View Full Version : Minnesota fires Tubby Smith

03-25-2013, 04:28 PM

That surprises me.

Jeromy in SLC
03-25-2013, 05:10 PM

That surprises me.

I think Tubby is underrated as a coach. I just don't think he cares much for recruiting, based upon how things went during his term at Kentucky. His suffering at Minnesota are probably closely related to the resurrection of Indiana, sustained success of Thad Motta at OSU, and Michigan's rise the last couple of years. He will land somewhere if he wants, and I think that school will be happy to get him.

03-25-2013, 07:35 PM
surprising. hes a guy i wouldn't mind having here, but I think we have the right coach.

03-25-2013, 07:53 PM
surprising. hes a guy i wouldn't mind having here, but I think we have the right coach.

One of these days, Utah will have to hire a black coach in one of the major sports.

If that day had to be today, I'm not sure if Tubby would be the guy. He would certainly be a safe choice for our first black coach. But for long-term success, I'm not sure. I also think there is a segment within our fanbase that would hold 1998 against Tubby and never give him a fair shake.

03-25-2013, 08:22 PM
Tubby was a failure here in Minnesota. He had one tournament win in 6 years. That came Friday against a UCLA team without their leading scorer. His overall record was 124 and 81 overall but a pathetic 46 and 62 in the Big Ten. His teams rarely did anything in the Big Ten tourney. He always had excuses for why his teams underperformed. He liked to play the, "it's tough to recruit to Minnesota" card. The problem is, he was Tubby Smith, he was supposed to be the draw to get kids to come here. His teams would beat Indiana one night and lose to Northwestern the next. He was arrogant when dealing with the media and often times blamed losses solely on the players. Which ultimately is where the blame should fall, however, he wasnt exactly blameless himself and never seemed to take any responsibility. In my humble opinion, his success at Kentucky was from riding the Pitino coat tails. After a few years on his own Kentucky saw the writing on the wall and sent him packing. When Minnesota hired him after that I was stoked. All I could remember was the Tubby that beat us in 98. I, like most here in the Twin Cities thought great things were in store but after 6 years of excuses, I am not sad to see him go. And lest anyone feel sorry for him, he is getting 3.5 million for getting fired today. The problem is, who will they get to take his place? The Minnesota AD comes from VCU and was tight with Chaka Smart but is Minnesota enough of a draw to lure him here? I am glad that we have Krystkoviak and that he has shown signs of getting things going the right direction. It is never a sure thing that the grass will be greener when replacing a coach, if Minnesota can do as well as Utah, I think it will have been worth it.

03-27-2013, 10:43 AM
Shaka Smart reportedly in Minneapolis.


03-27-2013, 04:50 PM
Shaka Smart reportedly in Minneapolis.


I will be really surprised if he takes it. Not enough of an upgrade IMO.