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10-05-2015, 02:59 PM
Having sons playing football now I'd like to see the helmet taken out of tackling entirely with rules backing it up. I love the video Pete Carroll has put together on tackling technique. I make my sons watch it all the time. It's put me at odds with a few coaches who continue to teach - put your helmet between the numbers - in front or back of the offensive player. The only thing they are changing is to keep your head up as you do it. It really bothers me and will continue to be a cause of injuries both ways.

Did anyone see the shot Steve Smith Jr. took last week? It was a helmet to the back that fractured four of his ribs. The Steeler could have gone in helmet up and to the side and taken him down no problem. Instead, Steve's out. I'd love to see the NFL continue evolving this area of the game.

10-09-2015, 07:09 AM
Steve Smith tweeted this out.


10-09-2015, 07:25 AM
Steve Smith is awesome! That is great!

10-09-2015, 09:19 AM

Sad trombone...

10-10-2015, 09:00 AM
UW got hit with a targeting call last judge too.


10-13-2015, 01:35 PM
Too good not to share:

From Jay Drew on the twitter:

" When I asked Devon Blackmon how he is overcoming his trials adjusting to Provo, he said it is nothing like what Jesus Christ or Tupac faced"

LA Ute
10-15-2015, 07:11 AM
I know the writers don't come up with the headlines but whoever decided on this one in Today's Deseret News deserves an award:

Dick Harmon: BYU faces an air raid while Utes, Aggies try to end losing streaks to ASU, BSU


10-15-2015, 11:01 AM
I know the writers don't come up with the headlines but whoever decided on this one in Today's Deseret News deserves an award:

Dick Harmon: BYU faces an air raid while Utes, Aggies try to end losing streaks to ASU, BSU

I think the employees of the D-News know the larger role in that organization's mission.

Skipping the BYU sports-marketing role of the D-News, if the SL Trib goes under, the traditional role of the media in doing investigative reporting and covering issues in the public interest would largely cease to exist, in Utah. Jon Huntsman, Sr. is right - The State of Utah needs the Tribune.

Diehard Ute
10-15-2015, 11:05 AM
I think the employees of the D-News know the larger role in that organization's mission.

Skipping the BYU sports-marketing role of the D-News, if the SL Trib goes under, the traditional role of the media in doing investigative reporting and covering issues in the public interest would largely cease to exist, in Utah. Jon Huntsman, Sr. is right - The State of Utah needs the Tribune.

I agree with you 100%, however I will say the Tribune has gone a bit far recently IMO.

There are several employees there who have pet projects or agendas and often spin their articles to that effect. (I won't even get into Rolly and his 'columns')

I wish the Trib would be more truly neutral, or at least admonish their reporters that their job is to report, not advocate.

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10-15-2015, 11:10 AM
I know the writers don't come up with the headlines but whoever decided on this one in Today's Deseret News deserves an award:

Dick Harmon: BYU faces an air raid while Utes, Aggies try to end losing streaks to ASU, BSU


Fortunately for me, I don't click on stories by Dick Harmon or Gordon Monson. I do not want to contribute to their employment in any way.

LA Ute
10-15-2015, 11:51 AM
Fortunately for me, I don't click on stories by Dick Harmon or Gordon Monson. I do not want to contribute to their employment in any way.

I do the same. I get a daily e-mail and this time clicked on the hilarious headline, not knowing that Dick was the author of the article. Unintentional self-parody at its finest.

10-15-2015, 12:22 PM
I do the same.


Hot Lunch
10-15-2015, 01:35 PM
TooBlue hasn't been around much the last couple of weeks? Where did he go?

Mormon Red Death
10-15-2015, 01:36 PM
TooBlue hasn't been around much the last couple of weeks? Where did he go?


10-15-2015, 05:12 PM
I agree with you 100%, however I will say the Tribune has gone a bit far recently IMO.

There are several employees there who have pet projects or agendas and often spin their articles to that effect. (I won't even get into Rolly and his 'columns')

I wish the Trib would be more truly neutral, or at least admonish their reporters that their job is to report, not advocate.

I completely agree. One thing the D-News is absolutely excelling at is giving a "more positive" flavor of news, in general, balancing in more hopeful, positive news.

They're not critical of their owners or "sister" organizations, like BYU, which isn't surprising, but they're also smart enough to know that there's a demand for news that's not just non-stop, hard-hitting, attention-grabbing stories.

I don't believe the world is more "wicked" than any other point in history, but technology can deliver endless amounts of really depressing information that grabs headlines.

"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times". That's the way life is, and always has been - a mixture. Traditional media that try to knock each other out in the ratings wars erode the total market because people tune out.

There's definitely a market for more upbeat reporting. When I was writing all those practice reports, it was fun, and it was easy to focus on the good things happening, because even if some kid looked like they were going to dramatically underachieve, there were so many instances of players rising up and going out as a senior on a positive note.

Diehard Ute
10-15-2015, 05:28 PM
I completely agree. One thing the D-News is absolutely excelling at is giving a "more positive" flavor of news, in general, balancing in more hopeful, positive news.

They're not critical of their owners or "sister" organizations, like BYU, which isn't surprising, but they're also smart enough to know that there's a demand for news that's not just non-stop, hard-hitting, attention-grabbing stories.

I don't believe the world is more "wicked" than any other point in history, but technology can deliver endless amounts of really depressing information that grabs headlines.

"It was the best of times. It was the worst of times". That's the way life is, and always has been - a mixture. Traditional media that try to knock each other out in the ratings wars erode the total market because people tune out.

There's definitely a market for more upbeat reporting. When I was writing all those practice reports, it was fun, and it was easy to focus on the good things happening, because even if some kid looked like they were going to dramatically underachieve, there were so many instances of players rising up and going out as a senior on a positive note.

While the D News has gone "positive" they certainly haven't gone more professional.

I recently read a quote from a media member who basically said the only thing that drives business is the bad. If you want to make money it's murder, corruption etc etc you lead with.

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10-15-2015, 07:06 PM
While the D News has gone "positive" they certainly haven't gone more professional.

I recently read a quote from a media member who basically said the only thing that drives business is the bad. If you want to make money it's murder, corruption etc etc you lead with.

If you look at news media around the world, I think that's true. "If it bleeds, it leads".

The DN somewhat has the advantage of having a parent organization with deep pockets, and they have an objective that isn't purely bottom line driven.

They're kind of like the Japanese companies with a long term horizon on new products, where US companies are quarter-to-quarter, stock price driven, sometimes to their own detriment. Honda is finally coming out with their private jet, and it's taken them 15 years.
(No way a project goes that long in the US without at least a revenue stream.)

I think there's a market for more positive, "balanced" media, but at any given point in time, the gruesome story grabs the headlines. Don Henley nailed it with his song, "Dirty Laundry":

We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond who
Comes on at five

She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye

It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry

10-19-2015, 10:39 AM
This one gets better every time I watch it. Always something new to find.


LA Ute
10-22-2015, 11:57 AM
Great kid, great college player, destroyed the Utes multiple times (albeit at our program's nadir in the last 50 years). He deserved the love of Cougar fans. But he's not an NBA guard.


10-22-2015, 12:58 PM
Great kid, great college player, destroyed the Utes multiple times (albeit at our program's nadir in the last 50 years). He deserved the love of Cougar fans. But he's not an NBA guard.

I don't know if his attitude changed, but I feel his biggest problem was that he wanted the ball in his hands. He wasn't big enough or quick enough to get his own shots in the NBA. He needed to be a spot up shooter like JJ Redick. Even then, at 6'2" he was undersized for a shot that didn't have a particularly quick release.

Good kid. He certainly gave the NBA a good try.

10-22-2015, 01:09 PM
Reddick was a better college player and is obviously a better professional. Would he have averaged 50 ppg in a Dave Rose offense?

50 is a stretch. There are limitations based on the time it takes to bring the ball up the floor and the opposing team taking time off of the clock.

That being said, I think Redick would out-score Jimmer.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-22-2015, 01:34 PM
I don't know if his attitude changed, but I feel his biggest problem was that he wanted the ball in his hands. He wasn't big enough or quick enough to get his own shots in the NBA. He needed to be a spot up shooter like JJ Redick. Even then, at 6'2" he was undersized for a shot that didn't have a particularly quick release.

Good kid. He certainly gave the NBA a good try.

Some say that the problem was that his attitude didn't change.


10-22-2015, 01:50 PM
My teenage boy really dislike BYU. No kidding, really, really dislikes them. I don't know where it comes from (actually, probably from church acquaintances that like to trash talk) as its 10X worse than the rest of us, and there's no love lost on BYU sports in our family.

Having said that, he liked Jimmer and his 35 foot bombs. He doesn't like any other sports figure at BYU....past or present, but, he liked watching Jimmer. Still shake my head at the weirdness of it all.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-22-2015, 02:23 PM
Interesting to watch CB's reaction to the Takitaki suspension. Two weeks ago they couldn't help themselves but throw decommit Wayne Kirby under the bus for all sorts of preconceived moral violations, today they're pissed that a 19 year old kid with a wild streak is being held accountable to some ridiculously applied code of conduct. I can't figure out why anyone with talent would put their future at risk by signing on that dotted line.

Diehard Ute
10-22-2015, 02:27 PM
Interesting to watch CB's reaction to the Takitaki suspension. Two weeks ago they couldn't help themselves but throw decommit Wayne Kirby under the bus for all sorts of preconceived moral violations, today they're pissed that a 19 year old kid with a wild streak is being held accountable to some ridiculously applied code of conduct. I can't figure out why anyone with talent would put their future at risk by signing on that dotted line.

Because most of them don't realize what they're agreeing to.

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Rocker Ute
10-22-2015, 03:58 PM
Interesting to watch CB's reaction to the Takitaki suspension. Two weeks ago they couldn't help themselves but throw decommit Wayne Kirby under the bus for all sorts of preconceived moral violations, today they're pissed that a 19 year old kid with a wild streak is being held accountable to some ridiculously applied code of conduct. I can't figure out why anyone with talent would put their future at risk by signing on that dotted line.

FWIW if the rumors I have heard about him are true, he'd be in trouble at about any university except FSU.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-22-2015, 04:42 PM
FWIW if the rumors I have heard about him are true, he'd be in trouble at about any university except FSU.

Yeah. My main point isn't so much the specifics of the suspension as much as the CB double dipping.

10-22-2015, 05:09 PM
Yeah. My main point isn't so much the specifics of the suspension as much as the CB double dipping.

so what's the skinny on the deed?

10-22-2015, 05:10 PM
FWIW if the rumors I have heard about him are true, he'd be in trouble at about any university except FSU.

So you are saying he likes crab legs?

10-22-2015, 07:34 PM
This one gets better every time I watch it. Always something new to find.


BYU is the largest collection of nerds on the entire planet.

10-22-2015, 08:05 PM
BYU is the largest collection of nerds on the entire planet.
I guess you have never visited MIT.

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10-22-2015, 08:38 PM
I guess you have never visited MIT.

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Co-ed dorms and all the coke you can snort. Those nerds know how to party!

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-26-2015, 06:12 PM
This KSL player of the week designation seems objective enough.

