View Full Version : XBox One

05-22-2013, 11:08 AM
Anyone else watch the live reveal?

It is obvious Microsoft is going a different direction.

Here's an amusing recap.


Diehard Ute
05-22-2013, 12:01 PM
Didn't watch but read up.

I'm a bit miffed at all the fanboys jumping off bridges.

System looks good to me

05-22-2013, 12:13 PM
Someone remind me, why do I need to buy a camera to make my television/internet/gaming box turn on? Also "it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet.”...what the hell does that mean?

Diehard Ute
05-22-2013, 01:04 PM
Someone remind me, why do I need to buy a camera to make my television/internet/gaming box turn on? Also "it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet.”...what the hell does that mean?

The camera comes with the One, its not an add on

As for the connection, developers are being given the option to use Azure if they choose to, so developers could require a connection. The 'always on' statement addresses the gaming side, some rumors stated you would not be able to play a game unless you were online, this is not true.

I don't know anyone who doesn't at least have their 360 connected to the Internet, games are constantly updated these days, without an Internet connection you can't get game or system updates.

05-22-2013, 01:05 PM
As I understand it, you need to log in to your xboxlive account even if you only want to play a one-player game without going online. This means that all of my kids need their own xboxlive accounts if they want to play a game under their own gamer profiles.


Diehard Ute
05-22-2013, 01:08 PM
As I understand it, you need to log in to your xboxlive account even if you only want to play a one-player game without going online. This means that all of my kids need their own xboxlive accounts if they want to play a game under their own gamer profiles.


I don't think this is correct. I think you'll be able to switch profiles on the machine, there's just an initial verification that may occur when you install the game to the hard drive. The full details of that have not been released and what is known is as much rumor as fact

05-22-2013, 01:28 PM
Well it's good the camera isn't extra, but I still question its necessity since developers wont be required to use it...and according the Microsoft marketing team, it can't be turned off. My conspiracy bone tells me this is the middle step on the way to charge-by-viewer content that has been sitting on Microsoft's shelf for a while.

The internet connection isn't for the developers, useless add-on content, or other "you always online anyways!" bs; it's so that Microsoft can verify your activity with the Xbox at least once every 24 hours. "We think that most of the biggest games on Xbox One and most of the games and experiences and services you want to use will be internet-connected." This is the real killer for used games and game sharing...or if someone happens to be without internet for 24 hours it will lock your gaming and tv "When Kotaku's Stephen Totilo pressed Harrison on the specifics of how long you could be offline before the Xbox One stopped you from playing a single-player game, Harrison responded with, "I believe it’s 24 hours."

05-22-2013, 01:30 PM
I hope my understanding is incorrect. I will be upset if I am forced to purchase a Family Plan on xboxlive for ~$120/yr instead of one single membership for $35.

05-22-2013, 01:47 PM
Why does everyone get so upset over all these things? We're talking about a good chunk of money to buy a system and games. If you don't like stuff, do yourself a favor and don't buy it. That is what I plan on doing.

Diehard Ute
05-22-2013, 01:51 PM
Well it's good the camera isn't extra, but I still question its necessity since developers wont be required to use it...and according the Microsoft marketing, it can't be turned off. My conspiracy bone tells me this is the middle step on the way to charge-by-viewer content that has been sitting on Microsoft's shelf for a while.

The internet connection isn't for the developers and useless add-on content, it's so that Microsoft can verify your activity with the Xbox at least once every 24 hours. "We think that most of the biggest games on Xbox One and most of the games and experiences and services you want to use will be internet-connected." This is the real killer for used games and game sharing...or if someone happens to be without internet for 24 hours it will lock your gaming and tv "When Kotaku's Stephen Totilo pressed Harrison on the specifics of how long you could be offline before the Xbox One stopped you from playing a single-player game, Harrison responded with, "I believe it’s 24 hours."

Well the microphone will always be in listening mode, the camera itself is not always on.

Used gaming will be possible, but a fee will be paid to install the game. (That's the best guess at this time)

I don't have an issue with it. Frankly I think used gaming is somewhat of a bait and switch, I can usually download the titles straight from My Xbox for less than I pay used. (And its likely the PS4 is headed down the same road)

And I can't remember a time I haven't had Internet in the last 4 years for more than 2 hours, let alone 24. Certainly there are some rural areas where this could be a problem, but not in most urban areas.

But the Internet certainly can be for developers if you understand Azure. (And in that case you would have to be online to play)

05-22-2013, 02:02 PM
Well the microphone will always be in listening mode, the camera itself is not always on.

