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USS Utah
12-28-2017, 05:15 PM

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Dwight Schr-Ute
12-28-2017, 06:25 PM
I"d sure love to get Empey back with his father now out. I've got to imagine he's feeling some serious regret.

I was thinking earlier, because I’m a horrible person, that it would be funny to hire his dad now while he rots in Provo.

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LA Ute
01-18-2018, 07:53 PM
Troubled young man. I hope he gets things figured out.

From his hoops hiatus Nick Emery blogs about anxiety, suicide, depression


01-19-2018, 08:50 AM
Troubled young man. I hope he gets things figured out.

From his hoops hiatus Nick Emery blogs about anxiety, suicide, depression


I think this is a good thing for him to do. I'll tell you why...

It truly must be difficult when you feel like you peaked at 18. I'm not trying to slam Nick, but he was always the best player on the floor through high school and into college. Always pampered and coddled to a certain extent, and no matter what else happened, he knew he was the best player on the floor. Now reality has sunk in. Life is hard, and he doesn't necessarily have the tools yet to learn how to handle life's situations.

He is a competitor, so I'm sure he'll find a way to transform those energies into something else he is good at. I do feel sorry for him though. I feel like the people around him let him down in that they let so much of his identity be wrapped up in his life as a basketball player. I can see where that would be a hard thing to manage though when you see he really is that good so you want him to be able to see how far he can take it. You don't want to get in his way, but at the same time managing his expectations. It's a tough situation.

It sounds like he's taking the steps to get himself right in the head though. Kudos to him.

LA Ute
01-19-2018, 10:03 AM
I think this is a good thing for him to do. I'll tell you why...

It truly must be difficult when you feel like you peaked at 18. I'm not trying to slam Nick, but he was always the best player on the floor through high school and into college. Always pampered and coddled to a certain extent, and no matter what else happened, he knew he was the best player on the floor. Now reality has sunk in. Life is hard, and he doesn't necessarily have the tools yet to learn how to handle life's situations.

He is a competitor, so I'm sure he'll find a way to transform those energies into something else he is good at. I do feel sorry for him though. I feel like the people around him let him down in that they let so much of his identity be wrapped up in his life as a basketball player. I can see where that would be a hard thing to manage though when you see he really is that good so you want him to be able to see how far he can take it. You don't want to get in his way, but at the same time managing his expectations. It's a tough situation.

It sounds like he's taking the steps to get himself right in the head though. Kudos to him.

I agree. It's a cautionary tale. I wonder if his life would have been different if someone he trusted had intervened when he was acting out violently during his teen years. People probably excused that as just a function of his fiery competitive temperament.

Rocker Ute
01-20-2018, 07:09 AM
I agree. It's a cautionary tale. I wonder if his life would have been different if someone he trusted had intervened when he was acting out violently during his teen years. People probably excused that as just a function of his fiery competitive temperament.

I know commenting in this thread is like saying ‘bloody Mary’ three times in front of a mirror... where suddenly tooblue will appear, but the way people reacted on ‘his side’ when he punched Taylor was awfully enabling behavior for someone with some serious problems.

Fans will always be dismissive and defensive of their guy, but Rose was completely indifferent to it publicly, as was the university, and his family was defensive of it.

I am certain were I to do something like that even today I would be in deep trouble with my parents. Of course I grew up in a home where the justice system for the kids was guilty until proven innocent.

But I think his parents and family are big contributors to this disservice - and this is not uncommon among people with serious problems like addicts etc. They are often surrounded by people who enable them by being nice and forgiving when what they need is some tough love.

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01-20-2018, 09:15 AM
They feared giving him tough love, because they were scared he would wish them into the cornfield...

LA Ute
01-20-2018, 09:58 AM
I know commenting in this thread is like saying ‘bloody Mary’ three times in front of a mirror... where suddenly tooblue will appear, but the way people reacted on ‘his side’ when he punched Taylor was awfully enabling behavior for someone with some serious problems.

