View Full Version : Polygamy TV show on the National Geographic Channel

Two Utes
05-22-2013, 09:52 AM
I watched it last night. It follows the lives of polygamists in Centennial Park, a town next to Hilldale and Colorado City. This group broke off from the FLDS group led by Warren Jeffs about 30 years ago. I think the poster Midnight Version on Utefans is part of this group. It's a fascinating show. This group looks and acts very much like very conservative LDS people except that they practice polygamy and drink coffee and alcohol. They talk just like small town Mormons. The FLDS group takes it to such an extreme that you can really see differences from mainstream Mormons. But this group, not so much. I'm enamored with the show. Has anybody else watched it?

05-22-2013, 10:43 AM
Watched it last night. That the Church is kissing cousins with this group gave me the heebie-jeebies at times. The vocabulary, similarity of worship, etc....