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Dwight Schr-Ute
06-10-2016, 11:54 AM

they better


:applause: :spittake:

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Dwight Schr-Ute
06-10-2016, 11:57 AM
An interesting off season for Utah based Cha_man's.

Speaking of our Cha_man, has there been word of any movement on where he ends up next year?

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06-10-2016, 12:01 PM
I would say another difference is that Steve young was really good and this guy is an unknown. If Nick Emery were in this situation, they would make it work.

Probably THE difference. They got a lot of free press with Steve as a student.

06-10-2016, 12:41 PM
An interesting off season for Utah based Cha_man's.

Speaking of our Cha_man, has there been word of any movement on where he ends up next year?

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There was some buzz about Weber, but there has been nothing official, or even unofficial in a long time.

LA Ute
06-10-2016, 12:58 PM
I'm a little curious about the inflexibility. My memory may be wrong but didn't the law school work with Steve Young to get him through while he was at San Francisco? I seem to remember them letting him take summer classes over a period of time. It's not the same thing but it seems that they were flexible then. Too bad they won't be flexible now. I don't know Jordan but I got to know Jeff a little several years ago. Jeff's a terrific person who loved his BYU experience.

By the way, lest I sound overly critical of BYU, this is another failing of a lot of universities. I doubt Utah would be flexible in a case like this. Higher ed is often far to committed to doing things their way - not nearly enough focus on their customers.

"Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, 'the law is a ass—a idiot.'"

-- Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

06-10-2016, 02:28 PM
I would say another difference is that Steve young was really good and this guy is an unknown. If Nick Emery were in this situation, they would make it work.
Steve Young was at least 5 years into his career before he even began law school. Huge difference.

06-10-2016, 04:39 PM
Steve Young was at least 5 years into his career before he even began law school. Huge difference.

Yeah, but pretend BYU junior Steve Young had come forward and said, "I just graduated and am going to law school. I'm going to transfer if you don't let me both play football and attend law school." I thinK I know what BYU would have said.

06-10-2016, 09:38 PM
Yeah, but pretend BYU junior Steve Young had come forward and said, "I just graduated and am going to law school. I'm going to transfer if you don't let me both play football and attend law school." I thinK I know what BYU would have said.
Uh, you are welcome to try it, but you will fail out of law school and then you won't be able to play football..."

06-11-2016, 10:43 AM
Uh, you are welcome to try it, but you will fail out of law school and then you won't be able to play football..."
C'mon, law school is hard but it's not rocket science. I can envision someone doing it.

06-11-2016, 11:36 AM
C'mon, law school is hard but it's not rocket science. I can envision someone doing it.
True, after engineering school it would be a walk in the park.

LA Ute
06-11-2016, 01:43 PM
C'mon, law school is hard but it's not rocket science. I can envision someone doing it.

It would take a special student, I think, not because the material is so hard but because the first year grind demands so much time (for the great majority of students, anyway). The first year of law school may be the only one that really matters all that much, for people who want to be lawyers (not so much for people who just want to pick up a J.D., like Steve Young did).

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-13-2016, 02:02 PM
Well, Sitake's already better at Bronco at one thing. Singing Utah Man!


LA Ute
06-23-2016, 07:10 PM
I never get tired of watching these.


06-24-2016, 09:01 AM
I never get tired of watching these.


Jake Heaps' BYU career was officially over after the Reilly strip-sack-recovery. He had mentally checked out.

LOL at Riley Nelson trying to say his arm was moving forward. It wasn't even close.

I'm still a little pissed off that we didn't get a repeat of this game in the Vegas Bowl when everything was set up for perhaps an even worse result. Part of that was on us, but last year's BYU team didn't quit. This 2011 team did -- witness the John White gallops in the second half.

Dwight Schr-Ute
06-24-2016, 01:23 PM
Jake Heaps' BYU career was officially over after the Reilly strip-sack-recovery. He had mentally checked out.

LOL at Riley Nelson trying to say his arm was moving forward. It wasn't even close.

I'm still a little pissed off that we didn't get a repeat of this game in the Vegas Bowl when everything was set up for perhaps an even worse result. Part of that was on us, but last year's BYU team didn't quit. This 2011 team did -- witness the John White gallops in the second half.

It also still pisses me off to think that we had a chance to start off the next rivalry game the exact same way with a Cougar QB down in their own endzone. Kruger had an easy tackle but managed to grab Nelson's face mask taking points off the board.

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06-24-2016, 08:51 PM
"In its beginning an emotion flies straight to its object. Love tends to cherish the loved object as hate tends to destroy the thing hated." --John Dewey

After all these months away I come back to discover this thread is still the most active on this board? That's just pathetic. Go Cougars!

06-27-2016, 08:03 PM
"In its beginning an emotion flies straight to its object. Love tends to cherish the loved object as hate tends to destroy the thing hated." --John Dewey

After all these months away I come back to discover this thread is still the most active on this board? That's just pathetic. Go Cougars!

rise and roar


LA Ute
06-28-2016, 07:57 AM
"In its beginning an emotion flies straight to its object. Love tends to cherish the loved object as hate tends to destroy the thing hated." --John Dewey

After all these months away I come back to discover this thread is still the most active on this board? That's just pathetic. Go Cougars!

Embrace our obsession, tooblue.

06-28-2016, 09:04 AM
Embrace our obsession, tooblue.

Maybe we're just trying to fill the void now that Boren and the other Big XII presidents are no longer discussing BYU :)

LA Ute
06-29-2016, 01:05 PM
Kalani Sitake on BYU-Utah rivalry: 'I choose to cheer differently' (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865657082/Sitake-on-BYU-Utah-rivalry-I-choose-to-cheer-differently.html?pg=all)As I predicted, he's gonna be hard to dislike.

06-29-2016, 02:03 PM
Kalani Sitake on BYU-Utah rivalry: 'I choose to cheer differently' (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865657082/Sitake-on-BYU-Utah-rivalry-I-choose-to-cheer-differently.html?pg=all)

As I predicted, he's gonna be hard to dislike.

It really isn't that hard. Everyone LOVED Dave Rose-he beat cancer and he seemed like a good guy. And I'll bet Y fans had respect for Krystko. Now? Mutual hatred. Give it time.

LA Ute
06-29-2016, 02:21 PM
It really isn't that hard. Everyone LOVED Dave Rose-he beat cancer and he seemed like a good guy. And I'll bet Y fans had respect for Krystko. Now? Mutual hatred. Give it time.

All it will take is one Ute on-side kick to start the second half when Utah has a 42-0 lead over BYU. Kalani will say something negative about it and we'll be off to the races. Or maybe a BYU player will punch Troy Williams in the privates on national TV and Kyle will refuse to play BYU again if that player is in the game. (A post-game shouting match between the two coaches would also help.)

06-29-2016, 05:00 PM
All it will take is one Ute on-side kick to start the second half when Utah has a 42-0 lead over BYU. Kalani will say something negative about it and we'll be off to the races. Or maybe a BYU player will punch Troy Williams in the privates on national TV and Kyle will refuse to play BYU again if that player is in the game. (A post-game shouting match between the two coaches would also help.)

Come on September. Get here already!

07-03-2016, 08:09 AM
Kalani Sitake on BYU-Utah rivalry: 'I choose to cheer differently' (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865657082/Sitake-on-BYU-Utah-rivalry-I-choose-to-cheer-differently.html?pg=all)

As I predicted, he's gonna be hard to dislike.

Kalani's done a great job, so far. He's a good guy. But he's not perfect. Throwing his defense under the bus last year was a major no-no, and certainly helped Gary Andersen provide a strong referral for Kalani to get the job at BYU. ("What are you going to do, Coach? Your DC called our kids dumb!")

The honeymoon in Provo is syrupy sweet... right now. Kalani's piled up a lot of good will and support.

But considering that schedule, and that Kalani, Tuiaki and Detmer are all rookies in their positions, I can see that reservoir of feel-good getting depleted fairly quickly.

I expect Sitake will be unable to resist taking over the wheel on defense, if/when Tuiaki struggles with making adjustments in game, and then if the offense struggles, the full laser beam will be making Sitake very uncomfortable, after losses. It won't help that he's somewhere over 100 pounds overweight.

Kalani's a likable guy. But any head coach will tell you that sitting in that chair is something they could not have fully prepared for. Whit thought he was ready when Mac left. Then admitted he wasn't, after coaching under Meyer for two years. Then we all saw the growing pains, for a coach who was as well prepared as anyone to take over the captain's chair.

If Sitake was taking over at USU, the job would be difficult. Instead, he's tasked with bringing the BYU Glory back, with the multiple mountain ranges of expectations, hopes to satisfy, the ghosts of past legends to live up to.

On top of all that, if the Big-12 actually expands and Provo is not in their new map, that failure will be on Sitake's watch.

40 miles north, Whitt is thinking about who should hop on the jet to the PAC-12 media day, and what outfit to wear. And we all know the second question really doesn't take many brain-cycles to answer.

Whitt has the Garanimal wardrobe we all wish we had.

Anywhere but BYU
07-27-2016, 04:15 PM
Hi there. I've given up utefans and am looking for a place to call home. Hope this is it!

So - I just have to give my two cents on Big XII conference expansion.

I've thought from the beginning of this mess that Oklahoma is really driving this ship to show: 1) the Big XII is not sustainable; and 2) there's no one good to add to the Big XII. That gives them the justification to start looking at other conferences. If the Pac-12 was smart, it would reach out to the preferred Big XII schools it wants and try to make another play for inclusion. Right now, that's probably only Oklahoma and Kansas, but if they come we could hope to lure Texas as well. The politics, as we've seen with Houston, get complicated in the Big XII, so that would have to be worked out as well.

I think the Big XII expands with two full members, and maybe 2 football only members.

The obvious easy choices for full members are Cincy and Houston. If they don't make it on their own, then I think it will be hard to expand at all.

While the BY has the most advantages of any of the schools in terms of football tradition and fan base, it has several major strikes against them:

1) geography - This may not be a big deal for football, but it's still a big deal for the Olympic sports. Do you really want a conference over 3 time zones? You can say it's no big deal all you want, but it's been a big deal for West Virginia . . . and BYU is farther! I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the Big XII doesn't have the easiest travelling destinations. TCU may be the best. Ever tried to get to Stillwater or Lubbock? That's fine if you were taking the bus anyway, but if you have to fly and then take a 2 hour bus ride . . . and now you want to add Provo?
2) Sunday play - Once again, no football issue, but you will be taking kids out of classes more if you can't play on one of the weekend days. I've seen people say that it's no big deal to just have BYU play baseball double headers every Saturday. yeah, that gets old really quick. I don't think that the current Big XII crop will let that happen.
3) Attitude/Ego - As much as they'd like you to believe differently, BYU still thinks they are better than everyone else. Just look at the way the fans treat the other "candidates" for the Big XII. This also may be where BYUtv comes in. While this won't be a big hangup in the grand scheme of things, how will ESPN look at the current contract with the BY?
4) Football only - If the Sunday plan means a football only invite, would the Big XII be willing to invite BYU without a partner for football only? Unequal divisions for football? Or maybe unequal divisions for every other sport? I would have a hard time believing that the Big XII would go to 11 full members, but add BYU for football only. If that is the case, I can see BYU really getting the short end of the stick on the money rights. There is no good partner for BYU for football only. UConn is probably the best option, but that is very limited.
5) Division split for football - I know that this is probably lower down on the totem pole as a reason, but trying to create divisions in the Big XII, particularly if Houston is included, will be a nightmare. Will Oklahoma and Texas agree not to play each other every year? Will you split North/South? Does that put West Virginia and BYU (2000 miles apart) in the same division?

07-27-2016, 04:46 PM
Hi there. I've given up utefans and am looking for a place to call home. Hope this is it!

So - I just have to give my two cents on Big XII conference expansion.

I've thought from the beginning of this mess that Oklahoma is really driving this ship to show: 1) the Big XII is not sustainable; and 2) there's no one good to add to the Big XII. That gives them the justification to start looking at other conferences. If the Pac-12 was smart, it would reach out to the preferred Big XII schools it wants and try to make another play for inclusion. Right now, that's probably only Oklahoma and Kansas, but if they come we could hope to lure Texas as well. The politics, as we've seen with Houston, get complicated in the Big XII, so that would have to be worked out as well.

I think the Big XII expands with two full members, and maybe 2 football only members.

The obvious easy choices for full members are Cincy and Houston. If they don't make it on their own, then I think it will be hard to expand at all.