Fans will always be dismissive and defensive of their guy, but Rose was completely indifferent to it publicly, as was the university, and his family was defensive of it.

I am certain were I to do something like that even today I would be in deep trouble with my parents. Of course I grew up in a home where the justice system for the kids was guilty until proven innocent.

But I think his parents and family are big contributors to this disservice - and this is not uncommon among people with serious problems like addicts etc. They are often surrounded by people who enable them by being nice and forgiving when what they need is some tough love.

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I’m just looking at him as a guy who could be in my ward or my family. It’s not a BYU thing to me. So often when someone is special in terms of talent, whether it’s musical or athletic or something else, we indulge that person. A young woman in our ward was a musical prodigy. She obviously had problems, looking back now, but nobody did anything about them because they wrote the behavior off to her “artistic temperament.“ she is an adult now and getting help, but her life could’ve been easier and better if rather than overlooking signs of problems, people had expected more of her and paid more attention to her as a person, not as a prodigy, when she was younger.

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Nice Marmot
01-22-2018, 11:56 AM
I know commenting in this thread is like saying ‘bloody Mary’ three times in front of a mirror... where suddenly tooblue will appear, but the way people reacted on ‘his side’ when he punched Taylor was awfully enabling behavior for someone with some serious problems.

Fans will always be dismissive and defensive of their guy, but Rose was completely indifferent to it publicly, as was the university, and his family was defensive of it.

I am certain were I to do something like that even today I would be in deep trouble with my parents. Of course I grew up in a home where the justice system for the kids was guilty until proven innocent.

But I think his parents and family are big contributors to this disservice - and this is not uncommon among people with serious problems like addicts etc. They are often surrounded by people who enable them by being nice and forgiving when what they need is some tough love.

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He certainly behaves like someone who has always been entitled.

01-23-2018, 10:17 AM
I’m just looking at him as a guy who could be in my ward or my family. It’s not a BYU thing to me. So often when someone is special in terms of talent, whether it’s musical or athletic or something else, we indulge that person. A young woman in our ward was a musical prodigy. She obviously had problems, looking back now, but nobody did anything about them because they wrote the behavior off to her “artistic temperament.“ she is an adult now and getting help, but her life could’ve been easier and better if rather than overlooking signs of problems, people had expected more of her and paid more attention to her as a person, not as a prodigy, when she was younger.

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I can really see how it would be a difficult situation to parent someone who is genuinely talented. You want them to push their potential as far as they can but also fear that tempering their indulgences may somehow influence whatever it is that makes them so good.

That's gotta be tough.

01-23-2018, 10:25 AM
It's a blessing that my kids appear to be completely average in every way.


Two Utes
01-23-2018, 11:25 AM
I’m just looking at him as a guy who could be in my ward or my family. It’s not a BYU thing to me. So often when someone is special in terms of talent, whether it’s musical or athletic or something else, we indulge that person. A young woman in our ward was a musical prodigy. She obviously had problems, looking back now, but nobody did anything about them because they wrote the behavior off to her “artistic temperament.“ she is an adult now and getting help, but her life could’ve been easier and better if rather than overlooking signs of problems, people had expected more of her and paid more attention to her as a person, not as a prodigy, when she was younger.

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These are good thoughts. I've been pretty vocal on this--there was something wrong with this kid. Good to see he's seeking therapy and working through it.

I hated BYU basketball.

Now I don't mind watching them. They are bunch of kids playing together, defending and moving the ball. They play real basketball this year instead of the laughable joke of basketball they played last year. It will be interesting to see what they are like with him back. Emery is not a star, he's a role player and could be a good one. But, I have a had time seeing him accept that role.

LA Ute
01-23-2018, 11:48 AM
It's a blessing that my kids appear to be completely average in every way.

My kids are tall but inherited my unfortunate shortage of fast-twitch muscle fibers.

