View Full Version : Bigfoot!

04-03-2013, 12:10 PM
We were talking about this a little in the what happened to CUF thread, someone asked me for my experience last year...

Yes! Do tell! Let's get this thread started NOW. We have one of the rational bigfoot specialists in SoCalCoug and we have actual field evidence. Let's do this!

Haha, it is going to sound like all the other bigfoot stories, no hard evidence, but here it goes.

I was fishing with my family at teapot lake in the Uintas. We heard some really strange/aggessive/mean animal-ish sound calls coming from somewhere near us. My brother, who has spent MANY nights camping in the uintas immediately went to the car and got his gun. I've spent my fair share of time in that area, as has my dad and have never heard this sound before. At first we thought bear just because of how mean it sounded, but then talked about it and decided it definitely didn't sound like a bear. When we got home we looked up moose calls, nothing again. I called back to it a few times and it replied, some replies were obviously other people, but many were the same inexplicable call. It was moving all throughout the forest (miles in minutes).

When we got home, my dad looked at the pictures of the lake we were at. Far away near the treeline, there is a little smudge that changes locations. Who knows. It was a weird enough encounter to make a believer out of my sister in law and open the possibility to me (I've always laughed at bigfoot stories).

Ok, everyone else's turn

04-03-2013, 12:18 PM
We were talking about this a little in the what happened to CUF thread, someone asked me for my experience last year...

Haha, it is going to sound like all the other bigfoot stories, no hard evidence, but here it goes.

I was fishing with my family at teapot lake in the Uintas. We heard some really strange/aggessive/mean animal-ish sound calls coming from somewhere near us. My brother, who has spent MANY nights camping in the uintas immediately went to the car and got his gun. I've spent my fair share of time in that area, as has my dad and have never heard this sound before. At first we thought bear just because of how mean it sounded, but then talked about it and decided it definitely didn't sound like a bear. When we got home we looked up moose calls, nothing again. I called back to it a few times and it replied, some replies were obviously other people, but many were the same inexplicable call. It was moving all throughout the forest (miles in minutes).

When we got home, my dad looked at the pictures of the lake we were at. Far away near the treeline, there is a little smudge that changes locations. Who knows. It was a weird enough encounter to make a believer out of my sister in law and open the possibility to me (I've always laughed at bigfoot stories).

Ok, everyone else's turn

This sounds like hard evidence to me! Now if you could upload those pictures, we'd be off to a great start...

04-03-2013, 12:20 PM
This sounds like hard evidence to me! Now if you could upload those pictures, we'd be off to a great start...

I'll try to track them down tonight

04-03-2013, 12:31 PM
I'll try to track them down tonight

Please do. This thread is going to be hot.

04-03-2013, 12:43 PM
I heard someone's first hand Bigfoot account a couple of summers ago.

So - I was talking to a neighbor who was going to go with me on a scout campout and told him I planned to tell some Sasquatch stories. He tells me "you know, my brother really believes that stuff." I just said "who knows what out in the woods" and left it at that. When we were actually there, we were sitting and talking and he says "you know, I believe that Sasquatch stuff too. In fact, I think I saw one."

So later that night he tells his story to the boys. He has some property near Lava Hot Springs where he and his wife go quite frequently. He says it was dark and they were driving up a dirt road towards their property, when they came around the corner and their headlights illuminated what initially looked like a couple of animals walking next to each other up the middle of the road. In a fraction of a second he decided that these things were too tall to be any animal he knew, and they were walking on two legs besides. They were hairy and around 7-8 feet tall. And they just kept walking slowly up the road.

So his first thought is that they must be aliens. But it only took him a moment to decide that it couldn't be aliens, that's just crazy. So they must be Sasquatches.

He says that they followed these things up the road for what must've been 5-10 minutes, when it occurred to he and his wife that maybe they shouldn't be doing anything to frighten these things and cause them to attack. So they pulled over to the side of the road (in the dark still) and turned off their motor and lights. They waited about 10 minutes, then started the car back up and went up the road - never to see the strange tall, hairy, bipedal creatures again.

04-03-2013, 12:56 PM
Now for the second story...