While the BY has the most advantages of any of the schools in terms of football tradition and fan base, it has several major strikes against them:

1) geography - This may not be a big deal for football, but it's still a big deal for the Olympic sports. Do you really want a conference over 3 time zones? You can say it's no big deal all you want, but it's been a big deal for West Virginia . . . and BYU is farther! I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the Big XII doesn't have the easiest travelling destinations. TCU may be the best. Ever tried to get to Stillwater or Lubbock? That's fine if you were taking the bus anyway, but if you have to fly and then take a 2 hour bus ride . . . and now you want to add Provo?
2) Sunday play - Once again, no football issue, but you will be taking kids out of classes more if you can't play on one of the weekend days. I've seen people say that it's no big deal to just have BYU play baseball double headers every Saturday. yeah, that gets old really quick. I don't think that the current Big XII crop will let that happen.
3) Attitude/Ego - As much as they'd like you to believe differently, BYU still thinks they are better than everyone else. Just look at the way the fans treat the other "candidates" for the Big XII. This also may be where BYUtv comes in. While this won't be a big hangup in the grand scheme of things, how will ESPN look at the current contract with the BY?
4) Football only - If the Sunday plan means a football only invite, would the Big XII be willing to invite BYU without a partner for football only? Unequal divisions for football? Or maybe unequal divisions for every other sport? I would have a hard time believing that the Big XII would go to 11 full members, but add BYU for football only. If that is the case, I can see BYU really getting the short end of the stick on the money rights. There is no good partner for BYU for football only. UConn is probably the best option, but that is very limited.
5) Division split for football - I know that this is probably lower down on the totem pole as a reason, but trying to create divisions in the Big XII, particularly if Houston is included, will be a nightmare. Will Oklahoma and Texas agree not to play each other every year? Will you split North/South? Does that put West Virginia and BYU (2000 miles apart) in the same division?

It was an unfortunate choice for your nom de plume, first thread, and subject to make your introductory post, but welcome anyways!

Just giving you a hard time, plebe. Truly, welcome.

07-27-2016, 09:44 PM
It was an unfortunate choice for your nom de plume, first thread, and subject to make your introductory post, but welcome anyways!

Just giving you a hard time, plebe. Truly, welcome.

As far as this board is concerned, it beats the hell outta merely "Utah"

07-28-2016, 08:11 AM
Hi there. I've given up utefans and am looking for a place to call home. Hope this is it!

So - I just have to give my two cents on Big XII conference expansion.

I like your thoughts. Thanks for sharing them. I think Houston and Cincy just make too much sense, and I think Memphis' FedEx money and proximity to Cincy are two things the Big12 will have to think long and hard about.

That would leave one opening, and the leading candidates would be BYU, UConn, and UCF. All three have pro/cons, but all three are big geographic headaches. I think, after looking at those options, the Big12 will realize that Tulane is the perfect fit. Perfect travel partner for Houston, expands the league's footprint without the crazy boundaries, great school, and great location. Not really a threat to compete in football, but none of the candidates really are.

Or, they go Cincy/Houston and then look west for BYU and CSU/BSU as football only. No idea where Boise or CoSt would be able to stash their other sports, though.

I love expansion ideas and rumors. The crazier the better.

07-28-2016, 08:45 AM

If I'm ESPN, and the Big12 screws me over by adding Houston, Cincy, Memphis, and UConn, I'm saying "Fine, you want those teams? We're giving them every contractually obligated prime time spot we have. Hey Texas and OU, hope you like Thursday night at 10:00 PM kickoffs on ESPN3!"

07-28-2016, 09:18 AM
Just thought I would share:


07-28-2016, 09:41 AM
Just thought I would share:


Link is broken.

07-28-2016, 09:45 AM
Just thought I would share:


Yeah, dead link. Hoping it's a how-to about getting Ute football games on TV in Canadia!

07-28-2016, 11:01 AM
Yeah, dead link. Hoping it's a how-to about getting Ute football games on TV in Canadia!

Is the mighty PAC 12 network on Direct TV yet? Or, will I have to resort to masking ip's et al in order to watch Utah games if I want this season?

07-28-2016, 11:05 AM
Is the mighty PAC 12 network on Direct TV yet? Or, will I have to resort to masking ip's et al in order to watch Utah games if I want this season?

I don't know. I can't see your link.

07-28-2016, 11:10 AM
I don't know. I can't see your link.

There are some things we see with our eyes and other things we can see with our hearts.

07-28-2016, 11:13 AM
There are some things we see with our eyes and other things we can see with our hearts.

You guys get the Mystery Men show on the telly up there?


LA Ute
07-28-2016, 11:15 AM
Just thought I would share:


Drones can get pretty good aerial shots. Especially of zoos! ;)

07-28-2016, 11:18 AM
You guys get the Mystery Men show on the telly up there?

Sorry, thespian. Never seen it. But we do have:


07-28-2016, 12:01 PM

If I'm ESPN, and the Big12 screws me over by adding Houston, Cincy, Memphis, and UConn, I'm saying "Fine, you want those teams? We're giving them every contractually obligated prime time spot we have. Hey Texas and OU, hope you like Thursday night at 10:00 PM kickoffs on ESPN3!"
Can ESPN actually afford to pay an additional $100M+ annually to the conference? Isn't that what is at stake here? Is there a chance ESPN would try to get out of the contract earlier somehow?

They already cut down on staff, and are subscribers by the millions.

07-28-2016, 12:51 PM
Just thought I would share:


It seems a good idea for the Y to focus on the Tradition part of their SHT motto. The tough schedule and inexperience of the new coaching staff may have Y fans longing for days past.

07-28-2016, 01:06 PM
It seems a good idea for the Y to focus on the Tradition part of their SHT motto. The tough schedule and inexperience of the new coaching staff may have Y fans longing for days past.
Lol, look at them living in the past. Come back when you have done something of note this century tooblue.

07-28-2016, 01:09 PM
Is the mighty PAC 12 network on Direct TV yet? Or, will I have to resort to masking ip's et al in order to watch Utah games if I want this season?

As per usual, you will NOT want to watch the BYU/Utah game. Just a heads up.

07-29-2016, 07:21 AM
Lol, look at them living in the past. Come back when you have done something of note this century tooblue.

Two points: BYU has a gloried past to draw on. Utes wish they could say the same. Second point, I don't have to come back, because y'all will still be posting in this voluminous thread about BYU on a University of Utah sports message board whether I'm here or not ... lol


07-29-2016, 07:23 AM
As per usual, you will NOT want to watch the BYU/Utah game. Just a heads up.

Hey, Smackjack. You still buying me lunch when I come down to DC for the BYU v West Virginia game?

07-29-2016, 09:41 AM
Hey, Smackjack. You still buying me lunch when I come down to DC for the BYU v West Virginia game?

Did we bet lunch on the 2009 Utah/BYU? I honestly can't remember.

07-29-2016, 11:41 AM
Two points: BYU has a gloried past to draw on. Utes wish they could say the same. Second point, I don't have to come back, because y'all will still be posting in this voluminous thread about BYU on a University of Utah sports message board whether I'm here or not ... lol

Gloried past? As in a single NC that was awarded by default rather than on actual merit. Further, I take your silence as admission that you have yet to do something of note this century. Sports is the ultimate what have you done for me lately, and the Y has done nothing.

07-29-2016, 12:45 PM
Gloried past? As in a single NC that was awarded by default rather than on actual merit. Further, I take your silence as admission that you have yet to do something of note this century. Sports is the ultimate what have you done for me lately, and the Y has done nothing.

See Army.

07-29-2016, 01:43 PM
See Army.
They had a number of football championships a century ago, but they backed those up with a number of decades of world championships in other endeavors, so are still relevant.

07-30-2016, 07:07 PM
Did we bet lunch on the 2009 Utah/BYU? I honestly can't remember.

I think it was a bet. I can't remember: maybe I owe you lunch?

07-30-2016, 07:12 PM
Gloried past? As in a single NC that was awarded by default rather than on actual merit. Further, I take your silence as admission that you have yet to do something of note this century. Sports is the ultimate what have you done for me lately, and the Y has done nothing ...

... Except occupy a ginormous amount of real-estate in your head ... as evidence by the fact this particular thread is one of, if not the largest and most active on a Utah Utes sports message board :rofl:

07-30-2016, 07:19 PM
... Except occupy a ginormous amount of real-estate in your head ... as evidence by the fact this particular thread is one of, if not the largest and most active on a Utah Utes sports message board :rofl:
I for one am happy this thread exists to give you the traction you seek.

08-01-2016, 11:41 AM
... Except occupy a ginormous amount of real-estate in your head ... as evidence by the fact this particular thread is one of, if not the largest and most active on a Utah Utes sports message board :rofl:
In my head? No, not particularly. I don't really think about them. They have nothing to offer. Nothing to give. Are you worried now that some radio jock in Nebraska is saying the Big 12 won't expand?

Anywhere but BYU
08-01-2016, 12:33 PM
Best article on expansion: http://www.frogsowar.com/2016/8/1/12266422/tcu-source-big-12-expansion-is-complicated-at-best

My take: Cougs aren't going to the Big XII any time soon.

08-01-2016, 07:50 PM
BYU doesn't need the big 12. We are BYU

Diehard Ute
08-01-2016, 08:30 PM
BYU doesn't need the big 12. We are BYU

You should find the 21 year old kid I met this week who wouldn't stop ranting about BYU's national championship when he found out some of us were Utah fans. He'll be a great spokesman for your we are BYU campaign. (Just don't ask him details since he wasn't alive for said championship and went on to tell us no coach will ever live up to Bronco)

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08-02-2016, 08:37 AM
Gloried past? As in a single NC that was awarded by default rather than on actual merit. Further, I take your silence as admission that you have yet to do something of note this century. Sports is the ultimate what have you done for me lately, and the Y has done nothing.

Just stop it already. The only thing more pathetic than a BYU fan wearing a 1984 national championships T-shirt is the Utah fan that's always trying to rip it off.

Rocker Ute
08-02-2016, 12:36 PM
Just stop it already. The only thing more pathetic than a BYU fan wearing a 1984 national championships T-shirt is the Utah fan that's always trying to rip it off.

Lol - well put.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-02-2016, 01:57 PM
Just stop it already. The only thing more pathetic than a BYU fan wearing a 1984 national championships T-shirt is the Utah fan that's always trying to rip it off.
They won an NC. I'll let them have it. But I will not allow them to pretend that they were the best team in the nation that year. They weren't. They didn't win it, they were awarded it. There is a difference, a significant one.

08-09-2016, 03:27 PM
You would think that with the premium that BYU allegedly puts on honesty that they would have a huge issue with a representative of the university straight up lying to the press.


BYU welcomes as full members of the university community all whose conduct meets university standards. We are very clear and open about our honor code, which all students understand and commit to when they apply for admission. One’s stated sexual orientation is not an issue.

Oh and it isn't some's "stated' sexual orientation, it is their sexual orientation. Way to go about and prove the point in your statement.

08-09-2016, 03:38 PM
You would think that with the premium that BYU allegedly puts on honesty that they would have a huge issue with a representative of the university straight up lying to the press.


Oh and it isn't some's "stated' sexual orientation, it is their sexual orientation. Way to go about and prove the point in your statement.

I think he threw in the word "stated" to mean that sexual orientation isn't an issue as long as it is just "stated" but not acted upon. That's how he's making his statement accurate.

08-09-2016, 03:45 PM
I think he threw in the word "stated" to mean that sexual orientation isn't an issue as long as it is just "stated" but not acted upon. That's how he's making his statement accurate.

When viewed in the context of comments such as there are no homosexuals in the church, continued use of the term same sex attraction, etc., I disagree that was the intent. The intent was to continue that type of narrative.

08-09-2016, 04:57 PM
I think he threw in the word "stated" to mean that sexual orientation isn't an issue as long as it is just "stated" but not acted upon. That's how he's making his statement accurate.
Just how much 'acting upon' a person's orientation will be accepted? Obviously sexual activity outside of marriage is verboten, but what would happen to a pair of men walking hand in hand and hugging, or a pair of women playing grab-ass in public?

And then of course the big elephant in the room is what will the school do is either of those theory couples gets married? If they are LDS they will most likely lose their Ecclesiastical Endorsement and of course would be forced to leave school. But what if they belong to a church that sanctions gay marriage and will still give them the Ecclesiastical Endorsement?

This is where the statement becomes extremely sticky for The y.

LA Ute
08-09-2016, 05:21 PM
But what if they belong to a church that sanctions gay marriage and will still give them the Ecclesiastical Endorsement?

A fascinating question. Probably they'd expel them based on some other ground than the ecclesiastical endorsement.

08-09-2016, 05:41 PM
A fascinating question. Probably they'd expel them based on some other ground than the ecclesiastical endorsement.

Yep. For example, it doesn't matter if your church is fine with drinking, you still can't do it at BYU.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-09-2016, 07:37 PM
This is a sobering video. If I'm doing the math right, there are more than 400 BYU students that have attempted suicide due to their sexual orientation. To me, that makes Holmoe's earlier comment pretty tone deaf.


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08-09-2016, 08:14 PM
This is a sobering video. If I'm doing the math right, there are more than 400 BYU students that have attempted suicide due to their sexual orientation. To me, that makes Holmoe's earlier comment pretty tone deaf.

The silver lining to BYU's hurdles in trying to get into the Big-12, is more people will be interested in, and moved by this sort of information, than before. I have no idea what the percentages are, but the number is greater.

I know there are a couple of moms on my street who would stand up and disagree, if they heard today the viewpoints that predominated on this topic, 10 years ago. They haven't lost any children, but they've definitely been through the wringer. These moms have certainly earned my respect and admiration.

LA Ute
08-22-2016, 01:25 PM
This is...interesting. Especially the Sept. 10 game prediction. (Which, in fairness, seems light-hearted and intentionally funny. I think.)

