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09-25-2016, 05:41 PM
This post confuses me. I acknowledged the break while simply asking if there was a thread dedicated to Colorado.

The hashtags are ever more confusing.
It was a troll job.

Viking knows that byu wasn't exactly an academic juggernaut back when he attended.

09-26-2016, 05:13 AM
It was a troll job.

Viking knows that byu wasn't exactly an academic juggernaut back when he attended.

Yes. SU didn't bite. He knows better. USS Utah, my hashtags are intentionally stupid and predictable and my trolls are even worse.

BYU is one of the few degrees in the US that accretes meaningfully in value over time. When I was there, it seemed the quality of the faculty had not yet caught up with the incoming student quality. Rex Lee announced at freshman orientation that the avg ACT score was the highest ever (27) and average GPA was 3.5. Yet, the faculty generally was more reflective of my parent's generation, which was obviously an era when the competition for acceptance was much lower.

Engineering, accounting, economics and the mathematics departments in my time had good faculty members (I majored in economics, minor in math).

What's happened in the 25 years since I enrolled (wow) is that the first wave of more qualified students (roughly starting in the early/mid 1980s, coincident with the mormon baby boomer's having college-aged children) who decided to go into academia created a major upgrade to the faculty at BYU when they returned. Only a handful of my professors from my BYU days are still teaching and I keep in touch with several of them, and have used one econ prof recently on some consulting work. He told me that the younger faculty are off the charts in comparison with the faculty in my era.

The largest expansion in quality relative to the past is likely behind us, but each year, acceptance to BYU will be harder. I am pretty sure if I were an applying student, I'd be accepted on the basis of scores/academics but I only attended one year of seminary and that would probably kill my chances and I would have ended up going to UT Austin.

I was on campus recently in Provo and the coed, er, quality has certainly gone down, in correlation with the increase in academic profile. I had thought UofU coeds hadn't seen much of a drop off in recent years. And then I saw this from boney fuller's twitter. What's wrong with you people??

09-28-2016, 08:12 PM
I think BYU fans make up about 3% of the site, so we try to make things interesting for them.

09-28-2016, 08:44 PM
BYU is the new Bob Jones U.

BYU and BJU. Twins.

LA Ute
09-29-2016, 07:12 AM
Funny piece about another rivalry:

The Michigan Wolverines Are Back. Ugh.


09-29-2016, 07:26 AM
Funny piece about another rivalry:

The Michigan Wolverines Are Back. Ugh.


It's true. The biggest non-Pac game of the week is this one. C'mon Badgers!

LA Ute
09-29-2016, 08:30 AM


In many ways, we are inseparably linked to The BYU, and always will be. We come from many different levels of interest/obsession regarding our jorts wearing, socially awkward brothers to the south, but I believe we are all somewhere in the process of remission. With how severely Lavell Edwards treated many of our childhoods, and the fervor by which many us hated BYU with the white hot fire of a thousand suns, discussion of BYU is inevitable. We wish we knew how to quit them, but we can't.

However, I think it would be lovely if we had one thread for all things BYU, and this category seems the best spot for it seeing as how their high point in basketball over the last 35 years was making it clear to the Sweet Sixteen one time. The purpose of this thread is so we don't have to be embarrassed by our obsession, but we can keep it well organized in one place. That way, we can keep discussion of the zealot Captain Bronconi, the pug nosed Dave Rose, and the Worst Canadian Since Anne Murray (Greg Wrubell) mostly in this thread, and not scattered all over the board like a chimpanzee's well-flung poo.

So, this is the thread. Don't be afraid to let your hatred show. If you need to binge, binge. If you need to purge, then by all means, purge.

Just a few things to remember:

1. Use of the word Zoob is appropriate, when necessary.
2. Lighthearted is always better than super bitter.
3. If you wear white suspenders to football games, feel free to have a big glass of shut the hell up.

09-29-2016, 10:50 AM
Dallas Morning News: BYU is "radioactive"


“Sources indicated that Borens's favorite inexpansion was BYU, which is now viewed as radioactive because of its stance on LGBT and Title IX issues pending any changes in the school's honor code.”

Diehard Ute
09-29-2016, 10:54 AM
Dallas Morning News: BYU is "radioactive"


“Sources indicated that Borens's favorite inexpansion was BYU, which is now viewed as radioactive because of its stance on LGBT and Title IX issues pending any changes in the school's honor code.”

Since Imagine Dragons has Utah County roots maybe BYU can use their "Radioactive" as their new fight song.

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09-29-2016, 02:54 PM
I'm really surprised that nobody is talking about the byu's super-duper-expensive HD truck. Is that no longer a major factor in the byu's appeal to the B12?
I mean, c'mon. The thing has gold-plated toilets, a working flux capacitor, and a time-capsule from ancient Sumeria inside.

09-29-2016, 04:48 PM
720P baby! That HD truck is nice...

09-30-2016, 10:21 PM
Fun prediction: Toledo will blow out BYU in the second half.

LA Ute
10-01-2016, 12:06 AM
Fun prediction: Toledo will blow out BYU in the second half.

Not quite but they did give up 53 points to...Toledo.

10-01-2016, 12:59 AM
Not quite but they did give up 53 points to...Toledo.

Toledo... is average. What is new here? Same old... same old. Damn MAC conference opponent drove them to the last possession at home. The zoobs are so weak. They hurt our strength of schedule... damn they suck.

10-01-2016, 07:20 AM
Lowell throwing fire.


10-01-2016, 12:37 PM
Toledo... is average. What is new here? Same old... same old. Damn MAC conference opponent drove them to the last possession at home. The zoobs are so weak. They hurt our strength of schedule... damn they suck.


LA Ute
10-01-2016, 01:27 PM
BYU athletics: Majority of Utahns say BYU shouldn’t adjust Honor Code for Big 12 admittance

83% of LDS respondents.


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10-01-2016, 02:49 PM
BYU athletics: Majority of Utahns say BYU shouldn’t adjust Honor Code for Big 12 admittance

83% of LDS respondents.


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This is why the state of Utah is going to embarrass us all and give its four electoral votes to Trump. It's still dominated by religious crazies, as much as some of us would like to think otherwise.

10-01-2016, 03:26 PM
This is why the state of Utah is going to embarrass us all and give its four electoral votes to Trump. It's still dominated by religious crazies, as much as some of us would like to think otherwise.

I am no religious crazy at all. But Hell Yeah Trump! Just plain crazy.

10-16-2016, 01:35 PM
Oregon State has any many conference wins as Michigan State, Miss State, and Arizona combined.

10-16-2016, 05:48 PM
We are the best team BYU will face all year. If Boise St has six TO's, BYU won't lose.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-16-2016, 06:48 PM
We are the best team BYU will face all year. If Boise St has six TO's, BYU won't lose.

It surprised me that this game opened as even.

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10-16-2016, 10:10 PM
WVU, Utah and a healthy UCLA are all better than Boise. Really good chance BYU wins and Kalani gets 10 wins his first year. Damn. Heck, Toledo may be better than Boise.

Ultimate Ute
10-16-2016, 10:46 PM
If school down south had lost to Miss. St., going .500 and getting humbled at home, believe it or not I was feeling I would want them to beat Boise State, knocking the Idaho trucking institute out of most post season discussions. But, seeing that the provostan school pulled it out, I now would like to see them get destroyed, take no prisoners.

10-20-2016, 08:48 PM
Boise looking like world beaters early in this one

Mormon Red Death
10-20-2016, 09:40 PM
that is about the dumbest call I have ever seen

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Mormon Red Death
10-20-2016, 09:41 PM
byu ran a fake punt run 4th and 19 from their 2 yard line

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10-20-2016, 11:12 PM
Harsin has the look and mannerisms of Bronco on the sidelines. Creepy. As far as the 4th down call? I don't think a first time PeeWee coach would've made that call. Stunningly incompetent.

LA Ute
10-21-2016, 10:49 AM
byu ran a fake punt run 4th and 19 from their 2 yard line

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Has any coach on the BYU staff admitted to calling that play? I am curious about whose brainchild it was.

10-21-2016, 10:53 AM
Has any coach on the BYU staff admitted to calling that play? I am curious about whose brainchild it was.

Sitake fell on the sword. Said they had seem something on tape that convinced them it would work, and decided to go for it when BSU lined up in that formation. Said they wanted to be aggressive. Boise however switched out of that formation at the last second. Oh well. Taking a beating nationally for that decision. Boise got no points out of it, apparently.

Rocker Ute
10-21-2016, 11:01 AM
Has any coach on the BYU staff admitted to calling that play? I am curious about whose brainchild it was.

That decision was almost as bad as BYU's decision to go independent.

10-21-2016, 11:22 AM
Seriously - can anyone think of a worse play call? I mean a deliberate play call, not somebody spiking the ball to stop the clock on 4th down or something accidental like that.

Keep in mind, they tried this once and the Giants called a timeout to get a look at the formation.


Here's another gem:


10-21-2016, 11:29 AM
That decision was almost as bad as BYU's decision to go independent.

I was just saw that play. My first thought was that somehow Crowton was back in charge.

10-21-2016, 12:52 PM
Last night was my 2nd BYU game of the season. Looks like BYU finishes 8-4 with one win over a bowl eligible team (Toledo).

I think they would have done better with Mangum instead of Hill.

i go back and forth on that. Their offensive line and receivers are so bad that Mangum would have been a sitting duck. Hill's running ability kept them in several games, including ours.

10-21-2016, 12:55 PM
Last night was my 2nd BYU game of the season. Looks like BYU finishes 8-4 with one win over a bowl eligible team (Toledo).

I think they would have done better with Mangum instead of Hill.

I don't buy that. Mangum just wasn't that good last year. His stats were padded massively by a bunch of jump balls to his tall receivers against bad teams. He sucked against P5 teams. And I've spoken with someone I trust on the BYU side of things who swears that Hill greatly outperformed Mangum as a passer in camp.

10-21-2016, 03:49 PM
http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/10/21/byu_s_fake_punt_against_boise_state_was_certainly_ something.html

This is a detailed analysis

10-21-2016, 04:12 PM
Last night was my 2nd BYU game of the season. Looks like BYU finishes 8-4 with one win over a bowl eligible team (Toledo).

I think they would have done better with Mangum instead of Hill.

