View Full Version : Tribute T-shirt update

08-05-2013, 10:33 AM
Any of you guys who are on rivals are utefans are probably aware of what's been going on with gettig a tribute project together. Here is the update. In brief, we're going to a shirt similar to this with the third verse of Utah Man on the back.

The T-shirt concept (#95 on front, third verse lyrics on back, with NO room for any other modifications) has been cleared by both compliance and licensing. The next step is to select a vendor. I know some people here have contacts with licensed vendors and may have had preliminary discussions. What we need now are three things
1) A final design to address font and layout (NO content alterations allowed)- where's Dahl?
2) Vendor selection. In addition to any personal contacts you might have, I was provided with a full list of licensed vendors. If nobody responds with a prefered vendor today, we will need to cold call vendors. I'm very busy in the office this week and could really use some help delegating these calls if it comes to that.
3) Establish a mechanism for placing orders and collecting money. It would be best to contact the U's giving office to look into establishing a formal named scholarship.

Like I said, we have the permissions, now is when the work needs to happen. I'm going to need some big help pushing this to completion, so hopeful some of you can pitch in.