Best-case scenario for BYU football (http://www.ksl.com/?sid=41153374&nid=272&title=best-case-scenario-for-byu-football)

08-22-2016, 04:30 PM
This is...interesting. Especially the Sept. 10 game prediction. (Which, in fairness, seems light-hearted and intentionally funny. I think.)

Best-case scenario for BYU football (http://www.ksl.com/?sid=41153374&nid=272&title=best-case-scenario-for-byu-football)
LOL. I think we are more likely to get 10 sacks in that game than we are to give up 42 points.

08-22-2016, 09:05 PM
This is...interesting. Especially the Sept. 10 game prediction. (Which, in fairness, seems light-hearted and intentionally funny. I think.)
Best-case scenario for BYU football (http://www.ksl.com/?sid=41153374&nid=272&title=best-case-scenario-for-byu-football)

I found it to be pretty entertaining, but even if it was light-hearted, why-oh-why-oh-why do those people keep feeding the expectations monster the way they do? All fans are homers, and we all get bummed out when our teams don't do well, but there's a large percentage of truly delusional people in that fan base.

Sports fans all willingly get on the their respective roller coasters, but they're the only group I can think of who can't wait to get right back on their roller coaster, knowing theirs will climb to insane heights, only to come down so hard it goes through the track, starts a wildfire, registers on the Reichter scale, and creates a EPA Superfund cleanup zone, with thousands wandering around disoriented, burned, broken bones, like a surreal plane accident.

And then a week later, the process starts anew.

08-22-2016, 09:44 PM
Articles that are a lot of fun. Nothing is wrong with a bit of fantasy now and then...

LA Ute
08-23-2016, 06:57 AM
I found it to be pretty entertaining, but even if it was light-hearted, why-oh-why-oh-why do those people keep feeding the expectations monster the way they do? All fans are homers, and we all get bummed out when our teams don't do well, but there's a large percentage of truly delusional people in that fan base.

Sports fans all willingly get on the their respective roller coasters, but they're the only group I can think of who can't wait to get right back on their roller coaster, knowing theirs will climb to insane heights, only to come down so hard it goes through the track, starts a wildfire, registers on the Reichter scale, and creates a EPA Superfund cleanup zone, with thousands wandering around disoriented, burned, broken bones, like a surreal plane accident.

And then a week later, the process starts anew.

I think it's cultural and stems from the worldview of many Great Basin Mormons. First, there's the tendency to disdain "the world" while simultaneously craving the world's recognition. Add to that the church's apocalyptic beliefs. Then the significance of every notable BYU achievement (real or potential) is exaggerated beyond recognition. All fans do this to some extent. They [many BYU fans] do it in a high-definition CGI that puts Pixar to shame.

Rocker Ute
08-23-2016, 07:31 AM
I think it's cultural and stems from the worldview of many Great Basin Mormons. First, there's the tendency to disdain "the world" while simultaneously craving the world's recognition. Add to that the church's apocalyptic beliefs. Then the significance of every notable BYU achievement (real or potential) is exaggerated beyond recognition. All fans do this to some extent. They do it in a high-definition CGI that puts Pixar to shame.

In a way it is too bad that God knows everything. How great would it be for so many BYU fans to get to the pearly gates only to hear the phrase, "Ty Detmer? I've never heard of her..."

Your assessment of not being in the world but craving its validation mixed in with an impending apocalypse is spot on.

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08-23-2016, 07:50 AM
I think it's cultural and stems from the worldview of many Great Basin Mormons. First, there's the tendency to disdain "the world" while simultaneously craving the world's recognition. Add to that the church's apocalyptic beliefs. Then the significance of every notable BYU achievement (real or potential) is exaggerated beyond recognition. All fans do this to some extent. They do it in a high-definition CGI that puts Pixar to shame.

This is why you're a truly impressive thinker, a credit to your associations. :)

08-23-2016, 08:39 AM
I think it's cultural and stems from the worldview of many Great Basin Mormons. First, there's the tendency to disdain "the world" while simultaneously craving the world's recognition. Add to that the church's apocalyptic beliefs. Then the significance of every notable BYU achievement (real or potential) is exaggerated beyond recognition. All fans do this to some extent. They [many BYU fans] do it in a high-definition CGI that puts Pixar to shame.

Not to mention that we all use sports as a form of self identification. The use of the pronoun "we" vs "they" or "them" when discussing our favorite teams highlights how close those ties feel. The issue for many BYU fans is that people do the same thing with religion. So there is this unintended connection between sports and religion where success on the sports fields equates to some sort of validation (or repudiation) of their religion. In reality that connection should never exist, but we can't help ourselves.

Mormon Red Death
08-23-2016, 10:01 AM
There was a story in the salt lake trib yesterday that talked about Utah's boffo Olympic ratings. Fun fact is that an important member of this board was cited extensively in that article

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08-23-2016, 10:13 AM
There was a story in the salt lake trib yesterday that talked about Utah's boffo Olympic ratings. Fun fact is that an important member of this board was cited extensively in that article

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This article?


Mormon Red Death
08-23-2016, 10:21 AM
This article?


Yes that is the article. It talks about why mormons love the Olympics which is related to the conversation above.

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08-23-2016, 12:32 PM
This article?


Hey now. Take it easy.

08-23-2016, 12:33 PM
Hey now. Take it easy.

did I out you?

Two Utes
08-23-2016, 01:04 PM
did I out you?

NO. He has been out of the closet for some time now.

08-23-2016, 01:10 PM
NO. He has been out of the closet for some time now.

not to me. I used deductive reasoning. They dont call me Sherlock for nothing.

08-23-2016, 01:47 PM
While a graduate student at Penn State, Lunt wrote a paper titled, "Mormons and the Olympics: Constructing an Olympic Identity." In it, Lunt made the case that the state's predominant faith used the Olympics to promote its doctrine to its own members as well as help mainstream the religion to the rest of the world.

Guilty. I used the Olympics for multiple analogies in a YM's lesson a few weeks ago.

Irving Washington
08-23-2016, 02:35 PM
not to me. I used deductive reasoning. They dont call me Sherlock for nothing.
As in "No shit, Sherlock!"

08-23-2016, 02:38 PM
NO. He has been out of the closet for some time now.

Ha ha.
Too bad this is in the byu thread. Now tooblue will know my true identity.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-24-2016, 02:27 PM
Some pretty interesting polling results regarding the state of Utah sports allegiances. Here's the Public Policy Polling site for raw numbers: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2016/08/utah-ready-for-hatch-to-move-on-more-progressive-than-you-might-think.html

Here is a summery of the rivalry related data written up by Vanquish the Foe: http://www.vanquishthefoe.com/2016/8/24/12629296/byu-football-utah-most-popular-team-in-the-state

-Utah wins out over BYU when it comes to college sports loyalties in the state, 32/26. Utah State is third at 16%, followed by Weber State at 4%, Southern Utah at 3%, and Utah Valley at 2%. There are massive political and religious divides on college loyalty. Among Democrats Utah leads with 54% to 15% for Utah State, with BYU only tied for third with Utah Valley at 5%. But among Republicans BYU wins out with 40% to 21% for Utah, and 15% for Utah State. The political divide mirrors the religious split- among Mormons, BYU leads with 40% to 20% for Utah and 17% for Utah State. But among non-Mormons Utah romps with 55% to 14% for Utah State with BYU registering at only 1%.

08-24-2016, 02:35 PM
Here is a summery of the rivalry related data written up by Vanquish the Foe: http://www.vanquishthefoe.com/2016/8/24/12629296/byu-football-utah-most-popular-team-in-the-state

These numbers are close to what I would have guessed. I bet if you take the Salt Lake area out, BYU gets a much higher percentage of Mormons. And if you look only at the Salt Lake area, BYU might be down to just 20% or less of the LDS vote.

That author, Matt Brown, was in my ward in New Orleans. Really cool guy.

08-24-2016, 06:12 PM
I found it to be pretty entertaining, but even if it was light-hearted, why-oh-why-oh-why do those people keep feeding the expectations monster the way they do? All fans are homers, and we all get bummed out when our teams don't do well, but there's a large percentage of truly delusional people in that fan base.

I recently posted almost this exact same thing on CS. I don't know what to make of this BYU team. I feel like I could honestly make an argument that they could go 10-2 and feel like it wasn't a completely idiotic thing to argue. I could then turn around and argue that they could go 4-8 and feel like it wasn't an idiotic thing to say.

Before ESPN killed the P12 blog by having it written from Bristol by people who know less about the P12 than the average fan of the conference, Ted Miller used to write a Best Case/Worst Case for each team that had a very similar feel to that article. I agree with LaUte that comments about the Utah game and Sitake exorcising the Hall curse were intended to be tongue in cheek. What is the preseason for if not to dream?

08-24-2016, 07:14 PM
It is funny, HuskyFanNorthwest, because there are so many wonderful and level-headed people in your fanbase (you for example).

But when it comes to crazy zealotry some of them pull out all the stops!

08-24-2016, 08:42 PM
It is funny, HuskyFanNorthwest, because there are so many wonderful and level-headed people in your fanbase (you for example).

Yeah, but HFN is a Duck first. He represents the future. When BYU shuts down, Mormons all over the country will root for their local teams and their alma mater.

North Carolina and Louisiana were pretty cool because nobody in the wards cared at all about BYU or Utah. It was all tarheels and tigers.

08-24-2016, 10:15 PM
It is funny, HuskyFanNorthwest, because there are so many wonderful and level-headed people in your fanbase (you for example).

But when it comes to crazy zealotry some of them pull out all the stops!


08-25-2016, 06:19 AM
I think it is a good nickname: hfn. It sounds like a home shopping network.

LA Ute
08-25-2016, 08:10 AM
It is funny, HuskyFanNorthwest, because there are so many wonderful and level-headed people in your fanbase (you for example).

But when it comes to crazy zealotry some of them pull out all the stops!

Don't you dare think we didn't see what you did there.

08-25-2016, 09:56 AM
Yeah, but HFN is a Duck first. He represents the future. When BYU shuts down, Mormons all over the country will root for their local teams and their alma mater.

North Carolina and Louisiana were pretty cool because nobody in the wards cared at all about BYU or Utah. It was all tarheels and tigers.
HFN came by his Husky-hating habits as a recent byu grad from Utah. But we still love him anyway.

08-25-2016, 11:48 AM
I feel like I could honestly make an argument that they could go 10-2 and feel like it wasn't a completely idiotic thing to argue. I could then turn around and argue that they could go 4-8 and feel like it wasn't an idiotic thing to say.

10-2 is a stretch, but I think the idea is right. The game-by-game odds according to ESPN's random FPI:

Zona - 38%. I'd call this 50/50 instead of 60/40.
Utah - 36%. Sounds about right to me.
UCLA - 29%. If BYU beats Utah, this could be the first Provo sellout in a while.
WVU - 26%. I don't understand why this is so low.
Toledo - 81%. BYU can't afford to blow it vs any of the bad teams on the schedule.
MSU - 28%. The toughest game of the year on paper, but who knows if MSU can keep up with what they've been doing? The percentage could seem too low come October.
MissSt - 47%. Too high? It is in Provo, and the SEC doesn't travel.
Boise - 32%. Is Boise good again? This seems low.
Cincinnati - 56%.
SUU - 95%, too low, should be 99%.
UMass - 96%.
USU - 82%. Based on recent head-to-heads, this seems awfully high.

08-25-2016, 12:37 PM
10-2 is a stretch, but I think the idea is right. The game-by-game odds according to ESPN's random FPI:

Zona - 38%. I'd call this 50/50 instead of 60/40.
Utah - 36%. Sounds about right to me.
UCLA - 29%. If BYU beats Utah, this could be the first Provo sellout in a while.
WVU - 26%. I don't understand why this is so low.
Toledo - 81%. BYU can't afford to blow it vs any of the bad teams on the schedule.
MSU - 28%. The toughest game of the year on paper, but who knows if MSU can keep up with what they've been doing? The percentage could seem too low come October.
MissSt - 47%. Too high? It is in Provo, and the SEC doesn't travel.
Boise - 32%. Is Boise good again? This seems low.
Cincinnati - 56%.
SUU - 95%, too low, should be 99%.
UMass - 96%.
USU - 82%. Based on recent head-to-heads, this seems awfully high.

There you go again, arguing with math. Why can't you understand: math is good!

08-25-2016, 12:45 PM
There you go again, arguing with math. Why can't you understand: math is good!

Math might be good, but when am I going to use it in real life?

Rocker Ute
08-25-2016, 01:15 PM
Math might be good, but when am I going to use it in real life?

Math is pointless unless it has a dollar sign in front of it or a percentage sign that represents what part of that dollar sign I get.

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08-25-2016, 10:40 PM
HFN came by his Husky-hating habits as a recent byu grad from Utah. But we still love him anyway.