The talking heads around here think differently. While there is some merit to the idea that Mangum is a better thrower than Hill, the problem is the o-line couldn't protect Mangum. Hill is at least able to use his feet to escape pressure and attempt to make a play.

Having only seen one game of BYU this year (vs Utah), I tend to agree.

10-22-2016, 12:10 AM
Ask Siri who the worst team in college football is.

10-27-2016, 10:25 AM
Utah-BYU football series extended through 2022.


10-27-2016, 10:32 AM
Utah-BYU football series extended through 2022.


So, this means its BYU until we play Baylor then?

12 wins in a row it is then!

We'll hit the Big 12 before BYU does!


10-27-2016, 10:37 AM
I have to think the U is doing this to appease the Legislature.

this has been rumored for a while. I wonder if they waited to make the announcement until BYU knew its Big XII fate.

LA Ute
10-27-2016, 10:50 AM
I have to think the U is doing this to appease the Legislature.

Probably (infuriatingly) true.

10-27-2016, 11:19 AM
The timing of this announcement is a little interesting. Note that BYU just announced a H-H with Minnesota yesterday, too, after not having entered any game contracts for a very long time. This tells me that BYU probably put a moratorium on scheduling new games while B12 expansion was still a question. It also tells me that BYU was taking the position that it didn't necessarily want to play Utah if it were in the B12. Keep in mind that if BYU were in the B12, it may only have 8 conference games and the desirability of the Utah game for them would be much more appealing for them (2 P5 teams playing a H-H) than it currently is for us (a P5 playing a H-H against a non-ND independent). In other words, it's incredibly insincere for BYU fans to criticize Utah for not being hyped up about playing this game when BYU was apparently in the exact same position when the B12 just looked like a possibility.

10-27-2016, 11:26 AM
The timing of this announcement is a little interesting. Note that BYU just announced a H-H with Minnesota yesterday, too, after not having entered any game contracts for a very long time. This tells me that BYU probably put a moratorium on scheduling new games while B12 expansion was still a question. It also tells me that BYU was taking the position that it didn't necessarily want to play Utah if it were in the B12. Keep in mind that if BYU were in the B12, it may only have 8 conference games and the desirability of the Utah game for them would be much more appealing for them (2 P5 teams playing a H-H) than it currently is for us (a P5 playing a H-H against a non-ND independent). In other words, it's incredibly insincere for BYU fans to criticize Utah for not being hyped up about playing this game when BYU was apparently in the exact same position when the B12 just looked like a possibility.

I was thinking the same thing--that if BYU played in the Big XII, its desire to play Utah would go down dramatically. BYU might even have less desire to play us than we have to play them. Given their desire to be a missionary tool nationwide, they have at least as much incentive to use its non-conference games out of state.

The difference between Holmoe's and Hill's comments is telling--Holmoe "its a greeat rivalry", Hill "its hard to schedule." If BYU had gotten into the Big XII, Holmoe's comments would have been a lot more like Hill's, if the game was scheduled at all (which I doubt).

Diehard Ute
10-27-2016, 11:35 AM
Chris Hill tells Goon the U will likely look to schedule more P5 games as the trend is switching towards more P5 vs P5

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11-29-2016, 02:12 PM
Straight fire..


Dwight Schr-Ute
11-29-2016, 06:08 PM


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12-01-2016, 06:56 AM


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Sounds like the byu ticket office knows their clientele.

Rocker Ute
12-01-2016, 07:42 AM
Strikes me as waaaayyyy strange beyond the "BYU fans are cheap" thing.

Would you let someone in your house just because they are a fan? As a school I wouldn't be recommending that in the slightest, seems like a massive liability, from minor damage to sexual assault.

The zoo is a funky place.

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12-01-2016, 07:45 AM
Dear byu,

please never stop being byu.

12-01-2016, 08:51 AM
Strikes me as waaaayyyy strange beyond the "BYU fans are cheap" thing.

Would you let someone in your house just because they are a fan? As a school I wouldn't be recommending that in the slightest, seems like a massive liability, from minor damage to sexual assault.

The zoo is a funky place.

When we were in NOLA, the fighting Jimmers came to town for an NCAA tournament game. My bishop got a call the day of the game:

"Hey, just wanted to let you know that we are on route to LA for the game tonight. We're from Missouri, but we're in Arkansas now. We have two little kids with us, and we'd like to drop them off at a member's house while we go to the game. Could you please call us back and let us know where we should leave them?"

They did not offer to pay for the babysitting service. They figured it was just included in the benefit package of being BYU fans.

12-01-2016, 08:54 AM
When we were in NOLA, the fighting Jimmers came to town for an NCAA tournament game. My bishop got a call the day of the game:

"Hey, just wanted to let you know that we are on route to LA for the game tonight. We're from Missouri, but we're in Arkansas now. We have two little kids with us, and we'd like to drop them off at a member's house while we go to the game. Could you please call us back and let us know where we should leave them?"

They did not offer to pay for the babysitting service. They figured it was just included in the benefit package of being BYU fans.

Its your calling/duty. It's like the EQ helping people move. or maybe fast offering.

Rocker Ute
12-01-2016, 09:42 AM
When we were in NOLA, the fighting Jimmers came to town for an NCAA tournament game. My bishop got a call the day of the game:

"Hey, just wanted to let you know that we are on route to LA for the game tonight. We're from Missouri, but we're in Arkansas now. We have two little kids with us, and we'd like to drop them off at a member's house while we go to the game. Could you please call us back and let us know where we should leave them?"

They did not offer to pay for the babysitting service. They figured it was just included in the benefit package of being BYU fans.

If I got calls like that I'd set up an phone system that went something like this:

"Hello, you've reached Bishop <name> please listen carefully to the menu options as they have recently changed...

If you are wondering what time the Christmas Party is, press 1
If you need help with food, rent or utilities, press 2
If you are sad about something and need to talk, press 3
If someone has offended you, press 4
If I have offended you, press 5
If you are a BYU fan looking for room and board or otherwise preying on the goodwill of people, press 6..."

(Person presses 6)

"Your status as a church member is currently being reviewed. Please hold..."

(30 seconds)

"You status as a church member has now been updated! You are now (different computer voice) EXCOMMUNICATED. (Normal voice again) Good bye."

(Phone hangs up).

LA Ute
12-01-2016, 10:15 AM
If I got calls like that I'd set up an phone system that went something like this:

"Hello, you've reached Bishop <name> please listen carefully to the menu options as they have recently changed...

If you are wondering what time the Christmas Party is, press 1
If you need help with food, rent or utilities, press 2
If you are sad about something and need to talk, press 3
If someone has offended you, press 4
If I have offended you, press 5
If you are a BYU fan looking for room and board or otherwise preying on the goodwill of people, press 6..."

(Person presses 6)

"Your status as a church member is currently being reviewed. Please hold..."

(30 seconds)

"You status as a church member has now been updated! You are now (different computer voice) EXCOMMUNICATED. (Normal voice again) Good bye."

(Phone hangs up).

Does this mean I'm not getting that room in your house that I requested for Ute basketball game nights this winter?

12-01-2016, 10:18 AM
Does this mean I'm not getting that room in your house that I requested for Ute basketball game nights this winter?

Anyone wants to attend the Utah game in Boulder - I got a shed out back that you can use.

Rocker Ute
12-01-2016, 10:46 AM
Does this mean I'm not getting that room in your house that I requested for Ute basketball game nights this winter?

I kind of expected you to press #1 and not get to #6. You are always welcome to the finest blow-up mattress money can buy.

12-01-2016, 07:17 PM
Matches found for organs of BYU RBs coach’s three-year-old daughter


12-01-2016, 07:50 PM
Matches found for organs of BYU RBs coach’s three-year-old daughter

This is such a sad story. I can't imagine how hard this must be for them.
I hope the Mahe family finds some peace somewhere.

12-01-2016, 08:50 PM
I can't imagine anything more horrible than this. So sad, and many hard times to come. Wish them much peace.

12-01-2016, 11:39 PM
That is so awful for Reno and his family.

LA Ute
12-02-2016, 07:38 AM
Sunny Mahe, Reno's wife, posted this on Facebook yesterday:


"We were just told that matches have been found for Elsie's organs and she will head down to surgery early tomorrow morning. We are opening another fast for the doctors that will perform the surgeries as well as the recipients. We will plead for the surgeries to be flawless and Elsie's gifts to be well received. You are all welcome to join us in this fast.

"I have felt especially close to my Heavenly Father today as I have prepared my child to give her sweet body that another may live. I have considered the great gift of the atonement. I wonder if Heavenly Father felt anything like me - filled with immeasurable sorrow, yet excited as I anticipate this wonderful life saving gift that my child will give; my own beloved child in whom I am well pleased. I hope that is not sacrilegious to compare.

"As we enter this Christmas season, I believe many of you will be tempted to feel sorry for me for having to endure this experience right around the holidays. However, I will treasure the opportunity to remember my sweet Elsie every year at this time and reflect upon the true meaning of this Christmas.

"Funeral plans are still in the works and will be posted as they are confirmed. I love you, my friends. Your prayers, acts of service and kind words have carried me through these difficult days and given me much sought after peace. I pray that you will all feel the peace that our Savior brings as well."

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12-02-2016, 09:49 AM
Wow, that is pretty touching. He has a lot more faith than I would under those circumstances. My heart goes out to his family. It is pretty awesome the gifts of life that his daughter's organs will give to another child(ren).

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LA Ute
12-21-2016, 07:53 AM
I am about to get on a flight to LA from SLC and there are a lot of BYU Basketball shirts and hats among my fellow passengers. Do they have a game in SoCal? Pretty close to Christmas to be traveling for a game.

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12-21-2016, 08:11 AM
I am about to get on a flight to LA from SLC and there are a lot of BYU Basketball shirts and hats among my fellow passengers. Do they have a game in SoCal? Pretty close to Christmas to be traveling for a game.

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They have a football bowl game in So Cal today, if I remember correctly. Their basketball team played Idaho State last night, so I doubt they have a road game so soon.

LA Ute
12-21-2016, 08:19 AM
They have a football bowl game in So Cal today, if I remember correctly. Their basketball team played Idaho State last night, so I doubt they have a road game so soon.

What is their tie-in? Poinsettia? I respect their dedication if they're flying for a game tonight and then returning tomorrow, just a couple of days before Christmas. I wouldn't do that for the Utes in a pre-Christmas bowl. (This year I'm not doing it for the Utes in a post-Christmas bowl.)