One of the boy's dad came along on his camp out. When I told him I had some stories to tell, he told me that he'd heard one from his cousin that he wanted to share too.

So, the boy's dad likes the outdoors and quite often goes camping on his own if no one can go with him. This was a few years ago, but he was at a family gathering and happened to mention to his mother that he was going to camp up Farmington Canyon alone that weekend. His aunt overheard the conversation, and told him "You talk to your cousin _______ . He's got a story he could tell you about camping up there."

So the next day he calls his cousin and asks about this story his aunt alluded to.

The cousin tells him that when he was about 19-20 years old he went camping up on top with just his dog. They were in their tent, when the hair on the dog's back started to stand up. It wasn't barking, but he could tell that it could either smell or hear something outside. Suddenly, 5 fingers from what he said had to be either a really big hand or really long fingers were gently placed on the fabric at one end of the tent and slowly slid, gliding to the other end. At this, the dog started barking. As you might imagine, he was a little freaked out. He unzipped the tent, just a little, and tried to push the dog out to chase away whatever it was. But the dog was having none of that and bit him.

He never did look outside the tent that night, and didn't get much sleep either. Once it was light, he got up, packed everything, and headed home. He still goes up the canyon, but told the guy he told the story to that he NEVER camps up there anymore.

04-03-2013, 01:05 PM
Ok, so here is my story, though I was the squatch in this case.

Me and my son watch 'Finding Bigfoot.' Mainly because the morons 'hunting' bigfoot are idiots. These guys have obviously spent very little time in the woods hunting anything else. But I digress. Two years ago we we all up camping in the soapstone basin area of the Unitah's. It had been raining all day and just let up. Needless to say it was cold. About 9:00 at night we were 4 wheeling back to camp and we noticed a couple just pulling in to set up camp. She was staying in the truck while he was setting up the tent. It just so happened that our camp was a mile or two up the road, but overlooked (straight shot) their camp. As we cooked our dinner around the fire we kept tabs on their setup. We ate, cleaned up and was getting ready to call it a night. We noticed these young campers had just doused the light in their tent. About ten minutes later, I went back out to make sure our fire was out and to take a leak. My friend followed for the same reason. As we sat their relieving ourselves I joked.... Wonder how that young couple would react to a sasquatch call right about now. We both laughed. Richard finally says, 'well, you going to do it?"

So I let out with my best Bobo impression. Because of the cloud cover, it literally echoed down the entire canyon. It was really cool and honestly, haunting. I did one or two more then resumed putting out the fire. Several seconds later I heard a slamming sound coming from the canyon below. I turned around and the young couple was literally tearing down their tent, throwing it in their now running SUV. They were out of there in less than 5 minutes tops. I never laughed so hard in my life.

04-03-2013, 01:08 PM
That sounds to me more of a story of someone freaking themselves out. When you're alone in the woods, it is real easy to do.

Now for the second story...

One of the boy's dad came along on his camp out. When I told him I had some stories to tell, he told me that he'd heard one from his cousin that he wanted to share too.

So, the boy's dad likes the outdoors and quite often goes camping on his own if no one can go with him. This was a few years ago, but he was at a family gathering and happened to mention to his mother that he was going to camp up Farmington Canyon alone that weekend. His aunt overheard the conversation, and told him "You talk to your cousin _______ . He's got a story he could tell you about camping up there."

So the next day he calls his cousin and asks about this story his aunt alluded to.

The cousin tells him that when he was about 19-20 years old he went camping up on top with just his dog. They were in their tent, when the hair on the dog's back started to stand up. It wasn't barking, but he could tell that it could either smell or hear something outside. Suddenly, 5 fingers from what he said had to be either a really big hand or really long fingers were gently placed on the fabric at one end of the tent and slowly slid, gliding to the other end. At this, the dog started barking. As you might imagine, he was a little freaked out. He unzipped the tent, just a little, and tried to push the dog out to chase away whatever it was. But the dog was having none of that and bit him.

He never did look outside the tent that night, and didn't get much sleep either. Once it was light, he got up, packed everything, and headed home. He still goes up the canyon, but told the guy he told the story to that he NEVER camps up there anymore.

