View Full Version : long time poster from utefans

02-19-2013, 06:35 PM
but feel that site has really hit rock bottom in open discussions. i am hoping the egos are left out here and people can have discussions and get along even if they don't agree.

plus i really like the set up much better. i like how you can keep threads going and they don't get barried.

thank you for opening this up. i also hope more info about our teams are shared here more often. when i first started at utefans everyone was always talking about things they heard going on up at the "U". then it kind of felt like utezone took that away as some were afraid to tell their info. or were afraid they would get ridiculed on the other site.

i hope this site explodes and there is no more need for utefans.

LA Ute
02-19-2013, 06:51 PM
but feel that site has really hit rock bottom in open discussions. i am hoping the egos are left out here and people can have discussions and get along even if they don't agree.

plus i really like the set up much better. i like how you can keep threads going and they don't get barried.

thank you for opening this up. i also hope more info about our teams are shared here more often. when i first started at utefans everyone was always talking about things they heard going on up at the "U". then it kind of felt like utezone took that away as some were afraid to tell their info. or were afraid they would get ridiculed on the other site.

i hope this site explodes and there is no more need for utefans.

Just for the record, we have no desire to harm UteFans.net. I personally am a long-time poster there. We just think this board addresses an audience that the others do not.

02-19-2013, 07:05 PM
well thank you for setting it up. i really like the set up. i visit other message boards that are similar and really like it.

02-19-2013, 07:06 PM
Just for the record, we have no desire to harm UteFans.net. I personally am a long-time poster there. We just think this board addresses an audience that the others do not.
All of the mentioned sites not only serve different audiences, but they fill different needs for each individual poster as well. There are numerous posters here who also post elsewhere. All the sites can coexist. The purpose of this site is not to disparage any other, but to establish a cohesive discussion groupgroup based around our mutual love of the Utes.

Welcome, crazyute!

02-19-2013, 07:07 PM
but feel that site has really hit rock bottom in open discussions. i am hoping the egos are left out here and people can have discussions and get along even if they don't agree.

plus i really like the set up much better. i like how you can keep threads going and they don't get barried.

thank you for opening this up. i also hope more info about our teams are shared here more often. when i first started at utefans everyone was always talking about things they heard going on up at the "U". then it kind of felt like utezone took that away as some were afraid to tell their info. or were afraid they would get ridiculed on the other site.

i hope this site explodes and there is no more need for utefans.

I completely agree with most of what you said. This site should be tons of fun.

02-19-2013, 07:49 PM
UFN has done so much to help me feel connected to my alma mater over the years that I will always feel a sense of loyalty. Still, this site has been sorely needed for a long time.

02-20-2013, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the website....it's great! Is there any way possible that I won't get ridiculed over here for choosing to homeschool my kids, as I was often insulted on UFN? :D Oh well I say if I am...Just happy to have a new home with fellow Utes and delve in discussion without the insults. Blue star me if you like for saying "homeschool". :)

02-20-2013, 12:27 PM
Thanks for the website....it's great! Is there any way possible that I won't get ridiculed over here for choosing to homeschool my kids, as I was often insulted on UFN? :D Oh well I say if I am...Just happy to have a new home with fellow Utes and delve in discussion without the insults. Blue star me if you like for saying "homeschool". :)

Well that depends, do you home-school your kids because you feel that the sausage factory that is modern education is ineffective or because of some sort of paranoid fantasy related to a combination of guns, the New World Order, evolution, and innoculations?

02-20-2013, 12:29 PM
Well that depends, do you home-school your kids because you feel that the sausage factory that is modern education is ineffective or because of some sort of paranoid fantasy related to a combination of guns, the New World Order, evolution, and innoculations?

He does so because of the gay agenda present in the public school system.

Just bustin' your balls admiral. It's a clean slate over here, and I'm officially out of the political debates biz. Hope to have many future, clean discussions with you.

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 12:32 PM
Thanks for the website....it's great! Is there any way possible that I won't get ridiculed over here for choosing to homeschool my kids, as I was often insulted on UFN? :D Oh well I say if I am...Just happy to have a new home with fellow Utes and delve in discussion without the insults. Blue star me if you like for saying "homeschool". :)

We don't have blue stars here. Or red ones, for that matter. Glad you're aboard. Go to the "Welcome" thread and introduce yourself!

02-20-2013, 12:46 PM
We don't have blue stars here. Or red ones, for that matter.

Seriously, if you mods do nothing more than eschew that form of praise/criticism, you will have done very well. I'm confident I would receive many red stars for that observation.

02-20-2013, 12:49 PM
Seriously, if you mods do nothing more than eschew that form of praise/criticism, you will have done very well. I'm confident I would receive many red stars for that observation.

Not just many red stars, but archived as well. And deservedly so.

02-20-2013, 01:04 PM
We home school because: my wife is willing...although some days she wants to pull her hair out, we are financially able to support it, we believe modern eduaction is not as it used to be and too many teacher's agendas are behind their teachings, our kids receive as much 1-on-1 attention as needed with extra emphasis on subjects which they may struggle and the ability to progress ahead with subjects that they're excelling in. I know my kids would do just fine in public school, but there's nothing like teaching your own kids a cirriculum which you believe in and personally witnessing them read and write their first word...almost like seeing your baby crawl for the first time or take that first step...there's a sense of gradification in molding their minds. That's all...

