View Full Version : Battle of the Brothers. Utah vs USU. August 29th

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LA Ute
08-30-2013, 04:05 PM
By the way, I don't think last year's Utah team comes back from a 24-13 deficit. So we have that going for us this year.

Jarid in Cedar
08-30-2013, 04:07 PM
Great to get a win, but we will be able to view it better through a rear facing lens. If Utah State is 5-2 in 6 weeks then this one will look alot better than if they are 3-4/4-3. On to the game!

JOSEPH SMITH!!! He keeps playing well and I may come back to church.

This is my initial thoughts, I will add to them after I watch it off of the DVR tonight.

Everyone is rightfully crediting the onside kick to turn the tide, but the real difference in the game was the coverage adjustment in the second half.

USU got going in the 1st half when they went to the 5 receiver set. We tried to cover it with 2 CB, 2 Safety look and the seams were just getting shred. After the first series of the 3rd quarter, we brought Smith(#20) in to replace either a LB or DT whenever they had the 5 receiver personnel(sometimes the 5th was Hill that they motioned out of the backfield). Once we made that adjustment, we stopped giving up big gains against the pass. This was the adjustment that Sitake needed to make in the first half, but better late than never.

Wilson had some really great moments. Some not so great, but no WTF?!?! moments. He is going to get better, but he has me feeling better about the QB position overall.

I am not going to say that the run game was vanilla, but it was not creative. I don't know if that was intentional, dictated by what the defense would give us or what. The other team does get a vote.

We threw the ball down the field very well, but I don't recall very many slants, hooks, etc. They should have been there with all of the blitzing that USU did.

Keeton is slippery. We may play some better QB's down the schedule, but I can't see them hurting us any more than Chuckie did. He reminded me of the games we played against UNLV in 2009-10. Omar Clayton beat us with his feet over and over, esp on third and intermediate/long to juuusst get the first down. I was having plenty of flashbacks to him. Keeton is also a better passer than he was last season, by a longshot.

I can't express how much gratitude that my heart feels to see a successful 45 yard field goal. It is good to know that getting to the opponents 30 yard line means that we have a solid chance to get points on the board.

1. Cornerbacks: Not sold on McGill. Orphey is going to be good. Didn't see Thomas(#12), was he hurt? Smith was excellent as the NB. I will need to see else saw time after rewatching it.

2. Safety: Walker was a mixed bag. Rowe had a bad game. Some of it was a function his alignment(20 yards off the line?!??!), some of it was slow reaction. I hope this was an anomaly

3. LB: Hale had some good moments. Norris was ok. Fehoko was a mixed bag. They all struggled against the pass in the first half, but I think that was a product of a bad scheme by Sitake. With Rowe as deep as he was, we were asking the LB's to step forward to honor the run, then get back into coverage 25+ yards to fill that gap.

4. DLine: They will probably grade out the best defensive unit without question. I think we gave more up the middle against the zone read because we were asking Hill to beat us instead of Keeton. Riley and Orchard were hands down the defensive MVP's.

1. QB: What else is there to say. Travis played a splendid game.

2. RB: York has to be hurt. His #'s look mediocre, but his last carries went for 11, 1, 4, 5, 2(for a first down) and -2. He then wasn't seen again( at the 11:24 mark in the 2nd). Poole and Williams were adequate. The low #'s are more on the Oline than anything

3. WR: Fitzgerald looked an awful lot like Bradon Godfrey in 2008, and that is a very good thing. Denham is an imposing figure, but he has 2 TD's if he has Scott's wheels. That said, he is going to have a big year now that he is moved up to the #2 slot. The loss of Scott is heartbreaking. He was poised for an all conference season. Lewis, Allen, and McClellon need to step forward.

4. TE: Few targets. I wonder if that was a product of having to stay in to protect against the overload blitzing that USU did all night.

5. OLine. I saw a ton of confusion, but when it mattered, they were able to kill the game in the fourth by getting 3 first downs on that last drive, without throwing a pass.

08-30-2013, 04:23 PM
5. OLine. I saw a ton of confusion, but when it mattered, they were able to kill the game in the fourth by getting 3 first downs on that last drive, without throwing a pass.

I thought the tough running towards the end was also a credit to scheme & formation (Erickson). Wilson looks better than a year ago - that's good work by BJ.

08-30-2013, 04:33 PM
Keeton is slippery. We may play some better QB's down the schedule, but I can't see them hurting us any more than Chuckie did.

I hope you are right. I remember Hundley killing us on the ground last year. I do think we are a little more ready for it this year.

Diehard Ute
08-30-2013, 04:42 PM
A few things.