04-03-2013, 01:12 PM
That sounds to me more of a story of someone freaking themselves out. When you're alone in the woods, it is real easy to do.

Oh, I agree that the guy freaked himself out.

But according to the kid's dad who told the story, something's hand brushed the side of the tent. He insisted that he wasn't set up anywhere near trees or bushes that might've done it. And to him it was clear that there were five fingers of a hand brushing the tent.

I've certainly freaked myself out before. But usually when it is all said and done I find the culprit that caused it. The deer that is jumping around in the woods at night, or the critter that is trying to get into food, etc. I've never experienced what this guy described.

04-03-2013, 01:41 PM
Here's my story, I can't believe I'm telling it, I've never told anyone about this before...

About 20 years ago, me and my family had just finished a weekend in the woods and had packed up camp in our station wagon. We were headed home on the highway, when suddenly we saw what looked like a person dash out in front of us in the road, my dad slammed on the brakes but it was too late. I heard a thump and a big crash. We sat in the car in horror for a moment, realizing that we may have just killed a person; my father decided he'd get out to investigate. I'll never forget the look on my father's face when he laid eyes on what we'd hit. He calls out to us and we go out to take a look, as it turns out, we hadn't hit a man, we'd hit a bigfoot and he was dead. This was the largest and most magnificent creature that I'd ever laid eyes on.

My father isn't exactly a brain surgeon, but he did realize that if we could somehow get this bigfoot home and to a news outlet, we would be rich. We'd finally be able to get out of our run down house and grungy neighborhood. So we all mustered up our strength and courage and managed to hoist this mammoth of a creature on top of the station wagon and secured it down with some straps. Once we finally arrived back at our house it was late, so my dad decided to just leave the body in the garage till morning. Morning came and when we went out to the garage to decide our next steps with the bigfoot corpse we realized it was nowhere to be found. We looked around wondered if we were followed and if someone had broken in and stolen the body. As it turns out, bigfoot was never dead at all! He allowed us to take him with us, and now he was gone, but he knew where we lived.

This is where the story gets even more weird. We started hearing weird noises in our house at night, initially we never found anything. The fridge was knocked over and food was missing, including my sister's prom corsage. Eventually we caught this creature in our house, the confrontation was intense and we didn't know what to do, we thought our demise was imminent. This beast could destroy our entire family single-handedly. But much to our surprise, he was friendly. We spent the next few days with him living with us, he had some unusual habits but was surprisingly tame and domesticated.

My father had a change of heart with "Harry" as we called him, and decided, he would be safest back in the wild, as many of our neighbors had become aware of our new guest, and the media and several big game hunters were catching on quickly. It was such a bittersweet moment for our family when we returned him back into the wild, realizing that despite our love for him, he was much safer in the wild.

04-03-2013, 03:05 PM
So his first thought is that they must be aliens. But it only took him a moment to decide that it couldn't be aliens, that's just crazy. So they must be Sasquatches.

Brilliant! SoCalCoug, have you linked this thread to your buddies in the "industry?" I think we might pump out a few academic papers out of just the threads contributed thusfar.

04-03-2013, 04:21 PM
Brilliant! SoCalCoug, have you linked this thread to your buddies in the "industry?" I think we might pump out a few academic papers out of just the threads contributed thusfar.

Yeah - that was my favorite part too. I had to bite down on my tongue good and hard to keep quiet. Luckily it was dark around the campfire, so he couldn't see my face very well.

04-03-2013, 04:36 PM
Sorry, but because of this, I have to tell one more story.

My and my brother were heading up really late one night to go camping. Because of the hour, we decided to hit an improved campground instead of trying to find one in the dark. The host was still awake when we pulled in and asked us if we were sleeping in a tent? We said yes. He then warned us about numerous bear sightings in recent weeks in the area.

We went in, far back corner of the site. Set up the tent and crawled into our bags and started playing a card game. 20 minutes later we hear snorting and something brushing up against the tent. We were scared out of our minds convinced it was one of the bears. We started talking louder, making noise. At one point we were hitting the side of the tent ourselves to scare off whatever was out there. Well, we both had to pee. All the while the noises and brushing against the tent kept going. Finally, I pulled out my big metal Mag Lite. Holding in one hand like cops do, I slowly unzipped the fly. As I crawled out of the tent I saw the culprits. Literally 20 or so deer were in our camp site feeding. Even with the flash light, the only moved out when I started walking towards them. One fawn actually tripped over our tent post stabilizing line.