01-23-2018, 05:12 PM
I know commenting in this thread is like saying ‘bloody Mary’ three times in front of a mirror... where suddenly tooblue will appear, but the way people reacted on ‘his side’ when he punched Taylor was awfully enabling behavior for someone with some serious problems.

Fans will always be dismissive and defensive of their guy, but Rose was completely indifferent to it publicly, as was the university, and his family was defensive of it.

I am certain were I to do something like that even today I would be in deep trouble with my parents. Of course I grew up in a home where the justice system for the kids was guilty until proven innocent.

But I think his parents and family are big contributors to this disservice - and this is not uncommon among people with serious problems like addicts etc. They are often surrounded by people who enable them by being nice and forgiving when what they need is some tough love.

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Oops, missed it. Sorry Rocker!

01-24-2018, 08:08 AM

Oops, missed it. Sorry Rocker!

Just a warning this time. If it happens again, we will have to set up some sort of performance plan to get you back on track.

Diehard Ute
01-27-2018, 10:37 PM

This happened after Ricky Rubio was at the BYU game...and someone wanted Ingles to come to a game.

Gotta love twitter

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Diehard Ute
01-27-2018, 11:33 PM
Did Ricky Rubio lose a bet or something?

You’re saying spending the evening in Provo isn’t the dream of every professional athlete?

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01-29-2018, 10:44 AM
That thread from Ingles/Bogut is priceless. I highly recommend checking it out.

The tears of BYU Jazz fans were delicious, and the shots from Bogut were awesome.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-23-2018, 12:02 AM


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Rocker Ute
02-23-2018, 05:31 AM


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LA Ute
02-23-2018, 10:55 AM


Flippin' embarrassing.

Diehard Ute
02-23-2018, 11:42 AM
Will never understand the “as long as I say a substitute word for the one I’m thinking it’s ok!” If you’re against swearing you shouldn’t faux swear

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LA Ute
02-23-2018, 11:45 AM
Will never understand the “as long as I say a substitute word for the one I’m thinking it’s ok!” If you’re against swearing you shouldn’t faux swear

It's a gosh-darn doggone shame that people do that. Freaking embarrassing, really.

Diehard Ute
02-23-2018, 12:07 PM
It's a gosh-darn doggone shame that people do that. Freaking embarrassing, really.


I enjoy all the words available to me. As long as I’m not at work.

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LA Ute
02-23-2018, 12:17 PM

I enjoy all the words available to me. As long as I’m not at work.

I do think there's kind of a poverty of vocabulary these days. The F-bomb, for example. It's repeatedly used by so many people as an adjective, noun, adverb, etc. English is a rich language, full of wonderful words. It's a shame (and quite unimaginative) to use the same word over and over for everything. Especially when it is widely considered a coarse and offensive word by many people.

Our overused F-word: A broken-window theory for civil language (https://whyy.org/articles/our-overused-f-word-a-broken-window-theory-for-civil-language/)

Diehard Ute
02-23-2018, 12:39 PM
I do think there's kind of a poverty of vocabulary these days. The F-bomb, for example. It's repeatedly used by so many people as an adjective, noun, adverb, etc. English is a rich language, full of wonderful words. It's a shame (and quite unimaginative) to use the same word over and over for everything. Especially when it is widely considered a coarse and offensive word by many people.

Our overused F-word: A broken-window theory for civil language (https://whyy.org/articles/our-overused-f-word-a-broken-window-theory-for-civil-language/)

Yet research says people who use said words are smarter.

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LA Ute
02-23-2018, 01:38 PM
Yet research says people who use said words are smarter.

Smart only gets you so far in life.

02-23-2018, 01:39 PM
Smart only gets you so far in life.

looks sadly at our current President

Diehard Ute
02-23-2018, 01:42 PM
looks sadly at our current President

You’re confusing smart with being a flipping fetcher

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02-23-2018, 04:51 PM
Smart only gets you so far in life.

As a conservative you don't have the baseline level of intelligence to even know that. How you even cobbled together a career of any kind is a 'effin mystery.

