View Full Version : Whatever happened to Marv Bateman?

04-28-2013, 11:13 AM
It's not something that came across my mind, but rather in a tribute to Buffalo News sports writer Larry Felser, who died this week.

Part of what you’re reading today, by the way, is based on a collection of notes while wondering whatever happened to Marv Bateman. Eerily, the previous sentence was written on a smart phone while walking past my boyhood home and approaching my old bus stop.

Side note: If you want to know what my youth was like and how I viewed my future, Gleason captured it perfectly in this column:


Now, on to the question at hand: Whatever happened to Marv Bateman? Does anyone here know him? I tried reaching him for my book, and while I found a number for a Marv Bateman in SL County, it wasn't him. When I told him what I was trying to accomplish, he told me I wasn't the first one to unsuccessfully connect the dots. He had received periodic calls like mine for years.

If you have the answer and want to pass it on to either myself or Bucky Gleason at the Buffalo News, please do.

LA Ute
04-28-2013, 11:31 AM
His younger brother Robert was a year ahead of me in high school. He might be another lead. I have no idea where Robert lives, however.

Odd factoid: during my older brother's era at Highland High Marv Bateman was famous mostly for his high school exploits as a baseball pitcher. His (much smaller) brother played football at Highland too while I was there, and so Marv came to football practice once in the fall of 1971 to give us a pep talk. By that point he had become more famous as a punter for the U.

Diehard Ute
04-28-2013, 03:10 PM
In 2004 when he was inducted to the Crimson Club Hall Of Fame it was noted he lived in Cedar City.

A quick Google of him in Cedar turned up some results for him in Hurricane as well.

Two Utes
04-28-2013, 04:59 PM
It's not something that came across my mind, but rather in a tribute to Buffalo News sports writer Larry Felser, who died this week.

Side note: If you want to know what my youth was like and how I viewed my future, Gleason captured it perfectly in this column:


Now, on to the question at hand: Whatever happened to Marv Bateman? Does anyone here know him? I tried reaching him for my book, and while I found a number for a Marv Bateman in SL County, it wasn't him. When I told him what I was trying to accomplish, he told me I wasn't the first one to unsuccessfully connect the dots. He had received periodic calls like mine for years.

If you have the answer and want to pass it on to either myself or Bucky Gleason at the Buffalo News, please do.

I believe he grew up in the Highland Park area of Sugarhouse. Someone told me several years ago that he became a polygamist with that sect in the Manti/Ephraim area.

LA Ute
04-28-2013, 06:26 PM
I believe he grew up in the Highland Park area of Sugarhouse. Someone told me several years ago that he became a polygamist with that sect in the Manti/Ephraim area.

Now there's a twist I didn't see coming.

04-28-2013, 06:40 PM
Now there's a twist I didn't see coming.

I'm not dogging on TwoUtes here, but I heard the same story about BYU QB Virgil Carter some years ago.

04-28-2013, 06:44 PM
In 2004 when he was inducted to the Crimson Club Hall Of Fame it was noted he lived in Cedar City.

A quick Google of him in Cedar turned up some results for him in Hurricane as well.

That sounds familiar, too. Pretty sure I remember coming across a number from that region. I'm guessing it dead-ended there, but I can't remember if there was no voicemail, no answer, etc. I'll take another shot.

05-01-2013, 09:44 PM
I was there the day Bateman launched a 90 yard punt, with assistance from a strong south wind. Geez.

07-21-2014, 11:15 PM
I believe he grew up in the Highland Park area of Sugarhouse. Someone told me several years ago that he became a polygamist with that sect in the Manti/Ephraim area.

He's not a polygamist and lives in Apple Valley, UT down by St George.