View Full Version : Some things shouldn't change

04-01-2013, 02:35 PM
but unfortunately they do. Here we go.

How did you pick your Moniker?
I'd link it but CUF is down.

How did you discover UB5?
the message board formerly known as CUF.

How many states/countries have you lived in?

What are your Sports Loyalties?
BYU, UNC, Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears,

What was the moment that cemented your Ute Fanhood?
I refuse to answer this question as it is presently formulated. If you want to know about what cemented my BYU fandom, it happened Jan. 13, 1985 when Bobby Capener and Jeff Chatman beat a #16 ranked Digger Phelps' coached Notre Dame team in the MC. It was a glorious night for an elementary school kid.

What do you currently do for a living?
professional message board poster.

Are your religiously affiliated, and if so, what is your current standing?​
My name is pellegrino. I'm a husband, a father, a professional message board poster, and I'm a Mormon.

Aside from long walks on the beach, I enjoy food and cooking food. I'm not thrilled about the existence of this site, simply because of how it went down, but I recognize its importance to those of a like mind. I don't know how much I'll post here. I guess that depends on what kind of contract JIC offers me ;)

Jarid in Cedar
04-01-2013, 03:01 PM
a free agent ehh?

04-01-2013, 03:01 PM
Welcome, San Pellegrino! Thanks for using your approved template to introduce yourself.

LA Ute
04-01-2013, 03:22 PM
Welcome, Pilgrim. I've missed you.

04-01-2013, 03:26 PM
but unfortunately they do. Here we go.

How did you pick your Moniker?
I'd link it but CUF is down.

How did you discover UB5?
the message board formerly known as CUF.

How many states/countries have you lived in?

What are your Sports Loyalties?
BYU, UNC, Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears,

What was the moment that cemented your Ute Fanhood?
I refuse to answer this question as it is presently formulated. If you want to know about what cemented my BYU fandom, it happened Jan. 13, 1985 when Bobby Capener and Jeff Chatman beat a #16 ranked Digger Phelps' coached Notre Dame team in the MC. It was a glorious night for an elementary school kid.

What do you currently do for a living?
professional message board poster.

Are your religiously affiliated, and if so, what is your current standing?​
My name is pellegrino. I'm a husband, a father, a professional message board poster, and I'm a Mormon.

Aside from long walks on the beach, I enjoy food and cooking food. I'm not thrilled about the existence of this site, simply because of how it went down, but I recognize its importance to those of a like mind. I don't know how much I'll post here. I guess that depends on what kind of contract JIC offers me ;)

Welcome, pilgrim. Please answer the following question carefully, as our future dealings....anyway.

Any young man from the 1980's will remember Risky Business, not so much for Tom Cruise dancing around in his socks to Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock & Roll" and more for that sexy-as-hell scene with Rebecca De Mornay coming into his house, the back doors blowing open, and her earning her wages. Seger also aurally decorated the airwaves in the 1990's with his "Like a Rock" commercial pimping Chevy pickups. I'm from Woodstock, Georgia, and Woodstock and Snoopy sold us MetLife, while Prudential advised us to "Get a piece of the Rock." The Rock of Gibraltar, seen in their logo, is a British exclave at the southern tip of Spain, land that Spain lost in 1713, but still claims as theirs. It gets its name from the conquering Moorish general who unseated the Visigoths from the Spanish crown in 711 Anno Domini. The Visigoths' 250-year reign in Spain gave us wonderful German names like Adolfo, Rodolfo, Ricardo, and the fabulous Gumercinda. We also get the patronymic naming system of -ez from them. So, Sánchez is "son of Sancho" and Rodríguez is "son of Rodrigo" and so on. While the Visigoths under Alaric rocked Rome in 410, they were far away from their Baltic Sea roots in the land of Greuthungi, with a root of "rocky pebbly coast" as its meaning. Goths in the USA like to hang around Denny's at 2AM and smoke by the front door. While many goths listen to death metal and paint their faces white and black and get wretched tattoos, some of them grow up to be fans of all kinds of rock music. When I want to rock out, I load up Spotify, plug my laptop into my stereo, and then blare Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, and Led Zeppelin; Billy Corgan's "Hummer" is one of the best songs ever written, and "Whole Lotta Love," while awesome when thinking about sex, is very distracting to hear if you're actually having sex--true story. So, the question remains, when you want to remember, with more than a tinge of nostalgia, what it felt like to be an angry young man, to feel that power that only thundering bass and crashing guitar can give you, what do you rock out to?

04-01-2013, 03:35 PM
Welcome, pilgrim. Please answer the following question carefully, as our future dealings....anyway.