12-21-2016, 09:00 AM
What is their tie-in? Poinsettia? I respect their dedication if they're flying for a game tonight and then returning tomorrow, just a couple of days before Christmas. I wouldn't do that for the Utes in a pre-Christmas bowl. (This year I'm not doing it for the Utes in a post-Christmas bowl.)

Yes, Poinsettia Bowl tonight against Wyoming, 6:00 pm PT. BYU is a 11 point favorite. Tanner Mangum's first start of the year.


12-21-2016, 09:10 AM
Tanner Mangum's first start of the year.

I am on record believing Mangum should have been the starter all year. Hope I'm proven wrong tonight!

Diehard Ute
12-21-2016, 03:03 PM
I am about to get on a flight to LA from SLC and there are a lot of BYU Basketball shirts and hats among my fellow passengers. Do they have a game in SoCal? Pretty close to Christmas to be traveling for a game.

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Maybe they're confused. Their basketball team plays UC Riverside in Provo Thursday. They're going to be disappointed when they get to UC Riverside arena.

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12-22-2016, 01:37 PM
Dear Coach Rose,

Afterward, Allen met with Santa Ana and Elon coach Matt Matheny to apologize

That's how you do it.

Signed, Mike Krzyzewski

Diehard Ute
12-22-2016, 01:54 PM
Dear Coach Rose,

That's how you do it.

Signed, Mike Krzyzewski

PS I only know this because I failed the first two times he did this.

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12-22-2016, 02:58 PM
I am on record believing Mangum should have been the starter all year. Hope I'm proven wrong tonight!

You were right!

12-29-2016, 05:51 PM
LaVell Edwards, Hall of Fame football coach, leaves a remarkable legacy


12-29-2016, 06:04 PM
Maybe they're confused. Their basketball team plays UC Riverside in Provo Thursday. They're going to be disappointed when they get to UC Riverside arena.

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It wouldn't be that disappointing to end up in Riverside instead of Utah in December.

Diehard Ute
12-29-2016, 08:47 PM
It wouldn't be that disappointing to end up in Riverside instead of Utah in December.

I'm amazed anyone visits Provo let alone lives there

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Dwight Schr-Ute
12-30-2016, 11:21 PM
If you can get past the recruiting violation, it's pretty cute.

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Diehard Ute
12-30-2016, 11:30 PM
If you can get past the recruiting violation, it's pretty cute.

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Amazingly they're not deleted if you go to Tufele's twitter. You'd think someone down there would have figured it out by now.

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12-31-2016, 11:12 AM
This looks good.


12-31-2016, 03:29 PM
This looks good.

Where is 2015?

12-31-2016, 05:11 PM
2 year hiatus.

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-31-2016, 05:37 PM
2 year hiatus.

Not quite.

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12-31-2016, 06:21 PM
Not quite.

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I guess it is getting less interesting for me to track this since it is getting so lopsided. All of the victories are blending together. I just happened to run across these notes on my phone and I added this year's game.

12-31-2016, 07:10 PM
I guess it is getting less interesting for me to track this since it is getting so lopsided. All of the victories are blending together. I just happened to run across these notes on my phone and I added this year's game.
2015: up 35-0 6 minutes into the 1st quarter.

01-01-2017, 09:55 AM
2015: up 35-0 6 minutes into the 1st quarter.

Ah yes! I forgot about the bowl!

01-01-2017, 09:58 AM


01-01-2017, 02:37 PM
I decided this would be easier to manipulate in Google Sheets.

I'm open to suggestions or comments to add to the list.


I pulled the data from this site:


01-02-2017, 08:18 AM
Shots fired


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01-21-2017, 09:59 PM
As I was perusing headlines tonight, I saw where BYU beat Pacific by 15 on the road. That has to feel pretty good, after losing to the San Diego Toreros on the road last week. Seems like that Lone Peak pipeline is finally starting to pay off for them.

Contrast that with Utah sweeping the Washington St/Washington road trip with a combined MOV of 62 points. And going into this season, many felt unsure about how well Larry had done recruiting this year's team, with all the turnover from last year. BYU fans were sure that Larry bought out the BYU game this year because he was afraid to lose to them with their incoming class of all Americans.

I hate to pick at old scabs, but it is sometimes nice to reflect back to the angst around BYU/Utah last year, to appreciate where we are now.

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-25-2017, 01:57 PM
It looks like BYU broke the Poinsettia Bowl.


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01-25-2017, 02:10 PM
It looks like BYU broke the Poinsettia Bowl.

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Obviously they realized that the expectations put upon them by having so many fans clamoring to show up was too much for them.

01-25-2017, 11:06 PM
Good time to be a BYU fan. They have 8 scheduled wins. If they go 2-3 vs the only decent teams they play next year, they are a 10 win team. Toss in when Utah only gets 7 wins next year (and one over BYU), they can pound their chests and talk about how great they are.

Heck, even if they go 0-5 or 1-4 vs the only 5 decent teams they play, they can still talk about how great they are. Great scheduling by Holmoe.

01-28-2017, 10:24 PM
Good time to be a BYU fan. They have 8 scheduled wins. If they go 2-3 vs the only decent teams they play next year, they are a 10 win team. Toss in when Utah only gets 7 wins next year (and one over BYU), they can pound their chests and talk about how great they are.

Heck, even if they go 0-5 or 1-4 vs the only 5 decent teams they play, they can still talk about how great they are. Great scheduling by Holmoe.

Who cares. The only reason BYU matters is that after we beat them every BYU win boosts us in the BCS poll.

And actually, this is a miserable time to be a BYU fan.

LA Ute
01-28-2017, 10:34 PM
And actually, this is a miserable time to be a BYU fan.

I would hate to be in their shoes.

01-30-2017, 11:01 AM
I would hate to be in their shoes.

Speaking of which, they host the #1 Gonzaga Bulldogs on Thursday. They are a 15 point underdog at home.

Of course, Ute fans can't really talk much sh*t, considering how badly we lost to Gonzaga in the tournament last year.

01-30-2017, 11:57 AM
Speaking of which, they host the #1 Gonzaga Bulldogs on Thursday. They are a 15 point underdog at home.

Of course, Ute fans can't really talk much sh*t, considering how badly we lost to Gonzaga in the tournament last year.

You know that comparitive scores across seasons is the best metric to determine who is winning at the game of "who is best?"

02-02-2017, 02:07 PM
You know that comparitive scores across seasons is the best metric to determine who is winning at the game of "who is best?"

I'm nervous if I'm Gonzaga. The top 5 is undergoing its annual January shuffling. BYU and Colorado are probably the two biggest disappointments in the West in college hoops, but remind what Colorado did in its last game?

Outside of Wichita State (who largely went undefeated in the Missouri Valley a few years back because Creighton left for the Big East the year prior), games like tonight are the roadblocks that every team in a mid-major league has that keep it from going undefeated. This is that game for Gonzaga.

02-02-2017, 02:12 PM
I'm nervous if I'm Gonzaga. The top 5 is undergoing its annual January shuffling. BYU and Colorado are probably the two biggest disappointments in the West in college hoops, but remind what Colorado did in its last game?

I think UW and SDSU could argue for a spot ahead of BYU on that list. There wasn't much buzz for BYU entering the season, but there was for the Huskies.

One thing the football committee has figured out that basketball still struggles with is the idea that undefeated teams don't have to get a top seed. Gonzaga will probably get a 1-seed if they finish unbeaten, but very few people will actually believe they are one of the top 4 teams in the nation.

02-02-2017, 02:37 PM
I'm nervous if I'm Gonzaga. The top 5 is undergoing its annual January shuffling. BYU and Colorado are probably the two biggest disappointments in the West in college hoops,

Maybe the biggest disappointment in the West in hoops is the entire MWC. When was the last time the MWC was a one-bid league?

02-02-2017, 03:13 PM
Maybe the biggest disappointment in the West in hoops is the entire MWC. When was the last time the MWC was a one-bid league?

Western basketball in general has been a disappointment for almost two decades. since Utah and Stanford made the FF in 1998, only four teams west of the 100th Meridian have made it. Arizona in 2001 and UCLA 2006-08. None in almost ten years.

Mormon Red Death
02-02-2017, 04:24 PM
I'm nervous if I'm Gonzaga. The top 5 is undergoing its annual January shuffling. BYU and Colorado are probably the two biggest disappointments in the West in college hoops, but remind what Colorado did in its last game?

Outside of Wichita State (who largely went undefeated in the Missouri Valley a few years back because Creighton left for the Big East the year prior), games like tonight are the roadblocks that every team in a mid-major league has that keep it from going undefeated. This is that game for Gonzaga.
Well great I have them at -8.5...

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Dwight Schr-Ute
02-02-2017, 06:37 PM
There were a lot of great posts on CB yesterday with NLI and the inevitable comparisons, but this was my favorite by a landslide.


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02-02-2017, 09:37 PM
This isn't your grandpa's Gonzaga team. It may have more talent than the Pac 12's best.

02-02-2017, 09:59 PM
This isn't your grandpa's Gonzaga team. It may have more talent than the Pac 12's best.

You just know they're going to lose in the second round of the tournament after playing zero good teams all year.

02-03-2017, 12:10 AM
You just know they're going to lose in the second round of the tournament after playing zero good teams all year.

They made it to the Elite 8 last year after annihilating us (probably our most embarrassing loss ever in the NCAA tournament all things considered). No?

My point is that this Gonzaga team is different. They've added some serous future NBA talent to last year's team. This is not just a team feasting on a patsy schedule. They could win the Pac 12.

02-03-2017, 06:34 AM
Nigel Williams-Goss has been a huge pickup for them. I didn't understand why he would leave UW, but it is obvious as that program is such a mess right now.

NWG is having a tremendous year for the Zags.

02-03-2017, 06:54 AM
My point is that this Gonzaga team is different. They've added some serous future NBA talent to last year's team. This is not just a team feasting on a patsy schedule. They could win the Pac 12.

I guess my point is that, good or not, they will enter the tournament untested. That can't be a good thing for them.

02-03-2017, 08:34 AM
Nigel Williams-Goss has been a huge pickup for them. I didn't understand why he would leave UW, but it is obvious as that program is such a mess right now.