1) Riley and Dolce specifically asked Travis to give an idea of how much of the playbook we saw, he replied something along the lines of there is a lot they didn't use

2) Kyle said they did not run enough packages and plays for the TE's and he will be addressing it this week. Said they're too good to get so few looks. Said it had 'nothing' to do with USU, it was out play calling.

3) Kyle said he and Sitake met at halftime to make the adjustments to the defense and for the most part it worked.

4) He had high praise for Denham.

5) Said the on side kick was something Jay Hill had seen on film, and they watched kickoffs to ensure they hadn't changed their kick coverage package before using it.

08-30-2013, 05:06 PM
By the way, I don't think last year's Utah team comes back from a 24-13 deficit. So we have that going for us this year.

But could last year's team have come back from a 23-14 deficit?

Jarid in Cedar
08-30-2013, 05:10 PM
Couple of thoughts in addition to what has been already mentioned.

The ball really explodes off Miller's foot. Several years on the US ski team have developed some strong quads. In seems weird to be fawning over a kicker but it is football. He is my wife's new favorite player.

Orchard looked great. On the play where he caused/recovered the fumble he stood right over the center listening to Keeton call the play. Not sure if he new what was coming but he took a straight line to the qb after the snap.

Good to see Jarid and his horde. I got there late and had to leave early due to work and didn't have time to say Hi. Glad you're home safe. If you ever need a place to crash before driving home let me know.

I didn't see you there, but the two year old kept us very busy.

LA Ute
08-30-2013, 05:11 PM
But could last year's team have come back from a 23-14 deficit?

I am thinking of a number of vulgar emoticons I could use here. But I shall refrain.

LA Ute
08-30-2013, 05:12 PM
I made the mistake of reading Brad Rock's article. Compared to the work of Ted Miller and Co., or of Jon Wilner, this is embarrassing.

Brad Rock: Utes win the battle, but Ags closer to winning their war (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865585519/The-Utes-win-the-battle-but-the-Ags-are-closer-to-winning-their-war.html)

08-30-2013, 05:14 PM
You know, last year's team did come back from a 13 point deficit to send the game to OT.

Jarid in Cedar
08-30-2013, 05:15 PM
I thought the tough running towards the end was also a credit to scheme & formation (Erickson). Wilson looks better than a year ago - that's good work by BJ.

And maybe that the purpose of the bland running game all game. We didn't show the fly sweep until that series and USU wasn't quite ready for it.

08-30-2013, 05:17 PM
And maybe that the purpose of the bland running game all game. We didn't show the fly sweep until that series and USU wasn't quite ready for it.

Yes, and that play set up the Wilson keeper that followed.

Jarid in Cedar
08-30-2013, 05:19 PM
Yes, and that play set up the Wilson keeper that followed.

Yep. DE pulled it out when we needed 2 first downs to kill the game.

08-30-2013, 05:36 PM
I didn't see you there, but the two year old kept us very busy.
We are just to your right with 2 seats separating. I was in and out all game - on call at PCMC. I'll catch you next game

08-30-2013, 05:46 PM
Yes, and that play set up the Wilson keeper that followed.

This was the problem when Wynn ran the offense: it's not really an option if QB-Keep never happens. The occasional keeper both keeps the defense honest, and makes them pay when they cheat. I loved that read/call (it seemed like some of those were called gives; others were true reads; but what the hell can I tell watching on TV?)

I would also like to commend the Utes for not having any dumb penalties. Sure, there were a couple of inopportune false-starts, but that happens early in the season. There were no late-hits; roughing; PFs on their side of the ball. That's smart football.

Jarid in Cedar
08-30-2013, 10:53 PM
Ok after re-watching the game, I would add the following:

1. Our corners really struggle getting off blocks. Esp McGill, for a guy his size, he is not very physical

2. Wilson is much more mobile than many give him credit. He isn't going to break one for 30 yards, but he did some godd things with his feet missing the rush and when flushed out of the pocket.

3. Hale and Norris both had good games. Filiaga and Vehoko on the other hand.... These two will be valuable against straight up proset teams, but they are going to be a liability against speedy QB's.

4. As much as we struggled gaining yards on the ground, the dedication to the run really paid off overall as we made bank on play action. Murphy's touchdown, Denham's two big catches, and one of Fitzgerald's bigger gains as well. USU was selling out on the run, and it showed, esp on the two long gainers to Denham. He fit into the gap vacated by the LB's nicely, and Wilson hit him perfectly.

5. I am not as down on our OLine as I was watching live. A couple of reasons.

-Our silent snap was too predictable. I counted in the 2nd and third and, after watching the first, I was able to guess the snap about 80% of the play. USU's dline was firing about as quick as if not slightly ahead of our line. Many plays, first contact was right at the LOS or even a little on our side. I think this is fixable and will aid the run game greatly.