LA Ute
02-24-2018, 07:24 PM
As a conservative you don't have the baseline level of intelligence to even know that. How you even cobbled together a career of any kind is a 'effin mystery.

Sheer determination and dumb luck. Not to mention white privilege.

03-01-2018, 10:04 AM
Listening to BYU’s OC this morning...I think we know what type of offense he wants to run.

He coached under Anae, Auburn and LSU. He hired Roderick and Sitake and his own RB coach.

They all coaches in similar style offenses. A single back, three WR, run heavy spread offense.

I think it will be very similar to what BYU ran under Anae.

His problem is talent. BYU has no talent. Like little to none.

Their QB’s are terrible. It’s Mangum and a whole lot of nothing.

Their RB’s aren’t very good at all. Their best might be an overweight back with fumbling issues.

Their OL is weak and slow.

Their WR’s might be slower.

BYU has to pray that Mangum comes back to his freshman year, only better, that their OL suddenly learns how to run block, and that Romney kid is the second coming of Collie/Covey.

If not...could be a long year for BYU fan.

Ha ha.

p.s. I’m shocked at how little talent they have. Usually, there is a couple top flight guys on offense and defense. They have NOTHING.

Their TE and that’s it on offense. I don’t even see solid players on their team. I think I said last year BYU would have 3-4 players that would play for Utah...I’m not sure they have anyone who would crack the two deep. Maybe that TE. Maybe.

Dwight Schr-Ute
03-01-2018, 10:34 AM
Also some conference expansion news yesterday. The MWC has been in talks with...Gonzaga for expansion. Now, it would make sense to expand by two, if they do expand and they’d be stupid to not invite BYU. But it would be interesting to see how the MWC would stick it to BYU even with an invite.

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03-01-2018, 11:03 AM
Also some conference expansion news yesterday. The MWC has been in talks with...Gonzaga for expansion. Now, it would make sense to expand by two, if they do expand and they’d be stupid to not invite BYU. But it would be interesting to see how the MWC would stick it to BYU even with an invite.

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Would they be stupid though? BYU definitely has value, but would BYU increase payouts to the schools enough to deal with them again?

Probably. But still, I’d laugh until I cried if the MWC passed on BYU.

03-01-2018, 11:07 AM
Also some conference expansion news yesterday. The MWC has been in talks with...Gonzaga for expansion. Now, it would make sense to expand by two, if they do expand and they’d be stupid to not invite BYU. But it would be interesting to see how the MWC would stick it to BYU even with an invite.

But they don't have to expand by two. They could just add Gonzaga. It's basketball only, so number of teams doesn't matter much.

Assuming Gonzaga wants in, the MWC has the power here. In that situation, I would only invite BYU as a partner in all sports (including football).

It would actually give BYU a nice, convenient opportunity to ditch independence.

03-01-2018, 11:17 AM
But they don't have to expand by two. They could just add Gonzaga. It's basketball only, so number of teams doesn't matter much.

Assuming Gonzaga wants in, the MWC has the power here. In that situation, I would only invite BYU as a partner in all sports (including football).

It would actually give BYU a nice, convenient opportunity to ditch independence.

the MWC has more leverage than BYU (b/c byu cant be left behind if Gonzaga leaves) , but ESPN has all the leverage. It has the contracts for BYU, the MWC, and the WCC. All those contracts are up in the next year or two, which is what is driving these discussions now. If ESPN wants Gonzaga and the Y in the MWC, they will be. Are they willing to continue to pay BYU independently for football? who knows.

03-01-2018, 11:19 AM
the MWC has more leverage than BYU (b/c byu cant be left behind if Gonzaga leaves) , but ESPN has all the leverage. It has the contracts for BYU, the MWC, and the WCC. All those contracts are up in the next year or two, which is what is driving these discussions now. If ESPN wants Gonzaga and the Y in the MWC, they will be. Are they willing to continue to pay BYU independently for football? who knows.

