a guest or two per show certainly helped, and we always had a segment where we let the advertiser come on -- all of our shows were done via live remote.

We weren't Mike and Mike, but we were pros, and our show came off as such.

Yep. You're a journalist and know how that world works. (My wife is a recovering journalist too.)

Hugh hewitt?

Yeah. One of the non-crazy conservative talk show hosts. You can actually learn things by listening to him.

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-20-2017, 08:43 AM
Dick Harmon with an excellent piece on Dennis Pita and Aaron Hernandez. Despite starting at completely different points, and ending up at obvious different points, their lives took drastically different turns.


04-20-2017, 08:45 AM
Dick Harmon with an excellent piece on Dennis Pita and Aaron Hernandez. Despite starting at completely different points, and ending up at obvious different points, their lives took drastically different turns.


The same is true of you and Aaron Hernandez (I hope)

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-20-2017, 08:51 AM
The same is true of you and Aaron Hernandez (I hope)

Even more so, as I never played tight end.

LA Ute
04-20-2017, 10:22 AM
Dick Harmon with an excellent piece on Dennis Pita and Aaron Hernandez. Despite starting at completely different points, and ending up at obvious different points, their lives took drastically different turns.


:blink: Who knew there was a BYU angle to the Hernandez story?

04-20-2017, 10:45 AM
:blink: Who knew there was a BYU angle to the Hernandez story?

poor Dick. One day, we're going to hear an APB put out on DH, that he missing and has wandered away from his home

04-20-2017, 10:57 AM
Dick Harmon with an excellent piece on Dennis Pita and Aaron Hernandez. Despite starting at completely different points, and ending up at obvious different points, their lives took drastically different turns.


I guess excellence is in the eye of the beholder. I'd be interested in the Pitta/Hall story though.

LA Ute
04-20-2017, 11:10 AM
Just a heads up: If I can find the time, I am going to find some guy who graduated in 1982 from a more prestigious law school than I did and then had a terrible, tragic life; then I'm going to write a post here comparing and contrasting my wonderful, happy virtuous life with his dumpster fire. I just want you all to be ready.

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04-20-2017, 11:59 AM
Just a heads up: If I can find the time, I am going to find some guy who graduated in 1982 from a more prestigious law school than I did and then had a terrible, tragic life; then I'm going to write a post here comparing and contrasting my wonderful, happy virtuous life with his dumpster fire. I just want you all to be ready.

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didn't you take classes with Ted Bundy? ;)

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-20-2017, 01:07 PM
didn't you take classes with Ted Bundy? ;)

What's Ted up to these days?

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LA Ute
04-20-2017, 01:11 PM
didn't you take classes with Ted Bundy? ;)

He was a few years ahead of me, but his fame endured.

04-20-2017, 01:41 PM
Just a heads up: If I can find the time, I am going to find some guy who graduated in 1982 from a more prestigious law school than I did and then had a terrible, tragic life; then I'm going to write a post here comparing and contrasting my wonderful, happy virtuous life with his dumpster fire. I just want you all to be ready.

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Sorry, LA, but I think you might be the one in the tragic lane.
The owner of the Milwaukee Brewers graduated from Columbia Law in 1982.

04-26-2017, 10:08 AM
Not really local media, but ESPN reportedly laying off 100 people today, some prominent, some behind the scenes. I haven't watched any non live sports ESPN programming in quite some time.

It will be very interesting to see what happens in the next rounds of tv deal negotiations.

Two Utes
04-26-2017, 10:17 AM
Not really local media, but ESPN reportedly laying off 100 people today, some prominent, some behind the scenes. I haven't watched any non live sports ESPN programming in quite some time.

It will be very interesting to see what happens in the next rounds of tv deal negotiations.

The desire for sports content is massive. More massive than it's ever been. Yet, ESPN keeps downsizing and laying people off. Bad Company. They used to be about sports and providing sports to people like you and me. That was their goal and that is the only thing they cared about. Then, they got bought out by Disney and then management retired or were punted and they added some dipshit ivy league CEO from another industry who is more concerned about his reputation with his employees, political correctness and "culture" because this is just a stepping stone for his next move. I'm not convinced current management at ESPN even likes sports.

04-26-2017, 10:42 AM
The desire for sports content is massive. More massive than it's ever been. Yet, ESPN keeps downsizing and laying people off. Bad Company. They used to be about sports and providing sports to people like you and me. That was their goal and that is the only thing they cared about. Then, they got bought out by Disney and then management retired or were punted and they added some dipshit ivy league CEO from another industry who is more concerned about his reputation with his employees, political correctness and "culture" because this is just a stepping stone for his next move. I'm not convinced current management at ESPN even likes sports.

I feel for the writers. They've done a good job.

I'm not sure there's enough demand for such a supply, though. There are so many good journalists already. There are other easy ways to get sports news (twitter). Even if I wanted to, there's not enough time in the day to read all the college football articles being produced by ESPN, Fox, Yahoo, SI, CBSsports, etc, etc.

I don't think having more than a few college basketball writers really makes sense for ESPN.

04-26-2017, 11:04 AM
Not really local media, but ESPN reportedly laying off 100 people today, some prominent, some behind the scenes. I haven't watched any non live sports ESPN programming in quite some time.

It will be very interesting to see what happens in the next rounds of tv deal negotiations.

Ed Werder already one of them. Confirmed via his Twitter account.

04-26-2017, 11:07 AM
Not really local media, but ESPN reportedly laying off 100 people today, some prominent, some behind the scenes. I haven't watched any non live sports ESPN programming in quite some time.

It will be very interesting to see what happens in the next rounds of tv deal negotiations.

You haven't watched any 30 for 30s or OTL? Pardon the haughtiness, but you're a lesser sports fan if that's really the case (which I don't believe it is).

Among daily programming, only PTI and Around the Horn are worth watching. Actually, you could put Sarah Spain on a needlepoint show and I would watch it.

04-26-2017, 11:28 AM
You haven't watched any 30 for 30s or OTL? Pardon the haughtiness, but you're a lesser sports fan if that's really the case (which I don't believe it is).

Among daily programming, only PTI and Around the Horn are worth watching. Actually, you could put Sarah Spain on a needlepoint show and I would watch it.

Ive caught a handful of 30 for 30's. Really enjoyed all of them. Ive listened to OTL on the pod center. I will agree that ATH and PTI are solid shows, I even like Woody Paige.

The main staple of ESPN for so long has been 'SportsCenter' and now that I can get all the highlights on my phone, I have no need to sit through a 30 minute show hoping that my team gets a mention that night, especially now that SportsCenter is trying to be a social commentary show as well........no thanks!

04-26-2017, 11:28 AM
You haven't watched any 30 for 30s or OTL? Pardon the haughtiness, but you're a lesser sports fan if that's really the case.

I'm a lesser sports fan!

I spend way more than enough time watching actual sports. No way I can justify spending extra time watching documentaries about sports.

04-26-2017, 11:32 AM
Ive caught a handful of 30 for 30's. Really enjoyed all of them. Ive listened to OTL on the pod center. I will agree that ATH and PTI are solid shows, I even like Woody Paige.

The main staple of ESPN for so long has been 'SportsCenter' and now that I can get all the highlights on my phone, I have no need to sit through a 30 minute show hoping that my team gets a mention that night, especially now that SportsCenter is trying to be a social commentary show as well........no thanks!

SportsCenter is horrible, especially the morning version. You say you can get highlights on your phone, but I also like seeing them on my 60" HDTV (I just went John Haddow on all you bitches!). I watch the CBS Morning News instead. I'm terrified to see what SC6 is all about, but fortunately, I'm rarely near a TV when that show is on.

There was a time when the highest-rated SC wasn't its first airing -- it was a repeat sometime around 10 a.m. Eastern. SVP tries and replicates that, but nothing can touch the original.

04-26-2017, 11:34 AM
I'm a lesser sports fan!

I spend way more than enough time watching actual sports. No way I can justify spending extra time watching documentaries about sports.

Well, you weren't the one who issued an absolute statement that could easily be debunked.

All I can say is, you're missing out if you're not at least a selective viewer of 30 For 30.

04-26-2017, 11:49 AM
A partial list of those who were fired. Lots of familiar names. I've read a lot of college football stuff from Brett McMurphy and Ted Miller.


04-26-2017, 11:53 AM
Well, you weren't the one who issued an absolute statement that could easily be debunked.

All I can say is, you're missing out if you're not at least a selective viewer of 30 For 30.

LOL. i dont think you really 'debunked' anything. I just said I haven't watched any non live sporting event in a while and I haven't......

Anyway, I have to admit that I have not tuned in to the new SC6. I did listen to a few episodes of the 'His and Hers' Podcast back when it was on and I got tired of the 'How can I take the stories of the day and turn it into a discussion about race?' approach. I probably will continue to avoid their show.

