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03-25-2013, 01:22 PM
Who are your favorite local media members? How about least favorite?

For me, Im a fan of Tony Jones, Bill Riley, and Jeremiah Jensen.

03-25-2013, 01:36 PM
I like David James. It's too bad he's not been able to dump his moldy scab of a co-host. I actually think DJ has a good mix of a real passionate sports fan with a knack for objectivity, and in this market has been able to stay neutral in the BYU/Utah tug o' war.

I also like Hans Olsen. I was skeptical of him given his Y roots, but he really is a knowledgeable guy and a fun personality.

Also, I'll throw some props to Bolerjack. I think he's lost a step from his heyday at KSL and Sports Beat. But he really is a good talent and a pretty likeable guy. It's too bad he had to kiss so much BYU butt while at KSL.

Maybe this is my place to send some love to Hot Rod Hundley. He was a crazy drunk, but he was OUR crazy drunk. Following the Jazz just hasn't been the same with him gone.

I'm neutral on Spence Checketts, but I think he's trending the wrong way for me.

On the other end of the spectrum, PK is an absolute joke to the industry. I don't know how he hangs on.

I'm starting to sour on Monsen. I used to like him, but he just seems tired, and old, and cranky in the last few years. It's not that he hates the U or the Y, he just seems to be tired of the whole Utah market and everything in it. It's like he needs to move on for a fresh start, but he won't or can't. He just seems to have an utter disdain for the whole thing.

03-25-2013, 01:50 PM
I think the best writer has been Doug Robinson of the Desnews. But I don't think he writes sports any longer, does he.

03-25-2013, 01:59 PM
I think the best writer has been Doug Robinson of the Desnews. But I don't think he writes sports any longer, does he.

Once in a while, but I doubt he puts much work into it, as based on this piece last week on Fredette.


03-25-2013, 02:14 PM
I like David James. It's too bad he's not been able to dump his moldy scab of a co-host. I actually think DJ has a good mix of a real passionate sports fan with a knack for objectivity, and in this market has been able to stay neutral in the BYU/Utah tug o' war.

I also like Hans Olsen. I was skeptical of him given his Y roots, but he really is a knowledgeable guy and a fun personality.

Also, I'll throw some props to Bolerjack. I think he's lost a step from his heyday at KSL and Sports Beat. But he really is a good talent and a pretty likeable guy. It's too bad he had to kiss so much BYU butt while at KSL.

Maybe this is my place to send some love to Hot Rod Hundley. He was a crazy drunk, but he was OUR crazy drunk. Following the Jazz just hasn't been the same with him gone.

I'm neutral on Spence Checketts, but I think he's trending the wrong way for me.

On the other end of the spectrum, PK is an absolute joke to the industry. I don't know how he hangs on.

I'm starting to sour on Monsen. I used to like him, but he just seems tired, and old, and cranky in the last few years. It's not that he hates the U or the Y, he just seems to be tired of the whole Utah market and everything in it. It's like he needs to move on for a fresh start, but he won't or can't. He just seems to have an utter disdain for the whole thing.

I agree with all that you said. Monson has become a joke. Hes about stirring the pot more than commenting on the news. Spence is ok sometimes. I REALLY miss the Bill and Spence show..........

Agree completely on DJ and PK. I havent listened to them in a while, I prefer Dan Patrick.

03-25-2013, 02:16 PM
I really enjoy Jay Drews work. I read him when I am looking for BYU stuff. Everyone else who covers BYU around here (Wrubell, Sheperd, harmon, Call, etc. etc) is a die-hard BYU fan.

Diehard Ute
03-25-2013, 04:40 PM
I really enjoy Jay Drews work. I read him when I am looking for BYU stuff. Everyone else who covers BYU around here (Wrubell, Sheperd, harmon, Call, etc. etc) is a die-hard BYU fan.

I'd say Drew has become a BYU fan if he wasn't one. I find his stuff to be almost like it was written by BYU's SID a lot

Jeromy in SLC
03-25-2013, 05:07 PM
I'd say Drew has become a BYU fan if he wasn't one. I find his stuff to be almost like it was written by BYU's SID a lot

Well, if he wants to be kept in the good graces of those that release information, then his work over time will look more and more like the rest of the herd.

On the topic at hand, I listen to a lot of sports radio. During drive time, there is a lot out there. I wouldn't say much of it is good, but at least I can change the channel to something else if discussion of alien invaders, fishing stories, or soccer pop up. The best segments are interviews and any time Tony Jones or Dirk Facer are on. I don't read ANY of the local print media. I haven't for years. There is better information for the PAC12 blog, Utezone, and now UB5.

03-25-2013, 07:25 PM
Well, if he wants to be kept in the good graces of those that release information, then his work over time will look more and more like the rest of the herd.

On the topic at hand, I listen to a lot of sports radio. During drive time, there is a lot out there. I wouldn't say much of it is good, but at least I can change the channel to something else if discussion of alien invaders, fishing stories, or soccer pop up. The best segments are interviews and any time Tony Jones or Dirk Facer are on. I don't read ANY of the local print media. I haven't for years. There is better information for the PAC12 blog, Utezone, and now UB5.

I like how you hit all three stations with your examples there: 1320 KFAN (alien invaders) 1280 (fishing stories) or soccer (ESPN700)

For me, Gunther and Graham are the worst. Seriously, those guys have the class and maturity of a group of 8th graders in a burping contest. 1280 is dull. I stick with ESPN 700 almost all the time

Jeromy in SLC
03-25-2013, 07:47 PM
I like how you hit all three stations with your examples there: 1320 KFAN (alien invaders) 1280 (fishing stories) or soccer (ESPN700)

For me, Gunther and Graham are the worst. Seriously, those guys have the class and maturity of a group of 8th graders in a burping contest. 1280 is dull. I stick with ESPN 700 almost all the time

Actually, if I think about it, I only listen to 1280 during lunch or the morning on my drive to work. If either is too annoying, I switch to X96. I never listen to Spence and Monsen. Mostly because Monsen has annoyed me for years, and Spencer comes across as a frat boy.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

03-25-2013, 09:53 PM
One thing I've found, particularly having been in the business, there is no market that likes their sports station. Salt Lake City is incredibly unusual to have three sports stations for its size. Realistically it can't support all three without market ties. Jazz = 1280. RSL & Utes = 700 1320 will likely shrink and become irrelevant over the next few years not only because it has no flagship team but because it is the weakest of the signals.

Doing sports or talk radio is a thankless job on the local level. No one ever thinks you're saying enough good things about their team. Everyone thinks you're saying too many good things about the teams they don't like or don't care about. I think we sometimes underappreciate the number of choices for sports radio we have in the Salt Lake area.

03-26-2013, 10:15 AM
One thing I've found, particularly having been in the business, there is no market that likes their sports station. Salt Lake City is incredibly unusual to have three sports stations for its size. Realistically it can't support all three without market ties. Jazz = 1280. RSL & Utes = 700 1320 will likely shrink and become irrelevant over the next few years not only because it has no flagship team but because it is the weakest of the signals.

Doing sports or talk radio is a thankless job on the local level. No one ever thinks you're saying enough good things about their team. Everyone thinks you're saying too many good things about the teams they don't like or don't care about. I think we sometimes underappreciate the number of choices for sports radio we have in the Salt Lake area.

The one thing that 1320 did that might keep them around for a while was scooping up Jim Rome when he switched to CBS and dropping their affiliation with yahoo sports radio, which has no big names. Otherwise, I dont think they have much of a future (for the reasons you mentioned and hte fact that Gunther and Graham is a niche show; its never going to be #1 because of the hosts.)

03-26-2013, 05:03 PM
The one thing that 1320 did that might keep them around for a while was scooping up Jim Rome when he switched to CBS and dropping their affiliation with yahoo sports radio, which has no big names. Otherwise, I dont think they have much of a future (for the reasons you mentioned and hte fact that Gunther and Graham is a niche show; its never going to be #1 because of the hosts.)

I actually like Gunther and Graham. Let me rephrase that: I actually like Gunther.

Graham's not as bad as he was with Monson. If 1320 sticks around, I think it will be because of these two. When Reilly is stuck talking kicky-ball, G&G are a good alternative. If I want to get depressed, I'll flip over to Monsen.

03-27-2013, 11:29 AM
I actually like Gunther and Graham. Let me rephrase that: I actually like Gunther.

Graham's not as bad as he was with Monson. If 1320 sticks around, I think it will be because of these two. When Reilly is stuck talking kicky-ball, G&G are a good alternative. If I want to get depressed, I'll flip over to Monsen.Learn to embrace the "Kicky Ball", or as we like to say, Embrace the TiTS (Team is the Star). My opinion, is the more local radio the better. It used to be nice to have options in the morning for local radio. Now if one wants to listen to local sports, one has to listen to how wonderful BYU and the Jazz are, to hear the occasional Utah talk.

03-27-2013, 09:56 PM
Learn to embrace the "Kicky Ball", or as we like to say, Embrace the TiTS (Team is the Star). My opinion, is the more local radio the better. It used to be nice to have options in the morning for local radio. Now if one wants to listen to local sports, one has to listen to how wonderful BYU and the Jazz are, to hear the occasional Utah talk.

I was a big fan of the "john and hans" show back in the day. lost interest in "hans and oc" (nothing against OC, just takes the right personality to team up with Hans). Since my only local option is DJ and PK, I completely ignore it. I listen to Dan Patrick in the morning, and thats it.

03-27-2013, 10:03 PM
Here are my suggestions for the three local radio stations:

1280 the zone: WAY too much local talk. Yeah, its cool to claim that you are local all day, but there in a market of SLC size, there is only so much you can say. They end up rehashing the same things all day and quite frankly often end up trolling just to break up the monotony. If it was me, I'd put a national show from 1-3 instead of that Scotty G and whoever show. Orrrrrr they could keep it like it was when they originally started this venture in the summer: putting different things on 1280 and 97.5; some local, some national so that folks can choose.

1320 KFAN: I dont know quite frankly. Im just not a gunther type guy. He is a great listen for some folks, but not to me. Graham is just a negative troll. But at least he is an equal opportunity troll. He rides the waves of emotions. He is either out to get a reaction out of people by being too negative or he tries to be the good guy by throwing a tantrum about a team when things dont go right. I dont know what to say. To me, the programming sucks, the signal strength sucks, the website sucks. I don't see KFAN ever making it big and eventually fading away. So I lied, there is no suggestion here.

ESPN700 The middays are dreadfully boring on ESPN 700. Colin Cowherd is a buffoon and SVP and Russillo are boring to me. I like their morning and drive time stuff though. Bill and Hans and Dan Patrick are my favorite shows. If they could find a local show from 10-2, Id love it.

02-18-2014, 01:07 PM

Well, since this thread, there has been some shakeup in the local radio scene.

-Kevin Graham has left the market for the third time. Hopefully this time for good. His replacement is Tim Montemayor, who came to us from the Bay Area. I can honestly say that I gave this show a try. I came in open minded, to see if they would be interesting. To me, it was nice to bring in an outsider as other stations through the years have more or less recycled the same people. As open minded as I could be, I lasted 15 minutes with this show and had to change the channel. This is a less-clever, less-interesting, more juvenile version of "DJ and PK". It is the exact same shtick. They go for reaction more than quality analysis. I followed them both on twitter and that first fifteen minutes of the show was no fluke, they are out to troll.

As I said earlier in this thread, I really don't see them making it in the long term. As long as 1280 is affiliated with the Jazz and 700 is affiliated with the Utes and RSL, there really is no big team to affiliate with. The signal strength is about as weak as can be. I don't even think Jim Rome can save them as his ratings drop more each year.

-700 has dropped the dull as can be "SVP and Russilo" and now broadcasts Mike and Mike from 4-8, Dan Patrick from 8-11 (on a 1 hour delay) and then Colin Cowherd from 11-2. I asked them why they don't have any more local programming and was told that they have to air a certain number of ESPN programming each day. Basically, they have to choose between Dan Patrick and a local morning show and have stuck with Dan. Can't say I blame them.

-1280 has stayed consistent (more or less) since the merger almost two years ago. DJ and PK is what it is. I like Jake and Tony at times, although there are times when both of them are clueless. Scotty G is absolutely un-listenable to me as he rolls through cliche after cliche. Spence and Gordon have grown on me, but there producer, austin horton, constantly interjects some of the dumbest comments and it really takes away from their show.

I still do not see any compelling reason to switch the dial away from ESPN 700, unless it is a trolling day for Colin.


02-18-2014, 01:37 PM
-Kevin Graham has left the market for the third time. Hopefully this time for good. His replacement is Tim Montemayor, who came to us from the Bay Area. I can honestly say that I gave this show a try. I came in open minded, to see if they would be interesting. To me, it was nice to bring in an outsider as other stations through the years have more or less recycled the same people. As open minded as I could be, I lasted 15 minutes with this show and had to change the channel. This is a less-clever, less-interesting, more juvenile version of "DJ and PK". It is the exact same shtick. They go for reaction more than quality analysis. I followed them both on twitter and that first fifteen minutes of the show was no fluke, they are out to troll.

As I said earlier in this thread, I really don't see them making it in the long term. As long as 1280 is affiliated with the Jazz and 700 is affiliated with the Utes and RSL, there really is no big team to affiliate with. The signal strength is about as weak as can be. I don't even think Jim Rome can save them as his ratings drop more each year.

They claim themselves as the number 1 afternoon sports station in the market. Not sure what the criteria is, but that is what they claim. I really like how much football talk they have as I don't care for basketball. Not a huge Monty fan, but I could listen to Gunther all day. When he is not goofying off he really has some good insight on football.

-700 has dropped the dull as can be "SVP and Russilo" and now broadcasts Mike and Mike from 4-8, Dan Patrick from 8-11 (on a 1 hour delay) and then Colin Cowherd from 11-2. I asked them why they don't have any more local programming and was told that they have to air a certain number of ESPN programming each day. Basically, they have to choose between Dan Patrick and a local morning show and have stuck with Dan. Can't say I blame them.

Definitely the most professional sports station. I like Bill and Hans. Bill is the constant professional, while Hans brings the sports insider prospective. I enjoy listening during football season.

-1280 has stayed consistent (more or less) since the merger almost two years ago. DJ and PK is what it is. I like Jake and Tony at times, although there are times when both of them are clueless. Scotty G is absolutely un-listenable to me as he rolls through cliche after cliche. Spence and Gordon have grown on me, but there producer, austin horton, constantly interjects some of the dumbest comments and it really takes away from their show.

Haven't listen to the morning or afternoon clowns in quite some time. I don't mind Jake and Tony but I generally don't listen to sports radio at that time of day.

Also, I just checked the Nielson numbers and both 700 and 1280 have a .9 share, while 1320 had a .5 share of the market. All three are pretty far down the line in market share from the other news and music stations.

02-18-2014, 02:50 PM

Well, since this thread, there has been some shakeup in the local radio scene.

-Kevin Graham has left the market for the third time. Hopefully this time for good. His replacement is Tim Montemayor, who came to us from the Bay Area. I can honestly say that I gave this show a try. I came in open minded, to see if they would be interesting. To me, it was nice to bring in an outsider as other stations through the years have more or less recycled the same people. As open minded as I could be, I lasted 15 minutes with this show and had to change the channel. This is a less-clever, less-interesting, more juvenile version of "DJ and PK". It is the exact same shtick. They go for reaction more than quality analysis. I followed them both on twitter and that first fifteen minutes of the show was no fluke, they are out to troll.

As I said earlier in this thread, I really don't see them making it in the long term. As long as 1280 is affiliated with the Jazz and 700 is affiliated with the Utes and RSL, there really is no big team to affiliate with. The signal strength is about as weak as can be. I don't even think Jim Rome can save them as his ratings drop more each year.

-700 has dropped the dull as can be "SVP and Russilo" and now broadcasts Mike and Mike from 4-8, Dan Patrick from 8-11 (on a 1 hour delay) and then Colin Cowherd from 11-2. I asked them why they don't have any more local programming and was told that they have to air a certain number of ESPN programming each day. Basically, they have to choose between Dan Patrick and a local morning show and have stuck with Dan. Can't say I blame them.

-1280 has stayed consistent (more or less) since the merger almost two years ago. DJ and PK is what it is. I like Jake and Tony at times, although there are times when both of them are clueless. Scotty G is absolutely un-listenable to me as he rolls through cliche after cliche. Spence and Gordon have grown on me, but there producer, austin horton, constantly interjects some of the dumbest comments and it really takes away from their show.