Good point.

03-01-2018, 11:47 AM
I don’t think ESPN cares if BYU football is independent or not. They are paying BYU peanuts and can put BYU on non Sat spots.

BYU’s payout is the same in the MWC or Indy. I’d bet BYU gets the same deal as Boise if they went back, seeing how the money for BYU and Boise is essentially the same.

03-02-2018, 12:16 AM

BYU’s payout is the same in the MWC or Indy.


While true, this statement deserves a bit of clarification. As an Independent, byu-P has to pay the visiting team a fixed fee out of the total (TV, gate, concessions) to come play. They get to keep the rest of the gate/concessions.

In a conference, home teams will keep their own gate/concessions and the permanent rotating home/away games evens out the bottom line between home/visitors. And then both teams get an even share of the TV money from the conference.

Therefore in many ways a conference would be preferable to Indy. Sure, they get the fat $$Millions from ESPN but they pay every visiting team a body bag fee out of it. By contrast, we only pay out for one-and-done OOC games.

Playing in the big road or neutral site games probably keeps them afloat (ex. They earned $2M for playing LSU in Jerryworld last year).

03-02-2018, 08:52 AM
While true, this statement deserves a bit of clarification. As an Independent, byu-P has to pay the visiting team a fixed fee out of the total (TV, gate, concessions) to come play. They get to keep the rest of the gate/concessions.

In a conference, home teams will keep their own gate/concessions and the permanent rotating home/away games evens out the bottom line between home/visitors. And then both teams get an even share of the TV money from the conference.

Therefore in many ways a conference would be preferable to Indy. Sure, they get the fat $$Millions from ESPN but they pay every visiting team a body bag fee out of it. By contrast, we only pay out for one-and-done OOC games.

Playing in the big road or neutral site games probably keeps them afloat (ex. They earned $2M for playing LSU in Jerryworld last year).

It pretty much evens out. Every H-H contract I've ever seen (non-con of course, because there aren't game contracts for conference games) contanis equal payouts going back and forth. In other words, it's ultimately the same as conference games, as far as the bottom line goes. You are right that they make more money off of neutral or uneven series (1 and done or 2 for 1 games) when they play more games on the road than at home in conjunction with that contract, but you have to keep in mind that while they get paid for those games, it also means that they are not getting a home game in return, which means they are losing media money for a potential home game, as well as ticket sales and concessions. In other words, if you have 2 neutral games in a year, then there are only 10 games left and if you want to get to 6 home games then BYU has to pay for a one and done or 2-for-1 with a crappy school, which also means that the game against a crappy school to get back up to 6 home games probably isn't getting picked up by ESPN and probably won't have great ticket sales.

P.S. Not sure where you got the $2M for the Jerry World game, but I don't think that info is public and I would be very surprised if it was that high.

03-02-2018, 08:59 AM
By the way, that game wasn't in JerryWorld. It was moved to the Superdome after Houston was flooded.

03-02-2018, 09:08 PM
By the way, that game wasn't in JerryWorld. It was moved to the Superdome after Houston was flooded.I heard that from LSU fans, although it may have been to total payout. Still I don't care enough to entertain a FOIA.

03-03-2018, 09:28 AM
A FOIA wouldn't get it. There is no public contract showing BYU's deal, since the game was set up by ESPN. LSU has a contract with ESPN (which is publicly available), and BYU has a contract with ESPN (which is not publicly available). LSU fans wouldn't know what BYU's cut was.

03-03-2018, 10:11 AM
A FOIA wouldn't get it. There is no public contract showing BYU's deal, since the game was set up by ESPN. LSU has a contract with ESPN (which is publicly available), and BYU has a contract with ESPN (which is not publicly available). LSU fans wouldn't know what BYU's cut was.

Fresno got $1.4M to play at Alabama last year. Bigger stadium, bigger draw, tougher opponent with several options. I could see a $2M guarantee for BYU for the LSU game last year. I'd be surprised if BYU got less than what Fresno got to play Alabama.