Diehard Ute
04-26-2017, 12:04 PM
One we all know. Ted Miller just tweeted he has been let go.

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Diehard Ute
04-26-2017, 01:43 PM
And now Chantel Jennings as well.

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04-28-2017, 12:48 PM
And now Chantel Jennings as well.

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Bill Marcroft was awarded an honorary doctorate at SUU's commencement today. I guess he has done a lot for the Utah Summer Games down in Cedar City.
He's getting up there in years but it was fun to see him in person (from a distance).

04-28-2017, 06:25 PM
over the summer, 1280 the zone did their top 50 players in the state of Utah ranking.

They rated Marcus Williams #46

The New Orleans Saints just drafted Marcus with the 42 pick in the 2017 NFL Draft


Dwight Schr-Ute
04-28-2017, 07:28 PM
over the summer, 1280 the zone did their top 50 players in the state of Utah ranking.

They rated Marcus Williams #46

The New Orleans Saints just drafted Marcus with the 42 pick in the 2017 NFL Draft


To be fair to 1280, the 60 in 60 is something they send out to the local media who then rank who they feel are the top 60 players in the state. Marcus Williams averaged out to be the #12 in the state. The #46 was from one of the ballots. Hans said he disagreed strongly with the #12 and said he was definitely top 5. This will be the last time I defend local radio.

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05-07-2017, 10:20 AM
Gunther and Ben are back. Saturday mornings from 6 to 10 on kber 101

05-08-2017, 09:04 AM
Gunther and Ben are back. Saturday mornings from 6 to 10 on kber 101

Ugh. They're basically doing the show for free. Nobody listens in that time slot.

05-08-2017, 12:51 PM
Ugh. They're basically doing the show for free. Nobody listens in that time slot.

Yep. I dont know what KBER has done in the past on saturday mornings (Im guessing some sort of nationally syndicated show, best of/reruns of bob and tom, low budget local show) but its an odd fit to put a four hour sports show in a hard rock station.
Swinney is bringing back his old ute podcast this week with Whitt as a guest. These guys are all anxious to get back on the air, and unfortunately, i just dont think the money is there for them to ever make a living off of it.

I can't imagine that OC and Hackett will have a long run. I am interested to see what ESPN 700 does if and when it goes belly up. They have had a lot of flops in the last few years as they have tried to expand their local programming. From Keith Stubbs starting and quitting twice to the snooze fest of 'the bullpen', to Tom 'im better on tv' Kirkland to 'OC and Swinney' to now 'OC and hackett'. They need to either blow out the budget and hit a home run with a local show or they need to keep Bill as the local guy and stick with national programming elsewhere.

05-10-2017, 09:38 AM
If Gunther is basically doing the KBER show for free, then why doesn't 700 put him in the morning some time for the same money? Or with OC? Makes no sense. Hackett is terrible. I wasn't a huge fan of Swinney, but why fire him for Hackett? That made no sense either. Either work with a guy and build him up or bring in someone more experienced. Oh well, I'm just message board hack, what do I know.

05-10-2017, 10:35 AM
If Gunther is basically doing the KBER show for free, then why doesn't 700 put him in the morning some time for the same money? Or with OC? Makes no sense. Hackett is terrible. I wasn't a huge fan of Swinney, but why fire him for Hackett? That made no sense either. Either work with a guy and build him up or bring in someone more experienced. Oh well, I'm just message board hack, what do I know.

You can practically take it to the bank that as long as Bill is the program director at 700, Gunther will not have a show there. Ben Anderson is more likely. Also, 700 is contractually obligated to air a certain amount of ESPN programming, and there is no way they are going to bump DP for a recycled local show.

My only guess with Hackett is that he was brought in because he was a popular football player and he knows a lot about soccer. I have tried at various times to go back to that show to see if it has gotten better because I hope that Tom does figure it out but I am not sure it will. The show is EXTREMELY awkward. You can tell OC is irritated at having to be in charge to the extent that he is. When I tuned in yesterday on my way home, they came in from break and Tom said that he had a list from hoopshype.com of the top NBA free agents this year and he was going to go through it. OC interrupted to say, in an annoyed tone, 'well, we were going to do that next segment, but go ahead.'. Its only a few months old but the show has no chemistry. If the powers that be at 700 brought in a guy for drive time because of his soccer knowledge, than they have effective forfeited drive time to their competitors.

05-10-2017, 10:38 AM
You can practically take it to the bank that as long as Bill is the program director at 700, Gunther will not have a show there. Ben Anderson is more likely. Also, 700 is contractually obligated to air a certain amount of ESPN programming, and there is no way they are going to bump DP for a recycled local show.

My only guess with Hackett is that he was brought in because he was a popular football player and he knows a lot about soccer. I have tried at various times to go back to that show to see if it has gotten better because I hope that Tom does figure it out but I am not sure it will. The show is EXTREMELY awkward. You can tell OC is irritated at having to be in charge to the extent that he is. When I tuned in yesterday on my way home, they came in from break and Tom said that he had a list from hoopshype.com of the top NBA free agents this year and he was going to go through it. OC interrupted to say, in an annoyed tone, 'well, we were going to do that next segment, but go ahead.'. Its only a few months old but the show has no chemistry. If the powers that be at 700 brought in a guy for drive time because of his soccer knowledge, than they have effective forfeited drive time to their competitors.

Dan Patrick isnt ESPN programming. In fact, ESPN700 airs DP over the ESPN show, Dan Lebetard (who now has Colin Cowherd's time slot.)

05-10-2017, 10:42 AM
Dan Patrick isnt ESPN programming. In fact, ESPN700 airs DP over the ESPN show, Dan Lebetard (who now has Colin Cowherd's time slot.)

Sorry, I didnt mean to imply that he was. Just meant to say that in addition to the ESPN requirement (basically that they have to air M&M), that they have DP and his ratings are at a point that it would be silly to switch him out for a recycled show (This is of course without knowing the economics of broadcasting national radio shows).

05-10-2017, 05:03 PM
I may be the only one that thinks this, but I think Ben Anderson has a lot of potential. Gunther is okay in small doses but his routine gets old really fast. He's just not as funny as he thinks he is and knows basically nothing about anything other than football (and even then I'd hear him get basic facts about Utah football wrong constantly--I thought it was always pretty apparent that he didn't do much, if any, prep for his show).

Ben Anderson is more oriented toward basketball, but that is something that can play well in this town. I always thought he worked hard to prep and understand what was going on while Gunther was mostly winging it and going to the "I've been there, I know what it's like in the locker room" shtick.

I could see Ben being decent as OC's next co-host (it seems almost inevitable within the next 12 months or so). Maybe he should even be an OC replacement? I'd be most intrigued by a Ben Anderson/Brian Swinney pairing on 700.

05-10-2017, 10:07 PM
I'd be fine with Anderson with OC. In fact, it's insane that hasn't happened yet. I mentioned Gunther, because he is a known commodity. I think Anderson and OC would be an incredible show. Both work hard, it seems like Anderson has his sights set on bigger things, and he would work his tail off to create the best show out there and then move on.

05-10-2017, 10:10 PM
Also, other than Hackett, my biggest complaint about ESPN700 is that their show ends at 6:00. That means at 5:30, the show hosts are packing it in (and Swinney would pack it in even earlier), and that is probably their biggest time of the day as far as listeners go. Just dumb. When everyone turns the show on, you have nothing but dumb talk, stupid jokes, talk about what they are doing that night, some stupid segment, etc. If you are going to do that, then I'd do this instead:

Bill O'Reilly 10-1.
Hackett and Swinney 1-4.
Some other local show or OC and Anderson 4-7.

05-14-2017, 10:28 PM
Also, other than Hackett, my biggest complaint about ESPN700 is that their show ends at 6:00. That means at 5:30, the show hosts are packing it in (and Swinney would pack it in even earlier), and that is probably their biggest time of the day as far as listeners go. Just dumb. When everyone turns the show on, you have nothing but dumb talk, stupid jokes, talk about what they are doing that night, some stupid segment, etc. If you are going to do that, then I'd do this instead:

Bill O'Reilly 10-1.
Hackett and Swinney 1-4.
Some other local show or OC and Anderson 4-7.

It's Bill Riley. Not the disgraced ex-Fox News pundit.

05-25-2017, 08:36 PM
No more OC on 700


Dwight Schr-Ute
05-25-2017, 11:29 PM
On the Twitter, the rumors are that it will be three hours of Gunther and Hackett. Before re I saw those rumors I wondered if they would try and bring in someone like Scott Michell, as I think he had recently filled in for OC. What a mess.

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LA Ute
05-25-2017, 11:38 PM
On the Twitter, the rumors are that it will be three hours of Gunther and Hackett. Before re I saw those rumors I wondered if they would try and bring in someone like Scott Michell, as I think he had recently filled in for OC. What a mess that we lace is.