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LA Ute
10-26-2015, 06:30 PM
This KSL player of the week designation seems objective enough.

This is not from The Onion, right?

Diehard Ute
10-26-2015, 07:38 PM
This is not from The Onion, right?

No, The Onion is a far more credible news source.

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10-26-2015, 08:40 PM
No, The Onion is a far more credible news source.

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There are some KSL sports guys who are generally good and give the Utes a fair shake, but these "honors" are ridiculous.

Diehard Ute
10-26-2015, 10:18 PM
There are some KSL sports guys who are generally good and give the Utes a fair shake, but these "honors" are ridiculous.

Their actual reporters are fine. But they have few of those these days. Most of the stuff is written by freelance bloggers.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
10-27-2015, 08:48 AM
To be fair, KSL has given about 85% of these player of the week awards to Utah players. I just found the contrast on this one to be really funny.

11-05-2015, 09:22 AM
This is not meant as any kind of TV deal smack talk. But I just realized BYU's game this week against SJSU on Friday starts at 9:30 pm Mountain time. Bronco may want to consult with RichRod about that.

I guess it is on the MW, since the game is at SJSU.

11-05-2015, 09:31 AM
This is not meant as any kind of TV deal smack talk. But I just realized BYU's game this week against SJSU on Friday starts at 9:30 pm Mountain time. Bronco may want to consult with RichRod about that.

I guess it is on the MW, since the game is at SJSU.

CBS College Sports, actually. And that start time is brutal. Our kickoff there in 2009 was an hour earlier.

11-05-2015, 11:02 AM
CBS College Sports, actually. And that start time is brutal. Our kickoff there in 2009 was an hour earlier.

Yeah, I wasn't clear. I meant the responsibility for awful start time was on the MW conference and their tv deal, since it's played at their members home field.

11-07-2015, 04:17 PM
Every time I have looked at a pregame or halftime show today they have discussed the Utah/Washington matchup.

I have yet to learn if BYU won last night.

LA Ute
11-07-2015, 06:43 PM
Every time I have looked at a pregame or halftime show today they have discussed the Utah/Washington matchup.

I have yet to learn if BYU won last night.

I saw a headline that said they won on the last play of the game by one point. I guess San Jose State failed to make a two-point conversion.

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Diehard Ute
11-07-2015, 09:03 PM
I saw a headline that said they won on the last play of the game by one point. I guess San Jose State failed to make a two-point conversion.

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Which was unneeded. If they kick the PAT they go to OT at home

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11-21-2015, 06:24 PM
A few weeks ago, in my estimation and in all seriousness, I figured Utah was a lock to win the south and headed for a playoff birth. Unfortunately, reality took hold at USC. Utah isn't a deeper football team than BYU and except for in the head to head match-up isn't better coached. The Utes and Cougs are perfect bed-fellows. I've been on the serenity train for a while now. Welcome aboard LA.

11-21-2015, 06:34 PM
A few weeks ago, in my estimation and in all seriousness, I figured Utah was a lock to win the south and headed for a playoff birth. Unfortunately, reality took hold at USC. Utah isn't a deeper football team than BYU and except for in the head to head match-up isn't better coached. The Utes and Cougs are perfect bed-fellows. I've been on the serenity train for a while now. Welcome aboard LA.

I could see that belief if series had been closer over the past 10 years. But the ugly truth is that since 1990 Utah has caught up and surpassed BYU. Not by a lot but there is separation there.

11-21-2015, 06:46 PM
I could see that belief if series had been closer over the past 10 years. But the ugly truth is that since 1990 Utah has caught up and surpassed BYU. Not by a lot but there is separation there.

The head-to-head coaching in the rivalry game has been better on the Utah sideline. But most of the games have been close. There is no separation. Your denial is only a confirmation of that hard reality. Hop on the serenity train with LA and me. It's a good place to be.

LA Ute
11-21-2015, 07:18 PM
A few weeks ago, in my estimation and in all seriousness, I figured Utah was a lock to win the south and headed for a playoff birth. Unfortunately, reality took hold at USC. Utah isn't a deeper football team than BYU and except for in the head to head match-up isn't better coached. The Utes and Cougs are perfect bed-fellows. I've been on the serenity train for a while now. Welcome aboard LA.

First, why are you bringing up BYU? Second, I am not on that train. Utah now has better athletes than BYU, and that gap will remain. Time will tell us whether it increases.

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11-22-2015, 09:19 AM
a few weeks ago, in my estimation and in all seriousness, i figured utah was a lock to win the south and headed for a playoff birth. Unfortunately, reality took hold at usc. Utah isn't a deeper football team than byu and except for in the head to head match-up isn't better coached. The utes and cougs are perfect bed-fellows. I've been on the serenity train for a while now. Welcome aboard la.


11-22-2015, 03:18 PM
. . .Your denial is only a confirmation of that hard reality. . .

Huh? What does that even mean?

11-22-2015, 05:48 PM
Huh? What does that even mean?

I assumed he was using it as some troll bait myself.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-24-2015, 11:45 AM
Not exactly sports related, but we can not compete with this.


LA Ute
11-28-2015, 07:20 PM

11-28-2015, 08:00 PM
I like to poke fun at BYU as much as anyone but I will give them the benefit of the doubt on this one and believe he was going for the football and not the manball.

Diehard Ute
11-28-2015, 08:37 PM
I like to poke fun at BYU as much as anyone but I will give them the benefit of the doubt on this one and believe he was going for the football and not the manball.

Well if that's the case he'll make a great Stormtrooper.

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11-28-2015, 09:59 PM
Well if that's the case he'll make a great Stormtrooper.

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The quality of his aim is fair game.

12-03-2015, 10:16 AM
Quite the list..


12-10-2015, 10:02 PM
Why does BYU insist that any potential head coach must be LDS, and then whine that the P5 conferences are bigots that won't accept them because they're LDS?

12-11-2015, 08:39 AM
Why does BYU insist that any potential head coach must be LDS, and then whine that the P5 conferences are bigots that won't accept them because they're LDS?

It isn't because they're LDS as much as because of their behavior that is driven by them being LDS. Unfortunately, many LDS folks can't make the distinction between the two.

Requiring everyone else to conform to the no sunday play, the way they treat their professors when it comes to science studies, etc.

12-11-2015, 08:46 AM
It isn't because they're LDS as much as because of their behavior that is driven by them being LDS. Unfortunately, many LDS folks can't make the distinction between the two.

Requiring everyone else to conform to the no sunday play, the way they treat their professors when it comes to science studies, etc.\

The head coach job description includes being a missionary essentially. He leads devotionals, firesides, and trips to the prison when a player shows up at a LV strip club. he bears his testimony whenever the Y goes on the road, to the members who don't get the see the Y or GA's regularly.

12-11-2015, 08:48 AM

The head coach job description includes being a missionary essentially. He leads devotionals, firesides, and trips to the prison when a player shows up at a LV strip club. he bears his testimony whenever the Y goes on the road, to the members who don't get the see the Y or GA's regularly.

I don't think any conference would care about any of that.

12-21-2015, 06:46 AM
Whoa, whoa, wait SU.

Please expound:

Quote Originally Posted by SCcoug View Post
You're in luck Ute fans have been polled.


It's not broken down by categories of fan

12-21-2015, 07:32 AM
I have always believed that we still need to play BYU. Maybe not every year but on a regular basis. Utah fans who think otherwise are short sighted and are probably letting the emotion of getting whipped in the 80's get the better of them.

The way to drive BYU into the dust is to do the equivalent of taking their lunch money and giving them a wedgie whenever they want it. The bowl game proved to me that Utah is on a better trajectory.

12-23-2015, 03:08 PM
This is great news for BYU fans, terrible news for our future opponents

12-23-2015, 03:33 PM
This is great news for BYU fans, terrible news for our future opponents

Is it official that he has been hired by the BYU?

12-23-2015, 06:15 PM
merge please

Aw, hell no. Ty deserves his own thread, and the title is awesome

12-23-2015, 06:48 PM
Aw, hell no. Ty deserves his own thread, and the title is awesome

Mods, you guys suck.

Take this:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Kbzr7WFnA#action=share

12-23-2015, 06:50 PM
Someone convince me that Detmer is somehow more qualified as an OC than Doman or BJ was. NFL clipboard carrying experience 10 years ago isn't a convincing argument to me.

12-23-2015, 06:51 PM
Someone convince me that Detmer is somehow more qualified as an OC than Doman or BJ was. NFL clipboard carrying experience 10 years ago isn't a convincing argument to me.


12-23-2015, 06:56 PM

Avoiding the question?

12-23-2015, 07:02 PM
Avoiding the question?

I don't need to answer stupid questions

12-23-2015, 07:15 PM
Christmas came early for cougar fans. Ty is the man.

USS Utah
12-23-2015, 07:27 PM
I wouldn't discount his time in the nfl, even if he stunk. He still watched a lot of film and worked with a lot of good coaches and qbs. He seems plenty qualified.

He'd be a great QB coach. An OJT position as an OC, however, is a gamble.

12-23-2015, 07:33 PM
I wouldn't discount his time in the nfl, even if he stunk. He still watched a lot of film and worked with a lot of good coaches and qbs. He seems plenty qualified.

If Whitt hired Scott Mitchell as on OC, you'd be ok with it?

I'm not asking these questions to be leading to a point that Detmer is a bad hire. I honestly don't know whether he is or not. But on the surface, the only thing exciting about him as an OC is his legacy, not his proven qualifications, experience, or skills.

Maybe I am stupid as Viking states, I'm open to being wrong. I'm wondering if others are seeing something I'm not.

Hell, I've already spent more time thinking about this than I care to. #utelogic

12-23-2015, 08:48 PM
Sure, but who could they hire who wouldn't be a gamble?

Dennis Franchione is suddenly available. But he is probably too expensive.

12-23-2015, 08:50 PM
If Whitt hired Scott Mitchell as on OC, you'd be ok with it?

Hell no. But I think his 12 years in the NFL (most of them as a starter) and half decade as a HS head coach could make him a great QB coach.

LA Ute
12-23-2015, 10:07 PM
Hiring anyone as OC who has no D1 coaching experience is a gamble for even a G5 program. Knowledgeable BYU fans are nervous about this hire.

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LA Ute
12-23-2015, 10:31 PM
I guess BYU vetted Detmer and looked into this incident:


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LA Ute
12-23-2015, 11:47 PM
Comedy gold from BYU sports information, I mean Dick Harmon:


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12-24-2015, 12:20 AM
Interesting. I wonder if anyone other than Ty knows specifics about this:

He’s turned down bigger deals than this BYU job.

Diehard Ute
12-24-2015, 12:25 AM
Comedy gold from BYU sports information, I mean Dick Harmon:


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Dick "Baghdad Bob" Harmon

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12-24-2015, 01:53 AM
I guess BYU vetted Detmer and looked into this incident:


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You "guess", or you "read" this on UF.net from some idiot who randomly posted it and made up a story that he was "vetted" with this "incident" being examined?

This is hard-hitting journalism from 2010. Thank goodness you posted this at our caveat emptor moment.