And I can't remember a time I haven't had Internet in the last 4 years for more than 2 hours, let alone 24. Certainly there are some rural areas where this could be a problem, but not in most urban areas.

But the Internet certainly can be for developers if you understand Azure. (And in that case you would have to be online to play)

Admittedly, I come at this from the somewhat outdated perspective that I can do what I want with a product that I purchased. The fact that Microsoft feels the need to check up on me, under the guise of bettering my experience, or it will shut down the functionality of the product in question is, to me, nefariously unethical.
Regardless, I'm sitting this generation out so I can buy SimCity...that way I wont have some snoopy company telling me how to play my games!!!!......aww $*($%*

05-22-2013, 02:03 PM
As for the connection, developers are being given the option to use Azure if they choose to, so developers could require a connection. The 'always on' statement addresses the gaming side, some rumors stated you would not be able to play a game unless you were online, this is not true.

Not quite true. It sounds like all games will require an install to the hard drive in order to play, and that install will require a registration key which ties that copy of the game to your box. If you want to take your game to your friend's house, you will need to log in using your profile on his box or require a "second hand fee" in order to play it. This is their way of getting a piece of the second hand market. GameStop (GME) shares dropped by 9% yesterday.

I am unsure how this works with multiple profiles.

I don't know anyone who doesn't at least have their 360 connected to the Internet, games are constantly updated these days, without an Internet connection you can't get game or system updates.

After system updates are released, all games pressed after that contain the release. So when someone who doesn't have their box connected to the internet will get a "this game requires a system update" message when they put one of them in their box, and it will update off of disc.

I suspect that the reason fan boys are upset is because it seems like Microsoft's angle is that they are interested in selling XBL subscriptions, not necessarily games. Gamers feel shafted for that reason. They don't necessarily care for all of the TV/movie integration. I know I'm not interested.

05-22-2013, 02:06 PM
Well the microphone will always be in listening mode, the camera itself is not always on.

And people watching the reveal through their XBox with a Kinect attached had some amusing problems (http://www.polygon.com/2013/5/21/4353010/kinect-trouble-xbox-one-reveal).

Diehard Ute
05-22-2013, 02:12 PM
Not quite true. It sounds like all games will require an install to the hard drive in order to play, and that install will require a registration key which ties that copy of the game to your box. If you want to take your game to your friend's house, you will need to log in using your profile on his box or require a "second hand fee" in order to play it. This is their way of getting a piece of the second hand market. GameStop (GME) shares dropped by 9% yesterday.

I am unsure how this works with multiple profiles.

After system updates are released, all games pressed after that contain the release. So when someone who doesn't have their box connected to the internet will get a "this game requires a system update" message when they put one of them in their box, and it will update off of disc.

I suspect that the reason fan boys are upset is because it seems like Microsoft's angle is that they are interested in selling XBL subscriptions, not necessarily games. Gamers feel shafted for that reason. They don't necessarily care for all of the TV/movie integration. I know I'm not interested.

And again, I have no problem with their solution to the used game issue, and frankly I still to this day can buy most older games cheaper on a direct download than I can from Game Stop.

I think most gamers already have an XBL subscription, I don't know a single friend who doesn't.

To say system updates are on games is fine, but game updates are constant and are not. Most games have a patch within a month of release now

If you're playing COD you're going to have a patch every month.

If you're playing a Bethesda title you'll NEED a patch given their glitch prone nature.

As a frequent gamer who routinely has the latest COD, Assassin's Creed, Fallout, Borderlands and Elder Scrolls games the day they're released I see nothing to keep me from buying the system

05-22-2013, 02:29 PM
And again, I have no problem with their solution to the used game issue, and frankly I still to this day can buy most older games cheaper on a direct download than I can from Game Stop.

I think most gamers already have an XBL subscription, I don't know a single friend who doesn't.

To say system updates are on games is fine, but game updates are constant and are not. Most games have a patch within a month of release now

If you're playing COD you're going to have a patch every month.

If you're playing a Bethesda title you'll NEED a patch given their glitch prone nature.

As a frequent gamer who routinely has the latest COD, Assassin's Creed, Fallout, Borderlands and Elder Scrolls games the day they're released I see nothing to keep me from buying the system

I'm not arguing with you. I think that with the broader appeal it will sell quite well. Especially in the states (I don't think it will do well overseas). Some of those features make it easier for guys with non-gaming girlfriends/wives to agree to buy it.