Gunther? Really?

05-26-2017, 04:12 AM
Gunther? Really?

Gunther and OC would have been a great football season combo. I still haven't listened to Hackett yet, so not sure how well he pairs with Gunther.

05-30-2017, 05:04 PM
I'm sensitive to this topic, because ESPN 700 has been a part of Utah football for decades -- all the way back before STR even existed back in the KALL 700 days. And many on-air talents there, both past and present, helped contribute to my book.

I worked in the biz for a short period, but I'm far from an expert on these kinds of matters. I do know our on-air local lineup is a mess and we have no FM presence. ESPN 700's owners are hardly a one-trick pony (they own several stations that rate well in SLC's Arbitron book), so I think they benefit from the arrangement. I'm trying to see how the Ute listening audience benefits. It's consistently the petri dish of STR in SLC.

I would be curious as to how the athletic department views ESPN 700 as a partner going forward. Or maybe we worry about things that are beyond trivial.

05-30-2017, 10:49 PM
So, let's say that Utah decides to cut ties with ESPN 700 after this ends. Then what? BUT, I'm not sure that is what Broadway media wants to do, as they also own the BYU station down in Provo, right? Would they try to merge the two stations? Like a Gunther/Criddle show and a Riley show earlier?

I dunno. Just spitballing here.

05-31-2017, 07:07 PM
Swinney told a crazy story on his latest utecast with will smith (former kfan producer) and rob jackson (ksl) about a host they 'codenamed' munther. Worth a listen (sorry I can't link from my phone).

Quick version: in 2014, the kfan guys stayed together at a rented house in la for Pac 12 media days. 'Munther' and Ben Anderson got there late because they flew out after their show. Munther found the house to be without food and went on a four hour tirade against monty, his wife, a neighbor, and his boss. Monty kicked him out and sent him home and he eventually left.

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-01-2017, 08:35 AM
Swinney told a crazy story on his latest utecast with will smith (former kfan producer) and rob jackson (ksl) about a host they 'codenamed' munther. Worth a listen (sorry I can't link from my phone).

Quick version: in 2014, the kfan guys stayed together at a rented house in la for Pac 12 media days. 'Munther' and Ben Anderson got there late because they flew out after their show. Munther found the house to be without food and went on a four hour tirade against monty, his wife, a neighbor, and his boss. Monty kicked him out and sent him home and he eventually left.


06-01-2017, 10:30 AM

Thanks. If the rumors are true and Gunther is coming to 700, this sure calls that decision into serious question.

Nobody has called me on it, but I stand by what I said earlier. Again IF its true that Gunther will be hired at 700, then it was not Bill's call. He will toe the company line and act excited but I believe he has no respect for Kyle.

06-01-2017, 10:33 AM
Gunther is a football player who is outgoing and emotional. None of this story surprises me other than him repeatedly asking his wife what to do. I can't believe how strong she must be to put up with him.

The guy is a bacon short of a BLT, but that's what makes him entertaining on the radio: he isn't afraid to be a little out there.

06-01-2017, 10:44 AM
I'm surprised Swinney would essentially ensure he doesn't do radio in Utah anytime soon with that story. I don't see how sharing a story about a bunch of unemployed radio guys vs an employed one would do you any good.

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-01-2017, 11:11 AM
I'm surprised Swinney would essentially ensure he doesn't do radio in Utah anytime soon with that story. I don't see how sharing a story about a bunch of unemployed radio guys vs an employed one would do you any good.

I think given the state of Utah radio, there was resignation that there wouldn't be future opportunities nor future interest on his part. Now, I can't imagine he's going to hack out a living from his podcast or his contributions to Scout.com, so it will be interesting to see which direction he goes. As for the payoff, I don't listen to Gunther, so the story wasn't nearly as funny to me as some of the responses I was seeing on Twitter. Maybe I just know too many raving lunatics.

06-01-2017, 11:18 AM
I think given the state of Utah radio, there was resignation that there wouldn't be future opportunities nor future interest on his part. Now, I can't imagine he's going to hack out a living from his podcast or his contributions to Scout.com, so it will be interesting to see which direction he goes. As for the payoff, I don't listen to Gunther, so the story wasn't nearly as funny to me as some of the responses I was seeing on Twitter. Maybe I just know too many raving lunatics.

Your new sig

06-01-2017, 12:16 PM
I think given the state of Utah radio, there was resignation that there wouldn't be future opportunities nor future interest on his part. Now, I can't imagine he's going to hack out a living from his podcast or his contributions to Scout.com, so it will be interesting to see which direction he goes. As for the payoff, I don't listen to Gunther, so the story wasn't nearly as funny to me as some of the responses I was seeing on Twitter. Maybe I just know too many raving lunatics.

There's simply not much of a market for what Swinney does. Even one hour daily of Ute sports talk would be a colossal bore, especially in the spring/summer.

Hell, even I overestimated how many copies of my book would sell. I looked at maybe one invoice in the last 3 years. I got my advances (3 installments of $1,000 apiece) and it was a joy to write, but I'm nowhere close to seeing sales that would allow me to get royalties. And the book has been out 6 years. My guess is that it's sold about 5,000 copies.

Ute fans are active game-day participants, but as a whole, they're not consumed by their following. Most have lives to tend to once the game is over with; the rest come here or UteFans (whose participation rates have cratered over the last 2-3 years). There are 20 books on Bear Bryant alone. You need that kind of following if you're to make a living like that covering a college sports program.

06-01-2017, 12:45 PM
There's simply not much of a market for what Swinney does. Even one hour daily of Ute sports talk would be a colossal bore, especially in the spring/summer.

Hell, even I overestimated how many copies of my book would sell. I looked at maybe one invoice in the last 3 years. I got my advances (3 installments of $1,000 apiece) and it was a joy to write, but I'm nowhere close to seeing sales that would allow me to get royalties. And the book has been out 6 years. My guess is that it's sold about 5,000 copies.

Ute fans are active game-day participants, but as a whole, they're not consumed by their following. Most have lives to tend to once the game is over with; the rest come here or UteFans (whose participation rates have cratered over the last 2-3 years). There are 20 books on Bear Bryant alone. You need that kind of following if you're to make a living like that covering a college sports program.

Excellent point. My in-laws have season tickets and in the car ride home I'm all about analyzing the game and talking about it, and they are pretty much ready to move on to whatever the next thing is.

LA Ute
06-02-2017, 11:03 AM
In L.A., with 9 million people, there are two sports talk stations, the Fox station and the ESPN station. It's always amazed me how many stations there are in SLC (failed or not).

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-02-2017, 11:45 AM
In L.A., with 9 million people, there are two sports talk stations, the Fox station and the ESPN station. It's always amazed me how many stations there are in SLC (failed or not).

9 million people and how many teams to cover? Nine professional and two major colleges?

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06-02-2017, 12:08 PM
The big announcement is coming up here in just a half hour or so. I fully expect bill to be enthusiastic on the outside but dying on the inside .

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-02-2017, 12:09 PM
The big announcement is coming up here in just a half hour or so. I fully expect bill to be enthusiastic on the outside but dying on the inside .

Maybe Bill is getting fired too and it'll be Hackett all day, every day!

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06-02-2017, 12:15 PM
The big announcement is coming up here in just a half hour or so. I fully expect bill to be enthusiastic on the outside but dying on the inside .

Gunther and Hackett starting Monday.

06-02-2017, 12:19 PM
Maybe Bill is getting fired too and it'll be Hackett all day, every day!

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At this point, nothing would surprise me. I'm so far from an expert on radio but I'm so confused as to how anyone could think building a show around a guy who's favorite topics are cats, aliens, and farts would work. This is a guy who got suspended from 1280 for a week for sending threatening DMs from a personal account to a Twitter user. We learned this week that off the air he is a total and complete buffoon, getting booted from Pac 12 media days by his own PD.

What exactly does he bring to the table? Maybe he has had good ratings in the past I don't know.

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-02-2017, 01:00 PM
At this point, nothing would surprise me. I'm so far from an expert on radio but I'm so confused as to how anyone could think building a show around a guy who's favorite topics are cats, aliens, and farts would work. This is a guy who got suspended from 1280 for a week for sending threatening DMs from a personal account to a Twitter user. We learned this week that off the air he is a total and complete buffoon, getting booted from Pac 12 media days by his own PD.

What exactly does he bring to the table? Maybe he has had good ratings in the past I don't know.

And they're pairing him with someone much less qualified. It really is going to be a disaster. Assuming anyone is around to witness it. Aside from the whole Munther story, Swimney's podcast from earlier this week had some interesting tidbits on 700's revenue strategy. Seems like they opted for massive commercial breaks, upwards of 7 minutes at a time, and preferred to take money from more advertisers at the expense of building a stronger listenership and charging fewer advertisers more money.