I still do not see any compelling reason to switch the dial away from ESPN 700, unless it is a trolling day for Colin.


Dan Patrick, as part of the Premiere Radio Networks, isn't mandated programming for any ESPN Radio affiliate, but Mike and Mike is. And I'm not sure you want to go local from 8-11. Also, Colin Cowherd is on a three-hour delay in SLC, as I get Colin right after Mike and Mike at 8 here in Twin Falls.

SLC is a very interesting dynamic for STR. It's really too small of a market for three such stations, and one of the big players in town (BYU) is unaffiliated with STR. Additionally, KSL ad rates on BYU sports are what you'd expect -- pretty doggone expensive and cost-prohibitive for a lot of small businesses. But stations like 1280 and 1320 can tap into that void, create BYU-friendly segments and pull enough advertisers to remain viable. Many here will not like what I'm saying here, but as long as there are three STR stations in SLC (and BYU athletics remain on a non-STR station), the driving force behind all of them will be to capture the BYU fan. Even 700 -- HOTRU -- knows this and has BYU figures on periodically, not to mention hiring a former BYU player to co-host their one local show.

02-18-2014, 09:17 PM
I can't stand DJ and PK to me they seem to be flirting with each other the whole time.

02-18-2014, 09:30 PM
Dan Patrick, as part of the Premiere Radio Networks, isn't mandated programming for any ESPN Radio affiliate, but Mike and Mike is. And I'm not sure you want to go local from 8-11. Also, Colin Cowherd is on a three-hour delay in SLC, as I get Colin right after Mike and Mike at 8 here in Twin Falls.

SLC is a very interesting dynamic for STR. It's really too small of a market for three such stations, and one of the big players in town (BYU) is unaffiliated with STR. Additionally, KSL ad rates on BYU sports are what you'd expect -- pretty doggone expensive and cost-prohibitive for a lot of small businesses. But stations like 1280 and 1320 can tap into that void, create BYU-friendly segments and pull enough advertisers to remain viable. Many here will not like what I'm saying here, but as long as there are three STR stations in SLC (and BYU athletics remain on a non-STR station), the driving force behind all of them will be to capture the BYU fan. Even 700 -- HOTRU -- knows this and has BYU figures on periodically, not to mention hiring a former BYU player to co-host their one local show.

I haven't listened to much talk radio the last couple of months, but it really feels like Guther and Monty are going hard after the BYU fan.

02-24-2014, 03:27 PM
I haven't listened to much talk radio the last couple of months, but it really feels like Guther and Monty are going hard after the BYU fan.

Well they must be doing something right because they are now starting a morning show with Monty and leaving Gunther in the afternoons. Expansion is generally a positive sign.

02-24-2014, 09:45 PM
Well they must be doing something right because they are now starting a morning show with Monty and leaving Gunther in the afternoons. Expansion is generally a positive sign.

Yup. And that's on Ute fans. Gunther always talks about how when he tweets about cougar stuff, he gets 20 tweets back. When he tweets about Utah stuff, he gets maybe one back. When he talks cougar sports, the phone lines light up. When he talks Utah...nothing.

I'm not saying it's good or bad, some of us have more to do than tweet/call radio stations. BUT, we can't complain that there is never Ute talk anywhere and it's always BYU talk.

02-24-2014, 10:05 PM
Yup. And that's on Ute fans. Gunther always talks about how when he tweets about cougar stuff, he gets 20 tweets back. When he tweets about Utah stuff, he gets maybe one back. When he talks cougar sports, the phone lines light up. When he talks Utah...nothing.

I'm not saying it's good or bad, some of us have more to do than tweet/call radio stations. BUT, we can't complain that there is never Ute talk anywhere and it's always BYU talk.

I think a good chunk of our fanbase would rate as "enthusiastic" Ute fans. They'll watch the games, they'll buy the tickets, they'll travel well, they'll buy merchandise and they're a little more patient than most -- present company on this board excluded. But we're far from being "rabid" and that extends to absorbing everything about the sport. They'll listen to games on radio (ours don't) and call in to STR shows (Gunther gives the best example that ours don't). We're a far more valuable television property in Utah than radio, and that'll probably be that way for some time.

LA Ute
02-24-2014, 10:20 PM
I think a good chunk of our fanbase would rate as "enthusiastic" Ute fans. They'll watch the games, they'll buy the tickets, they'll travel well, they'll buy merchandise and they're a little more patient than most -- present company on this board excluded. But we're far from being "rabid" and that extends to absorbing everything about the sport. They'll listen to games on radio (ours don't) and call in to STR shows (Gunther gives the best example that ours don't). We're a far more valuable television property in Utah than radio, and that'll probably be that way for some time.

The advantage BYU has is a fan base that sees BYU athletics as an extension of their religion, in a way that no other religious school does. Most other sports fans -- like Utah fans -- just enjoy cheering for their beloved teams. I'm not saying this to mock BYU fans; it's just a reality, and in its own way it is an advantage for BYU that offsets some of the disadvantages of being a church school.

02-24-2014, 10:26 PM
The last two posts are spot on. We love our Utes, but they don't define/rule our lives. They are a part of of lives.

02-25-2014, 08:42 AM
so wilson gets approved for Non-contact spring ball and the two idiots DJ and PK would rather continue to flirt with each other and talk about themselves or byu's impressive schedule next year. Then they got all giddy when the news of jimmer getting bought out. And still no travis wilson talk. REALLY???

02-25-2014, 10:00 AM
The advantage BYU has is a fan base that sees BYU athletics as an extension of their religion, in a way that no other religious school does. Most other sports fans -- like Utah fans -- just enjoy cheering for their beloved teams. I'm not saying this to mock BYU fans; it's just a reality, and in its own way it is an advantage for BYU that offsets some of the disadvantages of being a church school.

Nailed it.

I also think that part of it is we see how some BYU fans make fools of themselves, and I know I just don't want to come off looking like that.

LA Ute
03-02-2014, 05:41 PM
I begin my tale with this story by Brad Rock, comparing Kodiak's statement that Utah plans to win the PAC-12 tournament to Bronco Mendenhall's statement that BYU planned to win a national championship.

Brad Rock: Whether it's Utah's Larry Krystkowiak or BYU's Bronco Mendenhall, thinking big is OK (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865597705/Brad-Rock-Whether-its-Utahs-Larry-Krystkowiak-or-BYUs-Bronco-Mendenhall-thinking-big-is-OK.html)

It was late at night, and I was in a snarky mood, so I submitted this comment:

Lol. What Bronco said has nothing to do with what Larry said. It's so predictable that a comparison would be drawn, however. Ridiculous, too. Apples are apples, oranges are oranges.

To my surprise, I received this email the next morning:

Dear ****,

Thank you for commenting on Brad Rock: Whether it's Utah's Larry Krystkowiak or BYU's Bronco Mendenhall, thinking big is OK on DeseretNews.com.

Unfortunately, your comment was not approved for one of the following reasons:

* Comment included personal attacks, name-calling, epithets, racial slurs or other derogatory statements.
* Comment included obscenities or vulgarities.
* Comment included ALL-CAPS shouting, overuse of punctuation, extreme length or violated other formatting rules.
* Comment included overly speculative thoughts or information not included in the story.
* Comment included insensitive thoughts that were not appropriate in the context of the story.
* Comment was off topic or disruptive.
* Comment included one or more URLs, which are usually rejected.
* Comment included copyright infringement or plagiarism.
* Comment included advertising or other promotion.
* Comment included charity donation information or solicitation.
* Comment included personal information.
* Comment was a duplicate.

We invite you to edit and resubmit your comment using the following guidelines:

* Comments should be thoughtful and helpful to your fellow readers with additional insight or counterpoints to the article.
* Avoid personal attacks and other inappropriate responses to fellow readers.
* Treat other readers as you would if you were speaking to them from a microphone, looking them in the eyes, then passing the microphone cordially to the next contributor.

If you would like to revise the following comment to comply with DeseretNews.com policy you may resubmit it by logging in and commenting directly from the story again.

I really can't tell which of the 12 standards I violated. Any ideas? Anyway, I took a breath and submitted a much more milquetoast version:

Seems to me that Coach Krystkowiak's and Coach Mendenhall's comments are like apples and oranges -- the context for each was completely different. The comparison seems very strained. I don't understand why some in the Salt Lake media seem continually to look for reasons to compare various aspects of Utah athletics with BYU athletics.

This comment was accepted. Rock's article was still a weird mash of ideas the like of which I doubt I'd see in any other sports media market.

03-02-2014, 06:27 PM
I begin my tale with this story by Brad Rock, comparing Kodiak's statement that Utah plans to win the PAC-12 tournament to Bronco Mendenhall's statement that BYU planned to win a national championship.

Brad Rock: Whether it's Utah's Larry Krystkowiak or BYU's Bronco Mendenhall, thinking big is OK (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865597705/Brad-Rock-Whether-its-Utahs-Larry-Krystkowiak-or-BYUs-Bronco-Mendenhall-thinking-big-is-OK.html)

It was late at night, and I was in a snarky mood, so I submitted this comment:

To my surprise, I received this email the next morning:

Dear ****,

I really can't tell which of the 12 standards I violated. Any ideas? Anyway, I took a breath and submitted a much more milquetoast version:

This comment was accepted. Rock's article was still a weird mash of ideas the like of which I doubt I'd see in any other sports media market.

My guess is that they knew you were disparaging someone, somehow, but they weren't sure who or how so they just rejected it.

03-03-2014, 09:22 AM
1320 launched a new local morning show this morning as Tim Montemayor, of the afternoon Monty and Gunther show, moved to mornings.

I listened to a little bit of it on my way in this morning, and I think it has promise.

PK's pot stirring schtick gets wearing at times, so it is nice to hear someone who will discuss the issues from an objective perspective.

03-03-2014, 09:46 AM
My theory is that sports writers are now mostly judged on the number of hits an article can generate. If you can incorporate Coack K and Bronco in a single article you can inevitably generate more hits than if you just focus on one fan base or the other.

03-03-2014, 09:59 AM
1320 launched a new local morning show this morning as Tim Montemayor, of the afternoon Monty and Gunther show, moved to mornings.

I listened to a little bit of it on my way in this morning, and I think it has promise.

PK's pot stirring schtick gets wearing at times, so it is nice to hear someone who will discuss the issues from an objective perspective.

How many times did Monty troll about firing Kyle Whittingham in the time you listened? Eight? Twelve?

03-03-2014, 10:04 AM
How many times did Monty troll about firing Kyle Whittingham in the time you listened? Eight? Twelve?

I listened for a couple of minutes on my way to work. It was all BYU spring ball all the time, so he didnt mention Wittingham once. I had enjoyed flipping between Dan Patrick and John Feinstein in the morning; couldnt tell if they are keeping Feinstein on 1230; hope they do.

03-03-2014, 10:28 AM
How many times did Monty troll about firing Kyle Whittingham in the time you listened? Eight? Twelve?

Lol. I didn't hear any particular calls in the segment I listened to, but your point is valid.

03-03-2014, 12:08 PM
There are three shows I still listen to occasionally: Bill and Hans, Colin Cowherd and Dan Patrick. Gunther and Graham used to be on that list, but once Monty came on and went full blown zoob, I was done. With podcasts now-a-days, I don't think I'll ever go back.

He was nothing more than stirring the pot, right out the PK mold. Say anything to get people to call/text/tweet in. I guess if you like that type of schtick...

Dwight Schr-Ute
03-06-2014, 11:17 PM
Sounds like Tony Jones, the Utah beat writer for the Trib got "promoted" to be the Jazz beat writer starting next season. Don't worry though, we still get Lya.

Diehard Ute
03-07-2014, 12:57 AM
Sounds like Tony Jones, the Utah beat writer for the Trib got "promoted" to be the Jazz beat writer starting next season. Don't worry though, we still get Lya.

Actually we don't, other than for gymnastics. Lya is being moved to USU football. Kyle Goon is coming to the U along with another writer.

LA Ute
03-07-2014, 06:43 AM
Sounds like Tony Jones, the Utah beat writer for the Trib got "promoted" to be the Jazz beat writer starting next season. Don't worry though, we still get Lya.

Too bad. Tony has done a good job and seems to work pretty hard.

03-07-2014, 05:16 PM
Too bad. Tony has done a good job and seems to work pretty hard.

Tony has done a good job. I have followed Goon's reporting on the Aggies and he seems to be on the ball

03-10-2014, 03:56 PM
I begin my tale with this story by Brad Rock, comparing Kodiak's statement that Utah plans to win the PAC-12 tournament to Bronco Mendenhall's statement that BYU planned to win a national championship.

Brad Rock: Whether it's Utah's Larry Krystkowiak or BYU's Bronco Mendenhall, thinking big is OK (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865597705/Brad-Rock-Whether-its-Utahs-Larry-Krystkowiak-or-BYUs-Bronco-Mendenhall-thinking-big-is-OK.html)

It was late at night, and I was in a snarky mood, so I submitted this comment:

To my surprise, I received this email the next morning:

Dear ****,

I really can't tell which of the 12 standards I violated. Any ideas? Anyway, I took a breath and submitted a much more milquetoast version:

This comment was accepted. Rock's article was still a weird mash of ideas the like of which I doubt I'd see in any other sports media market.

Stuff like this absolutely kills me. The Deseret News loves to boast about how they use moderators so that their comment section can be a place for a positive discussion. having been a fan of comment sections, I can tell you that I have yet to find a bigger cesspool of trolls than the Deseret News. And it is exactly what you mentioned. Comments that are benign are denied with no explanation. Comments that even a third grader could tell are blatantly inflammatory are posted and remain despite being reported.

03-10-2014, 04:05 PM
Speaking of Monty on 1320, I had an interesting interaction with him on twitter. To summarize:

Me: Why are Ute fans arguing with Monty? This guy is so delusional, he believes KFAN has the top rated afternoon drive time show.
Monthy (to me): You obviously have no idea what youre talking about! Youre ignorant! We are #1!
Me: (to monty): So arbitron is wrong?
Monty: *crickets*

In fact, arbitron shows that KFAN has about half the audience of the zone. and also less than ESPN 700.

If you go through Monty's time line on twitter, its pretty obvious that he is an antics guy who is all about sensationalizing things to drive ratings. No thanks. I'll stick to guys with an established audience who talk sports and give real opinion, not slobbering lunatics who are trying anything to get an audience.

03-10-2014, 06:00 PM
Speaking of Monty on 1320, I had an interesting interaction with him on twitter. To summarize:

Me: Why are Ute fans arguing with Monty? This guy is so delusional, he believes KFAN has the top rated afternoon drive time show.
Monthy (to me): You obviously have no idea what youre talking about! Youre ignorant! We are #1!
Me: (to monty): So arbitron is wrong?
Monty: *crickets*

In fact, arbitron shows that KFAN has about half the audience of the zone. and also less than ESPN 700.

If you go through Monty's time line on twitter, its pretty obvious that he is an antics guy who is all about sensationalizing things to drive ratings. No thanks. I'll stick to guys with an established audience who talk sports and give real opinion, not slobbering lunatics who are trying anything to get an audience.

Unless you actually subscribe to Arbitron, the numbers you see online are for one ratings survey, and while it tells part of the story, it doesn't tell the entire story. Stations have to pay thousands of dollars annually for access to the entire batch of data, and Monty's not going to share whatever numbers he has with the general public.

You can say what you want about Monty's show or style -- I've never listened and only give him cursory attention on Twitter. However, I'd stay away from getting into industry arguments with him, or any other radio professional.

03-11-2014, 07:28 AM
Unless you actually subscribe to Arbitron, the numbers you see online are for one ratings survey, and while it tells part of the story, it doesn't tell the entire story. Stations have to pay thousands of dollars annually for access to the entire batch of data, and Monty's not going to share whatever numbers he has with the general public.

You can say what you want about Monty's show or style -- I've never listened and only give him cursory attention on Twitter. However, I'd stay away from getting into industry arguments with him, or any other radio professional.

I get that. At the same time, I have asked radio professionals for the numbers and was told that I could approach them at a remote event and they would show me anything I wanted. I did just that and Montys claim is simply not true, or close to it.

03-11-2014, 10:05 AM
I get that. At the same time, I have asked radio professionals for the numbers and was told that I could approach them at a remote event and they would show me anything I wanted. I did just that and Montys claim is simply not true, or close to it.

In reality, it is shocking how little of advertising is true these days. Business these days has morphed into: "Say and do anything to screw as many people out of as many cents as you can, then either sell or bankrupt out when they call you out on it, laughing all the way to the bank."