I think the backlash is localized to gamers due to 1) gamers feeling like they are not as important to MS; and 2) gamers being a bit leery of a system which may inhibit their ability to play their games (What happens if their internet goes down? What happens if they have to get a new box due to hardware failure? What if they just want to borrow a game from their friend? What happens if MS decides to not support games 10 years from now? Etc.)

I believe MS has an answer for most of those question (well, except the last one), but we haven't heard them yet. I expect we will hear more at E3.

05-22-2013, 02:43 PM
A good spec breakdown for the hardware junkies...


Diehard Ute
05-22-2013, 02:46 PM
I'm guessing the answer to the 'new box' thing is the removeable HD like the 360 has.

But, from what I've read you won't even actually need the HD to play as you can cloud it to any console with your Gamertag

05-22-2013, 03:54 PM
I'm guessing the answer to the 'new box' thing is the removeable HD like the 360 has.

But, from what I've read you won't even actually need the HD to play as you can cloud it to any console with your Gamertag

I believe that it will probably end up being tied to your profile and not your box.

But I'm still not sure how that works with multiple profiles on a box unless you can tie the game to *all* the profiles on it.

05-22-2013, 03:55 PM
What MS sees: 33% of 360 usage is used for non-gaming reasons, and is increasing YoY.


Diehard Ute
05-22-2013, 03:56 PM
I believe that it will probably end up being tied to your profile and not your box.

But I'm still not sure how that works with multiple profiles on a box unless you can tie the game to *all* the profiles on it.

From what I've gathered, once the game is installed on the HD, anyone playing that game on that console can play it, so you should be able to locally switch your profile and still play

We should have answers to almost all of this at E3

05-23-2013, 02:27 PM
A report has the MS/NFL deal worth $400M over 5 years.



05-24-2013, 08:41 AM
I'm excited to make the switch from PS3 to XBox.

05-29-2013, 11:30 PM
You want to know why so many gamers are upset about the Xbox One? We thought we were getting a gaming console:

Also, if you have 12 minutes: http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/9ezteb/the-final-bosman-go-home--xbox

Unless they announce some killer new games at E3, gamers are going to flock to the PS4 (more powerful, game focused, PSN is free) or save their money for gaming PCs (which are already much more powerful than the new consoles). The reaction of the gaming community to the Xbone has been almost unanimously negative. The stifling of used games, the lack of support for indie developers, the focus on TV instead of gaming, the lack of a removable HD, and the proliferation of online requirements has a ton of people really pissed off.

The only thing that has been well received is the controller.

Diehard Ute
05-30-2013, 01:26 AM
You want to know why so many gamers are upset about the Xbox One? We thought we were getting a gaming console:

Also, if you have 12 minutes: http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/9ezteb/the-final-bosman-go-home--xbox

Unless they announce some killer new games at E3, gamers are going to flock to the PS4 (more powerful, game focused, PSN is free) or save their money for gaming PCs (which are already much more powerful than the new consoles). The reaction of the gaming community to the Xbone has been almost unanimously negative. The stifling of used games, the lack of support for indie developers, the focus on TV instead of gaming, the lack of a removable HD, and the proliferation of online requirements has a ton of people really pissed off.

The only thing that has been well received is the controller.

Your "more powerful" stance is up for a lot of debate, to say the PS4 is more powerful is buying into the PS4 fans, as the actual data can be interpreted either way (as long as you don't just buy into Sony's RAM push and dig deeper into performance)

Free PSN that has been hacked, been down for almost a month and routinely has connection and speed issues. (And really, $40 to $60 a year for people shelling out the cash gamers do is a really sad argument)

Sony is being extremely vague on used games, and its entirely possible, some say likely, they'll stifle used games in the same manner Microsoft is (which isn't stifling, but requiring a license fee, which I have no problem with)

But please, refrain from buying one, just more for me.

06-06-2013, 08:58 AM
I can't NOT post Yahtzee's de rigueur console slamming (this is not for the sake of argument, just the lulz)
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/7417-Next-Gen-Buyers-Guide (Warning: Harsh language)

06-11-2013, 08:50 AM
Once again, posted as someone who isn't buying a console.


04-04-2014, 11:51 AM
From the 4/3/14 episode of The Big Bang Theory...

Sheldon tries to decide between a PS4 and an XBox One.


After, I asked my wife if that's how she handles my techno babble...

I'm not sure I got a straight answer.


06-15-2015, 05:31 PM
Backwards compatibility announced today.

Looks like it is on select titles only, but that's a start.