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06-02-2017, 01:42 PM
I am one of the baffoons that love Gunther. I find him hilarious and am glad that he is back on the radio. I listened the next day on the podcast so I didn't have to hear commercials. I hope 700 does the same thing.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
06-02-2017, 01:49 PM
I am one of the baffoons that love Gunther. I find him hilarious and am glad that he is back on the radio. I listened the next day on the podcast so I didn't have to hear commercials. I hope 700 does the same thing.

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Honestly, I don't stream enough Utah radio to have a strong opinion of Gunther but everything I've heard about him is that he's the goofy one. Knowing that, it seems like he needs a straight man to keep things from going off the rails. Hackett is not that guy. In fact, he may even be worse. I think the odds of this being Beavis and Butthead are infinitely greater than it becoming respectable radio. But, if that's what they're shooting for, more power to them.

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06-02-2017, 02:47 PM
Honestly, I don't stream enough Utah radio to have a strong opinion of Gunther but everything I've heard about him is that he's the goofy one. Knowing that, it seems like he needs a straight man to keep things from going off the rails. Hackett is not that guy. In fact, he may even be worse. I think the odds of this being Beavis and Butthead are infinitely greater than it becoming respectable radio. But, if that's what they're shooting for, more power to them.

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Interesting discussion on this on twitter this afternoon. Most people would agree that a show has to have a balance of solid insight and entertainment to build an audience. In the time that I have listened to Gunther at 1280 and (admittedly very little on 1320), he gets by on trying to be funny, which is either hit or miss depending on the person and as for insights and analysis he would often go to 'well, ive been in the huddle therefore i know it all.' Very, very thin skinned and sensitive to anyone who questions his authority on any subject (seriously, tweet at him in disagreement of his takes, you will almost assuredly be blocked no matter how friendly you are.)

You mentioned in an earlier post that 700 seems to be trying to get as many advertisers on board as possible and get as much money by having long commercial breaks instead of building the audience and charging a premium for a lower number of advertisers. I dont know the ins and outs but that sure says to me that they have no interest in competing with 1280 and are playing a very short term game. In that case, they have made terrific hires as I cant imagine either host commanding much of a salary, and I am confident both will put in a corresponding amount of prep work each day. When advertisers catch on to this and drop out, Gunther and Hackett will be on their way and the next hosts will be in.

Reading facebook comments will never give a true gauge of how the population feels but good grief, this new pairing is getting lit up and blasted left and right on the ESPN 700 page.

LA Ute
06-02-2017, 03:23 PM
9 million people and how many teams to cover? Nine professional and two major colleges?

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Yep. Lots to talk about, and lots of people who care enough to listen.

06-02-2017, 05:18 PM
I agree that Gunther needs a straight man. That is why Ben Anderson worked so well with him, in my opinion. I think these two will do well during football season but will struggle in the off season.

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06-02-2017, 06:11 PM
There is definitely a group of people that don't like Gunther, but the more you look at it, it seems to be the same 10 people over and over and over again.

And it seems to be the same people that are on Swinney's pay site.

I guess we will find out quick if this is a cash grab or if Swinney wasn't as good as everyone says he was.

I have a strong feeling that Gunther will do just fine and most complaining about him don't actually listen to ESPN 700 between 2-6.

06-05-2017, 08:46 PM
I tuned in to the beginning of the show today. I lasted five minutes when they started complementing each other on their looks.

But I did hear that it got better and they had a lot of Ute football talk.

06-05-2017, 10:03 PM
I tuned in to the beginning of the show today. I lasted five minutes when they started complementing each other on their looks.

But I did hear that it got better and they had a lot of Ute football talk.

i tuned in as well, not horrible. I can see where large doses of Gunther would get annoying, but today was much better than I anticipated.

06-05-2017, 10:41 PM
i tuned in as well, not horrible. I can see where large doses of Gunther would get annoying, but today was much better than I anticipated.

As I was reading the feedback of some folks, I realized I've been looking at this whole thing wrong.

As a fan of ESPN 700 for years, I've been cheering for them to compete well with 1280. I've hoped for local shows that can spend a lot of time on utah, not much on our friends to the south, and at the same time be able to have a competent discussion about the Jazz (I'm a basketball first guy).

Its become clear that 1280 won't be caught (although bill holds his own against Jake and tony and hans and Scotty g). So instead of that, they are opting to fill a need with a Ute and Pac 12 football heavy show. It won't ever threaten the big show in the ratings but if done well it could be successful in its own right.

Its not for me, I need a bit more variety but I do see the reasons behind the hire a little better now.

06-11-2017, 07:41 PM
Strange tweet.


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06-11-2017, 07:53 PM
Strange tweet.


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Weird. What the heck is going on in Utah Radio?

06-11-2017, 08:52 PM
If you go a bit further back, he is talking about hosting with Hans Olsen this week.

06-12-2017, 11:46 AM
I have been enjoying Swinney's podcast "Utecast". He sounds like he is recording it in his bathroom but I love the Utah focus and he just had a good interview with coach Taylor.

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LA Ute
06-12-2017, 12:05 PM
I have been enjoying Swinney's podcast "Utecast". He sounds like he is recording it in his bathroom but I love the Utah focus and he just had a good interview with coach Taylor.

Thanks for the tip. I've downloaded it and will check it out.

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-19-2017, 12:11 PM
SL Trib doing to Utah fans like they do. Kyle Goon is out.



06-19-2017, 12:15 PM
SL Trib doing to Utah fans like they do. Kyle Goon is out.

I thought he did alright. Not sure why he's getting demoted.

I'm sure the next beat reporter will be just fine. The job seems less important every year. Goon was just one more Utah follow on Twitter for me, and he wasn't much more/less insightful than the other follows.

06-19-2017, 12:21 PM
SL Trib doing to Utah fans like they do. Kyle Goon is out.



Let me beat everyone to the punch and congratulate Lynn and Chris on their inevitable promotion to the Jazz beat in 2-3 years.

I hate that Utah athletics has this perception as a stepping-stone beat at the Trib.

06-19-2017, 12:33 PM
I have never heard of Lynn. Chris has been on the RSL beat, so I have never read a word he was written at the trib. He was a beat writer at the Daily Utah Comical a number of years ago.

Diehard Ute
06-19-2017, 02:34 PM
Let me beat everyone to the punch and congratulate Lynn and Chris on their inevitable promotion to the Jazz beat in 2-3 years.

I hate that Utah athletics has this perception as a stepping-stone beat at the Trib.

They seem to have a progression

They hire new reporters in sports and stick them at USU. They then move them to the U when they raid the U for the Jazz spots.

Lynn has been on the USU beat, as was Tony Jones. So I'm sure you're right, Lynn will move on 'up' and we'll get whoever is at USU.

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07-12-2017, 07:46 PM
Announced today that ESPN 700 will remain the home of the Utes for a while.

I remember when 'espn 700' was KALL 910. Many great memories of Bill 'check it!' Marcroft.

07-19-2017, 11:08 AM
I had a fun exchange with Gunther on twitter recently.

I flipped over to their show when 1280 was doing their daily 'Not Sports Report'. Gunther was just starting a rant about the Jazz in the post Gordon Hayward era. In all the years I have listened to STR here in Utah, and among all the hosts that have come through, I truly do not know if I have ever heard a less informed rant.

Paraphrasing his rant, my comments in parentheses.

"Think about this Jazz fans. Your team is building around Rudy Gobert, and that is just not smart (You mean the first guy the Jazz have had to be named All-NBA in 7 years? The guy who led the league in blocks and nearly led in rebounds? The guy who statistically protects the rim better than anyone else on the planet? The guy who loves to defend the pick and roll and excels in it on teh offensive end? The guy who just turned 25 and is signed to a long term deal? Yep! Horrible idea building around him!).

Look at the warriors! Look at the cavs! The best teams in the league are going small, and your team is going big (This is the closest he came to a decent point. However, it still has a lot of flaws. He acts as though Steph Currys, Draymond Greens and Lebron James just grow on trees. He also ignores the small sample size of small ball and how the game has constantly changed in its history.)

Here is another thing to think about. Look at George Hill. He had a 4-year offer from the Jazz for 80-90 million dollars and a 3-year deal with the Sacramento Kings for 57 million and he took the offer from the Kings! The Sacramento Kings are the most poorly run professional sports franchise and a guy took less money to play there over staying with the Jazz! If I am a Jazz fan, I am terrified right now!"

This was so brain bankrupt that I just had to tweet in (I know, I should have just flipped the dial.........).