NWG is having a tremendous year for the Zags.

I don't know why any blue chip recruit would go waste his time in Romar's program. But they keep doing it.

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02-03-2017, 05:15 PM
I don't know why any blue chip recruit would go waste his time in Romar's program. But they keep doing it.

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Even crazier, he was originally committed to UNLV. What an unbelievable waste of his talent.

02-03-2017, 06:45 PM
Mark Few on BYU ...

"The fans there look at sports as a way of showing people how great their way of life [the Mormon religion] is and to beat a team like ours almost becomes a basketball crusade.”


I think Mark Few just made the list.

LA Ute
02-03-2017, 07:02 PM
Mark Few on BYU ...

"The fans there look at sports as a way of showing people how great their way of life [the Mormon religion] is and to beat a team like ours almost becomes a basketball crusade.”


I think Mark Few just made the list.

That's an amazingly perceptive statement about BYU. He's going to be hated in Provo now, but he's dead on.

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02-03-2017, 08:36 PM
That's an amazingly perceptive statement about BYU. He's going to be hated in Provo now, but he's dead on.

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And Utah fans are different how? You share the same heritage; the same blood courses through your veins. Utah fans are the mirror image of BYU fans. It comes with the location, wherever you call home—or once called home—along the Wasatch Front. It's remarkable how you fail to see it :blink:

Rocker Ute
02-03-2017, 08:50 PM
And Utah fans are different how? You share the same heritage; the same blood courses through your veins. Utah fans are the mirror image of BYU fans. It comes with the location, wherever you call home—or once called home—along the Wasatch Front. It's remarkable how you fail to see it :blink:

Utah fans viewing winning games as demonstration of how great our way of life is? I can honestly say that has never dawned on me.

However, how many times have we heard BYU fans claim BYU athletics are a missionary arm of the church? BYU is unique in this regard and perhaps the only program on earth that believes that. But if true it is the most expensive and least effective missionary too in the history of the church.

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02-03-2017, 09:01 PM
Utah fans viewing winning games as demonstration of how great our way of life is? I can honestly say that has never dawned on me.

However, how many times have we heard BYU fans claim BYU athletics are a missionary arm of the church? BYU is unique in this regard and perhaps the only program on earth that believes that. But if true it is the most expensive and least effective missionary too in the history of the church.

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Don't be disingenuous. Of course it has. Otherwise you wouldn't have responded. BYU isn't unique—Utah athletics certainly doesn't mind national media playing up the fact that one, more or several Ute football or basketball players, on any given team, in any given year are returned missionaries?


02-03-2017, 09:12 PM
Don't be disingenuous. Of course it has. Otherwise you wouldn't have responded. BYU isn't unique—Utah athletics certainly doesn't mind national media playing up the fact that one, more or several Ute football or basketball players, on any given team, in any given year are returned missionaries?



He consulted three general authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — President Henry B. Eyring, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and Elder Cecil O. Samuelson, the BYU president. "Is this a church calling?" he asked them, referring to the offer of the job at BYU. Each assured him it wasn't.

He drove to Provo and toured the campus, trying to get a feel for what he should do. He sought answers in an LDS temple. He visited his father's grave ...

He is religious, but doesn't — in his words — "wear it on my sleeve." He reads scriptures nightly and teaches elders quorum on Sundays after years of teaching the Young Men classes. He speaks at firesides almost monthly, but prefers to let his players have the experience. There are nearly 50 returned LDS missionaries on his team.

He found his "calling" at Utah. I think it's great, and I am proud we share the same blood (figuratively).

Rocker Ute
02-03-2017, 10:16 PM

He found his "calling" at Utah. I think it's great, and I am proud we share the same blood (figuratively).

Quite a stretch there from what Mark Few said, to Whittingham seeking what he should do spiritually. I've done the same, which doesn't mean my profession is some crusade like BYU fans to prove their way of life. You are just being silly.

I think it cuts because the astute observation came from someone outside of the community and religion.

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02-03-2017, 10:19 PM
There aren't anywhere near 50 returned missionaries on the team now. This year's class includes exactly one.

02-03-2017, 10:49 PM
well if anyone has a pulse on the University of Utah its clearly going to be a resident of Canada referencing an 8 year old newspaper article

LA Ute
02-03-2017, 10:59 PM
Don't be disingenuous. Of course it has. Otherwise you wouldn't have responded. BYU isn't unique—Utah athletics certainly doesn't mind national media playing up the fact that one, more or several Ute football or basketball players, on any given team, in any given year are returned missionaries?


I do not believe you're this blind.

02-04-2017, 07:30 AM
I do not believe you're this blind.

Absolutely. Just like the fans of the "School of the Prophets."


02-04-2017, 07:36 AM
Quite a stretch there from what Mark Few said, to Whittingham seeking what he should do spiritually. I've done the same, which doesn't mean my profession is some crusade like BYU fans to prove their way of life. You are just being silly.

I think it cuts because the astute observation came from someone outside of the community and religion.

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Few's comments were a compliment. Nothing cutting about them. Dave Rose and Mark Few have been good friends for a long time. And that's why this particular segment of this thread is so "revealing."

02-04-2017, 07:50 AM
well if anyone has a pulse on the University of Utah its clearly going to be a resident of Canada referencing an 8 year old newspaper article

LOL so, Whit is no longer Mormon, and your defensive coordinator isn't a returned missionary. What's more, the Utah football team doesn't hold "tailored" religion classes for football players (at least as of 2015):


Rocker Ute
02-04-2017, 08:54 AM
Few's comments were a compliment. Nothing cutting about them. Dave Rose and Mark Few have been good friends for a long time. And that's why this particular segment of this thread is so "revealing."

You've dodged my comments point. I never said what Few said was an insult (but it also wasn't a compliment) rather the cut comes from someone else realizing that for BYU fans it is more than just a game and so it isn't just irrational BYU haters saying it.

It obviously cuts because you are quickly here to defend it trying to claim that Utah is the same way.

Just to be clear, I have never once thought, nor am I aware of any Utah fan who has thought a Utah win will teach the world about our great way of life. Nor have I thought it might convince someone to join the LDS church despite an LDS coach or numerous LDS players. I have mocked BYUs thinking that way by saying that if athletics is a missionary arm of the church, Utah is doing a better job at it than BYU. That is in terms of respectability, success, sportsmanship and scandal. But that was mostly just to tweak guys like you.

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LA Ute
02-04-2017, 09:10 AM
I never said what Few said was an insult (but it also wasn't a compliment) rather the cut comes from someone else realizing that for BYU fans it is more than just a game and so it isn't just irrational BYU haters saying it.

It obviously cuts because you are quickly here to defend it trying to claim that Utah is the same way.

Just to be clear, I have never once thought, nor am I aware of any Utah fan who has thought a Utah win will teach the world about our great way of life. Nor have I thought it might convince someone to join the LDS church despite an LDS coach or numerous LDS players.


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02-04-2017, 10:15 AM
You've dodged my comments point. I never said what Few said was an insult (but it also wasn't a compliment) rather the cut comes from someone else realizing that for BYU fans it is more than just a game and so it isn't just irrational BYU haters saying it.

It obviously cuts because you are quickly here to defend it trying to claim that Utah is the same way.

Just to be clear, I have never once thought, nor am I aware of any Utah fan who has thought a Utah win will teach the world about our great way of life. Nor have I thought it might convince someone to join the LDS church despite an LDS coach or numerous LDS players. I have mocked BYUs thinking that way by saying that if athletics is a missionary arm of the church, Utah is doing a better job at it than BYU. That is in terms of respectability, success, sportsmanship and scandal. But that was mostly just to tweak guys like you.

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I didn't start the commenting. I'm just making an astute observation: that this cuts so deep for Utah fans, precisely because they are cut from the same cloth, and that is why they couldn't resist commenting. The proof is in the pudding. I know who I am. There is no pretence. I don't have a problem with Mark Few's comments. I get that he gets it on some level ... and that the writer of the article, driven by an agenda of some kind included that particular quote. BYU is what it is.

Your other points are infinitely arguable. Predicated on perception and fluid definitions. The game of lawyers. What's more, all of it is cyclical. Abstractly, in the end, due to a lack of self-wareness I guess. We are all losers like poor Lola:


Fight on Utes ... Utah: The School of the Prophets, and the NEW Alabama. x:)x

02-04-2017, 10:33 AM

Sometimes I wonder if tooblue is intentionally vague and incoherent when he trolls. Is that part of his schtick? I think I've decided that he's an artist, and this is just the best his right brain can do.

Astute. Love it.

Nice Marmot
02-04-2017, 10:40 AM
Everyone knows that when byu wins in sports the church becomes even more truthier.

02-04-2017, 11:01 AM
Sometimes I wonder if tooblue is intentionally vague and incoherent when he trolls. Is that part of his schtick? I think I've decided that he's an artist, and this is just the best his right brain can do.

Astute. Love it.

Not sure if you noticed it. Let an artist's brain point it out: astute. Love it. I like your avatar by the way: did an accountant or lawyerly mind make that? lol

02-04-2017, 11:11 AM
I like your avatar by the way: did an accountant or lawyerly mind make that? lol

I didn't make it. I just got it off the internet.

02-04-2017, 11:28 AM
And Utah fans are different how?

We don't rely on sports victories to validate our religious beliefs..?

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USS Utah
02-04-2017, 11:31 AM
And Utah fans are different how? You share the same heritage; the same blood courses through your veins. Utah fans are the mirror image of BYU fans. It comes with the location, wherever you call home—or once called home—along the Wasatch Front. It's remarkable how you fail to see it :blink:

Not for the first time, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

*Note: This is my first comment in this particular segment of this thread.

02-04-2017, 11:54 AM
We don't rely on sports victories to validate our religious beliefs..?

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Of course you do ... in your superiority, you are superior in every way. Especially, in how you live your "religion" with regards to your sports affiliation. Cause you're certainly not silly like those BYU fans. You live it better. The balance you strike is healthier ;-)

02-04-2017, 12:26 PM
Of course you do ... in your superiority, you are superior in every way. Especially, in how you live your "religion" with regards to your sports affiliation. Cause you're certainly not silly like those BYU fans. You live it better. The balance you strike is healthier ;-)

Or rather your sports, especially when Utah beats BYU, validates, or is a “way of showing people how great [the Mormon religion (as you live it as a Utah fan)] is … ” and this thread is almost a sports crusade ... :cool:

Rocker Ute
02-04-2017, 02:16 PM
Or rather your sports, especially when Utah beats BYU, validates, or is a “way of showing people how great [the Mormon religion (as you live it as a Utah fan)] is … ” and this thread is almost a sports crusade ... :cool:

This is the weirdest argument I've ever seen come from you. I tend to think you are either drinking or off your meds. I don't even think you can look at your posts and sum up what you are talking about.