Not true, I never attended BYU. My alma matter is mere miles from my current home. My distaste for Washington did start when they crushed BYU's dreams in 1996, but upon enrollment at Oregon post mission my mission president who I remained close with after I returned home had played football at UW and then led a successful life in Sedro-Woolley sent me a bumper sticker that said "I support a Husky free Northwest" and was yellow and green with a note that said "I know you understand the BYU/Utah rivalry, but you better learn to understand this one quickly!". Then the teams didn't play in 2001 and I was like "ok we hate these guys, whatever" then Skippy Neuheisel brought a team to Eugene and in a driving rain storm kicked Oregon's ass in 2002 and came back out on the field and celebrated on the O after the game. Then I attended the 2003 Oregon beat down in Seattle and experienced the road version of the rivalry. I gained a complete understanding of it.

08-25-2016, 10:50 PM
Many apologies, HFN. I didn't mean to slander you and call you a BYU graduate!

That Skippy Neuheisel team was excellent. It included Hope Solo's husband, the (alleged) murderer. A real bunch of thugs. Suffering a decade of a wishin' and a hopin' for mediocrity has been a hefty price to pay for Neuheisel's foul deeds.

08-26-2016, 07:37 AM
After more reflection I will say that HFN's experiences with the Newweasel-led Husky teams seems to mimic my own experiences with the Lavelle-led Cougar teams. That is why I will enjoy running the current win streak up to 12 games...

#6 is coming up shortly...

08-26-2016, 09:51 AM
I don't know if you guys saw Boney Fuller's USU letter to the Big 12, but that dude has game. It inspired me to write a poor imitation of one for BYU:


Mormon Red Death
08-26-2016, 10:00 AM
I don't know if you guys saw Boney Fuller's USU letter to the Big 12, but that dude has game. It inspired me to write a poor imitation of one for BYU:


Please tweet that.

08-26-2016, 10:07 AM
Please tweet that.

I don't tweet. Somebody else can tweet it for me, if they want.

Rocker Ute
08-26-2016, 11:49 AM
I don't know if you guys saw Boney Fuller's USU letter to the Big 12, but that dude has game. It inspired me to write a poor imitation of one for BYU:


Can you make a scripture sized version of this so I can paste it on my inside cover please?

08-26-2016, 11:50 AM
Can you make a scripture sized version of this so I can paste it on my inside cover please?
Make extra copies and paste them inside the cover of the Books of Mormon at Marriott hotels.

08-26-2016, 12:04 PM
The first verse! I love that the prophets of expansion have twitter handles TuxedoYoda and DudeofWV.

08-26-2016, 01:31 PM
The first verse! I love that the prophets of expansion have twitter handles TuxedoYoda and DudeofWV.

They left out MHver?

08-26-2016, 02:41 PM
What I learned about BYU from 1280 the zone this week:

BYU has 12 OL that can start. USC only has 8. Nice for BYU.

Hill is a Heisman contender.

Jamal Williams is the best RB BYU has ever had and maybe the best ever in the state (even though he only averages 4 yards a carry and 76 yards a game vs P5 schools).

Harvey Langi is a better DE than Nate Orchard.

Tuiloma is easily as good as any DT Utah has.

Kai Nacua is the best safety in the state. What makes this really impressive is that Marcus Williams was named by CBS as the best junior FS in football and projected to be the first FS drafted in 2018 (although he will go in the next draft).

Warner is a better LB than Van Noy (he actually might be). And Langi's backups might actually be better than Langi. Even though one was a RB last year. Sitake is amazing at developing talent. Amazing.

And even though their corners have never played man to man, they look amazing and their secondary should be as good as Utah's.

Got DAMN BYU is legit.

Why are we talking about the Big 12? With a team like that, they are going to win a national title THIS year.

08-26-2016, 04:14 PM
I don't tweet. Somebody else can tweet it for me, if they want.

As you wish.

LA Ute
08-26-2016, 04:39 PM
What I learned about BYU from 1280 the zone this week:

BYU has 12 OL that can start. USC only has 8. Nice for BYU.

Hill is a Heisman contender.

Jamal Williams is the best RB BYU has ever had and maybe the best ever in the state (even though he only averages 4 yards a carry and 76 yards a game vs P5 schools).

Harvey Langi is a better DE than Nate Orchard.

Tuiloma is easily as good as any DT Utah has.

Kai Nacua is the best safety in the state. What makes this really impressive is that Marcus Williams was named by CBS as the best junior FS in football and projected to be the first FS drafted in 2018 (although he will go in the next draft).

Warner is a better LB than Van Noy (he actually might be). And Langi's backups might actually be better than Langi. Even though one was a RB last year. Sitake is amazing at developing talent. Amazing.

And even though their corners have never played man to man, they look amazing and their secondary should be as good as Utah's.

Got DAMN BYU is legit.

Why are we talking about the Big 12? With a team like that, they are going to win a national title THIS year.


08-26-2016, 04:39 PM
As you wish.

Good luck dude! Some dude named Jalen Thomas tweeted it earlier. I actually got a text from a friend with it included. I had to disappoint him by telling him I wrote it. Small world.

08-26-2016, 04:44 PM

It was Ron McBride doing most of the talking, so ... yah, go Cougs!

08-26-2016, 10:01 PM
It was Ron McBride doing most of the talking, so ... yah, go Cougs!

Not one word of that came from McBride.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-27-2016, 05:59 PM
Apparently, a woman posted on CB earlier today reminding everyone that football starts in one week and to use those seven days to do nice things for their wives and children. She got absolutely torched. Not just in the immediate thread but there were thread after thread added dedicated to mocking, criticizing and personally attacking her. You can't say "that's what she said" on that site without getting penalized but you can make misogynist and homophobic comments without raising an eye brow.

Also, you can argue that "based off of the Vegas Bowl, Utah's d-line is maybe a little bit better than Utah's but the o-lines should be equal" and have a bunch of people agree with you.

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08-28-2016, 12:10 AM
Apparently, a woman posted on CB earlier today reminding everyone that football starts in one week and to use those seven days to do nice things for their wives and children. She got absolutely torched. Not just in the immediate thread but there were thread after thread added dedicated to mocking, criticizing and personally attacking her. You can't say "that's what she said" on that site without getting penalized but you can make misogynist and homophobic comments without raising an eye brow.

Also, you can argue that "based off of the Vegas Bowl, Utah's d-line is maybe a little bit better than Utah's but the o-lines should be equal" and have a bunch of people agree with you.

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That's what happens when you run out the same troll post exactly three years after the first time you tried it. You thought that was actually a woman?

08-28-2016, 07:51 AM
That's what happens when you run out the same troll post exactly three years after the first time you tried it. You thought that was actually a woman?

So it was you? That sounds like a better response than most of your troll jobs. Maybe you should concentrate solely on CB.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-30-2016, 08:02 PM
The best thing on Twitter today.


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08-30-2016, 09:19 PM
The best thing on Twitter today.


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So awesome. Especially since the Pats didn't have a first round pick...

Brady Poppinga apparently graduated from the Brian Williams school of creative journalism. At least he can fall back on questioning whether other sports writers in Utah are Mormon enough. (His exchange with Gordon Monson a few years ago was an utter embarrassment).

08-30-2016, 09:57 PM
The best thing on Twitter today.


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Then Harvey Langi is a fool. To have a first round draft pick grade and go back to school...especially at his age? Nuts.

08-30-2016, 11:19 PM
Then Harvey Langi is a fool. To have a first round draft pick grade and go back to school...especially at his age? Nuts.
Matt Barkley is the cautionary tale.

08-31-2016, 09:01 AM
Matt Barkley is the cautionary tale.

and Matt Leinart. It has replaced the Heisman as a USC tradition. (Although mark Sanchez played it exactly right when Pete Carroll said he wasn't ready and tried to block the exit.)

08-31-2016, 10:06 AM
So awesome. Especially since the Pats didn't have a first round pick...

Maybe Belichick was trolling Brady....

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-31-2016, 10:19 AM
I think I could make a fun thread about "the best thing on Twitter today." This was yesterday's. It starts off with a random member in the media quoting an LDS Arizona player about how he just doesn't like BYU. Of course, a BYU fan gets ear of the quote and throws out their favorite, "someone doesn't like us because they're obviously bitter that we didn't want them. So a Utah fan jumps in and accuses the kid of not spending enough time outside the Provo bubble. The kid is incensed by the inference that he's lived a sheltered life and assures the Utah fan that he's only spent 2 years of his life in Provo. That Ute fan sure felt dumb.

Lesson: next time you want to accuse of BYU fan for living a sheltered life in the Provo bubble, give them the benefit of the doubt because they may surprise you by being from American Fork, or Orem, or Lehi, or Highland, or Pleasant Grove...

Especially if they have an unusual name like Tanner.


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08-31-2016, 11:02 AM
oh good lord this made me laugh! Way to go Tanner. You are a man of the world

I think I could make a fun thread about "the best thing on Twitter today." This was yesterday's. It starts off with a random member in the media quoting an LDS Arizona player about how he just doesn't like BYU. Of course, a BYU fan gets ear of the quote and throws out their favorite, "someone doesn't like us because they're obviously bitter that we didn't want them. So a Utah fan jumps in and accuses the kid of not spending enough time outside the Provo bubble. The kid is incensed by the inference that he's lived a sheltered life and assures the Utah fan that he's only spent 2 years of his life in Provo. That Ute fan sure felt dumb.

Lesson: next time you want to accuse of BYU fan for living a sheltered life in the Provo bubble, give them the benefit of the doubt because they may surprise you by being from American Fork, or Orem, or Lehi, or Highland, or Pleasant Grove...

Especially if they have an unusual name like Tanner.


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Rocker Ute
08-31-2016, 11:57 AM
Until you've lived life as a Forker don't mock the life of a Forker.

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08-31-2016, 11:58 AM
His "3.5 years in AF" does not mean Air Force, btw.

08-31-2016, 12:41 PM

LA Ute
08-31-2016, 12:45 PM

I hereby disavow this photo (which I know is not your work). Ute fans can't be hoping for a player to get injured, or finding joy in a player's injury.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-31-2016, 01:01 PM
Good article about Hill and his season ending injury streak. I've got nothing against the kid. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2659210-snakebitten-byu-qb-taysom-hill-im-going-to-leave-everything-out-there?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=programming-national

08-31-2016, 02:14 PM
Good article about Hill and his season ending injury streak. I've got nothing against the kid. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2659210-snakebitten-byu-qb-taysom-hill-im-going-to-leave-everything-out-there?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=programming-national

I have a little against him. I haven't been praying for another injury, but I'm probably not going to lose any sleep if he does get hurt.

08-31-2016, 02:53 PM
I hereby disavow this photo (which I know is not your work). Ute fans can't be hoping for a player to get injured, or finding joy in a player's injury.

There is a big difference between hoping and expecting. As the saying in investing goes, past results do not predict future performance, but in sports it is hard to remove the stigma of being injury prone.

09-03-2016, 03:55 PM
I hereby disavow this photo (which I know is not your work). Ute fans can't be hoping for a player to get injured, or finding joy in a player's injury.

I don't think it is calling for someone to get injured as much as it is pointing out he fact he appears to be injury prone.

Just a harsh reality check.

09-03-2016, 08:24 PM
Where is the Arizona BYU game on television


09-03-2016, 08:25 PM


LA Ute
09-03-2016, 08:46 PM
I wondered if the celebrations after every minor tackle would continue even after Bronco's departure. Looks like the answer is yes.

LA Ute
09-03-2016, 08:48 PM
Sounds like a home crowd for the Cougars

09-03-2016, 08:48 PM
Mormon Mecca South.

LA Ute
09-03-2016, 08:50 PM
Mendenhall sounds the same in Charlottesville as he did in Provo:

"The pass defense was not effective today. It was not what I'm used to, and that's reflective of the teacher."

LA Ute
09-14-2016, 05:18 PM
This looks interesting. I'm saving it to read later.

Week One, Pt 1: The Holy War


After my trip to Salt Lake City, I'm starting to think that Texas' rejection may have been one of the greatest things to ever happen to the Pac-12, because without Texas' rejection, Utah never joins the Pac. If Colorado is the fat girl at the party, Utah is someone's random cousin who nobody knew much about before the night began, but ended up being way more attractive and fun than anyone could have imagined - an absolute winner.

09-18-2016, 09:57 AM


09-18-2016, 10:22 AM
This shows commitment on many levels.


09-18-2016, 11:04 AM
Byu being awful on offense is great. It has been a lot of fun seeing byu fans come up with every reason it isn't Detmers fault. I've already seen at least one fan already starting with Detmer wants Mangum, but Sitake won't let him.

They are going to turn on Sitake soon.

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09-18-2016, 11:07 AM
Byu being awful on offense is great. It has been a lot of fun seeing byu fans come up with every reason it isn't Detmers fault. I've already seen at least one fan already starting with Detmer wants Mangum, but Sitake won't let him.

They are going to turn on Sitake soon.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Seeing Ty fail is a major victory for me. Not because I hate Ty, but because so many "smart" fans knee-jerk conclude that great former player can only be a great current coach. I would never hire a former great in any capacity until he had proven himself elsewhere. Tom Holmoe should be fired for insisting Sitake hire such an unproven slug as Detmer for such an important position.

LA Ute
09-18-2016, 11:33 AM
Seeing Ty fail is a major victory for me. Not because I hate Ty, but because so many "smart" fans knee-jerk conclude that great former player can only be a great current coach. I would never hire a former great in any capacity until he had proven himself elsewhere. Tom Holmoe should be fired for insisting Sitake hire such an unproven slug as Detmer for such an important position.