It's really pathetic. I used to be BIG time right wing guy, but seeing how in business it has become 100% okay to throw all ethics out the window, I know we need regulation, big time. It's too bad.

Anyways, sorry to hijack the thread. My point is don't believe what the tv/radio tell you. Most of the time it is a stretch.

03-11-2014, 11:10 AM
My point is don't believe what the tv/radio tell you. Most of the time it is a stretch.

Damn. I wish you would have told me this before I converted all my liquid assets to gold this past week.

03-11-2014, 11:30 AM
Damn. I wish you would have told me this before I converted all my liquid assets to gold this past week.

lol. Sorry. So, you are telling me that Glenn Beck, savior of America, sold you something that wasn't quite upfront and honest? ha ha.

03-11-2014, 12:05 PM
Not local, but still media related... the SVP and Russillo show on ESPN 3 (or whatever it is) had a Ute football helmet front and center today.

03-11-2014, 01:34 PM
Not local, but still media related... the SVP and Russillo show on ESPN 3 (or whatever it is) had a Ute football helmet front and center today.

They have tweeted out all their "new" helmets the past week or so. The Ute helmet with the black facemask has been in every single one.

03-11-2014, 04:37 PM
I get that. At the same time, I have asked radio professionals for the numbers and was told that I could approach them at a remote event and they would show me anything I wanted. I did just that and Montys claim is simply not true, or close to it.

Well, I certainly cannot speak for every radio professional, but if I'm the GM or sales manager at a group of radio stations and I have my employees showing Arbitron numbers to anyone but advertisers, I gotta find out what justification they had for doing so. Off the cuff, I can't think of one.

04-08-2014, 05:38 PM
Color me impressed. Last couple weeks been turning on 1320 in the morning, and in the afternoon, and it is all about Utah Spring Ball. I think the Ute Sports report is helping them out. Granted they bring on the occasional zoob story, but it has dramatically improved. Plus one can pick an choose from their audio archive. http://stationcaster.com/player_skinned.php?s=1931&c=12601&f=2650003

09-02-2014, 10:22 AM
Well, it has been a couple of months now into the new local shows.

-In my car, my radio antenna is busted and I can only get stations on the fm dial. When I am driving around at lunch, I now only have "Hans and Scotty G" instead of "Jake and Tony". Hans and Scotty G is basically "can't listen" radio to me. If Scotty G isn't rattling off cliche after cliche, he is trying to be funny and failing, or is he trying to take away from the one good thing about his show by trying to clown around with Hans during football talk.

-Bill and OC is ok. Its better than Bill & Hans, but its not Bill and Spence.

LA Ute
09-10-2014, 07:12 AM
The last 2 days Riley and OC have been talking BYU football more than Utah football. Boring. Yesterday more than half of a Reese Davis interview was about BYU, as Reese promoted Thursday's game. If I want that stuff I can go to the DNews.

09-10-2014, 07:30 AM
The last 2 days Riley and OC have been talking BYU football more than Utah football. Boring. Yesterday more than half of a Reese Davis interview was about BYU, as Reese promoted Thursday's game. If I want that stuff I can go to the DNews.

The thing that has disappointed me the last couple of days is that they have gone with the lazy "do you miss the rivalry game? tweet your thoughts here!" approach. At this point, that is a dead horse. Some miss it. Some don't. Rivalry week means a big bump for the local STR folks, and so of course they want it (they also blatantly misrepresent how much outrage there is over it not being played).

If I want to listen to a show where the host just mails it in on topics like that, Ill turn the dial to Monson, who hasn't put any serious thought into his show in a decade.

Diehard Ute
09-10-2014, 08:26 AM
You all realize that the best way to get change is to quit listening to the garbage right?

They're doing exactly what they want. They get you to listen and talk about it here and elsewhere. Mission accomplished for them.

The only time I listen to sports radio. The post game show.

09-10-2014, 08:30 AM
I listened to sports talk radio non-stop in my car for years. A month ago, I got a new car and can now stream music through my phone. Haven't listed to talk radio since (except post-game, like Diehard) and don't miss it an iota.

09-10-2014, 08:58 AM
The last 2 days Riley and OC have been talking BYU football more than Utah football. Boring. Yesterday more than half of a Reese Davis interview was about BYU, as Reese promoted Thursday's game. If I want that stuff I can go to the DNews.

700 is the HOTRU. But as an ESPN Radio affiliate, they are casting a wider net with their audience. People need to get over this. 700 is on the hook for part of Kyle's salary, and it needs to crush the STR competition in ratings, ad sales and revenue. 700 ain't gonna do that by reducing its audience to appease the most diehard of Ute fans.

As long as BYU does not carry affiliation with a single STR station, it's going to always be like this. Treat it like the rain in China ... and just let it rain.

Diehard Ute
09-10-2014, 09:00 AM
I listened to sports talk radio non-stop in my car for years. A month ago, I got a new car and can now stream music through my phone. Haven't listed to talk radio since (except post-game, like Diehard) and don't miss it an iota.

I have the ability to stream music from my phone or just plug my iPod in to a USB port. I can also have Sirius if I wish (and my fiancé has pandora built into her car). There's just no reason to listen to the talking heads, I have over 4,000 songs on my iPod....they're all better than talk radio, and they all do exactly what I want. ;)

09-10-2014, 09:28 AM
The last 2 days Riley and OC have been talking BYU football more than Utah football. Boring. Yesterday more than half of a Reese Davis interview was about BYU, as Reese promoted Thursday's game. If I want that stuff I can go to the DNews.

With Utah having a BYE this week, it is all BYU. I am sure the Utah talk will ramp up next week against Michigan. The only way the BYU talk will match it is if the BYU/UH score is lopsided one way or another ("Taysum for Heisman!" or "Meltdown city!").

09-10-2014, 09:33 AM
You all realize that the best way to get change is to quit listening to the garbage right?

They're doing exactly what they want. They get you to listen and talk about it here and elsewhere. Mission accomplished for them.

The only time I listen to sports radio. The post game show.

There is enough Utah talk to keep my interest. I rotate the stations, and if there is no Utah talk, listen to the iPod for a while. After 5 minutes, I try again.

LA Ute
09-10-2014, 09:35 AM
Just to be clear, I listen to ESPN700 podcasts the day after the show is broadcast live. The rest of SLC sports talk is a menagerie of minor league talent and I won't listen to it. When I want to fast forward on a podcast I press a button and can skip 15 seconds of audio. I was pressing the button a lot yesterday. It was all Taysom Hill, Ray Rice, and "do you want the rivalry game back?" For almost 2 hours! I was just irritated because I expect more from those guys. Bulletin to Bill and OC: The rivalry game will be back in 2016, and no sooner; no amount of talking about it now will change that.

09-10-2014, 10:01 AM
Just to be clear, I listen to ESPN700 podcasts the day after the show is broadcast live. The rest of SLC sports talk is a menagerie of minor league talent and I won't listen to it. When I want to fast forward on a podcast I press a button and can skip 15 seconds of audio. I was pressing the button a lot yesterday. It was all Taysom Hill, Ray Rice, and "do you want the rivalry game back?" For almost 2 hours! I was just irritated because I expect more from those guys. Bulletin to Bill and OC: The rivalry game will be back in 2016, and no sooner; no amount of talking about it now will change that.

This is what I do as well between Riley and Gunther I get all I need and can easily skip BYU talk.

USS Utah
09-10-2014, 10:10 AM
You all realize that the best way to get change is to quit listening to the garbage right?

Maybe with 700. I get the feeling 1280 and 1320 don't really care whether Ute fans listen or not.

Diehard Ute
09-10-2014, 10:18 AM
Maybe with 700. I get the feeling 1280 and 1320 don't really care whether Ute fans listen or not.

They care about numbers. If people stop listening they'll care.

09-10-2014, 10:28 AM
They care about numbers. If people stop listening they'll care.

Agreed. But I think that they know how far they can push the Ute envelope (further than the BYU envelope) to get a reaction but not drive people away. I think they push the Ute envelope further because it is a smaller demo.

USS Utah
09-10-2014, 10:30 AM
They care about numbers. If people stop listening they'll care.

For the time being, at least, it appears that they believe there are enough BYU fans to provide them the numbers they need.

Diehard Ute
09-10-2014, 10:30 AM
Agreed. But I think that they know how far they can push the Ute envelope (further than the BYU envelope) to get a reaction but not drive people away. I think they push the Ute envelope further because it is a smaller demo.

Or they just know people will keep listening and gripe so they don't care

09-10-2014, 10:31 AM
Or they just know people will keep listening and gripe so they don't care

thats what i am saying......

Diehard Ute
09-10-2014, 10:32 AM
thats what i am saying......

And that's my point. As long as people keep listening even when they don't like it, nothing will change.

It's like people saying attending pro sports is too expensive while they wait in line for tickets ;)

USS Utah
09-10-2014, 10:38 AM
Something I posted a few weeks ago at UF.N:

I have been saying for the last few years that, due to Utah's move to the Pac-12, we are in the midst of a sea change. This change is inevitable, but many members of the local media will have to be dragged kicking and screaming along the way.

In 2013 we could see that Utah had overtaken BYU in the local sports hierarchy, second only to the Jazz. However, 2014 has been about a BYU push-back, thus confirming the fact that many in the local media will have to be dragged kicking and screaming. Utah missing out on a bowl for the second year in a row has made this push-back possible, combine that with the local media blaming Utah for the two-year hiatus in the rivalry.

At the same time, members of the local media have acknowledged the separation between Utah and BYU regarding the size, athleticism and speed of the former as it acclimates to the Pac-12. In past years, Utah's lack of size, athleticism and speed as compared to the rest of the Pac-12 has been plainly evident on game days, but this year, in camp at least, some key Utah newcomers have led more than a few local media members to sit up and take notice.

Though there are still a few areas of concern, Utah appears to have finally gained some Pac-12 depth. If that depth and the improvement in size, athleticism and speed lead to improved results on the field -- and as long as Utah doesn't hit the panic button and fire Whit only to end up with a football version of Giacoletti or Boylen -- The separation between Utah and BYU can only widen. Add the fallout from whatever new rules the P5 conferences make, and the sea change becomes unstoppable.

09-10-2014, 10:51 AM
I am curious what sports talk radio shows are "good" shows? Are there any examples that can be cited? I tune in for occasional entertainment. I am not expecting anything more than to laugh or yell at the radio. But, then again, I also like ketchup so maybe I am a low-brow sort of guy??

09-10-2014, 03:27 PM
The last 2 days Riley and OC have been talking BYU football more than Utah football. Boring. Yesterday more than half of a Reese Davis interview was about BYU, as Reese promoted Thursday's game. If I want that stuff I can go to the DNews.

I'm guessing that one of the conditions of getting Reese on the game was allowing him to promote Thursday's game - since he'll be there. He also mentioned having called a game or 2 at RES and enjoying it.

Just to lend a different perspective to the radio show discussion:

I tend to agree that more than anything, what they want is people calling and talking about them. And sometimes their discussion is geared to do just that. With some of the personalities, it is obvious that they have a bias or preference for one team or another. And that's OK. Some are even able to appear somewhat objective in spite of their bias. For example, I think Gunther does this very well. I think Hans is OK at it, and Spence does OK most of the time too.

In reality, PK is probably pretty neutral, but enjoys tweeking audiences - so he goes back and forth. I don't know how DJ feels about Utah, but at times there is a sense of dislike for BYU due to his SDSU loyalties and longtime WAC/MWC beat downs with a semi-rivalry (from SDSU's point at least) there. DJ and PK are both horrible alone when the other is on vacation. But they can be very good together when they stay on topic. Unfortunately PK attempts to be funny at times and obsesses on one thing or another making them unlistenable at times.

I think Monty is still trying to figure things out. He has taken turns upsetting both Utah and BYU audiences, but he usually seems somewhat objective and has good and bad to say about both BYU and Utah. Scotty is just a moron and not worth listening to.

Bill and OC have a definite Utah bias - but they should. They are the utes flagship. I appreciate that in my view they "often" are able to demonstrate some objectivity about BYU.

I sense some dismay from some folks here about the early talk being more about BYU with Utah getting less pub. Let's be real here - the early season is when BYU has their best games...while Utah has their worst. What is more interesting - Utah versus Idaho St. or BYU versus UConn? Utah versus a poor Fresno or BYU versus Texas. Sure, Texas isn't at it's height right now, but it is still more interesting than a bad Fresno team.

I suspect that as we get further into the season - beginning next week when the U travels to Michigan - we'll begin hearing more and more about Utah and less and ultimately less about BYU. Or at least a little more balanced. We'll still here about BYU when they go up against BSU and UCF - or as long as they stay undefeated there will be some talk about that. But the talk about Utah will ramp up when their competition does.

I think we all agree that Utah doesn't have a great radio media market. There is the potential for some great shows, if they would get the right people together. Get Spence with someone other than Monson. Get Gunther a new co-host too. I'd love to see what DJ could do with someone who didn't think he was auditioning to be a comedian 75% of the time.

As it is - like many of you I have few loyalties and jump stations back and forth depending on who is on and what they are saying.

Just out of curiousity - what are your thoughts on Blaine Fowler when he guests on Bill and OC's show? I know he is a BYU homer - but he doesn't hide that and I tend to view him as attempting to be somewhat objective for the most part. I know with BYU fans there is a mix of people who like him and many who hate him from the The Mtn days. So I'm curious how he is viewed by U fans.

Finally - the main reason I jumped here - was anyone listening to DJ and PK this morning when they ran that clip from DJ's interview with KWhitt? At the end of the interview, DJ asked KW what he thought of BYU being undefeated at this point in the season. Then quickly cut himself off and said "Oh, sorry, we're out of time. I guess you can't answer that question." In the background you just hear KW clearing his throat (or preparing to tear out DJ's...one or the other.)

He thought it was pretty funny. And I guess if you are friends with him maybe it could've been depending on the context. Seemed pretty dumb to me. Maybe something you do with the mic off (again, if you're friends) just to get a reaction and laugh with him. But to record it and play it on the radio...dumb.

LA Ute
09-10-2014, 03:46 PM
Just out of curiousity - what are your thoughts on Blaine Fowler when he guests on Bill and OC's show? I know he is a BYU homer - but he doesn't hide that and I tend to view him as attempting to be somewhat objective for the most part. I know with BYU fans there is a mix of people who like him and many who hate him from the The Mtn days. So I'm curious how he is viewed by U fans.

I actually like him. He tends to gush a bit -- about everyone he's discussing, whether BYU, Utah, or someone else (yesterday he gushed about Bradley Van Pelt, and the Taysom gushing was getting to be just too much). But he has interesting insights, IMO.

I only listen to podcasts of Utah sports talk radio to hear about the Utes, so I focus on KALL/ESPN700. I can get Whitt's coach's show and the best interviews there, from people whose job it is to cover the Utes closely, do the games, etc. I get impatient when two full hours on KALL are almost 100% devoted to BYU or Ray Rice. But that's OK, I just skip that stuff. So I can't comment on the other guys you mention. I liked Hans but not enough to seek him out mid-day. I listen to sports talk in L.A. when I am driving, and it is vastly superior (except for the USC homers, who make Greg Wrubell look almost normal). Maybe that's because it's a bigger market here and the stations can pay the talent more.

Diehard Ute
09-10-2014, 03:56 PM
Maybe that's because it's a bigger market here and the stations can pay the talent more.

They also have more pro sports teams, there's a lot more to discuss. Reality is in Salt Lake there just isn't enough to go around all the stations given the sports teams present.

09-11-2014, 01:49 PM
I prefer the X's and O's mixed in with some goofiness, so I really like Gunther. Like myself, he is probably an "acquired taste". Hans is a bit too dry for me.

I know this thread is more about the local personalities, but there have been a few regular interviews that I've heard that I really like. Up at the top of the list is Yogi Roth. He is a big time X's and O's guy and has had some great insight the few times I've heard him this year so far.

LA Ute
09-11-2014, 02:27 PM
I prefer the X's and O's mixed in with some goofiness, so I really like Gunther. Like myself, he is probably an "acquired taste". Hans is a bit too dry for me.I know this thread is more about the local personalities, but there have been a few regular interviews that I've heard that I really like. Up at the top of the list is Yogi Roth. He is a big time X's and O's guy and has had some great insight the few times I've heard him this year so far.

I agree. I always look for Yogi on the podcasts.

09-11-2014, 10:58 PM
I agree. I always look for Yogi on the podcasts.