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02-04-2017, 07:09 PM
This is the weirdest argument I've ever seen come from you. I tend to think you are either drinking or off your meds. I don't even think you can look at your posts and sum up what you are talking about.

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No Weirder than this thread, and not that hard to sum up. But oh well. I am terribly disappointed in you though. You missed a golden opportunity to throw out, what should be, your signature line: "tooblue, you're off your rocker."

Rocker Ute
02-04-2017, 08:02 PM
No Weirder than this thread, and not that hard to sum up. But oh well. I am terribly disappointed in you though. You missed a golden opportunity to throw out, what should be, your signature line: "tooblue, you're off your rocker."

Things just got uncomfortable.

02-04-2017, 09:18 PM
what should be, your signature line: "tooblue, you're off your rocker."

Things just got uncomfortable.

I guess it's better than being on your rocker... suspect you might like that... a lot. Stop flirting you two.

02-04-2017, 11:14 PM
Things just got uncomfortable.

Isn't this how most LDS sexual encounters end?

Everyone just feeling slightly uncomfortable?

02-05-2017, 12:52 AM
Tooblue's argument reminds me of being in 2nd grade. When someone called you a "poo-poo head" at age 7 your witty comeback skills weren't developed quite yet. About the best you could do when someone called you that was to respond "I know you are, but what am I"

:flamethrower: Burn

Rocker Ute
02-05-2017, 04:49 AM
Isn't this how most LDS sexual encounters end?

Everyone just feeling slightly uncomfortable?

I don't know man, your were AP.

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02-05-2017, 06:31 AM
I find it very curious that y'all (well, not Devildog, cause he's military) went there: to sexual innuendo. Nothing wrong with that, especially in this day and age of "enlightenment." And really, I shouldn't be surprised considering the weirdness of this thread, starting with it's opening title. But just for clarity sake:


LA Ute
02-05-2017, 10:00 AM
I find it very curious that y'all (well, not Devildog, cause he's military) went there: to sexual innuendo. Nothing wrong with that, especially in this day and age of "enlightenment." And really, I shouldn't be surprised considering the weirdness of this thread, starting with it's opening title. But just for clarity sake:


I find curious your repeated efforts to bait people here.

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02-05-2017, 11:42 AM
I find curious your repeated efforts to bait people here.

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Respect breeds respect, contempt, contempt and absurdity, absurdity. There's nothing curious about that.

LA Ute
02-05-2017, 01:13 PM
Respect breeds respect, contempt, contempt and absurdity, absurdity. There's nothing curious about that.

There's nothing in it that justifies what you are doing, either. You're just making excuses for yourself and you know it.

02-05-2017, 02:14 PM
There's nothing in it that justifies what you are doing, either. You're just making excuses for yourself and you know it.

Please understand, I'm not excusing myself. I'm just contributing to the absurdity of the thread, which inherently justifies contempt for contempt and absurdity for absurdity.

LA Ute
02-05-2017, 02:26 PM
Please understand, I'm not excusing myself. I'm just contributing to the absurdity of the thread....

Right. By using your considerable gifts to bait people into a silly argument.

LA Ute
02-08-2017, 10:31 AM
Patrick Kinahan: BYU, Utah look bound for NIT — maybe against each other (http://www.ksl.com/?sid=43120307&nid=294&title=patrick-kinahan-byu-utah-look-bound-for-nit--maybe-against-each-other)
If this happens all I can do is laugh.

02-08-2017, 10:36 AM
Patrick Kinahan: BYU, Utah look bound for NIT — maybe against each other (http://www.ksl.com/?sid=43120307&nid=294&title=patrick-kinahan-byu-utah-look-bound-for-nit--maybe-against-each-other)
If this happens all I can do is laugh.
Of course it will. This shows that underneath all of the bluster from fans, everyone wants to Utah to play byu.

02-08-2017, 10:44 AM
Of course it will. This shows that underneath all of the bluster from fans, everyone wants to Utah to play byu.

We should start an imaginary game thread to talk about matchups. I think if Collette gets into foul trouble, Mika has a field day. Otherwise, I'm happy to let the LP gunners brick shots from 35 feet with 24 seconds left on the shot clock.

LA Ute
02-08-2017, 11:24 AM
Of course it will. This shows that underneath all of the bluster from fans, everyone wants to Utah to play byu.

It's just funny. We can't get away from them even if we try.

02-08-2017, 03:42 PM
Of course it will. This shows that underneath all of the bluster from fans, everyone wants to Utah to play byu.

I hope this happens. The only downside is that a couple of players might die in the inevitable brawl.

02-08-2017, 03:49 PM
I hope this happens. The only downside is that a couple of players might die in the inevitable brawl.

Couple of their players, that is.

02-08-2017, 05:50 PM
I hope this happens. The only downside is that a couple of players might die in the inevitable brawl.
Don't start nothing, won't be nothing, wally

02-08-2017, 06:21 PM
Don't start nothing, won't be nothing, wally

You have to admit, it would be really hard to be on the floor with Emery and resist the urge to punch him in the face.

02-08-2017, 06:43 PM
You have to admit, it would be really hard to be on the floor with Emery and resist the urge to punch him in the face.

True. I bet it's really hard for his coaches and teammates. They have shown an admirable level of restraint.

02-11-2017, 07:44 AM
So true..


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LA Ute
02-11-2017, 08:58 AM
So true..


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02-11-2017, 12:03 PM
So true..


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To be fair, later in the interview Emery did say it was an embarrassing effort by BYU, they are young team trying to figure things out, and need to get better on offense and defense (duh). So he is not going full zoob.

They should make college athletes in major sports take a college course in PR or public speaking.

02-14-2017, 03:42 PM
Dahlelama is a solid follow on Twitter if you haven't already. He has great stuff.


LA Ute
02-14-2017, 07:54 PM
Dahlelama is a solid follow on Twitter if you haven't already. He has great stuff.



Can we get him to post here?

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-19-2017, 01:28 AM
A couple highlights from the BYU game showing up on Twitter and good for a laugh.



Also a great CB post. Sounds like the black guys aren't paying off like they should. Time to give up on that venture.


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02-19-2017, 08:26 AM
This stuff writes itself.


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LA Ute
02-19-2017, 08:48 AM
This stuff writes itself.


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I think Nick Emery wrote that.

02-19-2017, 01:58 PM
This stuff writes itself.


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What he meant to say is that we punch them in the back of the head.

02-25-2017, 10:30 PM
Wow, just. . . Wow! Crazy that they beat the Zags in so many ways.

Rocker Ute
02-25-2017, 10:33 PM
Give the Cougs their due, that's quite a win.

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LA Ute
02-25-2017, 11:01 PM
Give the Cougs their due, that's quite a win.

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The church really is true!!

Rocker Ute
02-25-2017, 11:10 PM
Alright. I'll go to church tomorrow, just for you.

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LA Ute
02-26-2017, 09:08 AM
Alright. I'll go to church tomorrow, just for you.

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Good. I don't want you denying signs and wonders.

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02-26-2017, 10:05 AM
Shots fired.


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02-26-2017, 02:12 PM
Shots fired.


Last night was the first full BYU game I've seen this season. Mika looks good to me. I wonder if he will consider declaring. He went on a mission, so he's old. It would be hard for him to improve his draft stock as an old guy in a league that drafts on potential. He didn't look very athletic. I wonder if he would be drafted.

The media is doubling down on Gonzaga as a final four team even after the loss. We'll see. What if Gonzaga became a true power? What if they won a few titles, and regularly made it to the final four? In that situation, would the Pac-12 try to add them? At that point, they would be a money maker for the conference, and the conference would hate having a western mid-major showing it up.

02-26-2017, 03:11 PM
Mika had a block on a dunk last night in the final minutes that was tremendous, and led to three TOs in a row by Gonzaga.

I was happy to see a no-call on that play, because it absolutely would have been called a foul on Collette or Kuzma. I was almost jealous of the WCC refs after that game...

(For reference, the last 1:48 of the Utah-CU game took almost 19 minutes to play due to fouls/commercials).

02-26-2017, 03:19 PM
Mika had a block on a dunk last night in the final minutes that was tremendous, and led to three TOs in a row by Gonzaga.

I was happy to see a no-call on that play, because it absolutely would have been called a foul on Collette or Kuzma. I was almost jealous of the WCC refs after that game...

(For reference, the last 1:48 of the Utah-CU game took almost 19 minutes to play due to fouls/commercials).

I remember it.

Collette leads the nation in borderline foul calls. He's in foul trouble every game, but he's not a hacker at all. Nearly every one of the calls is an "I guess" kinda call.

02-26-2017, 03:45 PM
The media is doubling down on Gonzaga as a final four team even after the loss. We'll see. What if Gonzaga became a true power? What if they won a few titles, and regularly made it to the final four? In that situation, would the Pac-12 try to add them? At that point, they would be a money maker for the conference, and the conference would hate having a western mid-major showing it up.

Nope. They don't play football.

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02-26-2017, 04:25 PM
Mika had a block on a dunk last night in the final minutes that was tremendous, and led to three TOs in a row by Gonzaga.

I was happy to see a no-call on that play, because it absolutely would have been called a foul on Collette or Kuzma. I was almost jealous of the WCC refs after that game...

(For reference, the last 1:48 of the Utah-CU game took almost 19 minutes to play due to fouls/commercials).

PAC 12 and WCC refs come from the same pool.


02-26-2017, 04:30 PM
Nope. They don't play football.

I figure that's what makes it work.

02-26-2017, 05:26 PM
CB never changes.


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02-26-2017, 05:30 PM
CB never changes.


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I'm pretty sure that guy was being facetious. It can be hard to tell on cougarboard, though.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-26-2017, 09:49 PM
Sports Illustrated with the troll. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170227/09103cfe750280493e6b17e159eb2172.jpg

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Dwight Schr-Ute
03-22-2017, 10:55 AM
I love them.