It is pretty amazing. To put a guy in that position who's never coached against D1 speed or defensive schemes in game situations seems crazy. It was an irresponsible PR move, IMO.

09-18-2016, 11:34 AM
Seeing Ty fail is a major victory for me. Not because I hate Ty, but because so many "smart" fans knee-jerk conclude that great former player can only be a great current coach. I would never hire a former great in any capacity until he had proven himself elsewhere. Tom Holmoe should be fired for insisting Sitake hire such an unproven slug as Detmer for such an important position.

I find that great players rarely translate to great coaches. I ones that do translate are generally the ones that won in preparation and execution over raw talent. Guys who won on athleticism and competitiveness get frustrated when their players can't do the things they were used to easily doing.

I think Detmer is in the "preparation and execution" camp and could be a really good coach one day, but he hasn't really worked enough at this level to learn all the tricks yet. He is kind of like Brian Johnson in that regard. It'll be interesting to see how long BYU fans give him. We didn't give BJ a whole lot of time (rightly so).

USS Utah
09-18-2016, 11:52 AM
I just feel like saying, after watching the game last week and catching a few highlight from the UCLA game last night, that BYU belongs in Royal blue. It is long past time for the Cougs to stop wearing Navy blue.

09-18-2016, 12:33 PM
I'm all for Ty failing, but I think we're celebrating a bit early.
He might good in the future, but byu fans seriously thought he would be a top OC from the first game.

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09-18-2016, 12:36 PM
It is pretty amazing. To put a guy in that position who's never coached against D1 speed or defensive schemes in game situations seems crazy. It was an irresponsible PR move, IMO.

Aguably, Sitake made only three legitimate hires in Lamb, Kaufusi and Clark. The rest are rise and shout rah-rah-rah hires.

09-18-2016, 12:40 PM
Seeing Ty fail is a major victory for me. Not because I hate Ty, but because so many "smart" fans knee-jerk conclude that great former player can only be a great current coach. I would never hire a former great in any capacity until he had proven himself elsewhere. Tom Holmoe should be fired for insisting Sitake hire such an unproven slug as Detmer for such an important position.

I've said this for a couple of years now and I've been laughed at and called dumb for saying this (kind of like how I said Utah would be really good the last two years and Utah would struggle this year), but I'll say it again:

Holmoe was the worst thing for BYU (or the best, if you are a Ute fan). Look at what he has done:

He took a top 25 football and basketball program and put them in Independence. Since then, BYU hasn't finished ranked in the AP or CFP polls. Their recruiting has dropped. Their basketball program went from one that would win the MWC to never having finished above third in the WCC.

They ran their best coach ever out of town and hired a bunch of unproven nobodies.

What is one thing that guy has done that has worked out for BYU? lol.

09-18-2016, 12:58 PM
Well, we've all seen this movie before. BYU starts with tough teams (I'm guessing UCLA makes plenty of OC's look bad this year), but November brings FCS teams and lots of scoring. When Provo stomps on Akron and then finishes by averaging 40 ppg against UMass, SUU, and USU, it will be all optimism for Ty's offense.
Yes but this movie has a P5 schedule this year and they don't realize how much that is going to wear on them as the year goes on. They are going to drop some games they should win. Sitake will be the fall guy in a few years and Saint Detmer will be the coach. It will be awesome.

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09-18-2016, 01:30 PM
You guys are cute.

09-18-2016, 01:30 PM

Byu coaches playing Hill because they are worried that if Mangum plays too well he will go to the NFL after this season.

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09-18-2016, 01:46 PM
You guys are cute.
Rush sucks.

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09-18-2016, 02:24 PM
Rush sucks.

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Rocker Ute
09-18-2016, 02:32 PM
USU will definitely beat BYU.

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LA Ute
09-18-2016, 02:59 PM
You guys are cute.

Good to see you, Viking. We wear our cuteness with pride!

LA Ute
09-18-2016, 03:05 PM
USU will definitely beat BYU.

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I've always cheered for USU when they don't play Utah. I'm noticing that although I still enjoy the schadenfreude when BYU loses, that's as far as it goes. I don't really care much any more unless the game has some impact on the Utes. It's interesting how not being in the same conference makes a big difference.

09-19-2016, 07:19 AM
Well, we've all seen this movie before. BYU starts with tough teams (I'm guessing UCLA makes plenty of OC's look bad this year), but November brings FCS teams and lots of scoring. When Provo stomps on Akron and then finishes by averaging 40 ppg against UMass, SUU, and USU, it will be all optimism for Ty's offense.

That's when we will start hearing the "if we played you guys now" talk ignoring the fact that Williams and our offense will have improved as well against much higher caliber teams. Explaining that concept will be quickly dismissed by their blind optimism.

09-19-2016, 07:20 AM
You guys are cute.


09-20-2016, 09:51 AM
Their "best coach ever" is now 0-3 at UVa.....

Seriously, Bronco was good for their program. He won 70 percent of his games and averaged 9 wins over an 11 year period. That's as good as it will get in Provo. The likelihood that Kalani does that well is slim IMO.

Games they should win: Toledo, SUU, UMass, and USU.....

.....OTOH, Kalani HAS won one more game at this point in the season that I thought he would. I didn't think they'd ink their first win until Toledo (50/50) or possibly SUU. The coaching staff he put together isn't capable of much in its first couple of years. Almost devoid of experience. He did a really poor job in that regard.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-20-2016, 10:39 AM
Three Pennsylvania recruits honored to get offers from Birmingham Young University.


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09-20-2016, 11:32 AM
Their "best coach ever" is now 0-3 at UVa.

I agree that independence was a bad move. Once you ram the Titanic into an iceberg, it probably doesn't matter who's captaining the ship. Bronco was nobly bailing water for a while. When he saw a southern lifeboat pass by, he handed that bucket to Kalani and said good luck.

If we are talking about college football today, with the playoffs, etc, I'd take Bronco over LaVell if I were BYU.

If Bronco would have won three more games, he'd have a better winning percentage. LaVell never faced a dominant Utah or TCU team. Bronco did most years. LaVell never faced the OOC schedule that Bronco did. LaVell had money to spend and was in the WAC in a time where BYU outspent everybody else in the WAC and was able to bring in a bevy of amazingly talented coaches to help coach this "gimick" offense. Bronco never had that luxury.

LaVell coached at a time where he had a better shot at every LDS kid. Bronco had to recruit against Kyle, Anderson (at Stanford), USC, Washington, etc who all went after the LDS kids and had LDS coaches on staff.

Oh, and the honor code when LaVell was coach? lol. Get real. There was no honor code. Go talk to any player who played under LaVell...LDS or not. Here is one example:

Everyone always talks about how much BYU struggled to play at Hawaii. Turns out, that curfew in the Hawaii game was very early. VERY early. Like 8pm. And then the coaches disappeared. I was told this was because LaVell knew that for most of his players, they would never get another shot to be in Hawaii. So, he set the curfew early, then disappeared so they could go and enjoy a once in a lifetime experience.

Bronco would NEVER get away with that.

Now, it appears his schtick isn't working at Virginia. But, it's early and we will see. That doesn't diminish what he did at BYU.

09-20-2016, 11:43 AM
If we are talking about college football today, with the playoffs, etc, I'd take Bronco over LaVell if I were BYU.

If Bronco would have won three more games, he'd have a better winning percentage. LaVell never faced a dominant Utah or TCU team. Bronco did most years. LaVell never faced the OOC schedule that Bronco did. LaVell had money to spend and was in the WAC in a time where BYU outspent everybody else in the WAC and was able to bring in a bevy of amazingly talented coaches to help coach this "gimick" offense. Bronco never had that luxury.

LaVell coached at a time where he had a better shot at every LDS kid. Bronco had to recruit against Kyle, Anderson (at Stanford), USC, Washington, etc who all went after the LDS kids and had LDS coaches on staff.

Oh, and the honor code when LaVell was coach? lol. Get real. There was no honor code. Go talk to any player who played under LaVell...LDS or not. Here is one example:

Everyone always talks about how much BYU struggled to play at Hawaii. Turns out, that curfew in the Hawaii game was very early. VERY early. Like 8pm. And then the coaches disappeared. I was told this was because LaVell knew that for most of his players, they would never get another shot to be in Hawaii. So, he set the curfew early, then disappeared so they could go and enjoy a once in a lifetime experience.

Bronco would NEVER get away with that.

Now, it appears his schtick isn't working at Virginia. But, it's early and we will see. That doesn't diminish what he did at BYU.

There are no words...

09-20-2016, 11:59 AM
There are no words...

Figured as much.

You tossed out a comment on how Bronco is doing at Virginia, which has nothing to do with my comment. Then I showed some of Bronco's successes and challenges at BYU...

And another comment that has no substance.

So, do you not agree that what Bronco did vs a much tougher schedule is impressive?

How did LaVell do against a good Utah team? I'll help on this one: Since Mac took over, LaVell was 7-5. He was 16-2 before McBride was coach.
Who was LaVell's TCU?
What "gimmicky" offense did Bronco run?
How did LaVell handle the honor code violations? Harvey Unga was kicked out of school (one example). So was Jim McMahon...after the season ended.

Wish to post anything of any substance? Or are you still out of words?

09-20-2016, 12:45 PM

Lavell had no competition in the WAC. That's true. But Bronco didn't beat the competition in the MWC. BYU usually lost to TCU and Utah during that era.

List the 5 greatest wins in BYU history. How many of them came under Bronco?

Which is part of my point.

Bronco had to play a better Utah and TCU. Yeah, he lost a bunch to them. BUT, at the end of the day, if he had three more wins, he'd have a better win percentage than LaVell.

While Utah and TCU were in the MWC, I think he was 5-7 vs those two teams. That's not amazing, but it isn't bad either.

09-20-2016, 01:10 PM
Bronco regularly came up short in the really big games. He came up short in getting them to a BCS game. Levell usually came up short, too, but he managed to bring BYU most of its best moments.

And that is the difference. If Washington agrees to play BYU...LaVell suddenly isn't so great. If Bronco puts together one undefeated season...then suddenly LaVell isn't so great.

Fate can be cruel to people. Bronco never had a season as easy as 1984. And even if he did, he would never get the recognition that LaVell got for going undefeated. Bronco never had a shot at national title. No matter how many games he would have won.

Because of the way college football was set up in 1984, LaVell caught a HUGE break. Heck, even Michigan was on their third string QB in the bowl game. LaVell had so many built in advantages playing in the era he played in...

Which is another reason why BYU's delusions of grandeur are just that. The good old days will never come back for them. They will never have a "gimmicky" offense that is part of a revolution in football. They will never be able to outspend their competition the way they could in the WAC and bring in coaches like Andy Reid, Holmgren, Bilichick, Chow, Leach, etc.

Bronco had so little money to work with for his assistants, he had to hire a DC that was a high school coach so he could afford to bring back an OC that he had already fired.

And the honor code? LaVell had no honor code. LaVell was the honor code, and he used Jesus' axium, "go and sin no more" more often than any of us realize.

Yeah, Bronco had his problems (and Virginia seems to be highlighting those problems), but what he did at BYU, with the resources he had...that was quite remarkable and I'd still put him as their best coach ever because of the restrictions he had that LaVell never had.

09-20-2016, 01:25 PM
Bronco has a big task ahead of him right now. UVA has a long history of mediocrity and it may take a few years to right the ship.

I am confident they will be better under Bronco than they been in this decade. But it will be painful for a few years.

And I can't see them for the ACC any time soon. I think getting to a bowl game is a good goal right now.

09-20-2016, 01:26 PM
.....OTOH, Kalani HAS won one more game at this point in the season that I thought he would. I didn't think they'd ink their first win until Toledo (50/50) or possibly SUU. The coaching staff he put together isn't capable of much in its first couple of years. Almost devoid of experience. He did a really poor job in that regard.

I don't think Kalani should take the heat for the coaching staff. He did not have a choice on at least 4 of them. They were Holmoe hires.

09-20-2016, 02:08 PM
I don't think Kalani should take the heat for the coaching staff. He did not have a choice on at least 4 of them. They were Holmoe hires.

Did Kalani know this when he took the job as HC? Or know he didn't have full leeway to pick his guys?
If not, it's on him.

09-20-2016, 02:45 PM
Did Kalani know this when he took the job as HC? Or know he didn't have full leeway to pick his guys?
If not, it's on him.

I disagree. Kenny Niumatalolo declined the job in part because of this requirement but he was already a HC. Head coaching jobs do not come along that often, so I place the blame on lack of staff experience on Holmoe. Did Kalani know that condition? Yes.

09-20-2016, 03:02 PM
Their "best coach ever" is now 0-3 at UVa.

In any context, your horizon is about three weeks. You even think the Big 12 will decide expansion teams based on their records this season.

09-20-2016, 03:09 PM

Aren't you the one ranking the expansion candidates according to their 2016 records? Maybe that's someone else.

09-20-2016, 03:57 PM
In any context, your horizon is about three weeks. You even think the Big 12 will decide expansion teams based on their records this season.
A Big 12 candidate will be chosen (as much as anything) by perceived growth over the next decade or two.