How do you know when he's on? I see the Gunther podcasts download, but I've never listened to one. I only catch the ute hours.

09-11-2014, 10:59 PM
How do you know when he's on? I see the Gunther podcasts download, but I've never listened to one. I only catch the ute hours.

I check 1280 and espn 700 websites. They list the clips by guest.

02-24-2015, 11:57 AM

ESPN 700 is trying something new.

Apparently, Keith Stubbs has decided to quit radio and pursue other interests. For now, ESPN 700 is going with a show called "The Bullpen" where a host will take one day a week and run with it from 11-1 each day.

Yesterday, it was Amy Donaldson and Jody Genessey. Today it has been Jeremiah Jensen. So far, so good.

Also, ESPN 700 is now available on the fm dial, although I never hear them promote this. They are on 107.1, which I can pick up in town much better than 700 AM.

02-24-2015, 01:08 PM
How bad does a radio gig pay in Utah? We've had so many guys do it for six months then just walk away. Yikes.

02-24-2015, 01:31 PM
How bad does a radio gig pay in Utah? We've had so many guys do it for six months then just walk away. Yikes.

SLC has three STR stations and it's a niche format. The ad dollars are diluted and most people who are on air also have to sell air time to keep their jobs. In some instances, the talent will buy the air time and sell the ad inventory available by himself.

So to answer your question, not much, if anything.

02-24-2015, 01:34 PM
Holly Rowe just admitted on ESPN's Outside the Lines that she rushed the field at LES after BYU beat Miami in 1990. That night, Utah was playing at Minnesota. She also graduated from the U. the following spring. Either Holly is going Brian Williams on us, or she wasn't being true to her school.

02-24-2015, 02:26 PM
SLC has three STR stations and it's a niche format. The ad dollars are diluted and most people who are on air also have to sell air time to keep their jobs. In some instances, the talent will buy the air time and sell the ad inventory available by himself.

So to answer your question, not much, if anything.

This thread is now almost two years old......KFAN is still on the air, which quite frankly amazes me.

Do you think 3 STR stations is sustainable over the long run? Ie, in ten years, do we still have 3?

02-24-2015, 03:11 PM

ESPN 700 is trying something new.

Apparently, Keith Stubbs has decided to quit radio and pursue other interests. For now, ESPN 700 is going with a show called "The Bullpen" where a host will take one day a week and run with it from 11-1 each day.

Yesterday, it was Amy Donaldson and Jody Genessey. Today it has been Jeremiah Jensen. So far, so good.

Also, ESPN 700 is now available on the fm dial, although I never hear them promote this. They are on 107.1, which I can pick up in town much better than 700 AM.

I liked Keith and enjoyed his show although I was far from a regular listener (I very rarely listen to sports radio unless there is an interview with a Ute coach or player).

Any guesses on who the other "bullpen" hosts are? I would love to hear Tony Jones take one of the days (although he would probably need a co-host to cover for his travel with the Jazz, similar to Jody). I don't think Dave Fox is doing radio anywhere right now, so maybe he takes a day? I'm guessing all hosts will have other local media gigs, but I'm struggling to come up with more ideas. I think our own Utebiquitous should host.

I think Utah has some very, very lazy radio personalities but actually has a lot of talent in print right now. Jody is a goof but seems to do good work. I think Tony Jones is very good and I also generally like both Piper and Goon.

02-24-2015, 03:29 PM
This thread is now almost two years old......KFAN is still on the air, which quite frankly amazes me.

Do you think 3 STR stations is sustainable over the long run? Ie, in ten years, do we still have 3?

It's been that way for the last 10 years, so I wouldn't be surprised if the status quo holds for the next 10 years.

You have three STR stations in SLC largely because you have a youthful workforce that will always take that job en route to something else. It's a pretty deep applicant pool for that kind of job in SLC. Also, it appears there's an ESPN Radio affiliate now broadcasting out of Utah County. Or is that an existing STR station that originates out of SLC and has a translator? I don't follow the business side of STR in SLC that much ...

I've always thought that if BYU ever got its live events onto STR, the market would cannibalize the third station. But then there's the Jazz, which is a pretty sizable draw as well.

02-24-2015, 03:31 PM

ESPN 700 is trying something new.

Apparently, Keith Stubbs has decided to quit radio and pursue other interests. For now, ESPN 700 is going with a show called "The Bullpen" where a host will take one day a week and run with it from 11-1 each day.

Yesterday, it was Amy Donaldson and Jody Genessey. Today it has been Jeremiah Jensen. So far, so good.

Also, ESPN 700 is now available on the fm dial, although I never hear them promote this. They are on 107.1, which I can pick up in town much better than 700 AM.

This is pretty significant. I expect radio ratings for Utah sports to climb noticeably, although not as much as they would if they were in the middle of the dial. Then again, maybe that doesn't matter anymore ...

02-24-2015, 04:40 PM
It's been that way for the last 10 years, so I wouldn't be surprised if the status quo holds for the next 10 years.

You have three STR stations in SLC largely because you have a youthful workforce that will always take that job en route to something else. It's a pretty deep applicant pool for that kind of job in SLC. Also, it appears there's an ESPN Radio affiliate now broadcasting out of Utah County. Or is that an existing STR station that originates out of SLC and has a translator? I don't follow the business side of STR in SLC that much ...

I've always thought that if BYU ever got its live events onto STR, the market would cannibalize the third station. But then there's the Jazz, which is a pretty sizable draw as well.

I'm not certain but I believe this station used to be the Utah County/Zoobified sister station of 1280, which has now either been dumped or broken ties with 1280 and moved over to ESPN. I've never listened to it but I think that's how it works. I've been curious about there being two local(-ish) ESPN carriers but not curious enough to tune in.

10-01-2015, 08:54 AM
I have really enjoyed listening to the insights of Mike Hague (sp?) on 1320 this week. I don't know if Monty left or is on vacation, but having an articulate football insider talk about college football is refreshing for a Utah morning show.

10-01-2015, 08:56 AM
Monty moved to Phoenix because his wife got a good job there, he said.

10-01-2015, 09:15 AM
Monty moved to Phoenix because his wife got a good job there, he said.

Thanks for the info. Since they hadn't mentioned him I was thinking that might be the case. Not sure if Mike Hague would want the job, but I really hope someone with some football knowledge gets the position. Is Hot Lunch interested?

10-01-2015, 09:15 AM
As long as DJ and PK are on the air on one channel, and Dan Patrick/Mike and Mike is on another, KFAN is going to face an uphill battle in ratings. Bringing on a former, likeable player is a good start.

10-01-2015, 02:51 PM
monty moved to phoenix because his wife got a job there, he said.


02-15-2016, 10:04 PM
Bump, again.

Announced today that ESPN 700 is dropping "TK in the midday". They will now have Bill on from 11-2 and then OC and Keith Stubbs from 2-6. I assume theyll drop Lebatard in this scenario.

I like Tom Kirkland but radio wasnt a good fit for him.

Swinney and Josh Grant will continue to do Red Friday. Sounds like Bill needed to cut back his hours. Dont blame him.

02-15-2016, 10:05 PM
I think the best writer has been Doug Robinson of the Desnews. But I don't think he writes sports any longer, does he.

I know im pulling a moose here to dig up a three year old post to say "LOL!" but.......LOL!!!!

02-16-2016, 07:55 AM
Speaking of Bill Reilly, how do people feel about him as play by play? I've had to listen to him a few times and it's unlistenable in my mind. It goes well with the video, but if all you have is his voice to tell you what's going in, you basically get "utah brings the ball up the court, dribble, pass, pass, now taylor has it.... Loveridge buries the 3".

The Grizzlies have a great play by play guy, Adrian Denny. 700 should go after him for the Utes, and let Bill have RSL, which fits his broadcasting style better.

02-16-2016, 08:33 AM
Speaking of Bill Reilly, how do people feel about him as play by play? I've had to listen to him a few times and it's unlistenable in my mind. It goes well with the video, but if all you have is his voice to tell you what's going in, you basically get "utah brings the ball up the court, dribble, pass, pass, now taylor has it.... Loveridge buries the 3".

The Grizzlies have a great play by play guy, Adrian Denny. 700 should go after him for the Utes, and let Bill have RSL, which fits his broadcasting style better.

i quite like Riley play by play. A lot. Much better than David Locke, who really is unlistenable with they fake histrionic hype and excitement.

Riley isn't going anywhere, since he manages the station and is the boss.

02-16-2016, 09:16 AM
Speaking of Bill Reilly, how do people feel about him as play by play? I've had to listen to him a few times and it's unlistenable in my mind. It goes well with the video, but if all you have is his voice to tell you what's going in, you basically get "utah brings the ball up the court, dribble, pass, pass, now taylor has it.... Loveridge buries the 3".

The Grizzlies have a great play by play guy, Adrian Denny. 700 should go after him for the Utes, and let Bill have RSL, which fits his broadcasting style better.

i quite like Riley play by play. A lot. Much better than David Locke, who really is unlistenable with they fake histrionic hype and excitement.

Riley isn't going anywhere, since he manages the station and is the boss.

I miss Hot Rod and Bill Marcroft tremendously. Yes Hot Rod was occasionally "out of it" and yes Marcroft stumbled quite a bit "Check it!", but they made the games so fun.

02-16-2016, 09:57 AM
Speaking of Bill Reilly, how do people feel about him as play by play? I've had to listen to him a few times and it's unlistenable in my mind. It goes well with the video, but if all you have is his voice to tell you what's going in, you basically get "utah brings the ball up the court, dribble, pass, pass, now taylor has it.... Loveridge buries the 3".

The Grizzlies have a great play by play guy, Adrian Denny. 700 should go after him for the Utes, and let Bill have RSL, which fits his broadcasting style better.

I'm with you on Riley's play by play. I have no idea what's going on 70% of the time, until Soto explains it after the fact.

I haven't had to rely on listening to a game until got a long time until one game earlier this year. It was hard to listen to (for different reasons than Wrubbel or Locke). Those we of us who grew up listening to radio play by play for the majority of away games in the 70's and 80's expect a better description of the action.

LA Ute
02-16-2016, 11:52 AM
Bump, again.

Announced today that ESPN 700 is dropping "TK in the midday". They will now have Bill on from 11-2 and then OC and Keith Stubbs from 2-6. I assume theyll drop Lebatard in this scenario.

I like Tom Kirkland but radio wasnt a good fit for him.

Swinney and Josh Grant will continue to do Red Friday. Sounds like Bill needed to cut back his hours. Dont blame him.

I'm kind of sorry to see this. I listen to the podcasts while working out the following morning. O.C. can't carry a show by himself (he's really pretty terrible at it when he's alone, IMO), so I hope Stubbs can help him. One thing about Riley is that he knows sports radio and has been doing it a long time. O.C. isn't there yet. It's hard to take him seriously. He ought to decide if he's going to be a MMA fighter or a broadcaster.

02-16-2016, 11:55 AM
There's a certain PBP man in the state who will periodically go through huge bursts of soccer interest on Twitter. Maybe someone's secretly auditioning for a job?

02-16-2016, 11:58 AM
There's a certain PBP man in the state who will periodically go through huge bursts of soccer interest on Twitter. Maybe someone's secretly auditioning for a job?

Please no. Rubella on 700? Nope. That dude burned too many bridges. He made his bed.

LA Ute
02-16-2016, 12:03 PM
I'm kind of sorry to see this. I listen to the podcasts while working out the following morning. O.C. can't carry a show by himself (he's really pretty terrible at it when he's alone, IMO), so I hope Stubbs can help him. One thing about Riley is that he knows sports radio and has been doing it a long time. O.C. isn't there yet. It's hard to take him seriously. He ought to decide if he's going to be a MMA fighter or a broadcaster.

OTOH, maybe now we'll hear fewer interviews with RSL people. This is a selfish interest; I know lots of people follow soccer, but I have no interest in it at all.

02-16-2016, 12:56 PM
I listen to a lot of Utah football games on the radio (unless it is a night game, i got stuff to do during the day). I don't mind Bill at all. He doesn't come off as a blatant homer like some other teams radio guys in our state. I really like Frank Dolce. He cracks me up.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
03-07-2016, 03:29 PM

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LA Ute
03-07-2016, 03:42 PM
She doesn't appear to have BYU connections:


03-07-2016, 03:57 PM
LOL. Is there anything funnier than trolling BYU fans?

Dwight Schr-Ute
03-07-2016, 03:58 PM
She doesn't appear to have BYU connections:


She doesn't. She's only been in Utah for ~ six months, if I'm remembering right. But obviously already picked up on the poorly kept local secret of how to start a conversation.

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03-07-2016, 03:59 PM
She doesn't. She's only been in Utah for ~ six months, if I'm remembering right. But obviously already picked up on the poorly kept local secret of how to start a conversation.

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100% this. She is just fishing for clicks.

Diehard Ute
03-07-2016, 04:02 PM
She doesn't appear to have BYU connections:


She's a Bama grad. She can't help being a bit behind. Tuscaloosa makes Provo look like Paris.

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04-07-2016, 09:54 AM
Swinney and OC on ESPN 700 in the afternoons are amazing. Everything they talk about end ups morphing into Utah talk. It has been fantastic. Listen to these guys. Prove them right, that Utah fans are a force in the market, but they just need an outlet to find Utah news.

04-07-2016, 12:27 PM
Swinney and OC on ESPN 700 in the afternoons are amazing. Everything they talk about end ups morphing into Utah talk. It has been fantastic. Listen to these guys. Prove them right, that Utah fans are a force in the market, but they just need an outlet to find Utah news.

I agree. I've really enjoyed them.

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-07-2016, 01:27 PM
Swinney and OC on ESPN 700 in the afternoons are amazing. Everything they talk about end ups morphing into Utah talk. It has been fantastic. Listen to these guys. Prove them right, that Utah fans are a force in the market, but they just need an outlet to find Utah news.

I really wish the 700 app would host podcasts as well. Having an app that only streams live is pretty silly. Especially since the website is a bit of mess on mobile.

LA Ute
04-07-2016, 02:06 PM
I really wish the 700 app would host podcasts as well. Having an app that only streams live is pretty silly. Especially since the website is a bit of mess on mobile.

There are podcasts. I listen to them every day. Just search for the Bill Riley show and also the new O'Connnell - Swinney show. If you're not interested in what you are hearing, you can simply fast forward to something that does interest you.

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04-07-2016, 02:33 PM
I really wish the 700 app would host podcasts as well. Having an app that only streams live is pretty silly. Especially since the website is a bit of mess on mobile.

This. I have them load up on my phone automatically every night. I have an iPhone and listen through the podcast app.

04-07-2016, 02:37 PM
This. I have them load up on my phone automatically every night. I have an iPhone and listen through the podcast app.

which app?

LA Ute
04-07-2016, 02:56 PM
which app?

There's a native iPhone app, which I don't like much. I use Podcruncher, which costs $2.95 or so. Easy to use, has some nice features.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
04-07-2016, 02:58 PM
There are podcasts. I listen to them every day. Just search for the Bill Riley show and also the new O'Connnell - Swinney show. If you're not interested in what you are hearing, you can simply fast forward to something that does interest you.

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The ESPN 700 app has five functions: call the show, email the show, text the show, leave the app and go to the website, or listen live. I'm not denying that there are podcasts, because I do listen to them, it's just that you can't access any of that stuff through their app.

The issue I seem to have streaming on my iPhone through the website is that 50-70% of the time I follow a link to an interview, once the page loads (which is typically comparatively slow), it's buggy and won't recognize my attempts at hitting the play link fifty times. I have to reload the page once or twice to get it to work.

04-07-2016, 03:47 PM
There's a native iPhone app, which I don't like much. I use Podcruncher, which costs $2.95 or so. Easy to use, has some nice features.

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I just use the iPhone podcast app. I have it set to download every day, and only keep 5 episodes. That means that if I don't listen to the podcast, it just deletes it off when a new show comes on.

04-07-2016, 03:49 PM
The ESPN 700 app has five functions: call the show, email the show, text the show, leave the app and go to the website, or listen live. I'm not denying that there are podcasts, because I do listen to them, it's just that you can't access any of that stuff through their app.

The issue I seem to have streaming on my iPhone through the website is that 50-70% of the time I follow a link to an interview, once the page loads (which is typically comparatively slow), it's buggy and won't recognize my attempts at hitting the play link fifty times. I have to reload the page once or twice to get it to work.

Yeah, their app sucks as does their website.