Oh, I agree that the guy freaked himself out.

But according to the kid's dad who told the story, something's hand brushed the side of the tent. He insisted that he wasn't set up anywhere near trees or bushes that might've done it. And to him it was clear that there were five fingers of a hand brushing the tent.

I've certainly freaked myself out before. But usually when it is all said and done I find the culprit that caused it. The deer that is jumping around in the woods at night, or the critter that is trying to get into food, etc. I've never experienced what this guy described.

04-03-2013, 04:44 PM
:) Wow, amazing story. You should submit that to Hollywood so they could make a movie out of it. Better yet, to some studios in Van Nuys, they could make a real good "movie" out of it. Some like "Harry does Mrs. Henderson" or something like that

Here's my story, I can't believe I'm telling it, I've never told anyone about this before...

About 20 years ago, me and my family had just finished a weekend in the woods and had packed up camp in our station wagon. We were headed home on the highway, when suddenly we saw what looked like a person dash out in front of us in the road, my dad slammed on the brakes but it was too late. I heard a thump and a big crash. We sat in the car in horror for a moment, realizing that we may have just killed a person; my father decided he'd get out to investigate. I'll never forget the look on my father's face when he laid eyes on what we'd hit. He calls out to us and we go out to take a look, as it turns out, we hadn't hit a man, we'd hit a bigfoot and he was dead. This was the largest and most magnificent creature that I'd ever laid eyes on.

My father isn't exactly a brain surgeon, but he did realize that if we could somehow get this bigfoot home and to a news outlet, we would be rich. We'd finally be able to get out of our run down house and grungy neighborhood. So we all mustered up our strength and courage and managed to hoist this mammoth of a creature on top of the station wagon and secured it down with some straps. Once we finally arrived back at our house it was late, so my dad decided to just leave the body in the garage till morning. Morning came and when we went out to the garage to decide our next steps with the bigfoot corpse we realized it was nowhere to be found. We looked around wondered if we were followed and if someone had broken in and stolen the body. As it turns out, bigfoot was never dead at all! He allowed us to take him with us, and now he was gone, but he knew where we lived.

This is where the story gets even more weird. We started hearing weird noises in our house at night, initially we never found anything. The fridge was knocked over and food was missing, including my sister's prom corsage. Eventually we caught this creature in our house, the confrontation was intense and we didn't know what to do, we thought our demise was imminent. This beast could destroy our entire family single-handedly. But much to our surprise, he was friendly. We spent the next few days with him living with us, he had some unusual habits but was surprisingly tame and domesticated.

My father had a change of heart with "Harry" as we called him, and decided, he would be safest back in the wild, as many of our neighbors had become aware of our new guest, and the media and several big game hunters were catching on quickly. It was such a bittersweet moment for our family when we returned him back into the wild, realizing that despite our love for him, he was much safer in the wild.

04-03-2013, 05:37 PM
Could we please say "Sasquatch"? Thanks, in advance.

04-03-2013, 06:05 PM
Could we please say "Sasquatch"? Thanks, in advance.

Very much appreciated. Since you are one of the board residents who reside in Sasquatch's natural territory, I defer to you on all things 'Squatch.

Uncle Ted
04-04-2013, 12:13 PM
Could we please say "Sasquatch"? Thanks, in advance.

What about གཡའ་དྲེད or Yeti? Can we use these?

04-05-2013, 03:46 PM
What about གཡའ་དྲེད or Yeti? Can we use these?

Okay, here's how it goes:

HuskyFreeNorthwest is correct that the bigfoot found in the the Pacific Northwest and Canada are typically referred to as "Sasquatch." However, he is technically not correct if he is using that term to refer to all bigfoot. In the South, especially Florida, which is seeing a lot of bigfoot activity recently, they are known as "Skunk Apes." This is believed to refer to a strong, unpleasant odor that bigoot, including Sasquatch, are said to have. In the midwest, you hear of a different species with a longer snout, which are much more aggressive than their northwestern cousins. This midwest species is known as "Dogmen."