12-24-2015, 01:56 AM
Comedy gold from BYU sports information, I mean Dick Harmon:


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Do you know anything about Ty?

LA Ute
12-24-2015, 07:19 AM
Do you know anything about Ty?

Just trolling you back. I will say that if Kyle hired Scott Mitchell or Alex Smith as Utah's OC I'd feel nervous to say the least. Maybe he'll work out splendidly. But I thought it was funny that Harmon think Ty's Heisman is going to attract recruits who weren't even alive when he won it. It will matter to LDS recruits whose parents remember Detmer, I guess.

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Diehard Ute
12-24-2015, 08:07 AM
Yeah, but those guys are BYU bound anyway.

No one here answered my question; someone on utefans said ty's record as a high school coach was pretty bad.

2009 0-10
2010 0-9
2011 3-7
2012 3-6
2013 4-5
2014 5-4
2015 8-1

23-41 overall (team went 5-4 the year before he took over)

That's all from MaxPreps. It appears the school plays in an all religious school league in Texas.

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12-24-2015, 08:14 AM
scroll all the way to the bottom


12-24-2015, 08:20 AM
One of the distinguishing features of Cougar Nation is the cycle of hype and despair. Just about every fan base has this characteristic, but BYU has it in magnitudes unseen anywhere else, it seems.

Example: After the 12-2 2001 season, the Gary Crowton honeymoon was still very strong, and the hype kept on climbing higher and higher. Bringing back veteran strength coach Jay Omer was going to not just help the Cougars be better, multiple Coug fans believed Omer would help make BYU one of the fastest teams in America. (I'm not making this up.)

Of course, Crowton's honeymoon came to an inglorious end, probably starting that fateful day he decided to fly the team to Reno on game day - not needing to stay over and mitigate the effects of travel, like every other team in America - and the mighty Cougs lost to the Wolfpack.

Jay Omer's career at BYU went from highly anticipated savior, who could fundamentally alter the impact of human genetics, to toiling away outside the limelight, to griping from fans who apparently hadn't been part of the pre-2002 hype monster, to retiring and being displaced by the new savior, Frank Wintrich, who was bringing a level of rigor and motivation this past summer that would allow the Cougs to fully impress the Big-12 and the entire nation of BYU's resurgence as a national power.

Wintrich is gone, it's not clear who the next strength coach will be, but that's all irrelevant, as Sitake and Detmer will make Cougar Nation and the entire football world forget about every season from 1985 to the present, as the Cougs reclaim their long denied glory.

(I exaggerated the last paragraph, of course, but it's getting tougher and tougher to do, with these guys.)

I wonder if Sitake realizes the size of the volcano of expectations being built up underneath him.

12-24-2015, 08:55 AM
The rumors around Wintrich are interesting. I'm surprised Bronco took him to UVA.

12-24-2015, 09:00 AM
A Detmer hire seems sad not because of anything Detmer but precisely because Detmer doesn't have any kind of track record.

If BYU is everything it wants to claim to be, it would seem like they could get someone who has the experience they need.

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-24-2015, 09:19 AM

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Diehard Ute
12-24-2015, 09:40 AM

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I never knew Peter and Brian Griffin were BYU fans.

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LA Ute
12-24-2015, 10:37 AM
I will just leave this here. :rofl:


12-24-2015, 10:38 AM
For almost single handedly making this the most popular thread on a Ute forum, I should be rewarded swift passage out of this outer darkness and restoration onto a BYU forum.

LA Ute
12-24-2015, 10:39 AM
For almost single handedly making this the most popular thread on a Ute forum, I should be rewarded swift passage out of this outer darkness and restoration onto a BYU forum.

It was here before you were, and it will be here long after you leave (which I hope you don't do). We need good-natured BYU trolls around here.

Diehard Ute
12-24-2015, 10:41 AM
For almost single handedly making this the most popular thread on a Ute forum, I should be rewarded swift passage out of this outer darkness and restoration onto a BYU forum.


I can't get you out of Outer Darkness, but I can get you one of these. It's delicious.

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12-24-2015, 10:50 AM


Edit. I just saw la beat me.

Diehard Ute
12-24-2015, 10:50 AM


Edit. I just saw la beat me.

To be fair Dwight beat LA ;)

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LA Ute
12-24-2015, 12:17 PM
No doubt. Anyway, that one probably can't be posted here too many times.

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12-24-2015, 12:42 PM

I can't get you out of Outer Darkness, but I can get you one of these. It's delicious.

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Yes, that is good stuff. It is pricey though. I tend to pay the extra couple bucks for a Big Bad Baptist if I'm going to splurge.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

Diehard Ute
12-24-2015, 01:09 PM
Yes, that is good stuff. It is pricey though. I tend to pay the extra couple bucks for a Big Bad Baptist if I'm going to splurge.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

Depends on my mood, and the batch of Baptist. Since they change the recipe and coffee each time it's more hit and miss. This years was particularly good though.

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12-24-2015, 01:30 PM
Depends on my mood, and the batch of Baptist. Since they change the recipe and coffee each time it's more hit and miss. This years was particularly good though.

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I loved the Blue Copper coffee version this year it was my favorite I've had. The ibis was also very good. I wasn't a huge fan of the batch with the coffee that is escaping me right now.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

12-24-2015, 01:31 PM
Speaking of barrel aged stouts did you get a chance to try the Red Rock Furlong? I really liked it and wished they had made a lot more.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

12-24-2015, 02:05 PM
It was here before you were, and it will be here long after you leave (which I hope you don't do). We need good-natured BYU trolls around here.

I love you, man.

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.

12-24-2015, 04:36 PM
Merry Christmas, Cougars!1741

12-26-2015, 07:41 PM
When BYU fans complain about the SL Tribune, or Ute fans complain about the D-News, I've always taken it with a grain of salt.

The buzz and excitement around a coaching change is a lot of fodder for journalists, but even as the Trib ran just a few stories about Utah football and an expected greater number of stories about the changes in Provo, the Trib's young reporters managed to get a compelling article about one of Utah's new QBs, Troy Williams, which is a bid deal to Utah fans:


Have the Utah beat writers at the D-News gotten seriously ill? Or have the PR responsibilities of the D-News for their sibling organization - BYU - gone into overdrive?

Why won't the LDS church let the Tribune be sold to Jon Huntsman?

If the Tribune gets pounded into extinction, it won't be a good thing for the State of Utah.

Diehard Ute
12-26-2015, 07:53 PM
When BYU fans complain about the SL Tribune, or Ute fans complain about the D-News, I've always taken it with a grain of salt.

The buzz and excitement around a coaching change is a lot of fodder for journalists, but even as the Trib ran just a few stories about Utah football and an expected greater number of stories about the changes in Provo, the Trib's young reporters managed to get a compelling article about one of Utah's new QBs, Troy Williams, which is a bid deal to Utah fans:


Have the Utah beat writers at the D-News gotten seriously ill? Or have the PR responsibilities of the D-News for their sibling organization - BYU - gone into overdrive?

Why won't the LDS church let the Tribune be sold to Jon Huntsman?

If the Tribune gets pounded into extinction, it won't be a good thing for the State of Utah.

The D News only has one beat writer for the U. They've eliminated most of their reporters in favor of "free lance" articles (mostly from bloggers). Often they just use the AP to cover away games, or hire a reporter from the student paper to write their article.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
12-27-2015, 10:02 AM
Speaking of reporters, it sounds like Utah is losing Matthew Piper to another assignment. Utah's experience with beat writers has been a case of horrible luck. The terrible ones seem to stick around forever (Lya), and the good ones get promoted after a year or two (Tony, and now Piper). Piper has been fantastic in pushing out solid content. Hopefully the Trib continues it's upward trajectory back filling the position. I think Utah fans have done a good job recently demeaning good, consistent content.

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Diehard Ute
12-27-2015, 03:34 PM
Speaking of reporters, it sounds like Utah is losing Matthew Piper to another assignment. Utah's experience with beat writers has been a case of horrible luck. The terrible ones seem to stick around forever (Lya), and the good ones get promoted after a year or two (Tony, and now Piper). Piper has been fantastic in pushing out solid content. Hopefully the Trib continues it's upward trajectory back filling the position. I think Utah fans have done a good job recently demeaning good, consistent content.

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Goon is staying and Piper said yesterday they're going to hire to replace him.

Piper is going to a news assignment of some sort. Sounds like that's where his passion really is.

One of the reasons Lya stayed so long is she was brought here by the Trib. They made the mistake of thinking she was such a great gymnastics reporter they couldn't pass her up. That was an epic fail.

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LA Ute
02-03-2016, 09:26 AM
A friend sent me this signing day tweet from a loud-mouthed BYU fan:


It made me laugh. Oh, the bitterness!

02-03-2016, 09:33 AM
A friend sent me this signing day tweet from a loud-mouthed BYU fan:


It made me laugh. Oh, the bitterness!

Ha, that's funny. One of CJ's favorite lines. Is his real name Derik?

LA Ute
02-03-2016, 09:52 AM
Ha, that's funny. One of CJ's favorite lines. Is his real name Derik?


02-03-2016, 09:58 AM
A friend sent me this signing day tweet from a loud-mouthed BYU fan:


It made me laugh. Oh, the bitterness!


02-03-2016, 10:05 AM
Goon is staying and Piper said yesterday they're going to hire to replace him.

Piper is going to a news assignment of some sort. Sounds like that's where his passion really is.

One of the reasons Lya stayed so long is she was brought here by the Trib. They made the mistake of thinking she was such a great gymnastics reporter they couldn't pass her up. That was an epic fail.

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Lya was fine covering gymnastics, although more cynical minds would wonder how much she was spoon-feeding info on Utah to her old Georgia buddies back in Athens.

Lya was a mediocre to average football/basketball reporter for Utah, although that didn't justify any of the fanboy shit that was thrown her way.

Utah's revolving door of beat writers wouldn't bother me if the BYU didn't have such stability with Jay Drew. He has to be going on nearly a decade with that beat. He also has gobs more tenure at the Trib than any Ute beat reporter that's come along since. I can't help but wonder if maybe the Ute beat has more hassles than it's worth, even with the higher caliber of competition and significance our games carry.

Diehard Ute
02-03-2016, 02:04 PM
Lya was fine covering gymnastics, although more cynical minds would wonder how much she was spoon-feeding info on Utah to her old Georgia buddies back in Athens.

Lya was a mediocre to average football/basketball reporter for Utah, although that didn't justify any of the fanboy shit that was thrown her way.

Utah's revolving door of beat writers wouldn't bother me if the BYU didn't have such stability with Jay Drew. He has to be going on nearly a decade with that beat. He also has gobs more tenure at the Trib than any Ute beat reporter that's come along since. I can't help but wonder if maybe the Ute beat has more hassles than it's worth, even with the higher caliber of competition and significance our games carry.

Lya is still coming in to do gymnastics, but I can tell you she wasn't liked by other reporters here and wasn't liked by anyone at the U.

For gymnastics the best coverage ever was Linda Hamilton and Dick Rosetta. It's unfortunate the D News forced Linda out

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Dwight Schr-Ute
02-04-2016, 04:57 PM
Ouch. But seriously, why can't Skippy just leave people alone? What an irrelevant question three years later.