Imagine what Houston could be today if they had been included in the original Big 12 when the SWC imploded in 1996, and stayed grouped with Texas, ATM, Tech, etc. If they had a significantly increased budget for the last two decades they could have spent hundreds of millions of additional dollars on athletics over that time frame.

I hope UH gets in, because they will be able to lock up Tom Herman and keep USC's filthy hands off him...

It is interesting to speculate.

LA Ute
09-20-2016, 07:47 PM
Trouble in paradise: BYU players angry at their fans for booing them, taking to social media about it.


LA Ute
09-20-2016, 08:23 PM
What? Did they get booed in their first home game? But that game was close?

Boos are the children of high expectations.

09-20-2016, 10:24 PM
Boos are the children of high expectations.

Didn't our fans boo at points during the SUU game? Sometimes I feel like our fans are two sides of the same coin when it comes to that stuff. Contrast that with Wisconsin, who is ranked in the top 10 (or was) and trailed Georgia St...their fans lost their minds (in a good way) when they finally took the lead in that game and were louder than any point in the game on GSU's final drive. Same thing with Tennessee vs. App St. Sometimes I wonder why the expectations are so damn high in the state of Utah year in and year out. Enjoy the ride folks!

09-20-2016, 10:35 PM
I think it was because of the mid-major status. We have unrealistic expectations because we we don't know what it is like to play this type of schedule (and BYU has a pseudo-P5 schedule this year).

We are used to playing 1-4 tough games a year. That's it. We want perfection. We think that good teams get to 10 wins. We don't realize, or we are beginning to realize, how tough this really is.

How many teams go undefeated in the PAC-12? USC, like once in the last 30 years?

It's a new reality, and we are adjusting. Now-a-days, a win is a win. We will grow to appreciate them. Sadly, you probably have to go through some rough years to truly appreciate the wins...lol. So, when Whitt finally decides to leave us...I feel terrible for the next coach. THAT guy will have next to zero chance to succeed.

LA Ute
09-21-2016, 10:13 AM
Didn't our fans boo at points during the SUU game? Sometimes I feel like our fans are two sides of the same coin when it comes to that stuff. Contrast that with Wisconsin, who is ranked in the top 10 (or was) and trailed Georgia St...their fans lost their minds (in a good way) when they finally took the lead in that game and were louder than any point in the game on GSU's final drive. Same thing with Tennessee vs. App St. Sometimes I wonder why the expectations are so damn high in the state of Utah year in and year out. Enjoy the ride folks!

In this case the players went on social media to complain to the fans. That's the remarkable part of the story.

09-21-2016, 11:23 AM
Meanwhile, Sitake is heavily downplaying suggestions that BYU vs West Virginia is in any way an "audition" for getting into the Big-12.

BYU's Big-12 saga is the backdrop that makes everything even more volatile than "normal", if that's possible. It's a contagious version of PMS for grown men.

What a pileup of sports, politics, light-speed social change, religion, horrendously bad PR, with a dysfunctional conference stumbling "forward", or something.

09-21-2016, 11:26 AM
This where fans expectations should be:

Good season: 6 wins regular season, 7 overall
Really good season: 7-8 wins regular season
Great/Amazing season: 9 wins regular season
Holy cow this is an incredible season: 10+ wins.

Right now, I think a lot of fans see it this way:

Good season: 8 wins
Really good season: 9 wins
Great season: 10 wins
Holy cow this is an incredible season: Playoffs.

The simple reality is this: I don't think a team has won a national title without a top 10 class in the last five years. To expect that from our team is very unrealistic.

Heck, to expect a PAC-12 title...may be a bit unrealistic until our recruiting gets a lot better.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-21-2016, 12:09 PM
It looks like Heisman Ty is giving Taysom a pass. (Even if that pass does end up five feet over the receiver's head.)

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Diehard Ute
09-21-2016, 12:14 PM
It looks like Heisman Ty is giving Taysom a pass. (Even if that pass does end up five feet over the receiver's head.)

He can throw it hard enough to get it that high?

09-21-2016, 12:24 PM
In this case the players went on social media to complain to the fans. That's the remarkable part of the story.

Players and their family members should stay off social media, period. Very few are savvy enough to handle the good with the bad. Many expect their ass kissed at every turn. Hell, Tyrone Smith's father popped up unsolicited in the Ute Fans FB forum to decline buying a single ticket, just so he could remind everyone his son is on the team and he didn't need a ticket. What a fucking putz. I felt like asking him how he liked Tyrone's new view on the depth chart.

And you can bet Langi will go all neener-neener on the fanbase if in fact BYU was able to win at West Virginia. Would say BYU is better away from home, etc.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-21-2016, 12:58 PM
Weird. For whatever reason, Tapatalk didn't post my image with my comment.


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09-21-2016, 01:15 PM
Weird. For whatever reason, Tapatalk didn't post my image with my comment.


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Ouch. These comments by their own coach should hurt BYU offensive players' feelings more than a million fans booing.

Diehard Ute
09-21-2016, 01:18 PM
Ouch. These comments by their own coach should hurt BYU offensive players' feelings more than a million fans booing.

Well after their head coach called his players last year dumb on a TV show we shouldn't be surprised.

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09-21-2016, 01:37 PM
Ouch. These comments by their own coach should hurt BYU offensive players' feelings more than a million fans booing.

Detmer is a myopic fool. Anyone Ute fan who has had a healthy observance of BYU during that time will quickly acknowledge that BYU's non-con that year was the most difficult any school in the state has ever faced. The competition changed far more significantly than the players. Ditto for the coaching staff this year compared to last.

09-21-2016, 01:49 PM
I'm really enjoying the Ty Detmer era right now.

09-21-2016, 02:00 PM
Detmer is a myopic fool. Anyone Ute fan who has had a healthy observance of BYU during that time will quickly acknowledge that BYU's non-con that year was the most difficult any school in the state has ever faced. The competition changed far more significantly than the players. Ditto for the coaching staff this year compared to last.
Yup. BYU lost to very good Florida State (11-2, who had close losses to 10-2 Florida and Dennis Erickson's Co-Nat Champ Miami), UCLA (9-3), and Penn State (11-2) teams to start the year.

Tysman crushed just about everybody during the season. Tied SDSU 52-52, and narrowly escaped UTEP 31-29.

Tied Iowa in the HB.

That is perhaps the toughest OOC schedule ever faced by an eventual conference champ.

09-21-2016, 02:11 PM
Detmer is a myopic fool. Anyone Ute fan who has had a healthy observance of BYU during that time will quickly acknowledge that BYU's non-con that year was the most difficult any school in the state has ever faced. The competition changed far more significantly than the players. Ditto for the coaching staff this year compared to last.

I disagree. BYU's schedule hasn't been that difficult when you break it down. Arizona hasn't been very good. They have big holes on their team. Utah coughed up six turnovers. Not exactly USC out there (and yeah, I'm very worried about our game Friday. Troy Williams has had moments of very good QB play and then he has moments of even worse QB play. We could easily lose by 21+ points this Friday). UCLA is a solid team.

So, the most difficult that any in state school has ever faced? Nah. In 2010 BYU played a 10 win FSU team and a 13 win Nevada team and a 7 win Washington team OOC. That is just as good, if not better than what they've faced so far.

BYU has taken a significant step back in talent from last year.

Look at who they lost on their OL: Matthews, Wilcox, Lapuaho is hurt, Dawe and Johson. They replaced them with some kids that were playing DL for SUU. Their OL SUCKS. It may be the worst OL in the country right now.

WR: They lost Houk, Juergens, and Matthews. Their WR's aren't as good as they were last year.

RB: They are better here.

QB: They are better here.

Now, onto their DL:

Tuilomoa is gone. Kaufusi is gone. That is two NFL guys. They replaced them with an average MLB in Langi and a JC kid who didn't want to fight for playing time but wanted it guaranteed. They are much worse on the DL.

LB. Warner is hurt. Langi is on the DL. Pikula is gone. Pau'u is a stud, but losing Warner so far this year has killed them.

CB. They are starting a freshman at CB. That ain't ever good.

Talent wise, they are a LOT worse than they were last year. Last December, they had 5 TO's and lost to Utah by 7 points. This year, Utah had six TO's and still beat BYU. Last year's BYU team would have destroyed this year's Utah team.

Detmer is right. The talent isn't there to run his offense. He doesn't have the OL, the WR's, the TE's to run that offense. He has the QB in Mangum, but we all saw how bad Mangum is with pressure last December.

His only hope is Taysom's legs.

This is what you will see this weekend:

BYU will go back to the go fast/go hard offense. They will spread it out, and put the ball in Taysom's hands and let his legs carry them as far as they can go.

Robert Anae wasn't a fool. He knew what he was doing. Ty is starting to realize that and you will see big changes in their offense this weekend.

09-21-2016, 02:20 PM
I'm really enjoying the Ty Detmer era right now.

BYU is going to learn a lesson we learned during the BJ as OC season: It sucks to hire a former great as a coach (especially as OC that is almost always universally criticized) because it sucks to complain about and eventually fire a legend that you loved as a player. If you're going to hire a legend as your coach, he needs to be proven and you need to be very confident he'll succeed or you have a mess.

Utah got a little lucky that they were able to unwind the BJ mistake without much public drama--I don't think BYU will be so fortunate with Ty.

09-21-2016, 02:47 PM
I disagree. BYU's schedule hasn't been that difficult when you break it down. .

He's talking about 1991.

09-21-2016, 03:12 PM
I disagree. BYU's schedule hasn't been that difficult when you break it down. Arizona hasn't been very good. They have big holes on their team. Utah coughed up six turnovers. Not exactly USC out there (and yeah, I'm very worried about our game Friday. Troy Williams has had moments of very good QB play and then he has moments of even worse QB play. We could easily lose by 21+ points this Friday). UCLA is a solid team.

So, the most difficult that any in state school has ever faced? Nah. In 2010 BYU played a 10 win FSU team and a 13 win Nevada team and a 7 win Washington team OOC. That is just as good, if not better than what they've faced so far.

BYU has taken a significant step back in talent from last year.

Look at who they lost on their OL: Matthews, Wilcox, Lapuaho is hurt, Dawe and Johson. They replaced them with some kids that were playing DL for SUU. Their OL SUCKS. It may be the worst OL in the country right now.

WR: They lost Houk, Juergens, and Matthews. Their WR's aren't as good as they were last year.

RB: They are better here.

QB: They are better here.

Now, onto their DL:

Tuilomoa is gone. Kaufusi is gone. That is two NFL guys. They replaced them with an average MLB in Langi and a JC kid who didn't want to fight for playing time but wanted it guaranteed. They are much worse on the DL.

LB. Warner is hurt. Langi is on the DL. Pikula is gone. Pau'u is a stud, but losing Warner so far this year has killed them.

CB. They are starting a freshman at CB. That ain't ever good.

Talent wise, they are a LOT worse than they were last year. Last December, they had 5 TO's and lost to Utah by 7 points. This year, Utah had six TO's and still beat BYU. Last year's BYU team would have destroyed this year's Utah team.

Detmer is right. The talent isn't there to run his offense. He doesn't have the OL, the WR's, the TE's to run that offense. He has the QB in Mangum, but we all saw how bad Mangum is with pressure last December.

His only hope is Taysom's legs.

This is what you will see this weekend:

BYU will go back to the go fast/go hard offense. They will spread it out, and put the ball in Taysom's hands and let his legs carry them as far as they can go.

Robert Anae wasn't a fool. He knew what he was doing. Ty is starting to realize that and you will see big changes in their offense this weekend.

I'm sure what you had to say was well thought out. But when I was talking about BYU's schedule, I was talking about 1991 when Detmer was a senior and BYU went 0-3 against No. 3 Florida State, No. 4 Penn State and No. 11 UCLA -- all on the road. For Detmer to single out former and current BYU players for underwhelming play without taking coaching experience into consideration is disingenuous.

09-21-2016, 04:03 PM
BYU is going to learn a lesson we learned during the BJ as OC season: It sucks to hire a former great as a coach (especially as OC that is almost always universally criticized) because it sucks to complain about and eventually fire a legend that you loved as a player. If you're going to hire a legend as your coach, he needs to be proven and you need to be very confident he'll succeed or you have a mess.

Utah got a little lucky that they were able to unwind the BJ mistake without much public drama--I don't think BYU will be so fortunate with Ty.

It's not going to play out that way with Detmer, it just is not going to happen. The way it is going to play out is that the narrative will become that Kilani Sitake is holding him back. Sitake will end up being the fall guy and Ty Detmer will end up the head coach. The narrative to blame everyone but Detmer has already started. It is all Taysom Hill now, but it will shift to Sitake soon enough.

09-21-2016, 04:10 PM
I'm sure what you had to say was well thought out. But when I was talking about BYU's schedule, I was talking about 1991 when Detmer was a senior and BYU went 0-3 against No. 3 Florida State, No. 4 Penn State and No. 11 UCLA -- all on the road. For Detmer to single out former and current BYU players for underwhelming play without taking coaching experience into consideration is disingenuous.

Ahhh. That makes a ton more sense. That would be my bad on the misunderstanding. In that case, ignore my post above and I agree with you.