I pointed out the numerous flaws in that last paragraph (The Jazz had made that offer as an extension during the season. Hill declined, because he wanted to take a look at all his options. Before free agency started, the Jazz had the opportunity to get Ricky Rubio in a salary dump for very little. When free agency hit, the market for point guards was not a good one and so Hill took the best offer out there, 3 years and 57 million (only 40 of that being guaranteed) with the Kings. At no point in time did he have an offer sheet from the Jazz and one from the Kings that he was deciding between. He took a gamble and it didn't pay off. The Jazz got a point guard who projects to be better and more valuable over the next five years.) I also added that he likely knew all of this and was misleading his listeners to stir the pot a little.

He responded by thanking me for listening to the show (Sarcastically), told me I was mistaken, and linking to an article from March that talked about the Jazz' offer to Hill, which was actually right in line with what I said. I then laughed and reiterated everything above. He promptly deleted his tweets to me.

I know this has nothing to do with the Utes. As folks have pointed out here and on twitter, its amazing that ESPN 700 was completely unable to cover the biggest story in local sports this year because of the two guys behind the mic in the afternoon. But hey, cat jokes, amirte?

07-19-2017, 03:39 PM
When 700 gave that show to Gunther and Hackett they essentially said that the only thing that matters to them/their audience is college football. They are woefully unqualified to talk anything else (maybe NFL, but that's never really a big topic in this market).

I used to occasionally listen to Ben and Gunther, usually during brief moments where there were no other options. Ben knows the Jazz/NBA fairly well--I actually think he has some ability and could be a good host in the right situation. Ben would make some valid points about something and Gunther would always jump in and steer the conversation back to something very basic ("Al Jefferson is bad at defense!") or he'd show that he was incredibly out of his element.

Anyway, I haven't listened to more than about two minutes of Hackett and Gunther and I don't expect that to change anytime soon. I'm sure at some point I'll be hungry enough for college football that I'll tune in for a bit here and there. The only problem is that I don't trust these two in their Utes coverage all that much either. Their wheelhouse is telling stories from their playing days or giving an inside look at how Utah runs it's program (what it's like in film sessions, what it's like on road trips, etc). Once you get past that I have never found either of them all that informative on the current state of Utah football.

07-19-2017, 04:15 PM
Their wheelhouse is telling stories from their playing days or giving an inside look at how Utah runs it's program (what it's like in film sessions, what it's like on road trips, etc). Once you get past that I have never found either of them all that informative on the current state of Utah football.

I'm having a hard time thinking of any former Utah player who can both lay it straight about the program, be informative and entertaining and have enough rah-rah in them to know they have their chops as a fan, but aren't Pollyannas. I don't know exactly what this is an indictment of, but when the best analyst on Utah football in recent memory is a former BYU player (Hans Olsen), it makes you wonder just exactly what resides above the neck in our former players. Or whether they care enough about the program after graduation to pursue such a career track. Because from what I gather from many of you, the bar isn't being set very high.

07-19-2017, 04:52 PM
I'm having a hard time thinking of any former Utah player who can both lay it straight about the program, be informative and entertaining and have enough rah-rah in them to know they have their chops as a fan, but aren't Pollyannas. I don't know exactly what this is an indictment of, but when the best analyst on Utah football in recent memory is a former BYU player (Hans Olsen), it makes you wonder just exactly what resides above the neck in our former players. Or whether they care enough about the program after graduation to pursue such a career track. Because from what I gather from many of you, the bar isn't being set very high.

Christian Cox does a great job of all of those things on KSL TV on sunday nights. But that is with video in a 10 minute segment. He does a good job on pre and post game shows on 1280 too.

I think Hans has done so well for himself because he has a) really tried to be objective and fair in his analysis of football, regardless of team and b) he has worked hard to understand basketball. I dont think he is ever going to blow anyone away with his basketball takes, but he is competent.

Gunther just spouts off wildly. He claimed to be the only one in the market to have real insight into Kilani when BYU was hiring. He told everyone that Kilani had not been contacted and anyone who said otherwise was lying etc etc.....even on the night before Kilani was hired. I am not convinced that he is even well connected with the Utah program anymore.

07-19-2017, 08:19 PM
Totally agree with you on Hans Olsen - he's become amazingly good on NBA opinions and demonstrates the work that should be put into sports talk radio if you consider yourself a professional. I also love the unique things he does to be entertaining on air and also encourage geek fans to get even more content. Last season I checked out some of his video breakdowns of Utah linemen and other players that 1280 posted - great stuff.

Just a note on George Hill. I never heard or read the 80 to 90 million number you threw out above - and it was never offered in actual free agency. My understanding was the Jazz were willing to go four years for $60 to $65 million. This was offered to George Hill during the season. The feeling within the Jazz was that George was leaning to accept the offer but his agent persuaded him to go into free agency instead. I'm not sure you're aware of this but Hill fired his agent shortly after the season ended. Spencer Checketts is of the opinion that he fired him because even before free agency began Hill could read the tea leaves that he'd made a bad decision.

LA Ute
08-12-2017, 04:10 PM
This doesn't really fit here, but it is about media, and we will have access to it locally, wherever "local" is for us all. so I am squeezing it in here.

Jon Wilner will be covering the entire PAC-12 and he seems to be very excited about that:


LA Ute
08-29-2017, 02:56 PM
While driving to a meeting this afternoon, I tuned into the Hackett and Gunther show. It's terrible. I'll bet those guys won't be on the air in six months.

08-29-2017, 04:48 PM
While driving to a meeting this afternoon, I tuned into the Hackett and Gunther show. It's terrible. I'll bet those guys won't be on the air in six months.

I feel bad for Bill. He works his tail off to get good guests and to be informed on topics and to present strong opinions (Ill forgive him for 'Beers with Bill'; Im still not sure who thinks a guy drinking a beer and talking about it for 15 minutes makes for good radio, but i suppose it brings in some money....). And then he signs off at 2 and we get fart jokes, cat stories, alien sightings, off topic tangents galore, uninformed takes (sometimes going into stuff that is blatantly made up), weird banter, and very, very little show prep. On more than one occasion, Ive wondered why a guest hasn't simply hung up on them.

It sounds like they will be hosting two hour pre game shows before football and then im guessing they will likely be taking calls after bill and frank wrap up. For whatever reason, ESPN 700 has opted for 2 hour runnin ute pregame shows in the past couple of years. I hope they drop it down to 1 and dont include kyle and tom, they are a joke.

LA Ute
08-29-2017, 05:01 PM
I feel bad for Bill. He works his tail off to get good guests and to be informed on topics and to present strong opinions (Ill forgive him for 'Beers with Bill'; Im still not sure who thinks a guy drinking a beer and talking about it for 15 minutes makes for good radio, but i suppose it brings in some money....). And then he signs off at 2 and we get fart jokes, cat stories, alien sightings, off topic tangents galore, uninformed takes (sometimes going into stuff that is blatantly made up), weird banter, and very, very little show prep. On more than one occasion, Ive wondered why a guest hasn't simply hung up on them.

It sounds like they will be hosting two hour pre game shows before football and then im guessing they will likely be taking calls after bill and frank wrap up. For whatever reason, ESPN 700 has opted for 2 hour runnin ute pregame shows in the past couple of years. I hope they drop it down to 1 and dont include kyle and tom, they are a joke.

I think you've put your finger on the problem: They're lazy. I'm disappointed that they'll be doing pregame -- I hope not the post-game. In the past the people handling those parts of the broadcast have been knowledgeable football people -- Hans Olsen, John Pease, Christian Cox, O'Connell. Gunther is a clown and Hackett knows kicking.

08-29-2017, 05:38 PM
Who else are you going to listen to, Monson?! I just listen to the podcast and forward through the soccer and basketball talk. I find them entertaining but I also have a low football IQ.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
08-29-2017, 09:44 PM
I feel bad for Bill.

Ummm. Isn't he the one that keeps firing the talent and replacing it with lesser talent?

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LA Ute
08-29-2017, 10:20 PM
Ummm. Isn't he the one that keeps firing the talent and replacing it with lesser talent?

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Well, yes. That is an interesting question. I wonder what's going on? They can't afford to pay better people?

08-29-2017, 10:30 PM
Ummm. Isn't he the one that keeps firing the talent and replacing it with lesser talent?

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I actually had a good talk with swinney about this and its the folks above Bill who make these calls. Bill is a good company guy so he plays along but its the folks above him who are to blame. They want lots of commercials and hosts who work for cheap.

08-29-2017, 10:51 PM
Who else are you going to listen to, Monson?

Listen to music! All you sports radio people are wasting your lives!

08-29-2017, 10:53 PM
I actually had a good talk with swinney about this and its the folks above Bill who make these calls. Bill is a good company guy so he plays along but its the folks above him who are to blame. They want lots of commercials and hosts who work for cheap.

If he wants people who work for cheap, isn't less money and on the radio better for Swinney? Why was he and OC let go?