LA Ute
02-04-2016, 05:02 PM
Ouch. But seriously, why can't Skippy just leave people alone? What an irrelevant question three years later.


I guess Frank Jackson can expect the same question in a few years.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-04-2016, 05:12 PM
I guess Frank Jackson can expect the same question in a few years.

I'm sure that they'll ask Zimmerman the same question in three years regarding Utah.

02-09-2016, 09:21 AM
Now we know what the Lone Peak boys are up to....


02-09-2016, 04:17 PM
Why I think the Kalani experiment will blow up in BYU's face:

1 - Kalani has little to no experience around him. First time HC, first time OC/QB coach/college coach, first time DC.

2 - I don't like the way Ty is talking. Every interview I hear him in, it is "I hired" and "I chose to do" and "I have decided". That is too much power for an OC, especially when you consider his legacy at BYU, the stories being told about him in the NFL in BYU circles (namely that he developed every QB that had success the last 20 years), and his race.

3 - I don't like that Kalani is moving all of this talent from the offense to the defense. This bothers me the most. Kalani is setting himself up to fail. What happens if BYU goes 6-6 the next three years? What if three years from now, Kalani's HC record is 18-18 in the regular season? Is he a failure? Is he a success? Well, it all depends on the scores of the games. If Kalani is 18-18 and his average score is 17-16, then Kalani is a success and Ty is a failure. Then you fire Ty, and hire another OC (cheaper) and spend the rest of the money on real college coaches.

If the average score is 35-36 and Kalani is 18-18, well, then Kalani is the problem and it is time to fire Kalani and promote Ty to head coach, because obviously Ty knows what is going on and he will fix every problem BYU has.

If I'm Kalani, I move everyone to the defensive side of the ball. Your recruiting classes suck compared to your schedule. You have 6 P5 teams, If you were in the PAC-12, you'd have the 13th ranked class. You just don't have enough talent to spread it evenly throughout your program. You need to load up one side and create a brand, then branch out from there....just like Kyle did. Kyle put everyone on defense, and built from there. Now, Kyle has enough talent, that some of it can bleed from the defense over to the offense (for example, see Butler-Byrd moving back to the offense. With Allen performing so well last year, you can move B-B back to the offense).

His schedule is too tough, Ty is too beloved, he is taking too much away from his defense, and he doesn't have the talent needed to succeed.

Bronco was the best coach BYU has ever had. And they ran him out of town. What are the odds that Sitaki, with no experienced coaches around him, will be better?

Good news is, we know who our LB coach will be in 4 years when Scalley gets a HC job and Ena gets promoted to our DC. Maybe Scalley will replace Kalani down in Provo.

02-09-2016, 04:37 PM
Why I think the Kalani experiment will blow up in BYU's face:

It'll be interesting to see how much patience the administration and fan base has with them. I think they will struggle for a couple of years while they figure it out.

02-09-2016, 05:56 PM
It'll be interesting to see how much patience the administration and fan base has with them. I think they will struggle for a couple of years while they figure it out.

I think if the offense does well and the defense struggles, he will have a very, very short lease.

That's why if I were Kalani, I'd move all the talent to defense. His job depends on the defense doing well. If not, Ty will be right there to take over as HC.

02-09-2016, 06:31 PM
I think if the offense does well and the defense struggles, he will have a very, very short lease.

That's why if I were Kalani, I'd move all the talent to defense. His job depends on the defense doing well. If not, Ty will be right there to take over as HC.

This is an interesting thought. In BYU's relevant era (Lavell-present), their best HCs were defense-first guys. The one strikeout they've had at HC was unquestionably an offense-first guy. But I'm not sure Detmer has his sights set on being a HC anywhere. He would've started on that career path years ago.

If BYU were a P5, Bronco would still be at BYU. Utah being in the Pac-12 not only changed how our program is perceived, but with BYU 40 miles south, our shadow looms large. Bronco left because he saw first hand BYU's dip into less-relevant status. What Bronco wasn't was a BYU alum. Kalani is. You'll never get another non-alum to stay in that job for more than 6 years -- he'll either go elsewhere or be fired.

Diehard Ute
02-09-2016, 06:54 PM
This is an interesting thought. In BYU's relevant era (Lavell-present), their best HCs were defense-first guys. The one strikeout they've had at HC was unquestionably an offense-first guy. But I'm not sure Detmer has his sights set on being a HC anywhere. He would've started on that career path years ago.

If BYU were a P5, Bronco would still be at BYU. Utah being in the Pac-12 not only changed how our program is perceived, but with BYU 40 miles south, our shadow looms large. Bronco left because he saw first hand BYU's dip into less-relevant status. What Bronco wasn't was a BYU alum. Kalani is. You'll never get another non-alum to stay in that job for more than 6 years -- he'll either go elsewhere or be fired.

And word out of Virginia is Bronco and his minions have been shocked at the gap between P5 and G5. They didn't realize it was as big as it was (which I imagine is amplified at BYU given their desire to get the church discount)

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02-09-2016, 09:15 PM
This is an interesting thought. In BYU's relevant era (Lavell-present), their best HCs were defense-first guys. The one strikeout they've had at HC was unquestionably an offense-first guy. But I'm not sure Detmer has his sights set on being a HC anywhere. He would've started on that career path years ago.

If BYU were a P5, Bronco would still be at BYU. Utah being in the Pac-12 not only changed how our program is perceived, but with BYU 40 miles south, our shadow looms large. Bronco left because he saw first hand BYU's dip into less-relevant status. What Bronco wasn't was a BYU alum. Kalani is. You'll never get another non-alum to stay in that job for more than 6 years -- he'll either go elsewhere or be fired.

I believe that. Bronco is a great coach and not dumb at all. He saw the writing on the wall. He knew that Indy's ceiling is 8 wins. He knew that he couldn't recruit to Indy and his schedule was too hard to win more than 8 games a year. He also knew that the fanbase would be screaming bloody murder after next year.

So, he left.

As far as Detmer not wanting to be the HC...allegedly Ty lost his lifetime savings to a ponzi scheme. He got back into coaching...right when he lost his money. Having no money when you previously had a lot is a great motivator to be a HC. And if Ty is making $500,000 and Kalani is closer to 1,000,000....that's a job worth trying to obtain. I'd be shocked if Ty doesn't have plans to be a HC someday.

Finally, if he wasn't serious about his coaching career, I'd doubt he take the risks he has taken, such as paying high school players to play for him.

I also agree about the stepping stone job status at BYU. The job is too hard. You recruit like a G5, you try to schedule like a P5...that will never work long term. You go to BYU to win, then leave...the only problem BYU will have is that there are a lot better jobs to go win at then leave than BYU. A lot more jobs.

02-09-2016, 09:16 PM
And word out of Virginia is Bronco and his minions have been shocked at the gap between P5 and G5. They didn't realize it was as big as it was (which I imagine is amplified at BYU given their desire to get the church discount)

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I think we were all shocked at the gap. I don't think any of us thought we would struggle as much as we did. But the gap is real. The grind is real. The week in, week out is real.

I'm just glad we have depth now. I'm glad we have Whitt.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-10-2016, 08:41 AM
It's interesting following CB each recruiting cycle. The feeling that if they could pull in the top LDS talent, year in and year out, they'd be a annual top 10 program. They talk as if having those 3-4 top 4 and 5 star kids is going to bridge The gap. Unfortunately for them, they'd rather focus on the highly ranked guys they missed out on than the 12 2* guys they signed this year. P5 football has taught us that success depends on more than a handful of highly recruited kids.

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02-10-2016, 12:35 PM
It's interesting following CB each recruiting cycle. The feeling that if they could pull in the top LDS talent, year in and year out, they'd be a annual top 10 program. They talk as if having those 3-4 top 4 and 5 star kids is going to bridge The gap. Unfortunately for them, they'd rather focus on the highly ranked guys they missed out on than the 12 2* guys they signed this year. P5 football has taught us that success depends on more than a handful of highly recruited kids.

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Good point. Bronco always brought in 3-4 four star kids. Kids I would LOVE to have. Yet, it's not those kids that held them back. It's the depth. That is what separates out class from theirs. Generally, the top of their class (4 star kids) is better than ours. BUT, we have 18 three star kids that gives us so much depth. They have 12 2 star kids. That just won't work.

Until they can fill up the bottom of their class, they have a ceiling to their success. Especially with their schedule. They just don't have the depth to compete week in week out.

Or, they need to go back to a conference (AAC or MWC). Then, their recruiting classes suddenly jump to elite level when compared to other G5 teams.

LA Ute
02-16-2016, 09:02 AM
I'll just leave this here.


02-16-2016, 10:07 AM
I'll just leave this here.

Nick the Prick is actually having a really good year for a freshman. He's averaging 16 points in 30 minutes per game, on 44% shooting, with 39% from 3 point land. He has about a 2-1 assist to turnover ratio. He is also 2nd on their team in personal fouls.

He would be a fun Cougar to hate, like Robby Reid or Senoritis' favorite Nate Cooper, if only we were playing them in the next few years.

02-16-2016, 10:31 AM
Nick the Prick is actually having a really good year for a freshman. He's averaging 16 points in 30 minutes per game, on 44% shooting, with 39% from 3 point land. He has about a 2-1 assist to turnover ratio. He is also 2nd on their team in personal fouls.

He would be a fun Cougar to hate, like Robby Reid or Senoritis' favorite Nate Cooper, if only we were playing them in the next few years.

And 1-1 on right crosses.

02-16-2016, 10:51 AM
Nick the Prick is actually having a really good year for a freshman. He's averaging 16 points in 30 minutes per game, on 44% shooting, with 39% from 3 point land. He has about a 2-1 assist to turnover ratio. He is also 2nd on their team in personal fouls.

He would be a fun Cougar to hate, like Robby Reid or Senoritis' favorite Nate Cooper, if only we were playing them in the next few years.

He is fools gold, much like Cody Hoffman was. Look at his stats vs P5 and Gonzaga:

12 pts, 3 rebs, 1 assist, 2 TO's, 32% FG, 33% 3pt%.

He's not that amazing. He is a solid P5 player. There are about 6 players on our team that could do what he does vs that schedule.

02-16-2016, 11:10 AM
. . .There are about 6 players on our team that could do what he does vs that schedule.

That are true Freshman? (Well, freshman off an abbreviated BYU athlete mission)

02-16-2016, 12:13 PM
That are true Freshman? (Well, freshman off an abbreviated BYU athlete mission)
That 'Freshman' is 8 months younger than Brandon Taylor.

02-16-2016, 12:18 PM
That are true Freshman? (Well, freshman off an abbreviated BYU athlete mission)

Against Santa Clara (RPI 264) and San Francisco (RPI 222)? Yeah, I'd bet Taylor could do that as a true freshman vs those teams. I'd be Chapman could have, I know Kuzma could have, Poeltl could have, Tucker probably could, Bonham could have, Loveridge could have, Ogbe and Bealer probably could have as well.

They've played 12 games vs RPI teams ranked 200 or lower. Out of their 26 DI games, they have played 20 vs teams ranked 97 or lower.