I was thinking that you were saying that Arizona, Utah and UCLA was BYU's toughest non-conference schedule ever.

09-21-2016, 04:26 PM
Poor Taysom. Could have transferred. It'll be okay once the winning starts, though.

That fanbase is crazy. Maybe ours is as well. I agree with the poster above. What will happen is they will turn on Taysom. Then Taysom will get benched and Mangum will struggle, well...we all saw the first quarter of the Vegas Bowl. I don't know who is/was more over-rated by that fanbase: Mangum or Heaps.

Then, they will turn on Sitake. He's moved WR's to the defense. He is doing what Whitt is doing. He puts all the athletes on defense. He moves all the QB's over there. He is controlling the offense (you know, all the stupid stuff we say when we whine about Whitt). blah, blah, blah.

Then Sitake will get run out of town. At that point, BYU is screwed. They just burned their Polynesian bridge. Their schedules will be tough. Their recruiting will go down (unless Ty decides that he goes back to his high school ways and recruits outside of the rules) and they will spiral out of control.

Honestly, the smartest thing BYU could do is go back to a conference, schedule 4 P5 schools OOC, and get between 8-10 wins every year, go to some BCS bowls and crow about how amazing they are.

Back to Taysom, I think he would be excelling right now in Virginia under Anae. I think everyone probably wishes he would have went to Virginia at this point.

09-21-2016, 09:36 PM
Detmer is the one taking the heat now, Kalani is smartly managing the PR in a way Bronco was simply unable to do. But Bronco had to deal with not just Utah's rise, but the emerging realization they're in no man's land, and the fans' dissatisfaction with that reality amplified the general anger. Anger at Bronco-the-consummate-weirdo was just icing on the cake.

The Big-12 fiasco this year has multiplied the non-football angst part of the equation, and the split second turning on Taysom and Detmer is a preview of the kind of heat awaiting Kalani. There's just no buffer, there's no trapeze net.

Kalani strongly pushed back on the idea that playing West Virginia is a type of Big-12 audition, but that he had to pre-emptively address that notion reveals just how insane their predicament is.

I think they'll get to a bowl this year, and they'll be grumbling the entire way. In 2016, it's impossible to prevent general fan negativity from seeping into the team, and the disproportionate response to lack of success / validation on the field will start to hurt recruiting.

Losing always sucks. Losing in the context of a slow, public denial of admission to a P5 league - even the most dysfunctional league - and having your religion taking heat at the same time, magnifies the hurt.

Kalani's a good coach, but he somehow decided to ride the psychotic rhinoceros at the rodeo, and it's going to be pretty rough.

09-21-2016, 10:22 PM
I know why they went Independent. They wanted to prove they were P5 like Utah was.

Yeah, losing sucks.

Had they stayed in the MWC, they would have been to a BCS bowl by now. They'd be winning. They'd be on the same level as Houston right now. They would be the national darling. Their recruiting would have been better. Bronco would be beloved. They'd be winning 10 games a year, if not more.

Going Independent was the STUPIDEST decision made by that school.

It made no sense then and makes even less sense now.

Pride cometh before the fall.

09-21-2016, 10:50 PM
In what season would BYU have been the G5 team in the NY6 bowl?

Independent or MWC, BYU just hasn't been very good for a while.

They would have had a very good shot in 2013. NIU made a BCS bowl with one loss. Had BYU been in the MWC, they would not have played Wisconsin and Notre Dame late in the season and would have had two much easier opponents.

Who knows if it would have happened or not, but if BYU has two losses, both early, a win over Texas and GT and Houston and Boise St vs NIU and one loss...I could see them being ranked higher and getting the auto G5 bid.

Which is the whole point. Now-a-days you don't need to be great or undefeated like Utah had to be. You just have to be the best of the rest.

Also, before Independence, BYU had 10 wins, 11 wins, 7 then 10 wins. It isn't insane to think that they could have continued their streak of 10+ win seasons in the MWC, especially considering that Utah and TCU would have been gone.

I do agree that BYU hasn't been very good in awhile...but being in the MWC, you don't need to be very good to get to 11 wins. And 11 wins gets you to a BCS bowl.

09-22-2016, 06:50 AM
It's not going to play out that way with Detmer, it just is not going to happen. The way it is going to play out is that the narrative will become that Kilani Sitake is holding him back. Sitake will end up being the fall guy and Ty Detmer will end up the head coach. The narrative to blame everyone but Detmer has already started. It is all Taysom Hill now, but it will shift to Sitake soon enough.

Your hope that people will turn on Sitake is IMO just that hope. Certainly Detmer is revered by the fan base, but so was Doman and every BYU fan was ready to run him out of town. Yes a large part of the BYU fan base is built on offense first, but that doesn't mean they don't understand how good KS has the defense playing and will have them playing in the future. The fan base didn't turn on super robot weirdo Bronco and push to make Doman HC, they aren't going to do that to KS who is already more loved in Provo than Bronco ever was. I'm sorry to be the one that ruins your fantasy.

LA Ute
09-22-2016, 07:38 AM
Kalani is the most likeable BYU football coach in my lifetime. (I started with Tommy Hudspeth.) I wish him no ill. I'll bet he won't even RUTS like Lavell did.

09-22-2016, 07:48 AM
Your hope that people will turn on Sitake is IMO just that hope. Certainly Detmer is revered by the fan base, but so was Doman and every BYU fan was ready to run him out of town. Yes a large part of the BYU fan base is built on offense first, but that doesn't mean they don't understand how good KS has the defense playing and will have them playing in the future. The fan base didn't turn on super robot weirdo Bronco and push to make Doman HC, they aren't going to do that to KS who is already more loved in Provo than Bronco ever was. I'm sorry to be the one that ruins your fantasy.

This entire thread should be re-titled "The Utah Fan's Wetdream about BYU Thread". Sheesh, we've got a game tomorrow! A big game! A Potentially get-the-coach-fired-on-the-tarmac type game. And we are making LENGTHY posts discussing which BYU team was better: the '86 Goobers or the '99 Tunnel Singers? Or whether Killer Robot Bronco would have been better in the WAC era than he was in the non-affiliation era? Have some respect dignity and do as this thread kind of instructs and let them go. We've already beat them (since 09), it's over. Give it a rest. Post about anything else, what movies you watch, your porn habit, drowning kittens. I don't care. But if I have to come on this site and read a detailed analysis of the BYU long snapper this year versus last year I just might come through the tubes that make up this thing we call the internet and strangle everyone last one of you posting in this thread.

And don't ever tell me we are over BYU, that they are yesterday's news. This thread is proof that the obsession lives on.

Diehard Ute
09-22-2016, 08:17 AM
Your hope that people will turn on Sitake is IMO just that hope. Certainly Detmer is revered by the fan base, but so was Doman and every BYU fan was ready to run him out of town. Yes a large part of the BYU fan base is built on offense first, but that doesn't mean they don't understand how good KS has the defense playing and will have them playing in the future. The fan base didn't turn on super robot weirdo Bronco and push to make Doman HC, they aren't going to do that to KS who is already more loved in Provo than Bronco ever was. I'm sorry to be the one that ruins your fantasy.

Doman isn't nearly as loved as Detmer. He also wasn't as connected as Detmer.

Kalani is in the honeymoon phase and his team still got booed in Provo.

And come on HFN, weird Robot Bronco is like a good chunk of Provo. He fit right in.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-22-2016, 08:35 AM
Bart Starr was beloved in Green Bay before and after he was head coach; but definitely not while.

I am not sure there is an good analogy to BYU. Both Sitake and Detmer get a very long leash because there is no plan B. Sitake gets an extra long leash so that the Y does not alienate the Poly community.

Joe Gibbs lost his first 5 games in D.C. (the first time). I think Sitake will right the ship after this rough scheduling stretch.

09-22-2016, 09:40 AM
Kalani is the most likeable BYU football coach in my lifetime. (I started with Tommy Hudspeth.) I wish him no ill. I'll bet he won't even RUTS like Lavell did.

Why wouldn't he RUTS? He comes from LaVell and Whit, two RUTS masters.

09-22-2016, 10:28 AM
Sitake won't be successful. He won't smell Mendenhall's success.

09-22-2016, 10:31 AM
This entire thread should be re-titled "The Utah Fan's Wetdream about BYU Thread". Sheesh, we've got a game tomorrow! A big game! A Potentially get-the-coach-fired-on-the-tarmac type game. And we are making LENGTHY posts discussing which BYU team was better: the '86 Goobers or the '99 Tunnel Singers? Or whether Killer Robot Bronco would have been better in the WAC era than he was in the non-affiliation era? Have some respect dignity and do as this thread kind of instructs and let them go. We've already beat them (since 09), it's over. Give it a rest. Post about anything else, what movies you watch, your porn habit, drowning kittens. I don't care. But if I have to come on this site and read a detailed analysis of the BYU long snapper this year versus last year I just might come through the tubes that make up this thing we call the internet and strangle everyone last one of you posting in this thread.

And don't ever tell me we are over BYU, that they are yesterday's news. This thread is proof that the obsession lives on.

Where is your post breaking down the USC game?

09-22-2016, 10:50 AM
Sitake won't be successful. He won't smell Mendenhall's success.

And just like that, Kalani's success is assured.

I was hoping our own Boney Fuller would post a video similar to this for the Utah game


LA Ute
09-22-2016, 10:58 AM
Why wouldn't he RUTS? He comes from LaVell and Whit, two RUTS masters.

I choose to believe he will not. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Until he RUTS.

09-22-2016, 11:29 AM
But if I have to come on this site and read a detailed analysis of the BYU long snapper this year versus last year I just might come through the tubes that make up this thing we call the internet and strangle everyone last one of you posting in this thread.

Duh, the long snapper this year's the same guy as last year, Matt Foley.

09-22-2016, 12:31 PM
Besides, Chase Dominguez is going to be the best long snapper in next year's draft. No contest.

09-22-2016, 03:53 PM
And don't ever tell me we are over BYU, that they are yesterday's news. This thread is proof that the obsession lives on.

This thread serves as a method for catharsis for those who have not seen the light yet.

LA Ute
09-22-2016, 04:38 PM
And don't ever tell me we are over BYU, that they are yesterday's news. This thread is proof that the obsession lives on.

USC and UCLA fans dump all over each other's teams all the time. They're not obsessed, they're rivals. Same situation here. I actually think Senioritis had a great idea in setting up this "dumping ground" thread. If all the Utah-related posts on any BYU message board were collected in one thread, we'd see the same seemingly disproportionate volume of comments.

09-22-2016, 04:48 PM
I don't think Kalani should take the heat for the coaching staff. He did not have a choice on at least 4 of them. They were Holmoe hires.

If true, and I have a difficult time thinking it is, then the Sitake era will be short-lived. Are there any successful programs where the HC is a puppet?

09-22-2016, 05:37 PM
USC and UCLA fans dump all over each other's teams all the time. They're not obsessed, they're rivals. Same situation here. I actually think Senioritis had a great idea in setting up this "dumping ground" thread. If all the Utah-related posts on any BYU message board were collected in one thread, we'd see the same seemingly disproportionate volume of comments.
The big Texas board has a thread bagging on ATM that is over 7000 pages long. They are BRUTAL to one another, and are not even in the same conference and don't play every year.

This thread is incredibly tame by comparison.

09-22-2016, 05:53 PM
This thread is getting ridiculous. We just lost by 1 to you guys and you are assuming all our coaches suck and will be fired within the next few years? makes sense.

09-22-2016, 06:22 PM
This thread is getting ridiculous. We just lost by 1 to you guys and you are assuming all our coaches suck and will be fired within the next few years? makes sense.
With the exception of SU, I think we all acknowledge this Sitake is a really good coach. It is Detmer that sucks. 6 turnovers and 19 points. That is bad.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

09-22-2016, 06:32 PM
This thread is getting ridiculous. We just lost by 1 to you guys and you are assuming all our coaches suck and will be fired within the next few years? makes sense.

This is still Bronco's team. How many times do we see a first-year coach feast off of the hard work and success of his predecessor and then the whole thing unravels in subsequent seasons. Example: Crowton. I may be wrong, but Sitaki's resume is incredibly short, and he's revealed in various ways a lack of seasoning. He was disloyal to Whit, to whom basically he owes everything, and the tirade in the Utah game that drew that 15 yard penalty was like nothing I've ever seen before. It was like a basketball game. If he's successful BYU will have connected on another hail Mary hire; it will be a lucky hire, like Bronco was. They hired him because they had to even though there was a complete absence of data. I will be surprised if he's anywhere near as successful as Bronco.

09-22-2016, 08:46 PM
This entire thread should be re-titled "The Utah Fan's Wetdream about BYU Thread". Sheesh, we've got a game tomorrow! A big game! A Potentially get-the-coach-fired-on-the-tarmac type game. And we are making LENGTHY posts discussing which BYU team was better: the '86 Goobers or the '99 Tunnel Singers? Or whether Killer Robot Bronco would have been better in the WAC era than he was in the non-affiliation era? Have some respect dignity and do as this thread kind of instructs and let them go. We've already beat them (since 09), it's over. Give it a rest. Post about anything else, what movies you watch, your porn habit, drowning kittens. I don't care. But if I have to come on this site and read a detailed analysis of the BYU long snapper this year versus last year I just might come through the tubes that make up this thing we call the internet and strangle everyone last one of you posting in this thread.