-Pass Pro was solid when they didn't bring more than 5. We didn't do a good job on the line with the blitz. Several times when they overloaded, two lineman would initally take the same guy, leaving the back to try to get 2. Hopefully, a game under the belt will help them with recognition. Otherwise, we will see blitzing on every single down.

-The backs missed some good holes. Esp on the goal line. On the 3rd down in the 4th, Williams should have continued right at the 5 hole as murphy and poutasi had a good crease formed. Inexplicably, he cut back into the 2 hole where he was met by 4 guys. I don't know if that was the design of the play, or if he misread the hole. I am convinced that JWIV would have easily scored on that play.

-Wilson needs to get comfortable/allowed to audible plays at the line. We ran right into the teeth of the blitz on several occasions, and that is tough on even a great OLine.

08-31-2013, 07:23 AM
Ok after re-watching the game, I would add the following:

1. Our corners really struggle getting off blocks. Esp McGill, for a guy his size, he is not very physical

2. Wilson is much more mobile than many give him credit. He isn't going to break one for 30 yards, but he did some godd things with his feet missing the rush and when flushed out of the pocket.

3. Hale and Norris both had good games. Filiaga and Vehoko on the other hand.... These two will be valuable against straight up proset teams, but they are going to be a liability against speedy QB's.

4. As much as we struggled gaining yards on the ground, the dedication to the run really paid off overall as we made bank on play action. Murphy's touchdown, Denham's two big catches, and one of Fitzgerald's bigger gains as well. USU was selling out on the run, and it showed, esp on the two long gainers to Denham. He fit into the gap vacated by the LB's nicely, and Wilson hit him perfectly.

5. I am not as down on our OLine as I was watching live. A couple of reasons.

-Our silent snap was too predictable. I counted in the 2nd and third and, after watching the first, I was able to guess the snap about 80% of the play. USU's dline was firing about as quick as if not slightly ahead of our line. Many plays, first contact was right at the LOS or even a little on our side. I think this is fixable and will aid the run game greatly.

-Pass Pro was solid when they didn't bring more than 5. We didn't do a good job on the line with the blitz. Several times when they overloaded, two lineman would initally take the same guy, leaving the back to try to get 2. Hopefully, a game under the belt will help them with recognition. Otherwise, we will see blitzing on every single down.

-The backs missed some good holes. Esp on the goal line. On the 3rd down in the 4th, Williams should have continued right at the 5 hole as murphy and poutasi had a good crease formed. Inexplicably, he cut back into the 2 hole where he was met by 4 guys. I don't know if that was the design of the play, or if he misread the hole. I am convinced that JWIV would have easily scored on that play.

-Wilson needs to get comfortable/allowed to audible plays at the line. We ran right into the teeth of the blitz on several occasions, and that is tough on even a great OLine.

Good thoughts. I agree about Wilson's mobility. He is no Chuck K, but he is pretty good with avoiding pressure and his size allows him to absorb some contact and make a play to avoid a sack.

08-31-2013, 01:16 PM
It may have been my imagination, but when he came in for that late kick, he was limping. It looked like it was his plant foot. Did anyone else see it?

Not your imagination at all. Phillips got dinged up in the scramble for the onside kick, and did not kick off after at least one of our scores afterward.

08-31-2013, 03:26 PM
I made the mistake of reading Brad Rock's article. Compared to the work of Ted Miller and Co., or of Jon Wilner, this is embarrassing.

Brad Rock: Utes win the battle, but Ags closer to winning their war (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865585519/The-Utes-win-the-battle-but-the-Ags-are-closer-to-winning-their-war.html)

Rock's piece makes him look like David F-----g Halberstam compared to this dreck. Gems galore in this one.


Diehard Ute
08-31-2013, 03:37 PM
Rock's piece makes him look like David F-----g Halberstam compared to this dreck. Gems galore in this one.


Did you read his bio? They are using him as an intern based on his writing for bleacher report haha

08-31-2013, 04:38 PM
Did you read his bio? They are using him as an intern based on his writing for bleacher report haha

Like I said, gems galore. I loved the typo or misspelling in his tagline, too.

LA Ute
08-31-2013, 05:59 PM
Rock's piece makes him look like David F-----g Halberstam compared to this dreck. Gems galore in this one.


That was great. I think my favorite line was "Thursday's game was most insightful." Gotta hand it to that game! It was probably pretty witty too. Not to mention wise.

"It's men in shorts."

-- Rick Majerus