Look at his stats vs teams with RPI in the top 100:

9 pts, 3 rebs, 0.8 assists, 3 TO's, 27% shooting, 24% from three.

He wouldn't even start for Utah and might not even be in the rotation this year.

02-18-2016, 12:50 PM
I went and looked back at BYU vs Oregon State's talent last year:

The last 3 years, OSU has recruited about 4 spots higher than BYU according to Rivals, Scout and 247.
Over the last 5 years, OSU has recruited about 10 spots higher than BYU according to Rivals, Scout and 247.

So, it's not like Kalani is leaving a team devoid of talent and taking over some juggernaut. His defense is about as stocked at OSU's.

I mentioned this on Utefans, but Bronco's last 5 years in the MWC, he played 24 P5 teams and won 50 games.

Boise's first five years in the MWC, they played 12 P5 teams and won 52 games.

Bronco is a completely underrated football coach. So is Anae. Don't believe me? Look at what happened the last time BYU had a phenom freshman QB and they brought on their former QB genius coach to be OC.

What am I saying? It wouldn't shock me if Kalani completely FELL on his face this fall. He has no experience around him in the OC and DC positions, his schedule is just as tough if not tougher than last year (at least the first 6 games, his schedule get DRAMATICALLY weaker after that), and he is moving talent from defense to the offense.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-19-2016, 11:42 AM
I went and looked back at BYU vs Oregon State's talent last year:

The last 3 years, OSU has recruited about 4 spots higher than BYU according to Rivals, Scout and 247.
Over the last 5 years, OSU has recruited about 10 spots higher than BYU according to Rivals, Scout and 247.

So, it's not like Kalani is leaving a team devoid of talent and taking over some juggernaut. His defense is about as stocked at OSU's.

I mentioned this on Utefans, but Bronco's last 5 years in the MWC, he played 24 P5 teams and won 50 games.

Boise's first five years in the MWC, they played 12 P5 teams and won 52 games.

Bronco is a completely underrated football coach. So is Anae. Don't believe me? Look at what happened the last time BYU had a phenom freshman QB and they brought on their former QB genius coach to be OC.

What am I saying? It wouldn't shock me if Kalani completely FELL on his face this fall. He has no experience around him in the OC and DC positions, his schedule is just as tough if not tougher than last year (at least the first 6 games, his schedule get DRAMATICALLY weaker after that), and he is moving talent from defense to the offense.

I spotted this post on CB a couple of days ago by OxCoug. Sound logic behind this optimism.

In 2005 Kyle Whittingham was a brand new HC who had been a DC. Gary Andersen was
a guy who had been on staff at Utah, was now hitting his first year as an FBS DC, and previously spent one lame losing year at ..... Southern Utah University. Andy Ludwig had a couple of years of experience...as a pre-national Oregon OC and a Fresno State OC.

Now to clarify - I'm NOT suggesting that there is a direct parallel - this group of BYU coaches is 2x as good as that group of Ute coaches - I'm just making a laughing aside at some of the Ute fans I see posting drunk idiot stuff about how concerned they are that BYU coaches aren't more experienced.

Ty Detmer isn't Andy Ludwig. He may be a first time college OC - but how many first time college OCs come with the reverence of Steve Young and Brett Favre, the endorsements of Mike Holmgren, Andy Reid and Steve Mariucci, and 20 years growing up around coaches?

Ed Lamb has FAR more credibility right now than Gary Andersen did in 2005. Kalani has as much as Kyle did. Ty has more, on net than Ludwig did. Tuiaki himself inexperienced but has credibility.

The "experience" card is overplayed. BYU is in good shape.

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02-19-2016, 12:36 PM
I spotted this post on CB a couple of days ago by OxCoug. Sound logic behind this optimism.



02-19-2016, 01:22 PM
Couple of problems with his thoughts.

1- the only heisman winning QB to make a great OC was the old ball coach. Odds are against Ty being a good OC. Hell, odds are he won't even be an average OC.

2- Ludwig was an accomplished and successful OC. Ty is neither.

3- Whitt had been Utah's DC, he'd been recruiting to Utah and had his defense in place at Utah. It was a Whitt defense. Whitt was also the HC for the BCS game. He had already prepared for/played in/won big time games before being Utah's HC.

Kalani's success came under Whitt, Utah's defense improved after KS left, and KS was terrible as a DC away from Whitt.

KS has as much credibility as Kyle did at that point? Ha ha. That's rich. Kyle had two schools bidding for his services. Kalani was BYU's fourth choice and Gary was practically begging BYU to hire him.

Those guys are in for a reality check this fall.

02-19-2016, 01:26 PM
Also, this bit of info is overlooked:

Ty was not a good high school coach until he started paying players to play for him. So, he was only able to win with superior talent.

BYU will have less talent in a lot of their games.

Why would anyone assume Ty was going to be great? There is NOTHING that says he will be successful this fall.

Rocker Ute
02-19-2016, 01:43 PM
I hope BYU wins every game but two each year. One loss to the Utes and the second to a team that assures the only thing they are playing for is pride and a spot in the New Mexico Pottery Bowl or its equivalent.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-24-2016, 10:08 AM
We're #2!


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LA Ute
02-24-2016, 03:17 PM
We're #2!


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LOL. Yes, Utes fans are so obsessed with BYU that our fellow fans in the state legislature try to punish BYU for making decisions against Utah's interests. No, wait . . . .

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02-25-2016, 02:35 PM
We're #2!


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I agree it's strange. Forget BYU.

02-28-2016, 11:24 AM
I was talking to my father in law about BYU's coaching staff. Here is an interesting tidbit:

Morgan Scalley has more experience coaching at the DI level than Cahoon, Mahe, Detmer, Gilford, Clark, Empey and Lamb COMBINED. If you add all the DI experience from 7 out of the 10 coaches...they have less DI experience than Scalley.

Scalley also has more experience coaching than Tuiaki. That means the only coaches with more DI experience is Sitaki and Kaufusi.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-28-2016, 11:47 AM
I was having lunch with an old mission friend a couple weeks ago who was visiting from the Oahu North Shore. We got talking about the BYU coaching staff, which is weird because he's not really a sports guy. Given his Hawaiian connections, he's familiar with a lot of the new staff and was scratching his head with how "familial" Sitake's picks were. He thought that the more guys from the islands you have on a staff, the more drama. Nothing too interesting.

Then a few hours later, I got a text from him that said, "Ha! Just found out my sister's husband just got hired by BYU." Turns out his BIL is Jason Ah You. I told him that his new job is to keep me up to date on all the inside drama down there. AND to get Chaz to Utah. He said Chaz wants Stanford and there's not much anyone else can do about it.

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02-28-2016, 12:55 PM
I think Sitake has hired 4 guys' family members that he is recruiting.

02-28-2016, 12:57 PM
I think Sitake has hired 4 guys' family members that he is recruiting.

A time tested strategy, and not a bad one. I hope it backfires.

02-28-2016, 01:04 PM
I think Sitake has hired 4 guys' family members that he is recruiting.

Not to mention Empy (if your list doesn't include him).

02-28-2016, 02:51 PM
We're #2!


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one writers opinion and I wouldn't doubt if said writer was a zoob, LDS or had some bias in favor of BYU

02-28-2016, 03:52 PM
A time tested strategy, and not a bad one. I hope it backfires.

You gotta fire and hire frequently to make that work.
Unless it's a Reynolds.

02-28-2016, 04:20 PM
You gotta fire and hire frequently to make that work.
Unless it's a Reynolds.

Or a Kaufusi.

03-07-2016, 03:41 PM
I know it's not cool to care about BYU around here, but I really hope BYU loses tonight. They have snuck into the dance undeservedly for a few years in a row, and that streak needs to end. They have already won vs Gonzaga and St Mary's this year, so their chances are not horrible.

03-07-2016, 03:58 PM
I will never root for BYU to ever win anything.

03-07-2016, 04:07 PM
Is a person required to actually watch the game to be able to cheer against the byu-Provo?

Go Zags.

Dwight Schr-Ute
03-08-2016, 08:32 AM
This post from CB last night was pretty good.


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03-08-2016, 09:00 AM
This post from CB last night was pretty good.


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lol !

Rocker Ute
03-08-2016, 09:43 AM
lol !

WCC getting two bids only happens because of the long time love affair with Gonzaga. I doubt it happens this year, but perhaps. If any other team in the WCC had the same record of the zags it wouldn't even be a consideration.

Side note: I think I hate Mark Few more than BYU.

03-08-2016, 10:59 AM
This post from CB last night was pretty good.


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Wow, that guy has a self-awareness issue. So rare in BYU fans.

03-08-2016, 02:14 PM
WCC getting two bids only happens because of the long time love affair with Gonzaga. I doubt it happens this year, but perhaps. If any other team in the WCC had the same record of the zags it wouldn't even be a consideration.

Side note: I think I hate Mark Few more than BYU.

Gonzaga is 30th in Pomeroy, 60th in RPI and 24th in BPI. NCSOS 43 (per Pomeroy). By advanced metrics, they're not a lock, but would probably get in -- largely because they calculate MOV, and while Gonzaga has precious quality wins, almost all of their losses have gone down to the wire. Assuming nothing crazy happens in the power conference tournaments, I think Gonzaga gets in. They definitely deserve to get in ahead of Monmouth and Valpo.

03-08-2016, 08:38 PM
Gonzaga is 30th in Pomeroy, 60th in RPI and 24th in BPI. NCSOS 43 (per Pomeroy). By advanced metrics, they're not a lock, but would probably get in -- largely because they calculate MOV, and while Gonzaga has precious quality wins, almost all of their losses have gone down to the wire. Assuming nothing crazy happens in the power conference tournaments, I think Gonzaga gets in. They definitely deserve to get in ahead of Monmouth and Valpo.
I think Monmouth needs to get in so that the bench can get the highlight on "One Shining Moment."

Too bad that most of their wins don't look great at the moment.

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LA Ute
03-11-2016, 05:27 PM
Looks like Emery and Nacua both made Sports Illustrated:


The story's not online in (yet) but this DesNews writer reported on it.

Dwight Schr-Ute
03-16-2016, 12:01 AM

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Irving Washington
03-16-2016, 06:37 AM
It's all about priorities

03-17-2016, 09:16 AM

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03-17-2016, 09:18 AM

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Well, the ballroom dance team is relevant.

Diehard Ute
03-17-2016, 09:28 AM
Well, the ballroom dance team is relevant.

They probably play more defense too.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
03-17-2016, 09:52 AM
They probably play more defense too.

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I can only imagine how much defense those girls have to play during practice.

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03-17-2016, 09:59 AM
I can only imagine how much defense those girls have to play during practice.

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Fortunately, because of the reference material available down at BYU, they learn play D at much closer than the standard 6".

03-17-2016, 12:12 PM
Fortunately, because of the reference material available down at BYU, they learn play D at much closer than the standard 6".
I'm pretty sure playing with the 'D' is an honor code violation.

Diehard Ute
03-17-2016, 12:50 PM
I'm pretty sure playing with the 'D' is an honor code violation.