04-08-2016, 07:39 AM
The current espn 700 lineup is my favorite that theyve had. Swinney has surprised me. My only complaint is the RSL talk.....but even then, its funny to hear oc and swinney try to get theough a soccer interview.

LA Ute
04-08-2016, 10:23 AM
The Riley show is content-rich. I like it a lot. O'Connell and Swinney have too much banter for me. Lots of chit-chat about things important only to them.

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Diehard Ute
04-08-2016, 10:54 AM
The current espn 700 lineup is my favorite that theyve had. Swinney has surprised me. My only complaint is the RSL talk.....but even then, its funny to hear oc and swinney try to get theough a soccer interview.

Given who owns the station you're stuck with the soccer ;)

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04-08-2016, 12:43 PM
Given who owns the station you're stuck with the soccer ;)

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Yep. Been that way for years. Its here to stay.

04-20-2016, 10:34 AM
Did this already get posted? Huntsman's to buy the Trib.


LA Ute
04-20-2016, 11:15 AM
Did this already get posted? Huntsman's to buy the Trib.


Just saw that. Wow. I hope this means a continuation of decent U-related sports news.

"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

04-20-2016, 12:36 PM
That is HUUUUGE news. I am happy to see it happen. The state is better served by having multiple sources for news.

04-20-2016, 12:42 PM
That is HUUUUGE news. I am happy to see it happen. The state is better served by having multiple sources for news.

Also it is great that it is a local family who is invested in the community instead of a bottom-line toting hedge fund.

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LA Ute
05-19-2016, 05:38 PM
I've noticed that Scott Mitchell is on ESPN 700 frequently now. He's pretty good at radio. I wonder if he is trying to get into it long term? I've heard lots of rumors about him wanting to coach, but he's probably set for life, income-wise, so I don't know why he would subject himself to that grind.

"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

Dwight Schr-Ute
05-20-2016, 01:19 AM
I've noticed that Scott Mitchell is on ESPN 700 frequently now. He's pretty good at radio. I wonder if he is trying to get into it long term? I've heard lots of rumors about him wanting to coach, but he's probably set for life, income-wise, so I don't know why he would subject himself to that grind.

"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

Everyone knows that you have to back up some pretty great NFL quarterbacks to be able to hack a D1 coaching gig.

LA Ute
05-20-2016, 08:54 AM
Everyone knows that you have to back up some pretty great NFL quarterbacks to be able to hack a D1 coaching gig.

Because Heisman.

05-21-2016, 08:38 AM
1320 KFAN has let Tim Lewis go. He was the morning host. He had started in february.

I can honestly say that I never tuned in. He made some noise on his first day on twitter by saying that BYU had better football facilities and that Utah needed to upgrade to compete. Those who listened all seemed to think he was really doing a show in 2000 and had somehow stumbled into a time machine.

I followed him on twitter for a couple of days, and he was very off putting. Anyone who disagreed with him was told to "calm down"or "relax". Not even good at trolling........

Apparently, KFAN is going to just run the CBS national show in that slot now. As long as DJ and PK are on one station, and Mike and Mike/Dan Patrick are on another, there really isn't much hope for a third morning show.

I wonder if KFAN is starting to accept that they really dont have a shot to climb out of third.

05-21-2016, 07:47 PM
I really like the two inmates that were running the assylum between monty and tim. They didn't have any insider sports knowledge but they made me laugh. Especially the kid that talked about Kaysville and davis high all the time. I thought they were a hoot.

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05-21-2016, 08:18 PM
I really like the two inmates that were running the assylum between monty and tim. They didn't have any insider sports knowledge but they made me laugh. Especially the kid that talked about Kaysville and davis high all the time. I thought they were a hoot.

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I was confused as to why they didn't stick with that duo. I liked them as well.

Rocker Ute
05-21-2016, 09:13 PM
PK is unlistenable radio. I get the schtick, he had rare moments of being truly funny, but I hate to even call him a poor man's Colin Cowherd because I actually like Cowherd.

Sometimes guys like that are an acquired taste so I've really tried hard and can't get there. And it isn't because I am offended as a Ute fan or anything else. My finger just twitches and I have to change the channel when he starts doing the obnoxious talk thing.

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05-23-2016, 02:45 PM
PK is unlistenable radio. I get the schtick, he had rare moments of being truly funny, but I hate to even call him a poor man's Colin Cowherd because I actually like Cowherd.

Sometimes guys like that are an acquired taste so I've really tried hard and can't get there. And it isn't because I am offended as a Ute fan or anything else. My finger just twitches and I have to change the channel when he starts doing the obnoxious talk thing.

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DJ and PK were hands down the worst substitute hosts ever on the Jim Rome show. I pitied fans of STR in SLC after listening to them.

05-25-2016, 07:44 AM
DJ and PK were hands down the worst substitute hosts ever on the Jim Rome show. I pitied fans of STR in SLC after listening to them.

I never listened when they were guest hosts, but i inagine it was awful. Their whole thing is playing point-counterpoint on the jazz and trying to start a daily byu utah troll fest. Cant imagine it works with national topics.

I think rome just gave them the chance since dj gave him his first job in the business.

05-25-2016, 08:17 AM
Weren't DJ and Jim Rome roommates in college or something like that?

05-25-2016, 08:43 AM
Weren't DJ and Jim Rome roommates in college or something like that?

that very well could be true; they were both communicaitons majors at UC Santa Barbara at the same time, likely the same class (1987 or 88)

05-25-2016, 08:49 AM
Weren't DJ and Jim Rome roommates in college or something like that?

I don't know if they were roommates but they were definitely buddies.

05-25-2016, 08:59 AM
Weren't DJ and Jim Rome roommates in college or something like that?

Not sure about roomies, but DJ was in charge at some level of the local radio station and he gave Jim a job.

05-26-2016, 08:45 AM
Not sure about roomies, but DJ was in charge at some level of the local radio station and he gave Jim a job.

That's an interesting back story. Had no idea.

I don't have much of an issue with DJ. He was one of the TV guys I respected in the SLC market when I was in school there. Dave Fox seemed like a blowhard, and Kent Rupe just never did it for me.

05-26-2016, 11:54 AM
Don't Google Dana Green then. That dude drives me nuts.

LA Ute
06-17-2016, 10:33 AM
I've tried to listen to a few podcasts of O'Connell and Swinney. I can't find a way to enjoy the show. Neither one of them can carry a show alone and it doesn't look like they can do it together either. So much of their air time is wasted on banal banter. Do sports fans really want to listen to all that? I wonder if they will last.

06-17-2016, 01:27 PM
I've tried to listen to a few podcasts of O'Connell and Swinney. I can't find a way to enjoy the show. Neither one of them can carry a show alone and it doesn't look like they can do it together either. So much of their air time is wasted on banal banter. Do sports fans really want to listen to all that? I wonder if they will last.

Theyre ok. Swinney has been better than I thought. OC is good at talking football or MMA, otherwise he is lost. Not a great x's and o's show by any means.

The oddest thing on 700 lately to me is a seemingly daily appearance by scott mitchell. I mean, hes fine and all, I just dont get why he needs to be on everyday.

LA Ute
06-17-2016, 06:44 PM
Theyre ok. Swinney has been better than I thought. OC is good at talking football or MMA, otherwise he is lost. Not a great x's and o's show by any means.

The oddest thing on 700 lately to me is a seemingly daily appearance by scott mitchell. I mean, hes fine and all, I just dont get why he needs to be on everyday.

I am wondering if they're not grooming him for some kind of role with the station. He has already been designated as one of the color guys handling the pregame and postgame shows during football season.

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-18-2016, 11:46 PM
Just watch OC go three brutal rounds on national tv in the octagon. Not sure that's going to help his radio persona but dude won some respect from me tonight.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
07-01-2016, 02:13 PM
K Scott filling in for Swinney today. Might be interesting. Might be awful.

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LA Ute
07-01-2016, 02:33 PM
K Scott filling in for Swinney today. Might be interesting. Might be awful.

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Gotta admit I wince when Kenneth says things like "he shoulda came" or "I couldn't have went." But I wince when anyone says stuff like that.

Diehard Ute
07-01-2016, 02:35 PM
Gotta admit I wince when Kenneth says things like "he shoulda came" or "I couldn't have went." But I wince when anyone says stuff like that.

You probably wince a lot.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
07-01-2016, 03:50 PM
You probably wince a lot.

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All I know is that I shoulda came straight home and never walked across LA's lawn. That couldn't have went any worse.

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LA Ute
07-01-2016, 07:57 PM
You probably wince a lot.

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I'll bet police officers speak proper basic English.

LA Ute
07-01-2016, 08:21 PM
All I know is that I shoulda came straight home and never walked across LA's lawn. That couldn't have went any worse.

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You can walk across my lawn anytime, as long as you speak proper English and wear your baseball cap with the bill forward.

LA Ute
07-01-2016, 08:35 PM
You can walk across my lawn anytime, as long as you speak proper English and wear your baseball cap with the bill forward.

And have your pants pulled up.

LA Ute
07-02-2016, 09:47 AM
O'Connell really is pretty limited. Also, I don't know what makes those guys (O'Connell and Swinney) think that people want to tune in and listen to mundane chatter about non-sports topics while driving home in the afternoon. It's a very weak show and I've stopped listening to it.

07-02-2016, 10:16 AM
O'Connell really is pretty limited. Also, I don't know what makes those guys (O'Connell and Swinney) think that people want to tune in and listen to mundane chatter about non-sports topics while driving home in the afternoon. It's a very weak show and I've stopped listening to it.

Yo tambien.

Even when they are talking sports, its bad. OC was on the other day with former Jazz assistant Gordon Chiesa and it was awful radio. Gordie was nice and all, but you could tell he was annoyed that he had to keep correcting/educating OC on some basics.

Over the last year, 700 has tried to go with more local talk, but theyve had some awful shows in "TK in the midday" and now "OC and Swinney". Could be worse though, at least they are better than "Gunther and Ben".

USS Utah
07-02-2016, 12:03 PM
O'Connell really is pretty limited. Also, I don't know what makes those guys (O'Connell and Swinney) think that people want to tune in and listen to mundane chatter about non-sports topics while driving home in the afternoon. It's a very weak show and I've stopped listening to it.

That is not something unique to O'Connell and Swinney, every sports radio personality in this market have suffered from this affliction at one time or another -- each day. To be fair, there is a lot of air time to fill, and some days can be slow for sports topics, but the folks in this market stiff suffer from this affliction on busy sports topic days.

Diehard Ute
07-02-2016, 12:12 PM
It's an easy problem to solve. Don't listen :)

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USS Utah
07-02-2016, 01:04 PM
It's an easy problem to solve. Don't listen :)

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Easy, until fall camp opens and you want to hear some news about it.

Diehard Ute
07-02-2016, 01:16 PM
Easy, until fall camp opens and you want to hear some news about it.

Oddly I never listen to sports radio and still know all I'd ever want to about the Utes.

You should check out the Internet, it might just catch on ;)

Seriously ESPN 700 archives all of Riley's show, you can listen to it whenever.

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LA Ute
07-02-2016, 02:04 PM
Oddly I never listen to sports radio and still know all I'd ever want to about the Utes.

You should check out the Internet, it might just catch on ;)

Seriously ESPN 700 archives all of Riley's show, you can listen to it whenever.

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I listen to Riley's podcasts for the interviews -- that way I can scroll through all the Jazz and RSL stuff and pick up the interesting Ute-related interviews. I've sampled a few minutes of O'Connell and Swinney and have stopped. I don't listen to any of the other SLC sports talk.

07-02-2016, 02:27 PM
I listen to Riley's podcasts for the interviews -- that way I can scroll through all the Jazz and RSL stuff and pick up the interesting Ute-related interviews. I've sampled a few minutes of O'Connell and Swinney and have stopped. I don't listen to any of the other SLC sports talk.

1280 and 1320 post links to all their interviews, so it's a nice way to pick and choose and avoid all the filler and SL Beez talk.

07-02-2016, 02:28 PM
and have your pants pulled up.


USS Utah
07-02-2016, 02:32 PM
Oddly I never listen to sports radio and still know all I'd ever want to about the Utes.

You should check out the Internet, it might just catch on ;)

Seriously ESPN 700 archives all of Riley's show, you can listen to it whenever.

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Most of the time I have my car radio tuned to a classical music station, but every so often during football and basketball season I give in to the craving, and usually end up regretting it.

Diehard Ute
07-16-2016, 06:51 PM
RSL has yanked the media credential from Gordon Monson. The Tribune has in turn yanked their reporter and photographer from covering tonight's game.

RSL says they don't believe Monson is fair, and believe his radio gig with Spence Checketts is a conflict of interest. The Trib says Monson has assured them it's not a conflict and they believe RSL is trying to control coverage.

MLS says they're investigating.

Should be interesting. I don't think many of us like Monson, and I think he does often use the "columnist" title to skate the line, but yanking the credential isn't going to help RSL IMO

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Rocker Ute
07-16-2016, 07:04 PM
Remember when Monson reported something he admitted he imagined as fact under his 'columnist' guise. Dude needs to be out of journalism.

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07-16-2016, 07:38 PM
Remember when Monson reported something he admitted he imagined as fact under his 'columnist' guise. Dude needs to be out of journalism.

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Or his columns need to be promoted more as a "opinion out of his ass" that they really are rather than fact.

07-16-2016, 08:03 PM
Remember when Monson reported something he admitted he imagined as fact under his 'columnist' guise. Dude needs to be out of journalism.

"But it was 100% correct when I reported it!"

Now is when the U and the jazz should yank his credentials too. The trib would say farewell to that clown.

07-16-2016, 10:19 PM
I'm bummed that the inevitable post from SCP hasn't hit yet....

Anyway good for RSL. I'm not sure I understand the trib response.....not cover the game so your readers go to your competitors?

Munson is a pot stirring hack. A local version of skip bayless. Working for the trib shouldnt make one immune to this kind of thing. Heck, ive seen dozens of articles trashing on byu and passed over them knowing that they are monson click bait.

07-16-2016, 11:06 PM
Anyway good for RSL. I'm not sure I understand the trib response.....not cover the game so your readers go to your competitors?

Rsl will learn what so many others have - you can't win a fight against the media. They will whine and attack and clog my Twitter with garbage until monson is allowed to return to the games he doesn't attend.

07-17-2016, 09:17 AM
Rsl will learn what so many others have - you can't win a fight against the media. They will whine and attack and clog my Twitter with garbage until monson is allowed to return to the games he doesn't attend.

This is going to be interesting to watch play out. I suspect that you are right, but this is maybe as good a time as any if they are serious. Granted, there will be a lot of backlash and weeping and wailing as the media bonds together over this absolute injustice. And then a new story will come out and just around the corner is fall camp. If monson and his crew continue to pout, they will lose listeners in droves. I think the sports fan population has much less interest in the day to day life and struggles of a media member than the media folks think.

Another funny note in this story......Monson and Spence have a fairly regular segment where they mock how little Gordon knows about soccer. (Spence will ask Gordon for his thoughts on how a certain player performed and Monson will start into a routine where he talks about a player he has never heard of doing incredible things in a game he didn't watch, or even know was going on. I gotta admit, its funny.)

As much as Monson will condemn this and put up a strong front, if RSL can weather the initial storm and wait this out without buckling, I think you'll see Monson come in off the fringes and be less of a Don Imus- wannabe and more of a Brad Rock. If one franchise can stand up to quack journalism, others might join the bandwagon (The Jazz won't, but if Utah and BYU decided to do the same thing, Monson would have no choice but to drop the act.) Its so unlikely as to almost be laughed off, but you never know.

07-17-2016, 12:18 PM
this is going to be interesting to watch play out. I suspect that you are right, but this is maybe as good a time as any if they are serious. Granted, there will be a lot of backlash and weeping and wailing as the media bonds together over this absolute injustice. And then a new story will come out and just around the corner is fall camp. If monson and his crew continue to pout, they will lose listeners in droves. I think the sports fan population has much less interest in the day to day life and struggles of a media member than the media folks think.

Another funny note in this story......monson and spence have a fairly regular segment where they mock how little gordon knows about soccer. (spence will ask gordon for his thoughts on how a certain player performed and monson will start into a routine where he talks about a player he has never heard of doing incredible things in a game he didn't watch, or even know was going on. I gotta admit, its funny.)

as much as monson will condemn this and put up a strong front, if rsl can weather the initial storm and wait this out without buckling, i think you'll see monson come in off the fringes and be less of a don imus- wannabe and more of a brad rock. If one franchise can stand up to quack journalism, others might join the bandwagon (the jazz won't, but if utah and byu decided to do the same thing, monson would have no choice but to drop the act.) its so unlikely as to almost be laughed off, but you never know.