08-29-2017, 11:17 PM
If he wants people who work for cheap, isn't less money and on the radio better for Swinney? Why was he and OC let go?

Same reason Kyle and tom will be out next year; low ratings.

LA Ute
08-30-2017, 06:35 AM
Listen to music! All you sports radio people are wasting your lives!

The podcasts of Riley's show are OK. You can pick out the interviews you want to listen to. I just happened to tune in to an actual Gunther- Hackett broadcast and was astonished at how inane it was. It was actually embarrassing.

08-30-2017, 08:32 AM
The podcasts of Riley's show are OK. You can pick out the interviews you want to listen to. I just happened to tune in to an actual Gunther- Hackett broadcast and was astonished at how inane it was. It was actually embarrassing.

I typically like inane. It is a nice escape from everything that is going on. But it is even too much for me most of the time. :Ashamed:

08-30-2017, 04:01 PM
I feel bad for Bill. He works his tail off to get good guests and to be informed on topics and to present strong opinions (Ill forgive him for 'Beers with Bill'; Im still not sure who thinks a guy drinking a beer and talking about it for 15 minutes makes for good radio, but i suppose it brings in some money....). And then he signs off at 2 and we get fart jokes, cat stories, alien sightings, off topic tangents galore, uninformed takes (sometimes going into stuff that is blatantly made up), weird banter, and very, very little show prep. On more than one occasion, Ive wondered why a guest hasn't simply hung up on them.

It sounds like they will be hosting two hour pre game shows before football and then im guessing they will likely be taking calls after bill and frank wrap up. For whatever reason, ESPN 700 has opted for 2 hour runnin ute pregame shows in the past couple of years. I hope they drop it down to 1 and dont include kyle and tom, they are a joke.

Clearly, it's a product that can be sold, and it shouldn't have to be spelled out that ad inventory is greater in two hours than it is in one. I can't believe you couldn't figure this out on your own.

08-30-2017, 05:26 PM
I don't have a problem with two hour pregames.

Most college towns start pregame 5 hours before.

It's pathetic how Utah/Utah sports market can't find a way to make money off this.

I've said this before, but Utah was a great market for sports media. Some of the biggest names in sports came through here.

It feels like the stations decided that a crappy guy at $30,000 per year with average ratings was better than a guy at $60,000 with great ratings.

08-30-2017, 11:44 PM
I'm talking about two hour pregame for basketball; that's as long as the game.

Like Pat said, it must sell ads, though that might say a lot about the drive time show.

LA Ute
08-31-2017, 06:33 AM
I'm talking about two hour pregame for basketball; that's as long as the game.

Like Pat said, it must sell ads, though that might say a lot about the drive time show.

I like the long pregame show for football. I listen to a lot of it while running errands or doing chores. I usually don't have time to spare for 2 hours prior to basketball games. More power to ESPN700 if they can sell ads for it all. It'll be interesting to see how it goes if Gunther and Hackett are hosting either the pregame or post-game show. I doubt I will listen.

08-31-2017, 08:07 AM
I like the long pregame show for football. I listen to a lot of it while running errands or doing chores. I usually don't have time to spare for 2 hours prior to basketball games. More power to ESPN700 if they can sell ads for it all. It'll be interesting to see how it goes if Gunther and Hackett are hosting either the pregame or post-game show. I doubt I will listen.

Yeah, the long pregame show for Football is great. Football games are more of an event than basketball games. With college basketball, there just isn't enough (on most gamedays) to take up two hours with interesting content.

Gunther and Hackett are going to be doing the first two hours of pre game today (1:30 - 3:30).

08-31-2017, 10:40 PM
I'm talking about two hour pregame for basketball; that's as long as the game.

Like Pat said, it must sell ads, though that might say a lot about the drive time show.

Wow. I guess you did say Runnin Ute 2-hour pregame shows, which of course means hoops. This could work for select games, but the idea of. 2-hour pregame for many of our non-con games seems like pure torture.

09-01-2017, 07:49 PM
Hans Olsen is excellent at breaking down the game and describing what he saw on film. He was very impressed with Utes.

LA Ute
09-02-2017, 07:28 AM
Hans Olsen is excellent at breaking down the game and describing what he saw on film. He was very impressed with Utes.

When he was doing the post-game show with Christian Cox I never missed it and looked forward to it.

09-05-2017, 08:00 AM
Utezone radio coming to ESPN 700: http://scout.com/college/utah/Article/Utezone-Radio-Is-Coming-To-ESPN-700-106957857

Interesting...kind of surprised they didn't burn some of those bridges on the way out the door.

09-05-2017, 08:05 AM
Utezone radio coming to ESPN 700: http://scout.com/college/utah/Article/Utezone-Radio-Is-Coming-To-ESPN-700-106957857

Interesting...kind of surprised they didn't burn some of those bridges on the way out the door.

This was my first thought too. Lol. Swinney went out of his way to bash on Gunther after being let go. Gotta wonder if the 7 o clock start time has anything to do with Gunther and Swinney not wanting to cross paths.

LA Ute
09-05-2017, 09:04 AM
This was my first thought too. Lol. Swinney went out of his way to bash on Gunther after being let go. Gotta wonder if the 7 o clock start time has anything to do with Gunther and Swinney not wanting to cross paths.

Swinney is at least a knowledgeable professional. Gunther, well, his schtick is to be a clown.

09-05-2017, 09:29 AM
This was my first thought too. Lol. Swinney went out of his way to bash on Gunther after being let go. Gotta wonder if the 7 o clock start time has anything to do with Gunther and Swinney not wanting to cross paths.

It is to fill a time slot; they were never going to cross paths. If they shake up Gunteher and Hackett, it will be to replace hackett with Ben Anderson, Gunther's partner at 1320. ESPN 700 has sort of ceded the Jazz to 1280, and are really attempting to brand themselves as the home of the Utes.

I didnt know this, but learned that Jazz players are not allowed to be interviewed on ESPN700.

09-05-2017, 09:43 AM
It is to fill a time slot; they were never going to cross paths. If they shake up Gunteher and Hackett, it will be to replace hackett with Ben Anderson, Gunther's partner at 1320. ESPN 700 has sort of ceded the Jazz to 1280, and are really attempting to brand themselves as the home of the Utes.

I didnt know this, but learned that Jazz players are not allowed to be interviewed on ESPN700.

the Larry Miller family/group is creepy. Just another example at how they unfairly monopolize this market.

09-05-2017, 10:06 AM
It is to fill a time slot; they were never going to cross paths. If they shake up Gunteher and Hackett, it will be to replace hackett with Ben Anderson, Gunther's partner at 1320. ESPN 700 has sort of ceded the Jazz to 1280, and are really attempting to brand themselves as the home of the Utes.

I didnt know this, but learned that Jazz players are not allowed to be interviewed on ESPN700.

I remember back in the day when the Jazz were a pretty good team, the old 1280 (when the Jazz were still with 1320) had a pre and post game show. When he was on his way out the door to Arizona, Kevin Graham said that one night he was at the Arena to cover a Jazz game and Jonathan Rhinehart, of Jazz PR started a pleasant conversation with him and then slipped him a cease and desist notice about the pre and post game shows. I think this was around 2008, 2009.

Oh and I do hope 700 does bring on Ben Anderson full time, but I really think he deserves better than Gunther.

09-05-2017, 02:43 PM
the Larry Miller family/group is creepy. Just another example at how they unfairly monopolize this market.

The Millers are scum. Plain and simple. Bullies and fake.

09-05-2017, 02:44 PM
I hope Ben Anderson gets hired by 700. Really like him.

09-05-2017, 03:32 PM
Interesting fact that may be of interest only to me: The state's rep in the AP Top 25 football poll, for the first time I can ever remember, is not a newspaper guy, but Tony Parks of 1280.

09-05-2017, 03:48 PM
I hope Ben Anderson gets hired by 700. Really like him.

I concur

09-05-2017, 04:20 PM
Interesting fact that may be of interest only to me: The state's rep in the AP Top 25 football poll, for the first time I can ever remember, is not a newspaper guy, but Tony Parks of 1280.

Thats not a bad choice. As a Michigan fan, he doesn't have any allegiances to the local schools. Hes also not a troll.

10-16-2017, 02:32 PM
Has anyone been following the ESPN-Jemele Hill situation? (I realize this is national media)

Hill has been suspended for 2 weeks (starting last week) for pointing out to fans that they could boycott sponsors of the Dallas Cowboys in response to Jerry Jones and standing during th anthem. Critics called foul citing racism/sexism. This comes on the heels of Hill getting in some trouble for calling president trump a bigot and a white supremacist. (This also led to a somewhat humorous appearance by Clay Travis on CNN where he derailed the entire conversation about Jemele by dropping one of his taglines and the CNN host got offended. IMO, Clay is a buffoon, but when you willingly bring him on to discuss something, what do you expect?)