So's obtaining good "O"

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03-20-2016, 01:00 PM
There are two BYU guys in my ward. I have never initiated a sports conversation with either of them. One of them is a 70 year old superfan. He was waiting for me to arrive today, and bounded up to me like a puppy. "How about those Zags?" He was so happy. I think this is the most joy he has experienced in his life in years.

LA Ute
03-20-2016, 01:46 PM
There are two BYU guys in my ward. I have never initiated a sports conversation with either of them. One of them is a 70 year old superfan. He was waiting for me to arrive today, and bounded up to me like a puppy. "How about those Zags?" He was so happy. I think this is the most joy he has experienced in his life in years.

Schadenfreude is best enjoyed privately.

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03-30-2016, 07:03 PM
so Dick Harmon just compared Taysom Hill to Job :blink:


Dwight Schr-Ute
03-30-2016, 07:33 PM
so Dick Harmon just compared Taysom Hill to Job :blink:


Probably meant the other fictional character, Gob.

03-30-2016, 07:55 PM
Probably meant the other fictional character, Gob.

If Taysom is Job, then that has to make Magnum Methusilah

03-30-2016, 08:57 PM
so Dick Harmon just compared Taysom Hill to Job :blink:


Wasn't Job swallowed by the whale because he didn't listen to God?

Did Taysom not pay his tithing? Did he get a little too handsy on a date? After the date alone in his bed?

Why is God punishing him with injuries, ala Job?

For the record, this is tongue and cheek and Harmon is an idiot.

Rocker Ute
03-30-2016, 10:12 PM
Best GOB line is when Michael tells him George Michael is dating Ann and GOB says, "What, is she funny?"

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03-31-2016, 09:12 AM
so Dick Harmon just compared Taysom Hill to Job :blink:


You know, I'm starting to feel bad for Taysom. He seems like a good kid. He seems like a bright kid and hasn't gone Max Hall or Collie. He's a phenomenal athlete. He deserves so much better than BYU and Dick Harmon.

LA Ute
03-31-2016, 11:08 AM
You know, I'm starting to feel bad for Taysom. He seems like a good kid. He seems like a bright kid and hasn't gone Max Hall or Collie. He's a phenomenal athlete. He deserves so much better than BYU and Dick Harmon.


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03-31-2016, 02:55 PM
You know, I'm starting to feel bad for Taysom. He seems like a good kid. He seems like a bright kid and hasn't gone Max Hall or Collie. He's a phenomenal athlete. He deserves so much better than BYU and Dick Harmon.

Don't feel bad for him. He could have done to Virginia or another school. He chose to be there. He knew what he was getting into.

03-31-2016, 03:23 PM
Don't feel bad for him. He could have done to Virginia or another school. He chose to be there. He knew what he was getting into.

Geez man, the guy's brother just died. Give it a rest for a minute.

Dwight Schr-Ute
03-31-2016, 05:09 PM
Geez man, the guy's brother just died. Give it a rest for a minute.

I wandered over to Utefans the other day looking for some kind of practice report. Made the mistake of wandering a bit and came across a debate about whether or not we should care about some kid we apparently hate's drug doing brother who deserved what he got. *Spoiler* Decency seemed to be on the losing end of that discussion. Pretty impressed by the site. Didn't think it could devolve much further.

03-31-2016, 05:28 PM
For the record the couple of people who were claiming that seemed to get blasted heavily by everybody else. There were a lot of prayerful and thoughtful posts supporting the Hill family.

03-31-2016, 09:16 PM
Geez man, the guy's brother just died. Give it a rest for a minute.

Are you being sarcastic? Why would you bring his brother into this? Someone said he feels bad for Taysom because of Harmon.

I said he had a chance to leave and chose to stay. And you bring his brother up?

You're better than that. That's just lazy.

04-01-2016, 09:48 AM
Today would be an opportune day for Chip Brown to troll the BYU fanbase.

04-01-2016, 09:56 AM
Today would be an opportune day for Chip Brown to troll the BYU fanbase.

Been done

Brian Smiley Retweeted Brett McMurphy
Cruelest April fools joke EVER!!!

Brian Smiley added,

Brett McMurphy @NoEscalatorsCincinnati, BYU to join Big 12 for 2017 season; official announcement to come mid next week, following Final Four.

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-01-2016, 12:38 PM
Been done

Brian Smiley Retweeted Brett McMurphy
Cruelest April fools joke EVER!!!

Brian Smiley added,

Brett McMurphy @NoEscalatorsCincinnati, BYU to join Big 12 for 2017 season; official announcement to come mid next week, following Final Four.

Well, it's a good thing BYU made that NIT Final Four.

04-19-2016, 07:56 AM
I wondered what Kalani would do about the firesides. I did not think he would want to do them during the season as that is not the way he was taught to prepare. He has decided to do it during the spring evaluation period. They will be doing firesides in the spring at the places they are playing in the coming fall. Pretty smart move on his part. The one question i have is how they get current players to attend. I am pretty sure that they are not able to pay for their transportation or time. I guess in places like Arizona, California and Texas there might be current players who live in those areas who could easily attend.


04-19-2016, 07:59 AM
I wondered what Kalani would do about the firesides. I did not think he would want to do them during the season as that is not the way he was taught to prepare. He has decided to do it during the spring evaluation period. They will be doing firesides in the spring at the places they are playing in the coming fall. Pretty smart move on his part. The one question i have is how they get current players to attend. I am pretty sure that they are not able to pay for their transportation or time. I guess in places like Arizona, California and Texas there might be current players who live in those areas who could easily attend.


The really interesting thing is the intent to use it as a recruiting tool--get recruits to attend, rather than players it sounds like.

LA Ute
04-19-2016, 08:54 AM
The really interesting thing is the intent to use it as a recruiting tool--get recruits to attend, rather than players it sounds like.

I don't blame him. The church angle is the number one recruiting tool for BYU. You've got to ride the horse you're on, as they say.

"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

04-19-2016, 01:21 PM
The really interesting thing is the intent to use it as a recruiting tool--get recruits to attend, rather than players it sounds like.

I didn't write that very clearly. The intent is to rally the converted and get prospects to attend. In addition to the coaches, current players will be participating in the firesides. The participation by the current players is what I was getting at.

Diehard Ute
04-19-2016, 04:16 PM
Yeah I think there's some ncaa issues here.

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04-19-2016, 04:48 PM
Yeah I think there's some ncaa issues here.

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This is example of a coaching staff that is completely inexperienced and a football staff that doesn't have the resources to hire additional people who do nothing but check up on NCAA violations.

BYU fan likes to say the gap isn't that big between them and P5, but this is an example of the widening gap.

LA Ute
04-19-2016, 05:10 PM
I don't know recruiting rules at all. What is the problem with holding a fireside?

Something about contact with recruits during the period when you aren't supposed to have contact with them. But I am 99% ignorant of those parts of the rules. I think the rules are here:


and here:


But I am not going to read them because I am busy reading rules that people pay me to read.

Diehard Ute
04-19-2016, 05:15 PM
I don't know recruiting rules at all. What is the problem with holding a fireside?

It's not holding a fireside that's the issue.

As Uteopia said there's the issue of current players attending.

Their holding the Firesides at locations around the country and having coaches and players attend. How the players come to be there is an issue, as the university isn't likely allowed to pay for that.

In terms of recruits coming, that's a bit more complex. Sitake has admitted he's using this as a replacement for the contact they would have had at remote camps.

There are issues of contact periods, dead periods, contact with athletes who are not yet eligible to be contacted off campus etc etc etc

By saying this will be a recruiting function the door is open to scrutiny I think.

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04-19-2016, 05:28 PM
Don't worry, guys. I'm sure a report has already been made to the Utah NCAA Compliance office for a full investigation.

04-19-2016, 06:24 PM
I never know what this guy is talking about. I suspect he might not know either.

Maybe Spencer Hadley hooked up with some guy's fiancée again.

04-19-2016, 06:46 PM
It is not an NCAA violation for coaches to participate in off-campus speaking forums or firesides. I am pretty sure that the athletics department cannot send special invites to prospects inviting them to attend, but if they learn of it and attend on their own, there is no problem. If the coaches have more than a short, casual conversation with a prospect, that could be a problem. I saw the flyer for the upcoming fireside in Arizona. It is billed as a Fanfest and Fireside with attendance by Cosmo, the cheerleaders, Sitake, Detmer and some unidentifed current players.

Kalani is a smart guy and he knows the rules. He will push the envelope as he should.

I think the big thing about this is not the 1 extra contact with the 15-20 prospects who can play D1, but the change in philosophy before games. You can bet Kalani does not believe and will never say that football is anything other than his No. 1 priority.

I like Kalani and hope he has success. Having said that, I wish there were a way that he could be successful and still lose every game.

LA Ute
04-19-2016, 08:30 PM
Maybe Spencer Hadley hooked up with some guy's fiancée again.

And the fiancee might notify "the Salt Lake papers."

04-19-2016, 10:09 PM
It is not an NCAA violation for coaches to participate in off-campus speaking forums or firesides. I am pretty sure that the athletics department cannot send special invites to prospects inviting them to attend, but if they learn of it and attend on their own, there is no problem. If the coaches have more than a short, casual conversation with a prospect, that could be a problem. I saw the flyer for the upcoming fireside in Arizona. It is billed as a Fanfest and Fireside with attendance by Cosmo, the cheerleaders, Sitake, Detmer and some unidentifed current players.

Kalani is a smart guy and he knows the rules. He will push the envelope as he should.

I think the big thing about this is not the 1 extra contact with the 15-20 prospects who can play D1, but the change in philosophy before games. You can bet Kalani does not believe and will never say that football is anything other than his No. 1 priority.

I like Kalani and hope he has success. Having said that, I wish there were a way that he could be successful and still lose every game.

While, if legal, not a bad idea for Sitake, the real question is this:

Out of the LDS players that show up to these firesides that are held out of state, how many are targets of Utah's? Maybe one or two a year? Really not a big deal. This will solidify LDS commits that were probably going to BYU anyways. This won't convince the 4-5 star kids to go, but it will help a 2 or lower 3 star kid get excited about BYU.

Really not a big deal.

04-20-2016, 07:43 AM
While, if legal, not a bad idea for Sitake, the real question is this:

Out of the LDS players that show up to these firesides that are held out of state, how many are targets of Utah's? Maybe one or two a year? Really not a big deal. This will solidify LDS commits that were probably going to BYU anyways. This won't convince the 4-5 star kids to go, but it will help a 2 or lower 3 star kid get excited about BYU.

Really not a big deal.

I agree. It is not a big deal.

04-20-2016, 09:10 AM
Oh, and if BYU fan was sad after the 54-10 fiasco. Lol. This fall will be sweet. Those dopes think they have a shot and are "due".

Ha ha. Poor bastards.

04-20-2016, 09:27 AM
Oh, and if BYU fan was sad after the 54-10 fiasco. Lol. This fall will be sweet. Those dopes think they have a shot and are "due".

Ha ha. Poor bastards.