07-17-2016, 12:23 PM
Yanking a columnist's credentials is the hallmark of thin-skinned administrators who aren't doing their job when it comes to controlling the message they want. They resort to this because they can't stand that others are shaping that message better than they are, and it's a message they're embarrassed to admit carries no small measure of validity.

Those who applaud this are borderline losers in life who find their identity almost exclusively in what someone says about "their" team. This is the realm of Donald Trump and other entities -- commonly found in dictatorships -- that can't handle the weight of a free press doing it's job.

07-17-2016, 12:39 PM
As one who has been involved, albeit slightly, in a case where my department committed libel against a MAJOR sports figure -- on a scale of 1 to 10, we're talking 11 in terms of his notoriety and impact -- I laugh at people who think revoking credentials on the basis that they don't like what the columnist is writing is appropriate. They literally have no clue as to how the media operates at any level. It would be like me insisting I know more about law enforcement than DiehardUte.

I'll be happy to share the experience in question later on -- my Sunday is busy, my daughter's birthday is tomorrow. But I logged on for a quick minute or two, and yes, I have plenty to say about this matter.

LA Ute
07-17-2016, 12:40 PM
I don't follow soccer at all, let alone RSL. Still, I am getting a whiff of incompetence on the part of RSL management. Am I right?

07-17-2016, 12:48 PM
Those who applaud this are borderline losers in life who find their identity almost exclusively in what someone says about "their" team.

This is not true. It's okay to dislike Gordon Monson. He dislikes all of us.

Free press is a great thing. It could be even better without a handful of "reporters".

07-17-2016, 01:07 PM
Yanking a columnist's credentials is the hallmark of thin-skinned administrators who aren't doing their job when it comes to controlling the message they want. They resort to this because they can't stand that others are shaping that message better than they are, and it's a message they're embarrassed to admit carries no small measure of validity.

Those who applaud this are borderline losers in life who find their identity almost exclusively in what someone says about "their" team. This is the realm of Donald Trump and other entities -- commonly found in dictatorships -- that can't handle the weight of a free press doing it's job.

And you gave me an lol?

Rocker Ute
07-17-2016, 07:10 PM
I don't think anyone is applauding pulling press credentials, they are applauding punking Monson. RSL is managing this poorly but they are rightly saying he is a hack journalist. He is in every sense of the word.

Proof of that is the general abuse he endures from various organizations. Jim Boylen's "Nice of you to show up..." Is the sole reason I can't truly hate the guy. Kodiak offering free tickets to the press is also an indication that something is amiss with the local media.

Defending Monson is indefensible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-17-2016, 07:36 PM
Jim Boylen's "Nice of you to show up..." Is the sole reason I can't truly hate the guy.

One of his finest moments.

Sometimes I wonder if journalists are more thin skinned than everyone else, or if it just seems that way because their hurt feelings are more visible.

07-17-2016, 09:33 PM
One of his finest moments.

Sometimes I wonder if journalists are more thin skinned than everyone else, or if it just seems that way because their hurt feelings are more visible.

You guys are such trump supporters.

You've got people in local media calling it a freedom of speech issue. Ha! Monson is free to opine on something he knows nothing about, whether he doesn't show up to the game in person or doesn't watch at home.

07-18-2016, 12:23 AM
I don't think anyone is applauding pulling press credentials, they are applauding punking Monson. RSL is managing this poorly but they are rightly saying he is a hack journalist. He is in every sense of the word.

Proof of that is the general abuse he endures from various organizations. Jim Boylen's "Nice of you to show up..." Is the sole reason I can't truly hate the guy. Kodiak offering free tickets to the press is also an indication that something is amiss with the local media.

Defending Monson is indefensible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If Monson evokes these kinds of emotions from you or anyone else, guess what? He's already won. because he's doing his job by doing so, even if his critics don't recognize it. From a pure sportswriting perspective, Monson's writing is good, not great. He's a million miles from being T.J. Simers in his prime as a pot-stirrer, and his prose ain't gonna remind anyone of Jim Murray or Blackie Sherrod, two of my all-time favorites. But he gets people talking and responding. And as newspapers lose the influence and dominance they have within media, coupled with a decidedly niche listenership (sports talk radio is still very much a niche market in all but a handful of markets nationally; SLC is no exception to this), Monson remains the undisputed king of sports media in the state of Utah.

You think Monson is getting punked, but RSL pulling this stunt that it did only enhances that status. Do you really think anyone else in the largely milquetoast SLC sports media could evoke this kind of reaction from anyone else?

Sports fans are a passionate bunch, but they're also wildly hypocritical. They want sportswriters to give the enemy the 60 Minutes/Mike Wallace-showing-up-unannounced-at-the-front-door treatment, but they want their own team to be covered by Oprah. As it pertains to Utah athletics, I think Utah fans to varying degrees suffer (in their own self-inflicted ways) because there isn't a Dick Harmon-type covering our program, and I know how Ute fans go after him for his Pollyannish ways. Can't have it both ways.

Having walked in Monson's shoes in much more lightly tread areas of the country (translation: I didn't have nearly the readership), I can honestly say most sports writers and columnists are more amused than angered by their critics, if only for the fact that they so frequently put on display their own ignorance and/or bias when "critiquing" the performance of a media member. That said, I was thrilled to see Terry Orme react like he did -- and regardless of what you think of Monson, everyone else should be too. He has his writers' collective backs, which will empower them to not only do their job, but do the tough jobs we need and ask of a free press to do.

Wanna know what keeps journalists up at night? It certainly isn't getting their readers' panties twisted in a bunch, it's the fear of truly fucking up and ending up in court. Making the news instead of being the news. There is a ton of complexity to the following story, but I'll give the Cliff Notes version: I once worked at a newspaper that was sued by Bo Jackson. And he had us dead to rights. My sports editor attended a seminar on PEDs, and he quoted a nutritionist as saying that Bo's hip replacement surgery was necessitated because of anabolic steroid use. She denied it, and IIRC there was video of the event that caught our sports editor talking to her, and our sports editor wasn't taking notes and didn't record the interview.

I was off the day the story would've passed my eyes for editing. When the lawsuit was announced -- and it made SportsCenter and every newspaper ( http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/2005-04-10-bo-jackson-steroids-retraction_x.htm ) of significance in the country when it was filed -- I was initially relieved that my ass was safe. Then I was pissed off that I wasn't on the copy desk that night to see that the quote never made the light of day. Then I thought to myself, "Would I have caught it for sure?" This was in an era in which everyone freely floated opinions in everyday conversation that Athlete X was on steroids.

In the end, the SE was fired, we ran an apology and retraction and I moved to Kansas a few months later. In a very interesting twist, my (now former) newspaper ran the same apology and retraction several years later -- indicating to me that the lawsuit had not yet been settled (It likely has been by now, but I do not know the particulars). I do know that Bo refiled the lawsuit because his initial filing was thrown out by an Illinois judge on the basis that said judge didn't have jurisdiction over what a California newspaper published. I also know that because one of the parties sued initially -- the fired SE's predecessor -- was wrongly named in Bo's initial lawsuit, that he got some nice autographed schwag from Bo for the inconvenience. The wrong sports editor was sued, because the staff directory that was posted online had not been updated. No other member of the sports department was sued outside of the SE -- just the publisher and editor-in-chief. Bo Knows Newspaper Hierarchy.

Back to Monson. Wanna hate him, not read him? I'm surely not going to force your hand. Wanna make him irrelevant? Ignore him. Become apathetic. By and large, he's just another sports writer to me. I read his stuff occasionally. But this hullabaloo over revoking his credentials got me to read one prior piece of his on RSL, and I suspect I'm hardly alone in this matter. I also found out about the credential revoking on Twitter from Monson critics, who are on his payroll without even knowing it.

Diehard Ute
07-18-2016, 01:12 AM
If Monson evokes these kinds of emotions from you or anyone else, guess what? He's already won. because he's doing his job by doing so, even if his critics don't recognize it. From a pure sportswriting perspective, Monson's writing is good, not great. He's a million miles from being T.J. Simers in his prime as a pot-stirrer, and his prose ain't gonna remind anyone of Jim Murray or Blackie Sherrod, two of my all-time favorites. But he gets people talking and responding. And as newspapers lose the influence and dominance they have within media, coupled with a decidedly niche listenership (sports talk radio is still very much a niche market in all but a handful of markets nationally; SLC is no exception to this), Monson remains the undisputed king of sports media in the state of Utah.

You think Monson is getting punked, but RSL pulling this stunt that it did only enhances that status. Do you really think anyone else in the largely milquetoast SLC sports media could evoke this kind of reaction from anyone else?

Sports fans are a passionate bunch, but they're also wildly hypocritical. They want sportswriters to give the enemy the 60 Minutes/Mike Wallace-showing-up-unannounced-at-the-front-door treatment, but they want their own team to be covered by Oprah. As it pertains to Utah athletics, I think Utah fans to varying degrees suffer (in their own self-inflicted ways) because there isn't a Dick Harmon-type covering our program, and I know how Ute fans go after him for his Pollyannish ways. Can't have it both ways.

Having walked in Monson's shoes in much more lightly tread areas of the country (translation: I didn't have nearly the readership), I can honestly say most sports writers and columnists are more amused than angered by their critics, if only for the fact that they so frequently put on display their own ignorance and/or bias when "critiquing" the performance of a media member. That said, I was thrilled to see Terry Orme react like he did -- and regardless of what you think of Monson, everyone else should be too. He has his writers' collective backs, which will empower them to not only do their job, but do the tough jobs we need and ask of a free press to do.

Wanna know what keeps journalists up at night? It certainly isn't getting their readers' panties twisted in a bunch, it's the fear of truly fucking up and ending up in court. Making the news instead of being the news. There is a ton of complexity to the following story, but I'll give the Cliff Notes version: I once worked at a newspaper that was sued by Bo Jackson. And he had us dead to rights. My sports editor attended a seminar on PEDs, and he quoted a nutritionist as saying that Bo's hip replacement surgery was necessitated because of anabolic steroid use. She denied it, and IIRC there was video of the event that caught our sports editor talking to her, and our sports editor wasn't taking notes and didn't record the interview.

I was off the day the story would've passed my eyes for editing. When the lawsuit was announced -- and it made SportsCenter and every newspaper ( http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/2005-04-10-bo-jackson-steroids-retraction_x.htm ) of significance in the country when it was filed -- I was initially relieved that my ass was safe. Then I was pissed off that I wasn't on the copy desk that night to see that the quote never made the light of day. Then I thought to myself, "Would I have caught it for sure?" This was in an era in which everyone freely floated opinions in everyday conversation that Athlete X was on steroids.

In the end, the SE was fired, we ran an apology and retraction and I moved to Kansas a few months later. In a very interesting twist, my (now former) newspaper ran the same apology and retraction several years later -- indicating to me that the lawsuit had not yet been settled (It likely has been by now, but I do not know the particulars). I do know that Bo refiled the lawsuit because his initial filing was thrown out by an Illinois judge on the basis that said judge didn't have jurisdiction over what a California newspaper published. I also know that because one of the parties sued initially -- the fired SE's predecessor -- was wrongly named in Bo's initial lawsuit, that he got some nice autographed schwag from Bo for the inconvenience. The wrong sports editor was sued, because the staff directory that was posted online had not been updated. No other member of the sports department was sued outside of the SE -- just the publisher and editor-in-chief. Bo Knows Newspaper Hierarchy.

Back to Monson. Wanna hate him, not read him? I'm surely not going to force your hand. Wanna make him irrelevant? Ignore him. Become apathetic. By and large, he's just another sports writer to me. I read his stuff occasionally. But this hullabaloo over revoking his credentials got me to read one prior piece of his on RSL, and I suspect I'm hardly alone in this matter. I also found out about the credential revoking on Twitter from Monson critics, who are on his payroll without even knowing it.

I don't disagree with your post, but I do have a question.

What is your take on the way Monson seems to dance the line between reporter and columnist?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-18-2016, 08:06 AM
I couple of months ago I was teasing Peggy Fletcher Stack, the Trib religion reporter, at a party. I have often been amazed that her articles about the LDS church in particular get as many as 4000 reader comments. I said that the LDS Church must be keeping both SLC newspapers afloat.

In seriousness, I asked her if her articles generated the most traffic of any reporter at the Trib. She said no, it was Gordon Monson. She said she was second, and I had the impression that whoever is 3rd isn't even close to them. I was surprised that she was so aware precisely of how many clicks they get, but sounds like it is closely tied to all the reporters' job security, which can be tenuous these days.

Anyway, all of this hubub will only help Gordon's clicks. Monson may be the most profitable thing the Trib has, and they are not going to let go, they are gong to milk it.

07-18-2016, 09:00 AM
I couple of months ago I was teasing Peggy Fletcher Stack, the Trib religion reporter, at a party. I have often been amazed that her articles about the LDS church in particular get as many as 4000 reader comments. I said that the LDS Church must be keeping both SLC newspapers afloat.

In seriousness, I asked her if her articles generated the most traffic of any reporter at the Trib. She said no, it was Gordon Monson. She said she was second, and I had the impression that whoever is 3rd isn't even close to them. I was surprised that she was so aware precisely of how many clicks they get, but sounds like it is closely tied to all the reporters' job security, which can be tenuous these days.

Anyway, all of this hubub will only help Gordon's clicks. Monson may be the most profitable thing the Trib has, and they are not going to let go, they are gong to milk it.

At my last newspaper, we had a monitor in the newsroom that displayed the number of unique page views for every story, for both the day and the week. I've never heard of an instance of job security being tied to those numbers, but I'm certain those numbers are used to determine what should receive more emphasis. At my last newspaper, a good, provocative Boise State football piece would receive thousands of views and be the highest-viewed story for that day, and often for the week.

My guess is Paul Rolly would be No. 3 at the Trib.

07-18-2016, 09:05 AM
I know that when the trib had several rounds of layoffs a while or two ago, reporters were very nervous. They were very conscious of their clicks, not only their own but the beat they covered, as a way to survive. They knew it was a factor.

07-18-2016, 09:07 AM
I don't disagree with your post, but I do have a question.

What is your take on the way Monson seems to dance the line between reporter and columnist?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I hear this claim and I ask myself, "What news has Monson broke recently?" Part of the role of a good columnist is that he's able to craft what you and I think of as opinions and present them as fact. Also, given the forum Monson has, who's to say he hasn't gotten tips on things before and passed them on to the beat writer?

07-18-2016, 09:10 AM
I know that when the trib had several rounds of layoffs a while or two ago, reporters were very nervous. They were very conscious of their clicks, not only their own but the beat they covered, as a way to survive. They knew it was a factor.

Of course. My point was that I've never been aware of an instance where a reporter had marching orders to get X number of clicks on a daily basis. Obviously, when many jobs are on the line, page views could be a good measuring stick to determine who to keep.

07-18-2016, 09:16 AM
I hear this claim and I ask myself, "What news has Monson broke recently?" Part of the role of a good columnist is that he's able to craft what you and I think of as opinions and present them as fact. Also, given the forum Monson has, who's to say he hasn't gotten tips on things before and passed them on to the beat writer?

I don't think any of us have ever been informed or moved by anything Monson wrote. He's a pot stirrer. That's his job. That's what he's good at. We saw the depth of his investigative skills and the quality of his sources last year when he reported that Kyle Whittingham to BYU was a done deal.

I figure you can make far it as a journalist if you are a combination of the following:

1) A great writer
2) A great investigator
3) Willing to be a pot stirrer

With Monson, it's all #3. That's fine. He's hardly the only hack out there making a living by being a pot stirrer. I have no qualms about revoking the credentials of a pot stirrer from time to time, though. It doesn't deny me access to anything of value.

07-18-2016, 09:33 AM
I couple of months ago I was teasing Peggy Fletcher Stack, the Trib religion reporter, at a party. I have often been amazed that her articles about the LDS church in particular get as many as 4000 reader comments. I said that the LDS Church must be keeping both SLC newspapers afloat.

In seriousness, I asked her if her articles generated the most traffic of any reporter at the Trib. She said no, it was Gordon Monson. She said she was second, and I had the impression that whoever is 3rd isn't even close to them. I was surprised that she was so aware precisely of how many clicks they get, but sounds like it is closely tied to all the reporters' job security, which can be tenuous these days.

Anyway, all of this hubub will only help Gordon's clicks. Monson may be the most profitable thing the Trib has, and they are not going to let go, they are gong to milk it.