I dont really buy the racism/sexism comment. I think this is more about ESPN being unwilling to allow its personalities to take a run at the NFL, ala Bill Simmons.

Putting Jemele and Michael on 'The 6' sportscenter has led to a drop in ratings (though I haven't seen any numbers where they are adjusted for drop in subscriptions, not that that means a ton). I gotta think Jemele is one controversy away from looking for work elsewhere.

10-16-2017, 02:43 PM
Has anyone been following the ESPN-Jemele Hill situation? (I realize this is national media)

Hill has been suspended for 2 weeks (starting last week) for pointing out to fans that they could boycott sponsors of the Dallas Cowboys in response to Jerry Jones and standing during th anthem. Critics called foul citing racism/sexism. This comes on the heels of Hill getting in some trouble for calling president trump a bigot and a white supremacist. (This also led to a somewhat humorous appearance by Clay Travis on CNN where he derailed the entire conversation about Jemele by dropping one of his taglines and the CNN host got offended. IMO, Clay is a buffoon, but when you willingly bring him on to discuss something, what do you expect?)

I dont really buy the racism/sexism comment. I think this is more about ESPN being unwilling to allow its personalities to take a run at the NFL, ala Bill Simmons.

Putting Jemele and Michael on 'The 6' sportscenter has led to a drop in ratings (though I haven't seen any numbers where they are adjusted for drop in subscriptions, not that that means a ton). I gotta think Jemele is one controversy away from looking for work elsewhere.

I think she will ultimately parlay this into a non-sports job at a major network.

10-16-2017, 04:22 PM
I think she will ultimately parlay this into a non-sports job at a major network.

I think you are spot on. She has managed to generate a lot of controversy (ie gotten her name out there) without doing anything close to career ending. Id love to see the ratings for ESPN's 'debate' shows. It boggles my mind why anyone in 2017 would sit through most of ESPN's non-live sports programming. (Since I think the group has had this discussion before, ill edit this to clarify that I mean daytime programming.)

10-16-2017, 06:14 PM
I think you are spot on. She has managed to generate a lot of controversy (ie gotten her name out there) without doing anything close to career ending. Id love to see the ratings for ESPN's 'debate' shows. It boggles my mind why anyone in 2017 would sit through most of ESPN's non-live sports programming. (Since I think the group has had this discussion before, ill edit this to clarify that I mean daytime programming.)

PTI, College Gameday, that's my list of shows I watch on a regular basis. Clay Travis is not necessarily wrong as to why they are losing some of their viewers. But as you note, some of his tomfoolery gets in the way of any salient point he makes most of the time.

10-16-2017, 08:38 PM
PTI, College Gameday, that's my list of shows I watch on a regular basis. Clay Travis is not necessarily wrong as to why they are losing some of their viewers. But as you note, some of his tomfoolery gets in the way of any salient point he makes most of the time.

You can just see it in his eyes .....in his mind he's going "I'm about to say boobs! Lol!" The other two should have given it an eyeroll and moved on. I'm still not sure why they invited him on. He gained quite a few Twitter followers from it.

USS Utah
10-24-2017, 07:07 PM
I wasn't sure which thread to put this in, but since it is about a local radio station:


Classical music is one of those things you seem to appreciate more as you get older. I have had some classical favorites for many years, but 4 years ago I started listening to Classical 89 most of the time when driving in my car. I have felt like a whole new world was opened up to me and I have enjoyed discovering new favorites and learning more about music and about composers.

Why would you intentionally kill a treasure like Classical 89?

Rocker Ute
10-26-2017, 08:20 AM
I wasn't sure which thread to put this in, but since it is about a local radio station:


Classical music is one of those things you seem to appreciate more as you get older. I have had some classical favorites for many years, but 4 years ago I started listening to Classical 89 most of the time when driving in my car. I have felt like a whole new world was opened up to me and I have enjoyed discovering new favorites and learning more about music and about composers.

Why would you intentionally kill a treasure like Classical 89?

You probably already have it but get Spotify. You can set up your own classical music stations that play interruption free and you can pause, skip, go back, etc.

It gets ‘smart’ and starts giving you daily and weekly recommendation that you like. Are your more Mozart or Beethoven? It’ll figure you out and start playing stuff that fits your musical tastes.

You can probably sync your phone with your car stereo if not plug into an aux Jack, or if you drive old cars like me, an FM transmitter for about $20.

I honestly have no idea why people listen to the radio for music any more and this goes for all radio stations.

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10-26-2017, 08:39 AM
I honestly have no idea why people listen to the radio for music any more and this goes for all radio stations.

I don't have a smart phone, so I listen to the radio. No school like the old school.

10-26-2017, 08:51 AM
I don't have a smart phone, so I listen to the radio. No school like the old school.

I used to feel the same way, but syncing your phone to your car speakers is the greatest invention of all time.

10-26-2017, 09:36 AM
I'm with team sancho on this. I have the FM adapter that lets me play my phone on an FM channel. It works sporadically on some unused FM station signal provided you don't leave a 3 block radius and get a stronger signal from another station (probably showing my lack of technical moxey)

I just want to use my car radio.

I'm also one who enjoys BYU's classical 89

Diehard Ute
10-26-2017, 12:33 PM
I honestly have no idea why people listen to the radio for music any more and this goes for all radio stations.

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Our new police cars have no Aux or Bluetooth. And with all our equipment the FM transmitters are hit and miss. So radio it is.

Rocker Ute
10-26-2017, 04:32 PM
Regarding FM transmitters there are a ton of garbage ones out there. I had a great one from Monster that seemed to work everywhere.

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USS Utah
10-27-2017, 06:11 PM
Walter Rudolph, former senior producer and general manager of KBYU-FM from 1978-2011, said that while he hasn’t been in communication with BYU Broadcasting or Michael Dunn about the decision to drop Classical 89, the change doesn’t come as a complete surprise to him.

“I think that a decision like this … ultimately is inevitable,” he said. "We’ve seen stations that have died all around the country.”

But while it’s not entirely unexpected, he said there are many things about Classical 89 that no Spotify can make up for. Classical 89 educates listeners about composers and their respective time periods, and interviews with guest conductors and artists connect the community in ways that nothing else can.

“The classical music radio stations have done a good job of presenting the music and letting people know that it’s there and who the primary performers today are, what they bring to the music and how it can affect your life, how it can help you have a better day,” he said.

Music is also a major consideration when it comes to the aura of a city — a symphony orchestra, ballet or opera all adds to a city's distinction, Rudolph said. And classical radio ties all of the arts together.

“The radio station is the key to all of it because it’s central,” he said. “It’s always there. … You get in your car, and it’s there. You go in the house, it’s there — if you want it.”


11-09-2017, 01:54 PM
I should have named this thread "Sports Media" but that was four and a half years ago now............


I have been at a company (as Im sure many have) where word gets out that layoffs are coming. Its brutal. As much as I dont care for many of the on air personalities at ESPN, I will never cheer for anyone (who is not a ridiculous person) to lose their job.

11-10-2017, 08:20 AM

I don't know if any of you know the Mike Dunn referred to in the article, but Mike is a dyed in the wool Ute fan. When we were at the U he worked at KUED and helped create the first intra-campus television broadcasts. He has Ute vanity plates that I think are UteFan1. He will continue with the vanity plates and promised his wife and kids that he would only wear BYU logo clothing while on campus or at official BYU functions. He is a good guy.

11-10-2017, 09:07 AM
I don't know if any of you know the Mike Dunn referred to in the article, but Mike is a dyed in the wool Ute fan. When we were at the U he worked at KUED and helped create the first intra-campus television broadcasts. He has Ute vanity plates that I think are UteFan1. He will continue with the vanity plates and promised his wife and kids that he would only wear BYU logo clothing while on campus or at official BYU functions. He is a good guy.

Didnt he get mauled by a bear in Yellowstone or the Tetons? He is a great guy.

Rocker Ute
11-11-2017, 08:48 AM
Didnt he get mauled by a bear in Yellowstone or the Tetons? He is a great guy.

Yes, same guy.

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11-11-2017, 10:22 AM
I don't know if any of you know the Mike Dunn referred to in the article, but Mike is a dyed in the wool Ute fan. When we were at the U he worked at KUED and helped create the first intra-campus television broadcasts. He has Ute vanity plates that I think are UteFan1. He will continue with the vanity plates and promised his wife and kids that he would only wear BYU logo clothing while on campus or at official BYU functions. He is a good guy.
Yep. Great guy. My wife has worked with him at KUED before he left for S Africa. Nothing but positive to say about him.

11-17-2017, 07:27 AM
Today is the last day of mike and mike. Greenburg is going to get 6.5 million per year to do a "Today" style show on ESPN.