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04-02-2017, 04:42 PM
That's an amazingly perceptive statement about BYU. He's going to be "hated" in Provo now, but he's dead on.

NCAA Tournament Sunday Gonzaga Press Conference ...

Question: I was wondering if you could, for oblivious eastern people, if there are any, could you give a tour of your league, like a brief tour, what it's like to play it. And maybe what are a few of the hard spots to go and why they're tough?

Mark Few: “Certainly. And I think, well, first of all, let's start with, I don't know how many places out east, the center of the universe, have a place like BYU. There's 20,000 people that roll in there, and they're as dedicated to the cause of cheering for their Cougars as any place I've ever been. And we've been fortunate enough to basically be everywhere."


04-02-2017, 05:55 PM
NCAA Tournament Sunday Gonzaga Press Conference ...

Question: I was wondering if you could, for oblivious eastern people, if there are any, could you give a tour of your league, like a brief tour, what it's like to play it. And maybe what are a few of the hard spots to go and why they're tough?

Mark Few: “Certainly. And I think, well, first of all, let's start with, I don't know how many places out east, the center of the universe, have a place like BYU. There's 20,000 people that roll in there, and they're as dedicated to the cause of cheering for their Cougars as any place I've ever been. And we've been fortunate enough to basically be everywhere."


Congratulations on having the most intimidating environment in the WCC (excluding Gonzaga).

Rocker Ute
04-02-2017, 06:13 PM
Congratulations on having the most intimidating environment in the WCC (excluding Gonzaga).

I can say from first-hand experience when they handed out those light up glow sticks when Utah played there last time the place was intimidating. Of course that all got undermined when they asked for everyone to give them back.

I think I told you guys about that. It was the single funniest thing I think I've seen with the crowd at a college basketball game. After the game started the cheerleaders went through the crowd with those big Tupperware storage bins and collected them all back up.

I guess I was glad to see my tithing money being used wisely.

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04-02-2017, 07:11 PM
NCAA Tournament Sunday Gonzaga Press Conference ...

Question: I was wondering if you could, for oblivious eastern people, if there are any, could you give a tour of your league, like a brief tour, what it's like to play it. And maybe what are a few of the hard spots to go and why they're tough?

Mark Few: “Certainly. And I think, well, first of all, let's start with, I don't know how many places out east, the center of the universe, have a place like BYU. There's 20,000 people that roll in there, and they're as dedicated to the cause of cheering for their Cougars as any place I've ever been. And we've been fortunate enough to basically be everywhere."


pretty comical that you felt the need to post that here

04-03-2017, 06:48 PM
Loss to BYU, out of nowhere, sets stage for Gonzaga's title run


04-03-2017, 09:48 PM
Loss to BYU, out of nowhere, sets stage for Gonzaga's title run


condolences to BYU, you almost did it.

04-04-2017, 07:18 PM
condolences to BYU, you almost did it.
Ditto UVU.

LA Ute
04-08-2017, 08:41 AM
Bronco keeps on being Bronco. This time it's his assistants he throws under the bus, not his players. He's "disappointed," you see.

College football: Virginia admits 32 recruiting violations under Bronco Mendenhall


04-08-2017, 08:56 AM
Bronco keeps on being Bronco. This time it's his assistants he throws under the bus, not his players. He's "disappointed," you see.

College football: Virginia admits 32 recruiting violations under Bronco Mendenhall


This happens on such a frequent basis that the rule is laughable. The problem the assistants had was that they allowed their photographs to be taken with the recruits.

LA Ute
04-08-2017, 01:26 PM
This happens on such a frequent basis that the rule is laughable. The problem the assistants had was that they allowed their photographs to be taken with the recruits.

Good point. I just always find it funny when Bronco refuses to take full responsibility for things that happen on his watch.

04-14-2017, 04:07 PM
Good point. I just always find it funny when Bronco refuses to take full responsibility for things that happen on his watch.

A valuable skill he learned at his time at BYU.

LA Ute
04-20-2017, 03:41 PM
I'll just leave this right here. (Hint: Cougarboard is a star of this article.)

Rolly: Thus saith BYU fan board: Thou shalt not praise Tribune’s Pulitzer (http://www.sltrib.com/news/5180947-155/rolly-thus-saith-byu-fan-board)

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-23-2017, 04:49 PM
Speaking of CB, I enjoyed this thread on Utah's dline thoroughly.


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04-23-2017, 07:23 PM
It was interesting to learn that Sitake built our current D-line. Too bad guys like Kruger, Pouha, Solai, and Misi couldn't have been coached by them. Who knows how good they could've been.

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Rocker Ute
04-24-2017, 08:30 AM
I love the "not a good cultural fit" references you see there often. It is usually a "they would have wanted to play at BYU but..."

Then to keep themselves in check they'll note the high academic standards of their football players. Cmon. BYU has no shortage of guys who can barely spell their name.

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LA Ute
04-24-2017, 11:50 AM
I love the "not a good cultural fit" references you see there often. It is usually a "they would have wanted to play at BYU but..."

Then to keep themselves in check they'll note the high academic standards of their football players. Cmon. BYU has no shortage of guys who can barely spell their name.

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There are no academic standards for athletes. But let's not forget that any worthy LDS athlete's first choice is always BYU. As Bronco used to say, athletes recruit BYU, not the other way around. Bronco also liked to say the Cougars have academic standards of Stanford.

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Diehard Ute
04-24-2017, 12:19 PM
There are no academic standards for athletes. But let's not forget that any worthy LDS athlete's first choice is always BYU. As Bronco used to say, athletes recruit BYU, not the other way around. Bronco also liked to say the Cougars have academic standards of Stanford.

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And the academic requirements for regular students aren't as lofty as they would have you believe either.

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LA Ute
05-01-2017, 02:21 PM
It had not occurred to me to check how BYU players did in the NFL draft but a Facebook friends posted these:



Lest we get carried away in our gloating, we still beat them only by a single point and needed to win on the final play of the game.

Mormon Red Death
05-01-2017, 06:24 PM
It had not occurred to me to check how BYU players did in the NFL draft but a Facebook friends posted these:



Lest we get carried away in our gloating, we still beat them only by a single point and needed to win on the final play of the game.
Win is win and they all count

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LA Ute
05-01-2017, 07:45 PM
Win is win and they all count

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Sure. Just saying NFL talent doesn't necessarily translate into wins.

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05-01-2017, 09:53 PM
It had not occurred to me to check how BYU players did in the NFL draft but a Facebook friends posted these:



Lest we get carried away in our gloating, we still beat them only by a single point and needed to win on the final play of the game.

Big deal. Oregon didn't have any players drafted this year and beat us. This whole chest-thumping by BYU because they lost to us by a single point is really small change.

05-10-2017, 09:56 AM
We were up 7 at the end of the third quarter vs BYU. Then, we went on an 11 minute drive and they didn't get the ball back until there was 2 mins left in the game. Yeah, we only won by one point. BUT, we had six TO's in the first three quarters. Once again, when we needed to win, we pushed them around and closed the door on the game.

There is a massive talent discrepancy vs BYU. BUT, at the OC position, we had a massive talent...or lack of talent, at the helm. If you go back and look at the games since the PAC-12, most of the BYU/Utah games have been over at the end of the third quarter (two score lead). Credit to BYU for not quitting. Credit to them for fighting until the end.

But at the same time, the games are never close until Utah lets up at the end. If Utah can have any sort of success offensively, then the games will become even more lopsided.

LA Ute
05-15-2017, 11:59 AM
BYU ends rivalry once and for all by purchasing University of Utah


05-15-2017, 04:00 PM
BYU ends rivalry once and for all by purchasing University of Utah

Oh that sweet Summer Child.

05-26-2017, 01:13 PM
More2Life & the Harlem Jets — 2017 - Link below in the event the video won't play when embedded:



Dwight Schr-Ute
05-27-2017, 11:34 AM
The Deseret News did a 10 paragraph article on Jimmer running in the Pioneer Day 5k.


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05-27-2017, 01:12 PM
Lol. Pathetic.

LA Ute
06-09-2017, 06:47 PM
This is comedy gold.

BYU Football Making Great Strides in the In-State Recruiting Battle as the University of Utah exodus continues (http://byuinsider.com/football/byu-football-making-great-strides-in-the-in-state-recruiting-battle-as-the-university-of-utah-exodus-continues/)

06-11-2017, 07:43 PM
Is this a thing then?


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07-19-2017, 11:55 AM
just when you thought the BYU Hype machine might take a season off



07-19-2017, 12:14 PM
just when you thought the BYU Hype machine might take a season off



I posted this in another thread, but talking to some coaches I know close to Kalani, he will leave at the first good P5 opportunity because he knows the ceiling, does not like Holmoe acting like a GM and hiring guys without his input and does not have the budget to pay top flight assistants.

07-19-2017, 12:15 PM
Is this a thing then?


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Exacting what are they trying to be?

07-19-2017, 12:18 PM
I posted this in another thread, but talking to some coaches I know close to Kalani, he will leave at the first good P5 opportunity because he knows the ceiling, does not like Holmoe acting like a GM and hiring guys without his input and does not have the budget to pay top flight assistants.

my bad, I looked to see if it was posted elsewhere and clearly I didn't look hard enough .... lazy

07-19-2017, 12:24 PM
my bad, I looked to see if it was posted elsewhere and clearly I didn't look hard enough .... lazy

I didn't post the KSL story. I posted what I wrote.

08-02-2017, 08:52 AM
Some interesting drama between BYU and USU may be brewing over East High Grad and recently returned missionary Joe Tukuafu. Sounds like Joe committed to USU before his mission and now has had a 'might change of heart' and wants to go to the Y, but Wells is standing in the way. He has insisted that he has not signed anything with USU after his mission. Something to keep an eye on. I kind of feel like Wells is taking a stand against missionary poaching.

08-02-2017, 10:15 AM
Some interesting drama between BYU and USU may be brewing over East High Grad and recently returned missionary Joe Tukuafu. Sounds like Joe committed to USU before his mission and now has had a 'might change of heart' and wants to go to the Y, but Wells is standing in the way. He has insisted that he has not signed anything with USU after his mission. Something to keep an eye on. I kind of feel like Wells is taking a stand against missionary poaching.