Any young man from the 1980's will remember Risky Business, not so much for Tom Cruise dancing around in his socks to Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock & Roll" and more for that sexy-as-hell scene with Rebecca De Mornay coming into his house, the back doors blowing open, and her earning her wages. Seger also aurally decorated the airwaves in the 1990's with his "Like a Rock" commercial pimping Chevy pickups. I'm from Woodstock, Georgia, and Woodstock and Snoopy sold us MetLife, while Prudential advised us to "Get a piece of the Rock." The Rock of Gibraltar, seen in their logo, is a British exclave at the southern tip of Spain, land that Spain lost in 1713, but still claims as theirs. It gets its name from the conquering Moorish general who unseated the Visigoths from the Spanish crown in 711 Anno Domini. The Visigoths' 250-year reign in Spain gave us wonderful German names like Adolfo, Rodolfo, Ricardo, and the fabulous Gumercinda. We also get the patronymic naming system of -ez from them. So, Sánchez is "son of Sancho" and Rodríguez is "son of Rodrigo" and so on. While the Visigoths under Alaric rocked Rome in 410, they were far away from their Baltic Sea roots in the land of Greuthungi, with a root of "rocky pebbly coast" as its meaning. Goths in the USA like to hang around Denny's at 2AM and smoke by the front door. While many goths listen to death metal and paint their faces white and black and get wretched tattoos, some of them grow up to be fans of all kinds of rock music. When I want to rock out, I load up Spotify, plug my laptop into my stereo, and then blare Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, and Led Zeppelin; Billy Corgan's "Hummer" is one of the best songs ever written, and "Whole Lotta Love," while awesome when thinking about sex, is very distracting to hear if you're actually having sex--true story. So, the question remains, when you want to remember, with more than a tinge of nostalgia, what it felt like to be an angry young man, to feel that power that only thundering bass and crashing guitar can give you, what do you rock out to?

Do you Feel Like we Do - But it must be at over 100 mph for the whole song, and about 110 for the last part. (Check Marked)

04-01-2013, 04:45 PM
Benvenuto fratello.

04-01-2013, 05:48 PM
Welcome, pilgrim. Please answer the following question carefully, as our future dealings....anyway.

Any young man from the 1980's will remember Risky Business, not so much for Tom Cruise dancing around in his socks to Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock & Roll" and more for that sexy-as-hell scene with Rebecca De Mornay coming into his house, the back doors blowing open, and her earning her wages. Seger also aurally decorated the airwaves in the 1990's with his "Like a Rock" commercial pimping Chevy pickups. I'm from Woodstock, Georgia, and Woodstock and Snoopy sold us MetLife, while Prudential advised us to "Get a piece of the Rock." The Rock of Gibraltar, seen in their logo, is a British exclave at the southern tip of Spain, land that Spain lost in 1713, but still claims as theirs. It gets its name from the conquering Moorish general who unseated the Visigoths from the Spanish crown in 711 Anno Domini. The Visigoths' 250-year reign in Spain gave us wonderful German names like Adolfo, Rodolfo, Ricardo, and the fabulous Gumercinda. We also get the patronymic naming system of -ez from them. So, Sánchez is "son of Sancho" and Rodríguez is "son of Rodrigo" and so on. While the Visigoths under Alaric rocked Rome in 410, they were far away from their Baltic Sea roots in the land of Greuthungi, with a root of "rocky pebbly coast" as its meaning. Goths in the USA like to hang around Denny's at 2AM and smoke by the front door. While many goths listen to death metal and paint their faces white and black and get wretched tattoos, some of them grow up to be fans of all kinds of rock music. When I want to rock out, I load up Spotify, plug my laptop into my stereo, and then blare Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, and Led Zeppelin; Billy Corgan's "Hummer" is one of the best songs ever written, and "Whole Lotta Love," while awesome when thinking about sex, is very distracting to hear if you're actually having sex--true story. So, the question remains, when you want to remember, with more than a tinge of nostalgia, what it felt like to be an angry young man, to feel that power that only thundering bass and crashing guitar can give you, what do you rock out to?

That's easy,


04-01-2013, 06:12 PM
You finally made it! What happened? Did Creek finally get his way and shut the board down?

04-01-2013, 06:28 PM
You finally made it! What happened? Did Creek finally get his way and shut the board down?
I don't know what's up with CUF (yes, I will always call it that). I was on a lenten break when yall broke away.

LA Ute
04-01-2013, 07:02 PM
I don't know what's up with CUF (yes, I will always call it that). I was on a lenten break when yall broke away.

Stay with us. We're much cooler than that crowd. Nicer, too. And...all UB5ers are above average.

04-01-2013, 07:28 PM
Pell, it seems odd that they don't refer to the welcome questions as the "Pellegrino template". I was also at the MC that night, it so inspired me that I wrote a 3rd grade report about Jeff Chapman to which I made up all the facts.

04-01-2013, 07:50 PM
Stay with us. We're much cooler than that crowd. Nicer, too. And...all UB5ers are above average.

What is this, Lake Wobegon?

I used to have a natural home, but it up and r-u-n-n-o-f-t. Now I'm a stranger in a strange land.

Pell, it seems odd that they don't refer to the welcome questions as the "Pellegrino template". I was also at the MC that night, it so inspired me that I wrote a 3rd grade report about Jeff Chapman to which I made up all the facts.

I blame JIC for not carrying on the traditions of his forefathers ;).

My older sister was a cheerleader and she had awesome season tickets (Section 8, Row 5, seats 1 and 2, this was back when student seats were assigned) that we always got because, well we did. I went to nearly every game that season, my parents would drop me and my brother or one of my friends off at the MC and we'd rule the place for the evening.

LA Ute
04-01-2013, 07:52 PM
Pell, it seems odd that they don't refer to the welcome questions as the "Pellegrino template". I was also at the MC that night, it so inspired me that I wrote a 3rd grade report about Jeff Chapman to which I made up all the facts.

My bad. I couldn't remember if that was the Pellegrino template or not.

04-01-2013, 07:54 PM
Hi Pellegrino. Nice to see you. The utes here are really cool; I'm not a really active poster but i've been impressed at their ability to have discussions without the road rage of a typical message board. Hopefully they treat us better than the ding dongs at CUF treated them.