And don't ever tell me we are over BYU, that they are yesterday's news. This thread is proof that the obsession lives on.

I loathe posting in this thread. I am only here to say "Hell Yeah" and X2 to this post. Please, please, please you fawkers get some pride and STFU about these clowns. Jesus Christ. LAME and SAD.

09-22-2016, 09:17 PM
I loathe posting in this thread. I am only here to say "Hell Yeah" and X2 to this post. Please, please, please you fawkers get some pride and STFU about these clowns. Jesus Christ. LAME and SAD.
Goddammit Hummerlover, this thread makes up ~3% of the posts on this site.

09-22-2016, 09:51 PM
I choose to believe he will not. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Until he RUTS.

Also RUTS is the most idiotic thing ever. In baseball if you are up 10-1 in the 8th inning and hit a ball into the gap you don't expect the guy to jog to first. Why is only the most violent team sport the one where the winning team is expected to stop playing as to not hurt the other teams feels? Good coaches keep trying to score as long as the other team is trying, like Whit against Oregon last year. Bad coaches spend sensitive time worry about too many points being the other teams trigger, like Helf.

LA Ute
09-23-2016, 01:01 AM
Also RUTS is the most idiotic thing ever. In baseball if you are up 10-1 in the 8th inning and hit a ball into the gap you don't expect the guy to jog to first. Why is only the most violent team sport the one where the winning team is expected to stop playing as to not hurt the other teams feels? Good coaches keep trying to score as long as the other team is trying, like Whit against Oregon last year. Bad coaches spend sensitive time worry about too many points being the other teams trigger, like Helf.

When I was a kid I hated Lavell (and Doug Scovill) for RUTS. They left me scarred for life. So I'll like Kalani until he triggers those repressed memories.

09-23-2016, 01:35 AM
Goddammit Hummerlover, this thread makes up ~3% of the posts on this site.

Except that this thread alone is far and away the most popular on the entire forum with you poor Mormon lost souls. You just can't separate yourselves at any cost. It's sad.

Had to go back and edit some of my whiskey drunk, three day weekend B.S.

09-23-2016, 09:28 AM
With the exception of SU, I think we all acknowledge this Sitake is a really good coach. It is Detmer that sucks. 6 turnovers and 19 points. That is bad.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

the offense is struggling with a new offense and losing its top OL and WR from last year? that definitely means detmer sucks

09-23-2016, 09:29 AM
This is still Bronco's team. How many times do we see a first-year coach feast off of the hard work and success of his predecessor and then the whole thing unravels in subsequent seasons. Example: Crowton. I may be wrong, but Sitaki's resume is incredibly short, and he's revealed in various ways a lack of seasoning. He was disloyal to Whit, to whom basically he owes everything, and the tirade in the Utah game that drew that 15 yard penalty was like nothing I've ever seen before. It was like a basketball game. If he's successful BYU will have connected on another hail Mary hire; it will be a lucky hire, like Bronco was. They hired him because they had to even though there was a complete absence of data. I will be surprised if he's anywhere near as successful as Bronco.

hard to beat a coach who loses to richmond at home and cant even successfully have his team kick a 13 yrd FG

09-23-2016, 12:43 PM
When I was a kid I hated Lavell (and Doug Scovill) for RUTS. They left me scarred for life. So I'll like Kalani until he triggers those repressed memories.

So at least you understand why kids hate Whit. Fair enough.

LA Ute
09-23-2016, 01:59 PM
So at least you understand why kids hate Whit. Fair enough.

It's different when my guy does it. You know this to be true.

09-23-2016, 06:17 PM
It's different when my guy does it. You know this to be true.

Hasn't Whit only really RUTS once, against Joe Glenn? So really it's just the youth of Wyoming we are talking about?

09-23-2016, 06:26 PM
Also Oregon last year. It would be a shame to miss out on all those kids from Oregon.

09-24-2016, 06:13 PM
Goddammit Hummerlover, this thread makes up ~3% of the posts on this site.

Except that it doesnt, really. This thread is just a symptom of what applejack posted earlier. The BYU obsession bleeds into so many other threads like the religious ones and big 12 expansion, etc.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-24-2016, 06:27 PM
Something makes me think that Detmer/Hill had the Utah-USC game in mind when he went for the win from 30 yards out instead of still chipping away like they had all game.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LA Ute
09-24-2016, 08:53 PM
Except that it doesnt, really. This thread is just a symptom of what applejack posted earlier. The BYU obsession bleeds into so many other threads like the religious ones and big 12 expansion, etc.

I get your concerns but every time I start to think about agreeing with you my mind rebels against the idea that we should impose some kind of code of silence about our rival. We dislike our rival. That's what rivals do. BYU fans dislike Utah. Both sides want to express that sometimes. UCLA fans feel free to bag on USC all the time. Why should we feel bad about doing the same thing about BYU? Seems kind of ridiculous.

EDIT: I noticed that on the Tapatalk feed for CS they're running a GIF of Jackson's kickoff runback against Utah. Why not? It makes them happy. Stuff like that makes rivalries fun.

09-25-2016, 01:51 AM
I get your concerns but every time I start to think about agreeing with you my mind rebels against the idea that we should impose some kind of code of silence about our rival. We dislike our rival. That's what rivals do. BYU fans dislike Utah. Both sides want to express that sometimes. UCLA fans feel free to bag on USC all the time. Why should we feel bad about doing the same thing about BYU? Seems kind of ridiculous.

EDIT: I noticed that on the Tapatalk feed for CS they're running a GIF of Jackson's kickoff runback against Utah. Why not? It makes them happy. Stuff like that makes rivalries fun.

Lame. Rationalize away. UCLA and USC? Really? USC and UCLA are not small time Provo. Let it go man. Let it go Idina.

09-25-2016, 11:17 AM
Lame. Rationalize away. UCLA and USC? Really? USC and UCLA are not small time Provo. Let it go man. Let it go Idina.

Sorry DD. Your crew will never be able to let it go. We own U.

You get the uninvite from the Dude, create your own site, and then by nearly 2.7 to 1, your utes make this the most popular thread on this football portion of this site.

Holy shit. I mean that's ridiculous. Have some self respect, utes. Sheesh

LA Ute
09-25-2016, 11:40 AM
Lame. Rationalize away. UCLA and USC? Really? USC and UCLA are not small time Provo. Let it go man. Let it go Idina.

There is no rationalizing going on. Come on. BYU is our rival. No, they are not UCLA or USC, but like it or not, they have been our rival for over 100 years and with all that history, especially the last 40 years or so, it isn't going to change during your lifetime or mine. College sports fans like to talk about their rival. Stanford fans do it to Cal, Michigan fans do it to Ohio State, Arizona does it to ASU. And yes, BYU fans do it to Utah.

Senioritis set this thread up to be a dumping ground for all BYU-related thoughts so that we don't have to run across them and other threads. That is why this thread looks big -- but it still represents only about 3% of the posts on this board. Having said that, if the majority of people who post here want this thread to go away, and the board's directors agree, we can certainly accomplish that. I'm kind of sick of it myself, and I am tired of arguing about it. Speak up, everyone.

09-25-2016, 11:56 AM
I have always found complaints about threads to be strange. Don't like a topic? Cool. Don't post in it. There's some areas of this forum that I don't think I've visited because they aren't of interest to me.

USS Utah
09-25-2016, 12:04 PM
I get your concerns but every time I start to think about agreeing with you my mind rebels against the idea that we should impose some kind of code of silence about our rival. We dislike our rival. That's what rivals do. BYU fans dislike Utah. Both sides want to express that sometimes. UCLA fans feel free to bag on USC all the time. Why should we feel bad about doing the same thing about BYU? Seems kind of ridiculous.

EDIT: I noticed that on the Tapatalk feed for CS they're running a GIF of Jackson's kickoff runback against Utah. Why not? It makes them happy. Stuff like that makes rivalries fun.

UCLA and USC are both P5 teams, and in the same P5 conference.

Also, this thread would appear to demonstrate that need of some to express their dislike of BYU happens a lot more often than sometimes.

If Utah fans can't shut up about a 1-3 Independent mid-major, why should the look media talk more about a 4-0 P5, Pac-12 South contender?

There is no rationalizing going on. Come on. BYU is our rival. No, they are not UCLA or USC, but like it or not, they have been our rival for over 100 years and with all that history, especially the last 40 years or so, it isn't going to change during your lifetime or mine. College sports fans like to talk about their rival. Stanford fans do it to Cal, Michigan fans do it to Ohio State, Arizona does it to ASU. And yes, BYU fans do it to Utah.

All of these teams you reference are P5 teams in the same conference. Okay, yes, we have plenty of history with BYU, and I understand that old habits die hard, but as Paul wrote "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Things have changed dramatically in the last 6 years, but many Utah fans have been struggling to keep pace with that change.

USS Utah
09-25-2016, 12:20 PM
It is certainly a valid point that if one does not like this thread one does not have to read it.

I am curious, though, is there a thread here dedicated to Colorado? There is some history with the Buffs, though there was also a 40+ year break in that rivalry.

While the Buffs have been down since joining the Pac, they look to be rather good this year, if their win over Oregon yesterday is any indication.

LA Ute
09-25-2016, 01:02 PM
There's a little bit of "fan police" activity going on here. Are certain topics not allowed to be of interest? Are we all supposed to say now that because BYU is not in a P5 conference, "Neener-neener, you are not worthy of our attention," and anyone who sees the situation differently must be suffering from some type of emotional weakness?

09-25-2016, 01:12 PM
There's a little bit of "fan police" activity going on here. Are certain topics not allowed to be of interest? Are we all supposed to say now that because BYU is not in a P5 conference, "Neener-neener, you are not worthy of our attention," and anyone who sees the situation differently must be suffering from some type of emotional weakness?

:confused: Aren't you among the people that never wants to schedule BYU in any sport ever again?

LA Ute
09-25-2016, 01:27 PM
:confused: Aren't you among the people that never wants to schedule BYU in any sport ever again?

Nope. I have never said that. I have said that I am ambivalent about scheduling them in football, and I still am -- but only as to frequency of the game. Apart from that I love the basketball game, and think we should play them in all other sports.

09-25-2016, 01:27 PM
It is certainly a valid point that if one does not like this thread one does not have to read it.

I am curious, though, is there a thread here dedicated to Colorado? There is some history with the Buffs, though there was also a 40+ year break in that rivalry.

While the Buffs have been down since joining the Pac, they look to be rather good this year, if their win over Oregon yesterday is any indication.

Great idea! Start a thread about your rivalry with Colorado! I mean you only had a "40+" year break with them

# couldn'tgetin #webothappliedtobyuyetimtheonewithabyudegree

09-25-2016, 01:32 PM
Great idea! Start a thread about your rivalry with Colorado! I mean you only had a "40+" year break with them

# couldn'tgetin #webothappliedtobyuyetimtheonewithabyudegree

How was the game this weekend?

09-25-2016, 01:35 PM
How was the game this weekend?

I thought it was a great preview of BYU in the B12, fighting until the end. #shithappens

09-25-2016, 01:40 PM
How was the game this weekend?

Best thing about being a BYU grad is we are proud of our guys no matter what. Meanwhile, SU has a brother who named not one, but two, airlines on not one, but two, continents, after BYU's primary color.

09-25-2016, 01:41 PM
Best thing about being a BYU grad is we are proud of our guys no matter what. Meanwhile, SU has a brother who named not one, but two, airlines on not one, but two, continents, after BYU's primary color.

Admittedly, "JetRed" and "Vermelho" are pretty terrible names

09-25-2016, 02:24 PM
For the record, I love this thread, and the rivalry. I post in this thread to remind the uppity Ute fans who we really are and where we come from, lest we forget our roots.

09-25-2016, 02:26 PM
Best thing about being a BYU grad is we are proud of our guys no matter what. Meanwhile, SU has a brother who named not one, but two, airlines on not one, but two, continents, after BYU's primary color.
Or after the color of the sky. Or after USU where his brother played football.

09-25-2016, 02:47 PM
Best thing about being a BYU grad is we are proud of our guys no matter what. Meanwhile, SU has a brother who named not one, but two, airlines on not one, but two, continents, after BYU's primary color.

Proud is right. If you weren't so proud, you'd stayed in the MWC, you'd still be getting recruiting classes in the 30's, you'd be winning 10-11 games a year, you'd be going to BCS Bowls, and you'd be Houston this year.

But, your pride got in the way of intelligence, you made a kneejerk reaction and went Indy, and now you have a coaching staff that lost you the game yesterday and you are fighting vs Toledo...not for a spot in a big bowl, but for bowl eligibility.

Your pride has completely screwed you over, and I'm loving it.

USS Utah
09-25-2016, 05:30 PM
Great idea! Start a thread about your rivalry with Colorado! I mean you only had a "40+" year break with them

# couldn'tgetin #webothappliedtobyuyetimtheonewithabyudegree

This post confuses me. I acknowledged the break while simply asking if there was a thread dedicated to Colorado.

The hashtags are ever more confusing.