I listened to a discussion about this on the radio this morning. His mother posted a long facebook post yesterday trying to shame wells into doing the right thing. Apparently he has already enrolled at the Y, but can't get a scholie because Wells wont release him. Kurt Kragthorpe was saying that USU is very concerned about becoming a farm system for the Y and, to a lesser extent, the U, because of the mission rule. BYU did not offer him out of high school, but have now decided they can use him. I can see Wells' point--the missionary thing makes this different; it is hard to invest in recruiting these kids, then they get a free change of heart after the mission.

08-02-2017, 10:54 AM
I listened to a discussion about this on the radio this morning. His mother posted a long facebook post yesterday trying to shame wells into doing the right thing. Apparently he has already enrolled at the Y, but can't get a scholie because Wells wont release him. Kurt Kragthorpe was saying that USU is very concerned about becoming a farm system for the Y and, to a lesser extent, the U, because of the mission rule. BYU did not offer him out of high school, but have now decided they can use him. I can see Wells' point--the missionary thing makes this different; it is hard to invest in recruiting these kids, then they get a free change of heart after the mission.

Thanks for the clarification on his enrollment/financial aid situation. I will be interested to see how this shakes out.

08-02-2017, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the clarification on his enrollment/financial aid situation. I will be interested to see how this shakes out.

I just saw an update. He returned from his mission in Dec. 2016. According to Wells, he renewed his commitment to USU then. Tukuafu denies it, sort of. He enrolled at the Y in January. I assume it is the renewed commitment in Dec. 2016 that gives Wells the ability not to release him.

08-02-2017, 11:26 AM
He's on the byU's website, so they must think he's eligible?.....



LA Ute
08-02-2017, 11:29 AM
This is really is abusive and inappropriate. BYU needs to understand the PR damage it causes them and simply stop it. Maybe the Board of Trustees will finally step in and tell them to stop embarrassing the church.

08-02-2017, 11:38 AM
He's on the byU's website, so they must think he's eligible?.....



Everything I have heard is that right now he, the kid DT who transferred from Oregon and the OL from Notre Dame are not eligible. They are appealing the Notre Dame kid under some hardship deal.

I don't think the Well's releasing him changes his eligibility. It would allow him to be on scholarship.

08-02-2017, 12:37 PM
The Y's talking points - particularly Sitake's have been: "if a player doesn't want to be there then why would you force them" and "I would never make a player stay who didn't want to be at the Y." Sitake's also stated that they don't recruit players while on missions. It's the latter piece that rankles Utah and I'm sure USU. Even though Whittingham and Scalley, in particular, maintain a good relationship with Sitake, they are troubled that he actively writes a few of Utah's players on missions. They've called him out on it and his reply is that if he has a relationship with them he's going to write them and offer support while they're on their mission. Utah's policy is the exact opposite. If a BYU player who they recruited and know goes on a mission they are not written or communicated with. Whittingham views writing missionaries as a recruiting/stewarding activity. The U isn't above discussing a change with players who go on missions but it's following the mission service.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-02-2017, 02:23 PM
Hans Olsen apparently is carrying Kalani's water and gave the dad radio time. Bad form, if you ask me. Let the schools work it out.

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08-02-2017, 02:24 PM
Tukuafu's father was just on 1280. He wasn't very informed about what happened and what is happening. The son came home from his mission in November and decided he wanted to go to BYU. The father did not meet with the USU coaches and it does not sound like the son physically met with them to inform them of the decision. He enrolled in BYU. He may or may not be on athletic scholarship although he is receiving financial aid. There are kids who qualify for federal grants and who are on athletic scholarships. An athletic scholarship does not preclude federal money based financial aid. He is not practicing with team. I am sure that BYU does not have him on the 105 allowed in camp because they don't think he will be eligible.

LA Ute
08-02-2017, 02:26 PM
The Y's talking points - particularly Sitake's have been: "if a player doesn't want to be there then why would you force them" and "I would never make a player stay who didn't want to be at the Y." Sitake's also stated that they don't recruit players while on missions. It's the latter piece that rankles Utah and I'm sure USU. Even though Whittingham and Scalley, in particular, maintain a good relationship with Sitake, they are troubled that he actively writes a few of Utah's players on missions. They've called him out on it and his reply is that if he has a relationship with them he's going to write them and offer support while they're on their mission. Utah's policy is the exact opposite. If a BYU player who they recruited and know goes on a mission they are not written or communicated with. Whittingham views writing missionaries as a recruiting/stewarding activity. The U isn't above discussing a change with players who go on missions but it's following the mission service.

Most of us who've served LDS missions know how we all needed a little time to adjust to the cold, cruel world when we returned. Wittingly or not, BYU takes advantage of that unsettled mindset when it recruits missionaries who've played or committed elsewhere. It's wrong.

08-02-2017, 02:42 PM
Most of us who've served LDS missions know how we all needed a little time to adjust to the cold, cruel world when we returned. Wittingly or not, BYU takes advantage of that unsettled mindset when it recruits missionaries who've played or committed elsewhere. It's wrong.

Seriously? Young men go on missions and then decide to go to BYU. Whether they play football or not it is very common. Each of my boys heavily entertained the idea—it's very normal.

Sitake is on record as saying he does not recruit players on missions, because he doesn't. But if they decide they want to transfer upon returning home, he welcomes them gladly and would be a fool not to. Don't be a dip sh** LA.

LA Ute
08-02-2017, 02:55 PM
Seriously? Young men go on missions and then decide to go to BYU. Whether they play football or not it is very common. Each of my boys heavily entertained the idea—it's very normal.

Sitake is on record as saying he does not recruit players on missions, because he doesn't. But if they decide they want to transfer upon returning home, he welcomes them gladly and would be a fool not to. Don't be a dip sh** LA.

Yeah, I'm serious. And I'm more of a doofus than a dip sh**.

08-02-2017, 03:02 PM
In our home growing up, dip sh** was both a sincere statement of how one feels concerning someone else's behaviour, as we'll as a term of endearment. Though, I'm regretting the latter sentiment, if you truly are serious.

The kid wants to go to BYU. There was no recruitment. The jealousy you all are exhibiting here is asinine. You don't see me getting all uppity about the five star receiver joining your team after his 4th run in with the law do you? Everyone deserves a 5th chance after all.

08-02-2017, 03:10 PM
Seriously? Young men go on missions and then decide to go to BYU. Whether they play football or not it is very common. Each of my boys heavily entertained the idea—it's very normal.

Sitake is on record as saying he does not recruit players on missions, because he doesn't. But if they decide they want to transfer upon returning home, he welcomes them gladly and would be a fool not to. Don't be a dip sh** LA.

Call it what you want, but Sitake communicates with missionaries all the time. Bronco did, too (I know of one kid Bronco emailed all the time even after the kid had actually signed his LOI with another school, which was about as blatant of a recruiting violation as you will see). Sitake may say that it's not "recruiting," bu the fact is that he's constantly communicating with a lot of these kids for the entire time they're gone.

08-02-2017, 03:14 PM
Seriously? Young men go on missions and then decide to go to BYU. Whether they play football or not it is very common. Each of my boys heavily entertained the idea—it's very normal.

Sitake is on record as saying he does not recruit players on missions, because he doesn't. But if they decide they want to transfer upon returning home, he welcomes them gladly and would be a fool not to. Don't be a dip sh** LA.

Here is my take on LDS missions. If you plan to go before enrolling. Don't sign an LOI. If you do sign an LOI and leave before enrolling, that should be binding on you when you return and it should be binding on the institution. As it currently stands, it does tie a kid to a school subject to normal transfer rules, but it does not tie the school to the kid. The school can say sorry we don't have room. I think that is wrong.

Recruit and write are different things? I think they are one in the same, but to each their own. I know he/his staff write to kids they have relationships with (not a technical violation of NCAA rules) who committed/signed elsewhere while they are on their missions. Kalani says he does not recruit kids on missions, fine. wink, wink

Utah never had verbally committed kids going on missions before enrolling, sign LOI's. They did this past recruiting class. It is my understanding that Utah will have kids sign LOI's while on their missions the December or February before they return. This doesn't hurt Utah because the recruiting rules are changing and you can sign 25 and initial 25 and push forwards will no longer be allowed to play in the Fall and count against the following year's numbers.

LA Ute
08-02-2017, 03:15 PM
In our home growing up, dip sh** was both a sincere statement of how one feels concerning someone else's behaviour, as we'll as a term of endearment. Though, I'm regretting the latter sentiment, if you truly are serious.

The kid wants to go to BYU. There was no recruitment. The jealousy you all are exhibiting here is asinine. You don't see me getting all uppity about the five star receiver joining your team after his 4th run in with the law do you? Everyone deserves a 5th chance after all.

I'm not offended, tooblue. Just joshing around with you. The way the recruiting thing happens with missionaries simply bugs me. That's all. It's not the end of the world. I understand why BYU does it. They have plenty of disadvantages, being a church-owned school, and they need to press what advantages they do have because of that status. I don't think it makes a big difference.. It just bugs me. I think I have a constitutional right to be bugged. Maybe you don't have that in Canada, but I can't be responsible for your choice of residence.

08-02-2017, 03:17 PM
Call it what you want, but Sitake communicates with missionaries all the time. Bronco did, too (I know of one kid Bronco emailed all the time even after the kid had actually signed his LOI with another school, which was about as blatant of a recruiting violation as you will see). Sitake may say that it's not "recruiting," bu the fact is that he's constantly communicating with a lot of these kids for the entire time they're gone.

I live in the "mission field." I've met a few D1 football players over the past several years. A couple prominent ones signed with BYU, one prominent player signed with Utah. I'm as big a college football fan as you can find. Taking every opportunity to talk about the sport etc. I've asked them directly, do the coaches contact you in the mission field; do other coaches from other schools contact and still recruit you? The answer: They sometimes got an email from the coach they committed to, but never got a letter from an opposing team's coach ... the Utah player said: "I wouldn't even open the email, even if Bronco did email me."

Your sentiments on what's going on are overstated.

LA Ute
08-02-2017, 03:25 PM
I live in the "mission field." I've met a few D1 football players over the past several years. A couple prominent ones signed with BYU, one prominent player signed with Utah. I'm as big a college football fan as you can find. Taking every opportunity to talk about the sport etc. I've asked them directly, do the coaches contact you in the mission field; do other coaches from other schools contact and still recruit you? The answer: They sometimes got an email from the coach they committed to, but never got a letter from an opposing team's coach ... the Utah player said: "I wouldn't even open the email, even if Bronco did email me."