02-20-2013, 01:06 PM
That's not the case at all!!! Same with you 480ute!

02-20-2013, 01:10 PM
We home school because: my wife is willing...although some days she wants to pull her hair out, we are financially able to support it, we believe modern eduaction is not as it used to be and too many teacher's agendas are behind their teachings, our kids receive as much 1-on-1 attention as needed with extra emphasis on subjects which they may struggle and the ability to progress ahead with subjects that they're excelling in. I know my kids would do just fine in public school, but there's nothing like teaching your own kids a cirriculum which you believe in and personally witnessing them read and write their first word...almost like seeing your baby crawl for the first time or take that first step...there's a sense of gradification in molding their minds. That's all...
The only kids I've seen struggle with homeschooling were ones that never socialized with peers outside of the home. As long as a child is involved in other outside activities, be it sports or whatever, then I can see homeschooling as a real positive. It is ironic that you misspelled education though :).

02-20-2013, 01:19 PM
The only kids I've seen struggle with homeschooling were ones that never socialized with peers outside of the home. As long as a child is involved in other outside activities, be it sports or whatever, then I can see homeschooling as a real positive. It is ironic that you misspelled education though :).

That's because I went to public school...see.:D

Mormon Red Death
02-20-2013, 01:20 PM
We home school because: my wife is willing...although some days she wants to pull her hair out, we are financially able to support it, we believe modern eduaction is not as it used to be and too many teacher's agendas are behind their teachings, our kids receive as much 1-on-1 attention as needed with extra emphasis on subjects which they may struggle and the ability to progress ahead with subjects that they're excelling in. I know my kids would do just fine in public school, but there's nothing like teaching your own kids a cirriculum which you believe in and personally witnessing them read and write their first word...almost like seeing your baby crawl for the first time or take that first step...there's a sense of gradification in molding their minds. That's all...

sounds like you and utahby5 (the poster) should be good friends.

02-20-2013, 01:54 PM
The only kids I've seen struggle with homeschooling were ones that never socialized with peers outside of the home. As long as a child is involved in other outside activities, be it sports or whatever, then I can see homeschooling as a real positive. It is ironic that you misspelled education though :).

And the only homeschooled kids I've seen suffer socially are the ones whose parents suffer socially (and most likely would have the same struggles in public school).

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 02:38 PM
Seriously, if you mods do nothing more than eschew that form of praise/criticism, you will have done very well. I'm confident I would receive many red stars for that observation.

It is truly good to see you here, my friend. Please don't be a stranger.

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 02:45 PM
We home school because: my wife is willing...although some days she wants to pull her hair out, we are financially able to support it, we believe modern eduaction is not as it used to be and too many teacher's agendas are behind their teachings, our kids receive as much 1-on-1 attention as needed with extra emphasis on subjects which they may struggle and the ability to progress ahead with subjects that they're excelling in. I know my kids would do just fine in public school, but there's nothing like teaching your own kids a cirriculum which you believe in and personally witnessing them read and write their first word...almost like seeing your baby crawl for the first time or take that first step...there's a sense of gradification in molding their minds. That's all...

My daughter became so bored in the 6th grade that she begged us to home school her. We did so for 6th and 7th grade and it was a roaring success. She skipped the 8th grade, heading straight to high school (when home schooling ended -- our local public high school is excellent, a public charter school, and my wife serves on the school's board). It's not that my daughter is brilliant, although she's very smart, it's that she was able to move at her own pace. She loved it. Of course, she was still active in her church youth group and in dance classes, so she was not isolated socially. That experience opened our eyes to how beneficial home schooling can be.

02-20-2013, 04:23 PM
My daughter became so bored in the 6th grade that she begged us to home school her. We did so for 6th and 7th grade and it was a roaring success. She skipped the 8th grade, heading straight to high school (when home schooling ended -- our local public high school is excellent, a public charter school, and my wife serves on the school's board). It's not that my daughter is brilliant, although she's very smart, it's that she was able to move at her own pace. She loved it. Of course, she was still active in her church youth group and in dance classes, so she was not isolated socially. That experience opened our eyes to how beneficial home schooling can be.

I as well agree that it's extremely important that they be involved with social activities, which they are. That was our initial concern with homeschooling, but it's been great so far and they socialize very well outside of home. We do live in an area in SoCal where they do have the ability to be homeschooled and play middle school or high school sports when they reach that age. Although, if they absolutely get the itch to attend public school down the road then it's something we will certainly entertain and more than likely something we'll feel comfortable with knowing we gave them a solid foundation to stand. We're not trying to isolate our kids from the "outside" world, but just as you said LA Ute, it so far has been a great experience, beneficial, and probably not understood very well by people who have never homeschooled. I look back now and wish I was homeschooled and know it would have kept me out of a lot of trouble.