Im a little surprised that Peggy isn't running away with the page views battle, but I figured that she and Gordon were the top 2. I agree with Pat that Rolly is likely third, or maybe Robert Kirby.

I don't think any of us have ever been informed or moved by anything Monson wrote. He's a pot stirrer. That's his job. That's what he's good at. We saw the depth of his investigative skills and the quality of his sources last year when he reported that Kyle Whittingham to BYU was a done deal.

I figure you can make far it as a journalist if you are a combination of the following:

1) A great writer
2) A great investigator
3) Willing to be a pot stirrer

With Monson, it's all #3. That's fine. He's hardly the only hack out there making a living by being a pot stirrer. I have no qualms about revoking the credentials of a pot stirrer from time to time, though. It doesn't deny me access to anything of value.

I remember hearing old Comrade Crimson tell a story about how he went to UF.N and reported that some coach from some small school had been named as the replacement for Urban. He was just doing it to get a thrill. Apparently, Monson saw it and went with it on air. Apparently this caused the site to crash. When it was pointed out to monson that he had been had by a message board troll, he became indignant and bashed on such people in a column. Its been a while and maybe that story is common knowledge, but i think its great. I guess thats why Ive given RSL somewhat of a pass here. I just like seeing folks stick it to gordon, although as youve all said, he will turn out to be the winner here.

07-18-2016, 09:50 AM
Im a little surprised that Peggy isn't running away with the page views battle, but I figured that she and Gordon were the top 2. I agree with Pat that Rolly is likely third, or maybe Robert Kirby.

I remember hearing old Comrade Crimson tell a story about how he went to UF.N and reported that some coach from some small school had been named as the replacement for Urban. He was just doing it to get a thrill. Apparently, Monson saw it and went with it on air. Apparently this caused the site to crash. When it was pointed out to monson that he had been had by a message board troll, he became indignant and bashed on such people in a column. Its been a while and maybe that story is common knowledge, but i think its great. I guess thats why Ive given RSL somewhat of a pass here. I just like seeing folks stick it to gordon, although as youve all said, he will turn out to be the winner here.

Yep, a lot of us were on uf.n for that. Mr Crimson said posted that Tom Amstutz of Toledo was on his way to Utah. If memory serves this was for a replacement for McBride instead of Urban but I could be wrong about that. And yes, Gordon went with that on his radio show that day.

Rocker Ute
07-18-2016, 10:39 AM
If Monson evokes these kinds of emotions from you or anyone else, guess what? He's already won. because he's doing his job by doing so, even if his critics don't recognize it. From a pure sportswriting perspective, Monson's writing is good, not great.

Mockery and general apathy means he's won? I honestly can't think of the last time I've read a Monson article. Over the past 4 or 5 years I could probably count what he's written without taking off my shoes.

When I call him a hack journalist (which you have to admit when a journalist imagines something, reports it as fact, then when he gets called on it he says it is what he imagined happened and he is just a columnist - that is my definition of hack). Ironically you point out the real reason newspapers are dying on the vine. They play for clicks rather than maintaining integrity. It may be a decent short term play but it is a poor long term play. People have left for other sources because they have more reliability and integrity - which is kind of hard to imagine.

You talk about what journalists are thinking as if that has any meaning or merit with the people. We don't really care what you are laughing at, nor what you are concerned about.

The death of newspapers is one of those textbook failure to adapt and so they no longer exist stories. Worse, they mortgaged the one thing they had over everyone, and that was journalistic integrity. The fact that doesn't even register with you as a former journalist is a bit of an indictment.

07-18-2016, 10:41 AM
I refuse to read anything written by Monson and don't listen to his show (it doesn't matter if it is pro Utah or not). I do not want to contribute to his living in any way possible.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

07-18-2016, 10:41 AM
I don't think any of us have ever been informed or moved by anything Monson wrote. He's a pot stirrer. That's his job. That's what he's good at. We saw the depth of his investigative skills and the quality of his sources last year when he reported that Kyle Whittingham to BYU was a done deal.

I figure you can make far it as a journalist if you are a combination of the following:

1) A great writer
2) A great investigator
3) Willing to be a pot stirrer

With Monson, it's all #3. That's fine. He's hardly the only hack out there making a living by being a pot stirrer. I have no qualms about revoking the credentials of a pot stirrer from time to time, though. It doesn't deny me access to anything of value.

The only thing we saw from the Kyle-to-BYU piece was how easy it is for the right people to manipulate the media. The media is manipulated every day, to varying degrees. If RSL had done a better job of it on its end, it wouldn't have taken the step of revoking Monson's credentials. And if Chris Hill allowed for a little more transparency on his end in these matters, the member of Kyle's family who was feeding Monson information would've been closed off.

Monson thrives when it's clear one side isn't being forthcoming about the truth.

07-18-2016, 10:48 AM
Mockery and general apathy means he's won? I honestly can't think of the last time I've read a Monson article. Over the past 4 or 5 years I could probably count what he's written without taking off my shoes.

When I call him a hack journalist (which you have to admit when a journalist imagines something, reports it as fact, then when he gets called on it he says it is what he imagined happened and he is just a columnist - that is my definition of hack). Ironically you point out the real reason newspapers are dying on the vine. They play for clicks rather than maintaining integrity. It may be a decent short term play but it is a poor long term play. People have left for other sources because they have more reliability and integrity - which is kind of hard to imagine.

You talk about what journalists are thinking as if that has any meaning or merit with the people. We don't really care what you are laughing at, nor what you are concerned about.

The death of newspapers is one of those textbook failure to adapt and so they no longer exist stories. Worse, they mortgaged the one thing they had over everyone, and that was journalistic integrity. The fact that doesn't even register with you as a former journalist is a bit of an indictment.

That you think newspapers are dying/dead because of a lack of journalistic integrity is an indictment of your ignorance of the financial side of newspapers, which started a steady slide once family-owned papers were swallowed up by big conglomerates whose primary goal was to make Wall Street happy.

Newspapers also failed miserably in owning their online product and being a trendsetter in that domain.

You can find thousands of pieces in which newspaper editors, publishers, etc. own up to the mistakes that have caused their current state. Lack of journalistic integrity ain't gonna be one of them.

Rocker Ute
07-18-2016, 11:05 AM
That you think newspapers are dying/dead because of a lack of journalistic integrity is an indictment of your ignorance of the financial side of newspapers, which started a steady slide once family-owned papers were swallowed up by big conglomerates whose primary goal was to make Wall Street happy.

Newspapers also failed miserably in owning their online product and being a trendsetter in that domain.

You can find thousands of pieces in which newspaper editors, publishers, etc. own up to the mistakes that have caused their current state. Lack of journalistic integrity ain't gonna be one of them.

Actually I'm all too familiar with the financial side both the old model and the new. Late adoption / continued refusal to adapt to the trends is the largest part of the component, but integrity and a trusted reliable source was the differentiator. Years of credibility flushed down the toilet now in the pursuit of clicks in the cheapest way possible. They were a trusted source, but they mortgaged that and now are attempting (poorly) to play catch up. Then they failed to maintain that core differentiator. Like I said, textbook failure to adapt so they no longer exist stories.

Take my industry, real estate. I'm watching Realtors mortgage the one thing they have that nobody else does (1. Network of qualified buyers and; 2. Industry experience) and pissing that to the wind for leads from Zillow. Real estate agents as you know them won't exist in 15 years.

Same to be said for newspapers. You guys pissed away what you had because of speed and then to catch up pissed away the one thing that would have drawn readers back.

LA Ute
07-18-2016, 11:47 AM
Yep, a lot of us were on uf.n for that. Mr Crimson said posted that Tom Amstutz of Toledo was on his way to Utah. If memory serves this was for a replacement for McBride instead of Urban but I could be wrong about that. And yes, Gordon went with that on his radio show that day.

I believe Mr. C still regards his Amstutz hoax as one of his greatest online accomplishments.

Rocker Ute
07-18-2016, 11:50 AM
I believe Mr. C still regards his Amstutz hoax as one of his greatest online accomplishments.

Say what you must about Mr C (I've always got along with him) but it was one of the finer moments for utefans.

07-18-2016, 12:02 PM
Say what you must about Mr C (I've always got along with him) but it was one of the finer moments for utefans.

I remember one morning when I had gotten to work and checked the boards etc., only to read of several transfers from the Hoops program, namely, Justin Hawkins. So I emailed DJ and PK and asked if they had anyone chasing the story. They read that email on the air and then said they'd heard nothing of it. A few hours later..."as first reported here on (whichever station they were on back then) Justin Hawkins will transfer from Utah."

Just call me scoop!

LA Ute
07-18-2016, 01:24 PM
Say what you must about Mr C (I've always got along with him) but it was one of the finer moments for utefans.

I have no problem with him at all and have always gotten along with him (although I think he is currently mad at me for some reason) -- when he pulled that stunt half of me was laughing and the other half wanted to wring his neck.

07-18-2016, 01:33 PM
I have no problem with him at all and have always gotten along with him (although I think he is currently mad at me for some reason) -- when he pulled that stunt half of me was laughing and the other half wanted to wring his neck.

Dealing with him is a lot like dealing with a house cat. He either likes you or he doesn't and theres seldom any rhyme or reason and its very hard to go from one to the other.

07-18-2016, 03:47 PM
The death of newspapers is one of those textbook failure to adapt and so they no longer exist stories.

I don't know all of the factors involved. One that is missing from the conversation so far is the way the internet taught us that anyone - or at least lots of people - could write as well or better than professional journalists. Sports blogs written by everyday fans became more entertaining and sometimes even more informative than the stuff the professionals were putting out.

Not really related, but I am always amused by the journalists on twitter rushing to congratulate other journalists on breaking "stories." Congratulations on letting me know about that trade 15 minutes before it was about to go public anyway! Way to go! If someone is actually digging into something that would never otherwise see the light of day, I'm very impressed and appreciative. If someone is buddies with the AD and releases something that is about to be released anyway, whoopee.

I don't know if you are a realtor or not, but I hope you are right about realtors being extinct in 15 years. They seem so unnecessary and cost so much. We went back and forth on whether to use one when we sold our Wisconsin home. We decided to list it ourselves. I'm so glad we did. We saved thousands. When we bought in CO, we did all the work of picking homes to see on Zillow and Trulia. We arranged visits and then met our realtor at the home. Not sure what she was there for, but it didn't cost us anything. When we did buy, we kept emailing the owner to negotiate, and the selling agent was ticked every time. He really wanted that middleman role.

07-18-2016, 04:12 PM
I don't get the "freedom of the press" argument. RSL is a privately owned business. Amy Donaldson argued that they play in a stadium funded by taxpayers dollars, but that seems a stretch to make them a public entity. Could we do FOIA requests to get their emails? Of course not.

The SL Trib acting like they are some guardian of the public trust in the world of sports is a joke. They are a private entity themselves. It is self-serving for them to argue they have some sort of right of access, when that access ultimately just helps the bottom line of their owners.

Press credentials have to be applied for, and the team can approve or deny the requests. Why they approve or deny is their own prerogative. They may be picking a fight with someone that "buys ink by the barrel", but that is their choice. Their decision making in this case is going to be driven by their priorities first to their financials, and second to their fan loyalty (and maybe third to their pride/ego). If they feel that GoMo is damaging either or both of those, or does not have the ability to damage them and is too damn annoying, then they can justify their decision.

IMO, Monson is an ass, and I never read his stuff. I'm no fan of RSL or soccer in general. I just find the rhetoric in this argument interesting.

Rocker Ute
07-18-2016, 04:28 PM
I don't know all of the factors involved. One that is missing from the conversation so far is the way the internet taught us that anyone - or at least lots of people - could write as well or better than professional journalists. Sports blogs written by everyday fans became more entertaining and sometimes even more informative than the stuff the professionals were putting out.

Not really related, but I am always amused by the journalists on twitter rushing to congratulate other journalists on breaking "stories." Congratulations on letting me know about that trade 15 minutes before it was about to go public anyway! Way to go! If someone is actually digging into something that would never otherwise see the light of day, I'm very impressed and appreciative. If someone is buddies with the AD and releases something that is about to be released anyway, whoopee.

I don't know if you are a realtor or not, but I hope you are right about realtors being extinct in 15 years. They seem so unnecessary and cost so much. We went back and forth on whether to use one when we sold our Wisconsin home. We decided to list it ourselves. I'm so glad we did. We saved thousands. When we bought in CO, we did all the work of picking homes to see on Zillow and Trulia. We arranged visits and then met our realtor at the home. Not sure what she was there for, but it didn't cost us anything. When we did buy, we kept emailing the owner to negotiate, and the selling agent was ticked every time. He really wanted that middleman role.

I would say in most instances the quality of the writing of the people on the internet was less. What the newspapers couldn't see is that these people would respond FASTER (and you alluded to that) than the newspapers had in the past. In other words, when the newspapers sat on their hands and didn't see the web for what it was, they were used to a 24 hour news cycle, which allowed for plenty of time to get the story, investigate, get the facts straight and publish. Even TV and radio had an element of this and a central commitment to journalistic integrity.

But when bloggers and other things (this was before social media) started getting scoops and not worrying so much about accuracy and more about speed the papers were forced to keep up. So in retrospect, had the papers saw the web as a digital medium to spread the news, they could have controlled that and in turn controlled the quality (and also speed). But to keep up they do the same thing, report whatever you hear with no accuracy and then correct it all after.

Proof of this is the news that was widespread yesterday that the Baton Rouge shooter was a white supremacist. I heard that about a dozen times before the truth came out, but it moves with so much speed nobody even needs to apologize anymore.

I for one am tired of that and if there was a news source out there that didn't follow this model, but rather focused on accuracy and integrity I'd turn to them because when it comes to the web, while speed is important, trust is what keeps people coming back.

07-19-2016, 07:50 AM
This guy gets it.


07-19-2016, 12:32 PM
Gordy has been reinstated by RSL.


I like how they worded it, that it was not their decision but the leagues.

C'est la vie.

07-19-2016, 01:03 PM
Gordy has been reinstated by RSL.


I like how they worded it, that it was not their decision but the leagues.

C'est la vie.

Thank goodness. I look forward to reading all 0 of the columns he will now write about RSL.

07-29-2016, 03:25 PM
Sounds like Greg Wrubell is leaving KSL. No word yet as to what his role will be going forward but I assume he is going to be involved with BYU somehow.........maybe BYU TV?

07-29-2016, 03:30 PM
Sounds like Greg Wrubell is leaving KSL. No word yet as to what his role will be going forward but I assume he is going to be involved with BYU somehow.........maybe BYU TV?

A few years ago when IMG got the contract to produce BYU sports broadcasts away from KSL, Greg Wrubell went to work for them. He's been primarily employed by IMG since the change and his work for KSL has been secondary. My guess is that he is leaving KSL completely behind now and will focus solely on his IMG work. He may even do non-BYU work for them now in addition to his BYU play-by-play responsibilities.

07-29-2016, 03:38 PM
A few years ago when IMG got the contract to produce BYU sports broadcasts away from KSL, Greg Wrubell went to work for them. He's been primarily employed by IMG since the change and his work for KSL has been secondary. My guess is that he is leaving KSL completely behind now and will focus solely on his IMG work. He may even do non-BYU work for them now in addition to his BYU play-by-play responsibilities.

I did not know this. That makes sense.

07-29-2016, 06:21 PM
A few years ago when IMG got the contract to produce BYU sports broadcasts away from KSL, Greg Wrubell went to work for them. He's been primarily employed by IMG since the change and his work for KSL has been secondary. My guess is that he is leaving KSL completely behind now and will focus solely on his IMG work. He may even do non-BYU work for them now in addition to his BYU play-by-play responsibilities.

Is there a possibility Greg could be moving on to another school that's an IMG client?

07-29-2016, 08:45 PM
Is there a possibility Greg could be moving on to another school that's an IMG client?
Let this happen. He is their biggest source of information and he helps over-inflate their opinions.

07-29-2016, 10:41 PM
Is there a possibility Greg could be moving on to another school that's an IMG client?

I would be shocked if that happened. Greg is firmly entrenched in his role with BYU, and he is a die-hard fan.

LA Ute
07-29-2016, 11:19 PM
I would be shocked if that happened. Greg is firmly entrenched in his role with BYU, and he is a die-hard fan.

Something he hides so well. ;)

07-30-2016, 07:25 AM
Is there a possibility Greg could be moving on to another school that's an IMG client?

No! That is impossible! That is impossible!