Your sentiments on what's going on are overstated.

What I have personally seen happen is that members who are BYU alums, fans, even former players, talk to the missionaries and put them in touch with the coaches. This is especially effective when the person doing the encouraging is a high-level ecclesiastical officer. The missionaries reach out to the BYU coaches, who happily take their calls and stay in touch with them. It's probably totally legal. It just bugs me, which, as I noted above, is my constitutional right.

08-02-2017, 04:02 PM
What I have personally seen happen is that members who are BYU alums, fans, even former players, talk to the missionaries and put them in touch with the coaches. This is especially effective when the person doing the encouraging is a high-level ecclesiastical officer. The missionaries reach out to the BYU coaches, who happily take their calls and stay in touch with them. It's probably totally legal. It just bugs me, which, as I noted above, is my constitutional right.

What I have personally seen happen is those conversations are initiated primarily by the missionary, and not the ecclesiastical leader, or a coach. It is my Charter of Rights mandate to speak my mind on this subject (unless, my speech is deemed hateful, then I could be censured, ostracized, lose my job, called before a human rights commission and fined heavily).

08-02-2017, 04:02 PM
Each of my boys heavily entertained the idea—it's very normal.

Based on the limited evidence we have, I assume your boys are total nut jobs. No offense.

I have always been in favor of open transfer rules. If a players wants out, he gets out. There should be no release required. The only stipulation is that no player should be allowed to transfer to an opponent on any future schedule.

BYU will always prey on the vulnerable and scared. The kids I've known in Wisconsin, Carolina, Louisiana, and Colorado who go there are afraid of state schools, non-Mormons, and of not meeting LDS girls. This is why BYU exists. So, yeah, they will always poach missionaries for their football team. It's one of the strongest cards they can play. Sitake's job depends on one thing only - winning. He will do everything he can for every edge he can get. Even Whittingham's high road is strategic. He knows that some players and parents will respect the fact that he respects their mission enough not to recruit them during their service. He will win some folks over that way.

08-02-2017, 04:08 PM
Based on the limited evidence we have, I assume your boys are total nut jobs. No offense.

I have always been in favor of open transfer rules. If a players wants out, he gets out. There should be no release required. The only stipulation is that no player should be allowed to transfer to an opponent on any future schedule.

BYU will always prey on the vulnerable and scared. The kids I've known in Wisconsin, Carolina, Louisiana, and Colorado who go there are afraid of state schools, non-Mormons, and of not meeting LDS girls. This is why BYU exists. So, yeah, they will always poach missionaries for their football team. It's one of the strongest cards they can play. Sitake's job depends on one thing only - winning. He will do everything he can for every edge he can get. Even Whittingham's high road is strategic. He knows that some players and parents will respect the fact that he respects their mission enough not to recruit them during their service. He will win some folks over that way.

They don't attend BYU or even BYU Idaho. What's more, I didn't attend BYU or any school in Idaho, so ... take off eh, hosehead.

08-02-2017, 05:30 PM
I don't blame Sitake for recruiting missionaries. It's his only hope. If he lost that pipeline, BYU would die and die quickly.

BYU's high school recruiting sucks. Plain and simple. What boosts their classes is their missionary recruiting.

Sitake knows this. He can't get Tualatao (spelling?) out of high school. He can't get Harvey Langi out of high school. Talent like that doesn't want to play for G5 BYU.

BUT, when the spirit is strong, when a boy thinks his role in life is to be Bishop and have lots of future missionaries, that's Sitake's best shot at getting big time talent.

So, he takes it.

In the same vein, I don't blame Wells for fighting back. What Sitake and other BYU coaches do is dirty and wrong.

Sounds like Sitake reached out to Harrison Handley and tried to get him to graduate transfer to BYU. He and Detmer will do whatever it takes to win.

Also, I do believe Detmer was sanctioned as a high school coach for paying players. If you think he is suddenly following the rules....

Ha ha.

08-02-2017, 05:46 PM
I don't blame Sitake for recruiting missionaries. It's his only hope. If he lost that pipeline, BYU would die and die quickly.

BYU's high school recruiting sucks. Plain and simple. What boosts their classes is their missionary recruiting.

Sitake knows this. He can't get Tualatao (spelling?) out of high school. He can't get Harvey Langi out of high school. Talent like that doesn't want to play for G5 BYU.

BUT, when the spirit is strong, when a boy thinks his role in life is to be Bishop and have lots of future missionaries, that's Sitake's best shot at getting big time talent.

So, he takes it.

In the same vein, I don't blame Wells for fighting back. What Sitake and other BYU coaches do is dirty and wrong.

Sounds like Sitake reached out to Harrison Handley and tried to get him to graduate transfer to BYU. He and Detmer will do whatever it takes to win.

Also, I do believe Detmer was sanctioned as a high school coach for paying players. If you think he is suddenly following the rules....

Ha ha.

lol ... Utah, the Donald Trump of utahby5.com

08-02-2017, 07:23 PM
lol ... Utah, the Donald Trump of utahby5.com

The irony in your post is fantastic.

08-02-2017, 07:57 PM
I love the fact that this hullabaloo is over a 2* kid whose last time on a field as a player was at East high school in the fall of 2013.

08-02-2017, 08:54 PM
I love the fact that this hullabaloo is over a 2* kid whose last time on a field as a player was at East high school in the fall of 2013.

Utes gonna do what utes gonna do ... is that the irony Utah is speaking of :rofl:

08-02-2017, 09:42 PM
Utes gonna do what utes gonna do ... is that the irony Utah is speaking of :rofl:

You seem to really defend the idea that Kalani/his staff and Bronco/his staff before him do not write missionaries who signed/committed to other schools before leaving on their missions. Why do you care one way or the other?

08-02-2017, 10:04 PM
I love the fact that this hullabaloo is over a 2* kid whose last time on a field as a player was at East high school in the fall of 2013.

He's a young 'un to them. I do believe BYU has some starters from the 2010 and 2011 recruiting class playing for them this fall.

08-03-2017, 06:05 AM
You seem to really defend the idea that Kalani/his staff and Bronco/his staff before him do not write missionaries who signed/committed to other schools before leaving on their missions. Why do you care one way or the other?

I care because I find the misrepresentations dishonest and distasteful.

08-03-2017, 07:34 AM
I care because I find the misrepresentations dishonest and distasteful.

So do I and one day a salt lake media person will have the guts to ask Kalani directly if he/his staff has ever had any communication with kids on missions he had a prior relationship with who committed/signed with another school and Kalani will answer that he does not recruit kids on missions and the salt lake media will say, that is not what I asked, and will re-ask the question and Kalani will either be truthful (Knowing him, I think he will do this), say nothing or reiterate that he does not recruit kids on missions.

Now, he doesn't communicate every week or even every month, but I know for a fact that he has sent notes to some kids 3 or 4 times during the mission. If you have a preexisting relationship, it is not an NCAA violation to do so, even if the kid has signed an LOI with another school. I am not really bothered by it.

08-03-2017, 07:35 AM
They don't attend BYU or even BYU Idaho. What's more, I didn't attend BYU or any school in Idaho, so ... take off eh, hosehead.

Ah, couldn't get in?

08-03-2017, 07:39 AM
Call it what you want, but Sitake communicates with missionaries all the time. Bronco did, too (I know of one kid Bronco emailed all the time even after the kid had actually signed his LOI with another school, which was about as blatant of a recruiting violation as you will see). Sitake may say that it's not "recruiting," bu the fact is that he's constantly communicating with a lot of these kids for the entire time they're gone.

One way to combat what BYU coaches are doing with missionaries is for LDS coaches on other staffs around the country to reach out and similarly "encourage" LDS players on missions in their service to the church. If coaches around the country don't know where a missionary is serving, some legal action to ensure equal access to that information might help expose the practice.

BYU coaches get away with it because other schools let it happen. If there's loophole in the recruiting rules because a coach and player belong to the same church, then that loophole should be maximized... by all LDS coaches, wherever they coach across America, then maybe BYU will cut stop exploiting the grey area, or the rules will become stricter.

08-03-2017, 08:10 AM
Ah, couldn't get in?

My boys listened to the Prophet's counsel to study close to home. I went to art school ... I wanted to draw nude models that were actually nude :cool:

08-03-2017, 08:12 AM
So do I and one day a salt lake media person will have the guts to ask Kalani directly if he/his staff has ever had any communication with kids on missions he had a prior relationship with who committed/signed with another school and Kalani will answer that he does not recruit kids on missions and the salt lake media will say, that is not what I asked, and will re-ask the question and Kalani will either be truthful (Knowing him, I think he will do this), say nothing or reiterate that he does not recruit kids on missions.

Now, he doesn't communicate every week or even every month, but I know for a fact that he has sent notes to some kids 3 or 4 times during the mission. If you have a preexisting relationship, it is not an NCAA violation to do so, even if the kid has signed an LOI with another school. I am not really bothered by it.

Of course, then they will have to ask the same question of Whittingham ...

08-03-2017, 08:17 AM
One way to combat what BYU coaches are doing with missionaries is for LDS coaches on other staffs around the country to reach out and similarly "encourage" LDS players on missions in their service to the church. If coaches around the country don't know where a missionary is serving, some legal action to ensure equal access to that information might help expose the practice.

BYU coaches get away with it because other schools let it happen. If there's loophole in the recruiting rules because a coach and player belong to the same church, then that loophole should be maximized... by all LDS coaches, wherever they coach across America, then maybe BYU will cut stop exploiting the grey area, or the rules will become stricter.

Please ... no one is letting anything happen, implying they are complicit in wrong doing. There is no wrong doing. It's the athlete on a mission who initiates the contact.

Isn't that what this is supposedly all about: holding a young man accountable for his decisions—per Wells and USU?

08-03-2017, 08:20 AM
It's the athlete on a mission who initiates the contact.

You really think this is true? I've always loved the gentle, naive Canadian spirit. It's endearing.

08-03-2017, 08:23 AM
You really think this is true? I've always loved the gentle, naive Canadian spirit. It's endearing.

lol ... it's always someone else's fault. Talk about naive.