I'm not saying the Utes will not beat BYU, but I certainly think they have a shot. Anyone who watched the last 3 quarters of the Vegas Bowl and does not think BYU has a shot is delusional. Whether BYU will be better than they were last year is a guess, but Kalani will have those guys ready to play Utah. They will be better prepared mentally and emotionally for that game than any other game on the schedule.

04-20-2016, 09:37 AM
I'm not saying the Utes will not beat BYU, but I certainly think they have a shot. Anyone who watched the last 3 quarters of the Vegas Bowl and does not think BYU has a shot is delusional. Whether BYU will be better than they were last year is a guess, but Kalani will have those guys ready to play Utah. They will be better prepared mentally and emotionally for that game than any other game on the schedule.

After we lost all our tight ends, then Booker, then Covey, our offense was as inept as inept can be. If our offense is that bad this year, they can beat us, as can everybody else. But we should be able to control both lines of scrimmage, I would think. Especially since they are transitioning to a 4-3 and dont have the personnel to play it properly (at end in particular). I assume our denfensive line will be able to control Hill/Mangum and Jamal the running back (cant remember his last name).

04-20-2016, 12:04 PM
I'm not saying the Utes will not beat BYU, but I certainly think they have a shot. Anyone who watched the last 3 quarters of the Vegas Bowl and does not think BYU has a shot is delusional. Whether BYU will be better than they were last year is a guess, but Kalani will have those guys ready to play Utah. They will be better prepared mentally and emotionally for that game than any other game on the schedule.

Anyone can beat anyone on any given day.

I did watch the last three quarters. Mangum made the same mistakes he made in the first quarter. He doesn't look off his first read. He throws balls up for grabs.

So, what was the difference? We let our foot off the gas. We only rushed 3-4. We played back in a zone. We played prevent defense for three quarters and BYU took advantage of that.

The way BYU didn't quit was admirable. Most teams that are so overmatched quit.

What do I expect this fall? More of the first quarter. Then toss in having to hear about how BYU "won" the game and was the "better" team for three quarters?

Utah may just play until halftime this fall instead of going home after one quarter.

The talent gap is so wide between Utah and BYU. It's shocking.

I'm not sure there is a single person on BYU who would start for Utah. Maybe Langi at LB. Hill and Mangum would compete at QB but their stats vs P5 teams look just like Wilson's. I'm not sure they would beat out Cox or Williams...and I've been saying that for years.

We will destroy them. It won't be close. This fall will be a statement game to Kalani. We love you Kalani, but you won't be winning this game ever. It's cute what you've done with Detmer and Mahe and the royal blue but this is big boy football and you aren't there.

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-20-2016, 12:34 PM
Have I told my Vegas Bowl story here yet? I'm sorry. It's all my fault. We moved into our new house that weekend. My MIL had flown into town for a couple of weeks to help with the kids while we managed the packing and cleaning. Given that it was the weekend before Christmas, we wanted to get out of our 6 month rental in the worst ways. But then this game came up. I waffled back and forth on if I was even interested in attending. I had considered myself lucky enough to have gone up for the Oregon State game. Even if the Oregon State game was incredibly boring.

About a week before the game, I was having a conversation with my boss and the game came up. She wondered if I planned on attending. I told her that there was too much going on. She rolled her eyes and called her husband, who sits on the UNLV Board of Regents. "You now have club seats. Is there still too much going on?!"

Game day comes. We had moved the majority of our stuff the day before but there was still a bunch of odds and ends and we were committed to be out by Sunday. I felt guilty for leaving my MIL with the kids for non-move related activities, so I told my wife that I was worried about being there the whole game, and given how the rivalry had gone the last many years, I'd rather get there late (avoid time sitting in traffic) and be there for the end than to get there for the beginning and have to leave early. So we left our house right at kick off and listened during the drive. We know how that all went down. As we parked and got out of the car, the stadium erupted into cheers which would have been Hatfield's pick 6. We enter the stadium, take the elevator upstairs, hear more cheers which would be Canada's fumble. We found our seats just in time to watch Wilson scramble 30 yards, dislocating some fools elbow in the process, to go up 35-0.

I then made myself comfortable to watch the continued slaughter...

LA Ute
04-20-2016, 12:38 PM
Have I told my Vegas Bowl story here yet? I'm sorry. It's all my fault. We moved into our new house that weekend. My MIL had flown into town for a couple of weeks to help with the kids while we managed the packing and cleaning. Given that it was the weekend before Christmas, we wanted to get out of our 6 month rental in the worst ways. But then this game came up. I waffled back and forth on if I was even interested in attending. I had considered myself lucky enough to have gone up for the Oregon State game. Even if the Oregon State game was incredibly boring.

About a week before the game, I was having a conversation with my boss and the game came up. She wondered if I planned on attending. I told her that there was too much going on. She rolled her eyes and called her husband, who sits on the UNLV Board of Regents. "You now have club seats. Is there still too much going on?!"

Game day comes. We had moved the majority of our stuff the day before but there was still a bunch of odds and ends and we were committed to be out by Sunday. I felt guilty for leaving my MIL with the kids for non-move related activities, so I told my wife that I was worried about being there the whole game, and given how the rivalry had gone the last many years, I'd rather get there late (avoid time sitting in traffic) and be there for the end than to get there for the beginning and have to leave early. So we left our house right at kick off and listened during the drive. We know how that all went down. As we parked and got out of the car, the stadium erupted into cheers which would have been Hatfield's pick 6. We enter the stadium, take the elevator upstairs, hear more cheers which would be Canada's fumble. We found our seats just in time to watch Wilson scramble 30 yards, dislocating some fools elbow in the process, to go up 35-0.

I then made myself comfortable to watch the continued slaughter...

If we take up a collection and pay you to stay away from Utah games, will you?

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-20-2016, 12:44 PM
If we take up a collection and pay you to stay away from Utah games, will you?

I was 2-0 last year! That's a HUGE improvement!!!

(But yes.)

04-20-2016, 12:51 PM
I was 2-0 last year! That's a HUGE improvement!!!

(But yes.)

Can I assume that this is despite you being there instead of because of you being there?

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-20-2016, 12:56 PM
Can I assume that this is despite you being there instead of because of you being there?

There's a reason I don't go to the games against the upper tier teams. Anymore.

04-20-2016, 03:13 PM
Have I told my Vegas Bowl story here yet? I'm sorry. It's all my fault. We moved into our new house that weekend. My MIL had flown into town for a couple of weeks to help with the kids while we managed the packing and cleaning. Given that it was the weekend before Christmas, we wanted to get out of our 6 month rental in the worst ways. But then this game came up. I waffled back and forth on if I was even interested in attending. I had considered myself lucky enough to have gone up for the Oregon State game. Even if the Oregon State game was incredibly boring.

About a week before the game, I was having a conversation with my boss and the game came up. She wondered if I planned on attending. I told her that there was too much going on. She rolled her eyes and called her husband, who sits on the UNLV Board of Regents. "You now have club seats. Is there still too much going on?!"

Game day comes. We had moved the majority of our stuff the day before but there was still a bunch of odds and ends and we were committed to be out by Sunday. I felt guilty for leaving my MIL with the kids for non-move related activities, so I told my wife that I was worried about being there the whole game, and given how the rivalry had gone the last many years, I'd rather get there late (avoid time sitting in traffic) and be there for the end than to get there for the beginning and have to leave early. So we left our house right at kick off and listened during the drive. We know how that all went down. As we parked and got out of the car, the stadium erupted into cheers which would have been Hatfield's pick 6. We enter the stadium, take the elevator upstairs, hear more cheers which would be Canada's fumble. We found our seats just in time to watch Wilson scramble 30 yards, dislocating some fools elbow in the process, to go up 35-0.

I then made myself comfortable to watch the continued slaughter...

i am just going to go ahead and believe that your being there at the end is what allowed us to hold on and win.

04-25-2016, 09:55 AM
Parking spot for BYU fans.


LA Ute
05-01-2016, 01:07 PM
Not a flattering picture of BYU football's medical staff and approach to injuries during Luke Staley's time there. [EDIT: I don't know anything about this other than what's in the article. I'm confident things have changed since then, not just at BYU but everywhere in college football.]


"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

05-01-2016, 05:46 PM
Not a flattering picture of BYU football's medical staff and approach to injuries during Luke Staley's time there.


"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

One thing the article states is that the doctor that primarily treated him is not a BYU employee, but a volunteer. I think this is more of a statement against college football in general. I have little doubt this kind of stuff goes on at nearly every university.

There is shared responsibility between the player, team, and doctor. The player wants to play, and doesn't weigh the long term consequences against getting back on the field. Luke seems to argue that he was not responsible enough at 19-20 to make those decisions. I have a hard time with that. But at the same time, I think that they also feel pressure from the coaches, teammates, and fans to play through the pain.

05-02-2016, 08:37 PM
One thing the article states is that the doctor that primarily treated him is not a BYU employee, but a volunteer. I think this is more of a statement against college football in general. I have little doubt this kind of stuff goes on at nearly every university.

There is shared responsibility between the player, team, and doctor. The player wants to play, and doesn't weigh the long term consequences against getting back on the field. Luke seems to argue that he was not responsible enough at 19-20 to make those decisions. I have a hard time with that. But at the same time, I think that they also feel pressure from the coaches, teammates, and fans to play through the pain.

I can say with a reasonably high degree of confidence that the vast majority of teenage athletes are complete and total dolts about decisions that effect their long term health. There needs to be some responsible adults in the room to oversee the idiotic decisions of these win-at-any-cost athletes/coaches/programs.

23 surgeries? He's well on the way to Earl Campbell-town.

Rocker Ute
05-02-2016, 09:31 PM
I can say with a reasonably high degree of confidence that the vast majority of teenage athletes are complete and total dolts about decisions that effect their long term health. There needs to be some responsible adults in the room to oversee the idiotic decisions of these win-at-any-cost athletes/coaches/programs.

23 surgeries? He's well on the way to Earl Campbell-town.

Long ago my brother volunteered his services at a local high school. Kid got a concussion, my brother did the right thing and kept him out and his parents went nuts.

I say this to not only agree with you but to note that sometimes (often?) people who should be the most concerned about an athlete's long term well-being are not.

05-02-2016, 10:15 PM
Long ago my brother volunteered his services at a local high school. Kid got a concussion, my brother did the right thing and kept him out and his parents went nuts.

I say this to not only agree with you but to note that sometimes (often?) people who should be the most concerned about an athlete's long term well-being are not.

Being a team physician is hard. You need to safeguard each player's long term health. Sometimes this puts you in direct opposition with coaches, parents, and players. Good for your brother.

05-03-2016, 10:58 AM
Long ago my brother volunteered his services at a local high school. Kid got a concussion, my brother did the right thing and kept him out and his parents went nuts.

I say this to not only agree with you but to note that sometimes (often?) people who should be the most concerned about an athlete's long term well-being are not.

As a coach at a local high school, if a kid gets a concussion it is almost a guaranteed 2 weeks he will be out. With everyone going nuts on concussions now a days the trainers will sit a kid 2 weeks to be on the safe side. I know they are more cautious on the college level now too not sure if it is two weeks but it is longer than it used to be

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-01-2016, 12:19 PM
Some new details for the rivalry game.