07-30-2016, 04:59 PM
I would be shocked if that happened. Greg is firmly entrenched in his role with BYU, and he is a die-hard fan.
Plus he is terrible and why would anyone want him.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

07-30-2016, 09:24 PM
Plus he is terrible and why would anyone want him.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

That is the more compelling argument.

07-30-2016, 10:06 PM
lol at KSL, I recall when they used to do sports talk radio at night years ago.

I remember Wrubell had listeners call into the show to spell athletes names for prizes. Such a BYU thing to do. I remember it took 6 or 7 calls for someone to get Dikembe Mutombo correct.

To Wrubells credit, it did sound like he wanted to kill himself during many of those segments

07-30-2016, 10:21 PM
lol at KSL, I recall when they used to do sports talk radio at night years ago.

I remember Wrubell had listeners call into the show to spell athletes names for prizes. Such a BYU thing to do. I remember it took 6 or 7 calls for someone to get Dikembe Mutombo correct.

To Wrubells credit, it did sound like he wanted to kill himself during many of those segments

I am about 90% sure that bill Riley got his start in this market by replacing wrubell on that lousy nightly show.

07-31-2016, 01:47 PM
I would be shocked if that happened. Greg is firmly entrenched in his role with BYU, and he is a die-hard fan.

Honest question: is he really?

Home play-by-play guys are paid to be homers. Bill Reilly plays the part well but is really a fan of Kansas.

Could Wrubell just be playing the part?

I honestly don't know.

LA Ute
07-31-2016, 02:05 PM
Honest question: is he really?

Home play-by-play guys are paid to be homers. Bill Reilly plays the part well but is really a fan of Kansas.

Could Wrubell just be playing the part?

I honestly don't know.

I'm not sure you could pay anyone to fake that little girl voice he gets when he's excited.

07-31-2016, 02:21 PM
I'm not sure you could pay anyone to fake that little girl voice he gets when he's excited.

You cant fake hyperventilation

07-31-2016, 02:22 PM
Honest question: is he really?

Home play-by-play guys are paid to be homers. Bill Reilly plays the part well but is really a fan of Kansas.

Could Wrubell just be playing the part?

I honestly don't know.

reilly went to KU and wrubell went to byu. I don't think he is faking his enthusiasm for the cougs.

Dwight Schr-Ute
07-31-2016, 04:49 PM
What's the deal with Swinney? Isn't he still a big Scout.com guy yet there he is on the radio everyday talking about Utah sports? You have to wonder who's getting screwed the most. 700 because he feels he needs to keep his exclusive content for his paid subscribers or his paid subscribers that are paying $10 a month to read about what he's giving away on the radio for free.

On a related note, in this Information Age, is paying for sports "insider info" up there with paying for porn?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-31-2016, 10:05 PM
Honest question: is he really?

Home play-by-play guys are paid to be homers. Bill Reilly plays the part well but is really a fan of Kansas.

Could Wrubell just be playing the part?

I honestly don't know.

He's definitely a fan:

As a 17-year-old BYU freshman, Wrubell was instantly swept up by the Cougars' improbable run to the 1984 football national championship. He watched his first college game — BYU at Pitt — on the big screen in the Marriott Center. He was hooked on football and BYU sports.During his first week at school, he asked KBYU for a job. His first assignment was to report on the fencing team. After his mission, he applied for and won a spring semester internship at KSL Radio. He clipped newspaper articles, collected sound bytes and post-game interviews and was rarely heard on the air.
In the fall, KSL offered him the weekend news anchor position, which called for a 12-hour shift on Saturday and four hours on Sunday. A year later he was hired full time as the overnight news anchor, which he did while finishing his last semester of school and maintaining an exhausting schedule. He worked from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., then took a bus to Provo and attended class for a few hours that morning while trying and usually failing to stay awake. After an afternoon nap at home, he returned to work. He's been working at KSL since then.
"I've had one job," says Wrubell.
In the fall of '92 he began doing sideline reports for KSL, and four years later he drew his first play-by-play assignment when James underwent heart-bypass surgery — the BYU basketball team's 50-point loss at Washington.
"I remember he came and sat by my bedside and he wanted to know all the little tricks of the trade," recalls James. "He was a very conscientious, bright kid."
When James retired in 2001, Wrubell took over the football play-by-play duties full time (by then the kid had already been doing basketball play-by-play for four years).
"Paul showed me how it's done," says Wrubell. "He is the gold standard." Of his own style, Wrubell says, "I don't have the voice some of those other guys have. I compensate with accuracy and reporting."
On the air, Wrubell leaves no doubt about where his loyalties lie. He seems to come out of his chair for BYU's big plays, nearly shouting into the microphone with a certain take-that intensity.
"He is a fan, so he does get involved," says Lyons.
Says Wrubell, "I have struggled with the right way to get excited and not get overbearing. Sometimes it's just the way you sound when you get excited. You yell and scream sometimes. It's genuine. It might be a little much for some people."


08-01-2016, 04:07 PM
On a related note, in this Information Age, is paying for sports "insider info" up there with for paying for porn?


Great analogy!

Did you have to make it while I was drinking my water?

08-03-2016, 09:21 AM

I have always appreciated Brad Rock, even when I disagree with him. I love that he is self aware.

Im curious on how people view this. Does anyone feel cheated by this?

Speaking of self awareness within the media, Ill never forget 2010. As fall camp was about to get underway, Monson threw on an air tantrum about Whitt issuing a statement saying he was excited for the PAc-12 news, but wouldn't be taking questions on it during camp or during the season. "My constitutional rights! Freedom of speech! The fans have a right!" etc. Perhaps a week later, Jake Scott, Monson's own cohost, was up at fall camp and asked Whitt for his thoughts on the rumors that BYU was going to go independent. Gee, I wonder why they restrict access..............

08-03-2016, 10:15 AM

I have always appreciated Brad Rock, even when I disagree with him. I love that he is self aware.

Im curious on how people view this. Does anyone feel cheated by this?

Speaking of self awareness within the media, Ill never forget 2010. As fall camp was about to get underway, Monson threw on an air tantrum about Whitt issuing a statement saying he was excited for the PAc-12 news, but wouldn't be taking questions on it during camp or during the season. "My constitutional rights! Freedom of speech! The fans have a right!" etc. Perhaps a week later, Jake Scott, Monson's own cohost, was up at fall camp and asked Whitt for his thoughts on the rumors that BYU was going to go independent. Gee, I wonder why they restrict access..............

This is a yes and no for me. Any time Whit is interviewed, I'm tuning in, no question. On the other hand, the more interviews you grant, the more fodder you give the media to discuss/interpret etc.

As an example, going into training camp last year for the Redskins, RGIII, having been off-limits to the media for the entire off-season, was allowed to give an interview. In that interview he was asked if he felt he was the best QB on the team, to which he replied that he felt he was and that his goal was to be one of the best in the league, and if you don't believe that about yourself, why are you even playing. This got splattered all over Twitter and the DC sports rags as "RGIII: 'I'm one of the Best QBs in the League." And so it goes...

Similarly, remember the aftermath of Whit putting in Tommy Grady vs. UCLA? Monson at one point said that Kyle threatened to beat him up...which, no, not even close.

So yeah, I would love to get a weekly view into how A-Rod is evaluating the QB play, or how Erickson feels about being at Utah on the whole. However, if Kyle has to be guarded to keep the focus and reduce distractions, then, well, I trust him.

08-03-2016, 12:19 PM
This is a yes and no for me. Any time Whit is interviewed, I'm tuning in, no question. On the other hand, the more interviews you grant, the more fodder you give the media to discuss/interpret etc.

As an example, going into training camp last year for the Redskins, RGIII, having been off-limits to the media for the entire off-season, was allowed to give an interview. In that interview he was asked if he felt he was the best QB on the team, to which he replied that he felt he was and that his goal was to be one of the best in the league, and if you don't believe that about yourself, why are you even playing. This got splattered all over Twitter and the DC sports rags as "RGIII: 'I'm one of the Best QBs in the League." And so it goes...

Similarly, remember the aftermath of Whit putting in Tommy Grady vs. UCLA? Monson at one point said that Kyle threatened to beat him up...which, no, not even close.

So yeah, I would love to get a weekly view into how A-Rod is evaluating the QB play, or how Erickson feels about being at Utah on the whole. However, if Kyle has to be guarded to keep the focus and reduce distractions, then, well, I trust him.

Monson claimed that Whitt threatened to beat Monson up? or Grady? I dont know how Ive forgotten this.

08-03-2016, 12:57 PM
Monson claimed that Whitt threatened to beat Monson up? or Grady? I dont know how Ive forgotten this.


If you recall, Kyle was very testy after that whole flap. Very much in the Jim Boylen "nice of you to show up." Monson ran with it on his radio program.

08-03-2016, 01:12 PM
Similarly, remember the aftermath of Whit putting in Tommy Grady vs. UCLA? Monson at one point said that Kyle threatened to beat him up...which, no, not even close.

Whit threatened to beat up GoMo after Tommy G led us to 44 points over a ranked UCLA team? That seems like an odd sequence of events, although and day is a great day to beat up GoMo.

08-03-2016, 01:31 PM
Whit threatened to beat up GoMo after Tommy G led us to 44 points over a ranked UCLA team? That seems like an odd sequence of events, although and day is a great day to beat up GoMo.

Nope...it was the year before @UCLA. Brett Ratliff had just lead the Utes to tie the game 7-7 (I believe), and Grady went in on the very next series of downs and threw a pick 6 (again, this is all going off a foggy memory at this point). UCLA won 31-10.

And again, Whit didn't remotely threaten anything. Monson took his comments and ran with them...which is what he do.

08-05-2016, 08:30 AM

I have always appreciated Brad Rock, even when I disagree with him. I love that he is self aware.

Im curious on how people view this. Does anyone feel cheated by this?

Speaking of self awareness within the media, Ill never forget 2010. As fall camp was about to get underway, Monson threw on an air tantrum about Whitt issuing a statement saying he was excited for the PAc-12 news, but wouldn't be taking questions on it during camp or during the season. "My constitutional rights! Freedom of speech! The fans have a right!" etc. Perhaps a week later, Jake Scott, Monson's own cohost, was up at fall camp and asked Whitt for his thoughts on the rumors that BYU was going to go independent. Gee, I wonder why they restrict access..............

Just in case anybody was wondering, I am also "off-limits" to the media, so please don't send them my way. I just can't talk to them at the present time. Maybe when my season is over.

08-05-2016, 08:40 AM
Just in case anybody was wondering, I am also "off-limits" to the media, so please don't send them my way. I just can't talk to them at the present time. Maybe when my season is over.

Is this your way of spinning the restraining order they have on you?

LA Ute
08-05-2016, 10:03 AM
I was listening to the podcast of Riley's show this morning while working out. He put O'Connell on. Sean was in the news media group asking KW questions. What question did O'Connell ask during his precious opportunity? "Which Ute player would be toughest in a UFC cage match?" He even asked follow-ups when Kyle responded good-naturedly. I couldn't believe it.

08-05-2016, 10:10 AM
I was listening to the podcast of Riley's show this morning while working out. He put O'Connell on. Sean was in the news media group asking KW questions. What question did O'Connell ask during his precious opportunity? "Which Ute player would be toughest in a UFC cage match?" He even asked follow-ups when Kyle responded good-naturedly. I couldn't believe it.

It's an important question...if you watched the UFC, you'd know that!

08-07-2016, 09:59 AM
I was listening to OC and Swinney on friday evening.

As they came in from break, they got into a riveting discussion about where they get their hair cut. Then they brought Scott Mitchell on and they started out that interview by asking him where he goes for a hair cut.

After a few moments of this, they took a detour to something relevant about fall camp. But that was quickly abandoned to continue an earlier discussion about which players on the roster Swinney would be able to beat in the 40 yard dash, including asking Scott for his thoughts on the matter. If I was Scott, I would have just hung up.

I flipped over to KFAN where Gunther and Ben spent the three minutes I was there making fun of various radio commercials and sound bites.

It would be nice to have a local sports show that actually put in some effort to compete with Gordon and Spence.

USS Utah
08-07-2016, 10:45 AM
And then, out of frustration, I actually go to 1280 and they're talking about . . . off season Jazz moves.

LA Ute
08-07-2016, 11:36 AM
I was listening to OC and Swinney on friday evening.

As they came in from break, they got into a riveting discussion about where they get their hair cut. Then they brought Scott Mitchell on and they started out that interview by asking him where he goes for a hair cut.

After a few moments of this, they took a detour to something relevant about fall camp. But that was quickly abandoned to continue an earlier discussion about which players on the roster Swinney would be able to beat in the 40 yard dash, including asking Scott for his thoughts on the matter. If I was Scott, I would have just hung up.

I flipped over to KFAN where Gunther and Ben spent the three minutes I was there making fun of various radio commercials and sound bites.

It would be nice to have a local sports show that actually put in some effort to compete with Gordon and Spence.

I don't waste my time listening to O'C and Swinney's podcasts. I listen to Riley but fast forward through all the RSL and Jazz stuff.

08-25-2016, 08:39 PM
All the 700 hosts plus lexi from lexi and banks on 105.1 concluded the "ESPN 700 dream job" contest today. Basically they've had fans on to try their hand at being a radio host.

The four professional hosts came off as obnoxious jerks as they berated each contestant and added a bit about how truly hard it is to be a host....yawn.....

08-26-2016, 02:45 PM
What I don't like about Swinney and OC is that they end at 6pm. Which means they start mailing it in between 5:15 and 5:30. Which means as soon as I get out of work, I don't get any sort of meaningful conversation from them at all.

What they should do is just replay their first hour from 5-6 if that is what they are going to do. They have the easiest jobs in all of radioland in Utah. They are afternoon, so they get all the news, they end at 6, so they don't have to make up a ton of content every day, and they have a ton of good guests.

It shouldn't be this hard. Just replay your best interviews from 5:30-6. Whatever. Just top mailing it in so soon.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-05-2016, 01:27 PM
Apparently one of the tv media guys asked Whittingham if he roots for BYU when they aren't playing BYU. "Uhhhh...no."

I also appreciated this campaigning over the weekend.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-06-2016, 08:40 AM
Apparently one of the tv media guys asked Whittingham if he roots for BYU when they aren't playing BYU. "Uhhhh...no."

I also appreciated this campaigning over the weekend.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The direct quote is..."Uhhh, not really (chuckle)" I love Whit.

10-19-2016, 07:44 AM
Dan walken from usa today calling out former utah radio hack Monty for his crap about expansion is wonderful.....

Baaically, Monty has taken every position on expansion. Lately he's been saying nebraska wants back in and that Texas wants to start a new conference with byu and houston. When news broke he tried to take a victory lap.....'called it!"

10-19-2016, 09:28 AM
Dan walken from usa today calling out former utah radio hack Monty for his crap about expansion is wonderful.....

Baaically, Monty has taken every position on expansion. Lately he's been saying nebraska wants back in and that Texas wants to start a new conference with byu and houston. When news broke he tried to take a victory lap.....'called it!"

Monty has pulled off maybe the greatest troll job every by a media member over a fanbase. It's hilarious.

10-19-2016, 01:54 PM
Monty has pulled off maybe the greatest troll job every by a media member over a fanbase. It's hilarious.
The problem is that Monty apparently was not in on the joke.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-14-2017, 10:59 AM

LA Ute
02-14-2017, 12:32 PM

I guess he's moving on? I really avoided listening to the show with him and O'Connell. It was boring and very self-referential.

02-14-2017, 12:49 PM
guess he's moving on? I really avoided listening to the show with him and O'Connell. It was boring and very self-referential.

I don't have any inside info but I have to bet he's being let go. I thought the show had potential, but always wanted them to spend more time on actual sports and less (to borrow one of Larry K's terms) "grabass". 1280 pretty much has that time slot locked down (although I'll never understand why people would willingly listen to Gordon Monson) and then you have 1320 taking a few listeners (and again, I don't know why). It's a tough situation. I think it's no coincidence that Bill Riley moved his show to midday, knowing that was the best time slot to compete.

02-14-2017, 01:00 PM
I guess he's moving on? I really avoided listening to the show with him and O'Connell. It was boring and very self-referential.

The interview with Chris Hill yesterday was just painful...long, long pauses between questions, stumbling over things. Really odd.

LA Ute
02-15-2017, 07:53 PM
It's weird that Swinney left and the replacement lineup is still TBA. Must've been sudden.

02-15-2017, 08:19 PM
I've wondered if Hackett is a possible replacement