There are also other names for species/varieties found elsewhere in the world. In Asia, there is a smaller species, generally around 5 feet tall, known as "Orang-Pendek." There have been reports of a smaller species in the southeastern U.S., as well - it could simply be juvenile Skunk Apes, or they could be a species similar to Orang Pendek.

While the North American bigfoot are quite human-like, the Yeti, in the Himalayas and Russia, seems to be far more ape-like, as has been determined, in part, by their footprints. While bigfoot footprints are generally human-like, Yeti footprints are far more like a chimp or gorilla.

In China, bigfoot are known as "Yeren." I'm not sure if these are simply Yeti (geography suggests they are), or if they're more human-like, as with the North American varieties. Even Australia has a bigfoot, which they call the "Yowie."

So, Uncle Ted, if you're referring to North American bigfoot, "Yeti" is not an appropriate name. But even though Sasquatch refers primarily to the Northwestern Pacific variety, it is commonly used to refer to any North American bigfoot.

Finally, a scientific name has actually been suggested by Dr. Melba Ketchum, who recently published a genetic analysis of bigfoot DNA: Homo sapiens cognatus. Her conclusion is that bigfoot is actually a hybrid from a human/unknown hominid cross.

04-05-2013, 04:09 PM
Okay, here's how it goes:

HuskyFreeNorthwest is correct that the bigfoot found in the the Pacific Northwest and Canada are typically referred to as "Sasquatch." However, he is technically not correct if he is using that term to refer to all bigfoot. In the South, especially Florida, which is seeing a lot of bigfoot activity recently, they are known as "Skunk Apes." This is believed to refer to a strong, unpleasant odor that bigoot, including Sasquatch, are said to have. In the midwest, you hear of a different species with a longer snout, which are much more aggressive than their northwestern cousins. This midwest species is known as "Dogmen."

There are also other names for species/varieties found elsewhere in the world. In Asia, there is a smaller species, generally around 5 feet tall, known as "Orang-Pendek." There have been reports of a smaller species in the southeastern U.S., as well - it could simply be juvenile Skunk Apes, or they could be a species similar to Orang Pendek.

While the North American bigfoot are quite human-like, the Yeti, in the Himalayas and Russia, seems to be far more ape-like, as has been determined, in part, by their footprints. While bigfoot footprints are generally human-like, Yeti footprints are far more like a chimp or gorilla.

In China, bigfoot are known as "Yeren." I'm not sure if these are simply Yeti (geography suggests they are), or if they're more human-like, as with the North American varieties. Even Australia has a bigfoot, which they call the "Yowie."

So, Uncle Ted, if you're referring to North American bigfoot, "Yeti" is not an appropriate name. But even though Sasquatch refers primarily to the Northwestern Pacific variety, it is commonly used to refer to any North American bigfoot.

Finally, a scientific name has actually been suggested by Dr. Melba Ketchum, who recently published a genetic analysis of bigfoot DNA: Homo sapiens cognatus. Her conclusion is that bigfoot is actually a hybrid from a human/unknown hominid cross.

Fascinating. Has the taxonomy of unicorns also been figured out to this extent? Maybe they only have one subspecies.

04-05-2013, 04:51 PM
Fascinating. Has the taxonomy of unicorns also been figured out to this extent? Maybe they only have one subspecies.

No, unfortunately, there are no actual reported unicorn sightings.

04-05-2013, 05:06 PM
No, unfortunately, there are no actual reported unicorn sightings.

Is this true? Surely someone has reported a unicorn sighting, no? I think there may be an academic paper or two floating out there that could explain the situation.

04-06-2013, 07:20 AM
Here's a "UFO occupant" taxonomy that I found enlightening: http://www.hyper.net/ufo/occupants.html

04-06-2013, 09:49 AM
Here's a "UFO occupant" taxonomy that I found enlightening: http://www.hyper.net/ufo/occupants.html

Incomplete - left out the Reptilians, which are the real bad guys of the aliens.