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LA Ute
06-01-2016, 12:23 PM
I never listen to Kinahan but I thought this piece was weirdly (and unintentionally) funny:

Utah corrects mistake and will play BYU


Favorite internally inconsistent line: "There simply weren’t enough legitimate reasons for the two teams not to play one virtually meaningless non-conference game."

Favorite (probably intentional) false assumption: Utah had cancelled all future games, not just the 2016 game.

The guys seems to be all about clickbait.

06-01-2016, 12:32 PM
I never listen to Kinahan but I thought this piece was weirdly (and unintentionally) funny:

Utah corrects mistake and will play BYU


Favorite internally inconsistent line: "There simply weren’t enough legitimate reasons for the two teams not to play one virtually meaningless non-conference game."

Favorite (probably intentional) false assumption: Utah had cancelled all future games, not just the 2016 game.

The guys seems to be all about clickbait.

You pegged him.
You aren't missing much by not listening to him. All the good stuff can be had by catching the interviews posted on the website.

06-01-2016, 01:24 PM
I never listen to Kinahan but I thought this piece was weirdly (and unintentionally) funny:

Utah corrects mistake and will play BYU


Favorite internally inconsistent line: "There simply weren’t enough legitimate reasons for the two teams not to play one virtually meaningless non-conference game."

Favorite (probably intentional) false assumption: Utah had cancelled all future games, not just the 2016 game.

The guys seems to be all about clickbait.

The fact that this is his "take", is not surprising. If the BYU-Utah rivalry ever went away, or at the very least died down to a level of Utah-Utah State, he would cease having a show. As I mentioned in the Local Media thread, the majority of the DJ and PK show is starting BYU and Utah troll fests.

This is hack media 101.

That line you quoted is pure gold. It ranks right up there with Hans Olsen's "I'll tell you why Kilani Sitake is leaving (Utah), because he is all about loyalty."

Two Utes
06-01-2016, 04:34 PM

How is this any different than Hilldale?

Police working with a private institution to share information about someone who reported a crime that would affect said private institution. I don't understand how anybody doesn't think this isn't outrageous.

BYU is a joke of an institution. It has high admission standards not because of quality academics but only because so many Mormons want to go there because it's cheap and "protects" the students from the outside world. In turn, the church intentionally subsidizes tuition to attract the best and brightest mo's who will then meet other mos, get married, go out and use their mo connections to get a job and pay 10% tithing which creates a massive ROI on the the Church's tuition subsidy.

This article is simply evidence of the joke of an institution BYU is. They are more fucking worried about protecting and preserving the honor code than dealing with alleged assaults.

06-01-2016, 05:11 PM
Yup, that pretty much nails it.

06-01-2016, 08:26 PM
I made the mistake of talking to a Y fan about the Hunstman's purchase of the SL Tribune. I underestimated how much BYU Fans hate the Tribune. It was like I was talking up the Satanic Bible or the Godmakers documentary.

06-01-2016, 09:42 PM
I made the mistake of talking to a Y fan about the Hunstman's purchase of the SL Tribune. I underestimated how much BYU Fans hate the Tribune. It was like I was talking up the Satanic Bible or the Godmakers documentary.

Maybe your mistake was just talking to a Y fan?

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-01-2016, 10:22 PM
Maybe your mistake was just talking to a Y fan?

There's a guy at the office that has been parking next to me for at least four years now. Downtown Las Vegas and there's a Mazda 3 with a drum and feather on the back window next to Honda Odyssey with a stretch Y. Four years he keeps parking next to me. (I'm almost always there first.) we've never said a word to each other. We've ended up in the elevator a few times together. No acknowledgement. I'm not trying to be a dick about the rivalry or anything, but between being a BYU fan and an engineer, I just don't have anything to say.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-02-2016, 11:56 AM
but between being a BYU fan and an engineer, I just don't have anything to say.

Uncalled for.

06-02-2016, 12:01 PM
Uncalled for.

Some people just can't handle our awesomeness. They burn in the glow of it.

Irving Washington
06-02-2016, 12:47 PM
Only if you have a Ph.D.

06-02-2016, 03:12 PM
*Pay no attention to the hippy fish hugger.

*stupid autocorrect.

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-02-2016, 03:37 PM
Uncalled for.

Hey. I realize that it's a dirty word, and I don't put it in there recklessly. As far as I can tell, the guy is legitimately an engineer. Either that or he just chooses to work on the floor where nothing fun ever happens so he can get more work done.

Lost no attention to the hippy fish hugger.

This hippy fish hugger has no idea what you're trying to say here. Maybe you could sketch it out for me on an 11"x14".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-02-2016, 09:28 PM
There's a guy at the office that has been parking next to me for at least four years now. Downtown Las Vegas and there's a Mazda 3 with a drum and feather on the back window next to Honda Odyssey with a stretch Y. Four years he keeps parking next to me. (I'm almost always there first.) we've never said a word to each other. We've ended up in the elevator a few times together. No acknowledgement. I'm not trying to be a dick about the rivalry or anything, but between being a BYU fan and an engineer, I just don't have anything to say.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

As a general rule its a good idea to avoid new people anyway. You have to learn a name, say hello, small talk......with the 100 percent certainty that at some point they'll disappoint or piss you off......who needs that at my age.

LA Ute
06-04-2016, 11:53 AM
This is a fun piece to read. I actually think he has the Utah-BYU rivalry right, except that "obsession" isn't the right word because that's not what he is (accurately) describing.

College Football Fan Bases Most Obsessed With Their Rival


06-04-2016, 01:31 PM
This is a fun piece to read. I actually think he has the Utah-BYU rivalry right, except that "obsession" isn't the right word because that's not what he is (accurately) describing.

College Football Fan Bases Most Obsessed With Their Rival


"Notre Dame syndrome, within a state..." - there's a lot of truth in that, actually.

06-04-2016, 02:26 PM
"Notre Dame syndrome, within a state..." - there's a lot of truth in that, actually.
Great. As if they needed any other reason to unrighteously invoke Notre Dame.

LA Ute
06-04-2016, 04:05 PM
Great. As if they needed any other reason to unrighteously invoke Notre Dame.

Holier than thou, but on a smaller scale. If they want to invoke small-time sanctimony, it's OK with me.

06-09-2016, 10:00 PM
someone just retweeted to me that Jordan Chatman is transferring from the BYU basketball team. I know exactly what you are thinking:

1. who the hell is that?

2. BYU better hope that he doesn't reveal all of Dave Rose's secret defensive philosophies/schemes.

3. that opens up a spot for someone of Norwegian or Scandinavian descent.


06-09-2016, 10:17 PM
someone just retweeted to me that Jordan Chatman is transferring from the BYU basketball team. I know exactly what you are thinking:

1. who the hell is that?

I don't know either. I imagine he thought for a minute about playing on the same team as emery, haws, and mika, and said "time to go." So, yeah, whoever he is, he's not dumb

06-09-2016, 11:41 PM
I don't know either. I imagine he thought for a minute about playing on the same team as emery, haws, and mika, and said "time to go." So, yeah, whoever he is, he's not dumb

No, he certainly isn't dumb. Going into his redshirt sophomore year he has already earned his undergraduate degree and is headed to law school. It was announced recently that he'd been accepted to BYU Law so it was assumed that he was staying with the team, but my guess is that BYU isn't the only law school to which he was accepted and that he is transferring primarily for his educational opportunities and secondarily for playing time.

LA Ute
06-09-2016, 11:46 PM
No, he certainly isn't dumb. Going into his redshirt sophomore year he has already earned his undergraduate degree and is headed to law school. It was announced recently that he'd been accepted to BYU Law so it was assumed that he was staying with the team, but my guess is that BYU isn't the only law school to which he was accepted and that he is transferring primarily for his educational opportunities and secondarily for playing time.

I think it'd be hard to play a D1 sport while starting law school. Maybe he'll just take A few courses that interest him for a year, then start law school. Is he Jeff Chatman's son?

06-09-2016, 11:50 PM
I think it'd be hard to play a D1 sport while starting law school. Maybe he'll just take A few courses that interest him for a year, then start law school. Is he Jeff Chatman's son?


06-10-2016, 06:22 AM
No, he certainly isn't dumb. Going into his redshirt sophomore year he has already earned his undergraduate degree and is headed to law school.

From BYU, though. No, the more compelling evidence of his intelligence is his desire to flee the big three and their lone peak coach.

06-10-2016, 07:45 AM
Playing as D1 sport in the first year of law school is a good way to doom your career as a lawyer. These days if he to wants to have great opportunities in the future he needs to train himself to read 1000 pages overnight, score in the top 5% of his class or better, and get himself the best possible internship next summer. If he doesn't do that, there will be tens of thousands of students willing to take his place.

Playing a high-profile D1 sport makes that utterly impossible.

06-10-2016, 10:41 AM
I think it'd be hard to play a D1 sport while starting law school. Maybe he'll just take A few courses that interest him for a year, then start law school. Is he Jeff Chatman's son?

Jeff just clarified that he is transferring to another school because BYU Law would not allow him to play basketball in addition to law school. He doesn't know yet where he's going to go.

06-10-2016, 10:54 AM
I'm a little curious about the inflexibility. My memory may be wrong but didn't the law school work with Steve Young to get him through while he was at San Francisco? I seem to remember them letting him take summer classes over a period of time. It's not the same thing but it seems that they were flexible then. Too bad they won't be flexible now. I don't know Jordan but I got to know Jeff a little several years ago. Jeff's a terrific person who loved his BYU experience.

By the way, lest I sound overly critical of BYU, this is another failing of a lot of universities. I doubt Utah would be flexible in a case like this. Higher ed is often far to committed to doing things their way - not nearly enough focus on their customers.

06-10-2016, 11:01 AM
I'm a little curious about the inflexibility. My memory may be wrong but didn't the law school work with Steve Young to get him through while he was at San Francisco? I seem to remember them letting him take summer classes over a period of time. It's not the same thing but it seems that they were flexible then. Too bad they won't be flexible now. I don't know Jordan but I got to know Jeff a little several years ago. Jeff's a terrific person who loved his BYU experience.

By the way, lest I sound overly critical of BYU, this is another failing of a lot of universities. I doubt Utah would be flexible in a case like this. Higher ed is often far to committed to doing things their way - not nearly enough focus on their customers.

I think the primary difference is that Steve Young went to law school as a working professional, not as an NCAA student athlete who would be required to take a certain class load during the season to remain eligible. The trick for Jordan will be to find a good law school that will let him try to do both. Not sure how many of them are out there.

06-10-2016, 11:13 AM
That makes sense. I still wish higher ed and the NCAA would show more flexibility. Here you have a true student athlete. Why not let him take a lighter class load and remain eligible. His academic record certainly proves he's not trying to game the system.

Anyway, best of luck to him.

06-10-2016, 11:32 AM
I think the primary difference is that Steve Young went to law school as a working professional,

I would say another difference is that Steve young was really good and this guy is an unknown. If Nick Emery were in this situation, they would make it work.

06-10-2016, 11:49 AM
If Nick Emery were in this situation, they would make it work.


they better