Golic will be joined by Trey Wingo in the mike and mike slot on ESPN radio and ESPN 2.

12-18-2017, 09:25 AM
Pac 12 with new 24/7 Radio Channel


12-27-2017, 09:42 AM
As most here probably saw, Tom Hackett got a good laugh out of Troy Williams removing his shoe and coming out of the game yesterday. Despite numerous people pointing out that it was a rather selfless act trying to get Lisk in the game, Hackett opted to leave the tweet up.

I am beginning to think that the guy is just not very bright.

I have heard that these radio hosts are on one year contracts and Tom's is going to be up in February or March. Ill be interested to see if 700 keeps him around. Despite being a two time National award winner, I get the feeling that overall he knows about as much as an average fan about the game of football. When he talks soccer, he appears to know what he is talking about (I wouldn't know, not my thing). He is in over his head any time he has to talk about basketball and most days ends up rattling off the box score for his turn to talk.

Maybe he is being misused. I mean, while I certainly wouldn't be a good radio host, I especially wouldn't be good if I were charged with talking about sports I only sort of know like Soccer, Lacrosse, and Hockey. Maybe an ideal spot for him is helping on Ute and RSL pre and post game. He certainly isn't being maximized next to Gunther talking sports for four hours a day.....

USS Utah
12-27-2017, 06:11 PM
I listened a little when Pease was sitting in for Gunther. Hackett sounded more knowledgeable. I wondered if he is playing up or down to the skills of his co-hosts.

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-30-2017, 06:48 PM
So...Dirk Facer. Sister Facer, I’m afraid that your husband is cheating on you.


Edit: I just realized that the time stamp doesn’t show up, and it’s pretty critical here.

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01-12-2018, 01:38 PM
Ben Anderson and Andy Larsen are filling in for Bill today as he hangs out in LA Ute's part of the world. They seem to the go to for filling in on that station. Part of me wonders if they might get the next crack at the afternoon show. Both know basketball and football, Andy is a good soccer mind for the RSL fans.

01-12-2018, 06:53 PM
I think Ben Anderson is great.

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Diehard Ute
01-15-2018, 01:21 AM

I didn’t think much of this article....then I noticed the byline. It’s written by Liz Abel, Utah’s SID.

After first blush it seemed weird to have our SID writing for a paper....then I realized they just reprinted the U’s entire press release, and tagged her name on the byline as if she wrote it for them.

Seems rather misleading, especially when many readers will have no idea who Liz is, and will instead think the DNews is sending a reporter to the meets.

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01-15-2018, 07:41 AM
It’s the Des News. They make buzzfeed seem like a legit paper.

01-23-2018, 11:08 AM

I didn’t think much of this article....then I noticed the byline. It’s written by Liz Abel, Utah’s SID.

After first blush it seemed weird to have our SID writing for a paper....then I realized they just reprinted the U’s entire press release, and tagged her name on the byline as if she wrote it for them.

Seems rather misleading, especially when many readers will have no idea who Liz is, and will instead think the DNews is sending a reporter to the meets.

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Sad that the D-News can't pay $100 to some stringer in the Reno area to do the story for them.

Putting Liz's name at the top is a mistake made by some part-timer who doesn't know any better.

Diehard Ute
01-23-2018, 03:24 PM
Sad that the D-News can't pay $100 to some stringer in the Reno area to do the story for them.

Putting Liz's name at the top is a mistake made by some part-timer who doesn't know any better.

I was hoping you’d chime in, you obviously know more than I do on this.

The DNews usually hires a student reporter from the opponents campus newspaper....guess since this was not at a campus they got lazy or cheap or both.

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Diehard Ute
01-27-2018, 12:01 AM

They’ve done it again....reprinted the U’s press release with Liz name on the byline.

And this meet was at Zona, so they had people available.

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01-27-2018, 12:43 AM
The DesNews is trash. BuzzFeed is embarrassed for them. FOX NEWS thinks they lack journalistic integrity.

01-28-2018, 06:50 PM
SLTrib is going behind a paywall for online content.

Rocker Ute
01-28-2018, 07:55 PM
SLTrib is going behind a paywall for online content.

That will kill the career commenters on SLtrib, I’m fairly certain most don’t have jobs.

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Diehard Ute
01-28-2018, 08:36 PM
10 free articles a month is pretty generous considering the quality of the content. You could go a whole year without seeing 10 articles worth reading.

I read that many Ute articles in 1-2 weeks. There are often 4-5 gymnastics articles in a single week

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Dwight Schr-Ute
01-28-2018, 08:49 PM
There are often 4-5 gymnastics articles in a single week

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I didn’t realize that Liz was writing that many press releases.

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01-28-2018, 08:54 PM
I didn’t realize that Liz was writing that many press releases.

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Its Lya, actually

Diehard Ute
01-28-2018, 09:03 PM
I didn’t realize that Liz was writing that many press releases.

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The Trib still pays to cover gymnastics.....I don’t like the person they pay, but they pay.

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01-29-2018, 04:45 PM
10 free articles a month is pretty generous considering the quality of the content. You could go a whole year without seeing 10 articles worth reading.


02-28-2018, 02:53 PM
Per an emoji tweet from Tom Hackett, and the accompanying responses, it looks like Tom may be on his way out. Not sure about Gunther.

LA Ute
02-28-2018, 02:59 PM
Per an emoji tweet from Tom Hackett, and the accompanying responses, it looks like Tom may be on his way out. Not sure about Gunther.

Nice guy, very funny, but no real broadcasting talent.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-28-2018, 03:02 PM
Per an emoji tweet from Tom Hackett, and the accompanying responses, it looks like Tom may be on his way out. Not sure about Gunther.


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02-28-2018, 09:23 PM
I hope they put Gunther back with Ben Anderson. Ben plays a great straight guy to Gunther schtick.

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02-28-2018, 10:43 PM
I hope they put Gunther back with Ben Anderson. Ben plays a great straight guy to Gunther schtick.

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I agree

03-01-2018, 08:08 AM
I figured Tom would be let go after his year was up. Like LA said, really nice guy but overmatched when it comes to trying to make a show in this market. He did ok overcoming the Donnie Tillman slip up and he handled the Troy Williams goof poorly.

If I were the powers that be at 700, I would let Kyle fly solo for a few months and then go back to syndicated programming. That, or I would pony up the money and bring in some real talent. Thats risky because of how dominating 1280 has been since the pseudo-merger with 1320 in 2012 and I am not sure who could really break that up. Paying peanuts for low talent hasn't paid off. If youre content with being second fiddle, it may be smarter to just go syndicated and let Bill be the "Utes guy" and make it that way.

I know my good friends Sully and Utah will disagree but after listening to Ben Anderson and Andy Larsen on the Salt City Hoops show, I really hope Ben doesn't go back to babysitting Kyle during the afternoons. With Andy, he is freed up to actually talk basketball and its usually a really good show with humor and solid analysis unlike anything else at 700.

03-01-2018, 09:50 AM
I like Ben a lot. I’d prefer to have him with someone other than Gunther.

I’d take him with Gunther, just to get him back.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you could keep Ben doing both shows. I’m sure he’d like the extra money and I’d bet it would be cheaper for the station than hiring two separate people.

03-01-2018, 10:30 AM
Didn’t know where to put this.

I listened to the Rivals guys’ podcast on 1280. Some good stuff there. McBride was on. Some great stories. Some interesting takeaways:

The QB from Utah that ended up at BYU...Wilson, I think. McBride said he asked his parents where he wanted to live after football. They said Utah. So he told them he’d be crazy to leave the state. Make contacts/connections where you want to live.

Going along with that, he mentioned a lot of former players who left the state of Utah to play football. Then, when their careers were over, they’d call him looking for a job. He’d tell them he had his own former players to take care of and asked them why they didn’t get jobs at the schools they played for? The players said they wanted to live in Utah. He then asked them, “why do you leave then?”

Junior Angulo. No one knows why he signed with Texas. One of the hosts wondered if he’d be back playing for Utah sooner than later. Especially since the coach he signed up to play for is gone already.

They talked about Lenny Gomes. McBride said a few years after his statement, Gomes called looking for a job. McBride said he politely turned him down.

Also, side note, I’ve always been told that Grimes is now a multimillionaire living the high life. What I could find is that he is a football coach down south. Not a bad career at all, but a lot closer to what he was mocking than not. Interesting.

All in all, not the prettiest sounding production but a lot of good info and stories.

LA Ute
03-01-2018, 12:26 PM
They talked about Lenny Gomes. McBride said a few years after his statement, Gomes called looking for a job. McBride said he politely turned him down.

This story gives me great satisfaction.

03-01-2018, 01:15 PM
"I came looking for a job but I get no offers. Just a come on from" . . . never mind.