View Full Version : The Allegations against Auburn Football

04-10-2013, 09:22 AM
It's been a week and I haven't seen a thread on here.
What are we to make of this?

Selena Roberts' original story:
http://www.roopstigo.com/reader/auburns_vainted_title_victims_violations_and_vende ttas_for_glory/

Then, a story about failed drug tests and cover-up:

Auburn's responses:

It seems like it would be really hard to change a grade without the consent of the instructor.
It's not like in that movie War Games.

04-10-2013, 10:51 AM
It's been a week and I haven't seen a thread on here.
What are we to make of this?

Selena Roberts' original story:
http://www.roopstigo.com/reader/auburns_vainted_title_victims_violations_and_vende ttas_for_glory/

Then, a story about failed drug tests and cover-up:

Auburn's responses:

It seems like it would be really hard to change a grade without the consent of the instructor.
It's not like in that movie War Games.You want a thread for this? Come on. It's the SEC. What do you expect?

04-10-2013, 12:30 PM
It's been a week and I haven't seen a thread on here.
What are we to make of this?

Selena Roberts' original story:
http://www.roopstigo.com/reader/auburns_vainted_title_victims_violations_and_vende ttas_for_glory/

Then, a story about failed drug tests and cover-up:

Auburn's responses:

It seems like it would be really hard to change a grade without the consent of the instructor.
It's not like in that movie War Games.

It's good reading, but I have one major issue with this story: How is Mike McNeil's treatment by Auburn and the local police force connected to what Auburn reportedly did with grades, the Muschamp charge of offering money, failed drug tests, etc.? To me, they're two separate stories, tied together by a flimsy piece of speculation that has zero proof behind it -- that McNeil knows too much about Cam Newton's recruitiment and that Auburn is casting him as a criminally disaffected outcast who will have no credibility should he ever decide to spill the beans on Newton.

04-10-2013, 12:35 PM
Also, as far as credibility is concerned, Auburn has every right to view Roberts with skepticism. She went from writing back-cover columns for Sports Illustrated (taking over Rick Reilly's place in the mag) to writing for some web site I had never heard of until this story broke. She turned out to be almost entirely wrong in opining on Duke lacrosse like she did, and interestingly enough, is an Auburn grad.

04-12-2013, 12:58 PM
Also, as far as credibility is concerned, Auburn has every right to view Roberts with skepticism. She went from writing back-cover columns for Sports Illustrated (taking over Rick Reilly's place in the mag) to writing for some web site I had never heard of until this story broke. She turned out to be almost entirely wrong in opining on Duke lacrosse like she did, and interestingly enough, is an Auburn grad.

She whiffed on Duke lacrosse, but she nailed A-Rod on steroids.

I agree that Roberts is a little sketchy here, for me due to the fact that she published her findings on some website I've never heard of. I'm not sure if that's just because I'm old-school, or if there's an obvious lack of editorial oversight.

But still . . . these are pretty damning allegations.