03-03-2018, 07:06 PM
Also some conference expansion news yesterday. The MWC has been in talks with...Gonzaga for expansion. Now, it would make sense to expand by two, if they do expand and they’d be stupid to not invite BYU. But it would be interesting to see how the MWC would stick it to BYU even with an invite.

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I'm not sure I 100% agree with this. Everyone knows BYU is pining for the B12, so would you take them knowing they'd jump at the first chance?

03-04-2018, 09:11 AM
I'm not sure I 100% agree with this. Everyone knows BYU is pining for the B12, so would you take them knowing they'd jump at the first chance?

Every team in the MWC would jump at the an offer from Big12.

03-04-2018, 10:34 AM
Every team in the MWC would jump at the an offer from Big12.True, but none of them are dumb enough to go it alone until that someday when their prince will come...

03-04-2018, 10:12 PM
I'm not sure I 100% agree with this. Everyone knows BYU is pining for the B12, so would you take them knowing they'd jump at the first chance?

BYU will never get offered by the Big 12. Never. I’ve been saying this forever. I’m right so far.

03-04-2018, 10:37 PM
Why would anyone take BYU? They bring some value now, but they are a dying brand. Mormonism is falling big time, loyalty to the Church's school is at an all time low, their fanbase is 64 and older, and their on field product is mediocre. For basketball, they are the third best product in the WCC. That isn't anything impressive.

Plus, they are a headache on top of all of that. If the MWC could add Gonzaga and St. Mary's, I'm not sure where BYU would fit. They would need another football school to make it work. Unless they left football out of the MWC...but if they did that, what would the point of adding BYU basketball be?

And who would you add in with BYU? New Mexico St? UTEP? Cal Poly? Eastern Washington? I dunno, I don't see it. I don't see the great value long term that BYU brings. And their short term value is some extra tickets sold and that's about it.

Recruiting wise, BYU isn't doing too hot as well. According to 247, Boise St was 56, then USF, Toledo, FIU, Tulane, UCF, Houston, Marshall, Western Michigan, Louisiana Tech, then BYU came in at #77. Again, where is the long term optimism?

BYU might be digging a hole they can't climb out of. If they have another 5-6 win season and miss another bowl or two, then continue to recruit in the 70's, even joining a conference might not do them much good. They will have become so thoroughly mediocre that an 8 win MWC season would qualify for a good season.


03-05-2018, 06:07 AM
The MWC has 11 teams right now (Hawaii doesn't play basketball). Gonzaga makes 12.

Nice Marmot
03-05-2018, 08:37 AM
The MWC has 11 teams right now (Hawaii doesn't play basketball). Gonzaga makes 12.

I hadn't heard Hawaii dropped basketball. When did that happen?

03-05-2018, 08:43 AM
I hadn't heard Hawaii dropped basketball. When did that happen?

They didn't. They play in the Big West in basketball. We played them this year and last year.

03-05-2018, 08:55 AM
the mwc has 11 teams right now (hawaii doesn't play good basketball). Gonzaga makes 12.


Nice Marmot
03-05-2018, 09:00 AM
They didn't. They play in the Big West in basketball. We played them this year and last year.

That's why I was confused, like they just recently decided to drop basketball. I guess I wasn't paying attention that they weren't playing in the MWC.

03-05-2018, 11:11 AM
Why would anyone take BYU? They bring some value now, but they are a dying brand. Mormonism is falling big time, loyalty to the Church's school is at an all time low, their fanbase is 64 and older, and their on field product is mediocre. For basketball, they are the third best product in the WCC. That isn't anything impressive.

What they currently bring will still be better than what half the MWC will be able to offer 50 years from now. Bring on UT-SA and they've got an even number of teams.

03-05-2018, 11:27 AM
That's why I was confused, like they just recently decided to drop basketball. I guess I wasn't paying attention that they weren't playing in the MWC.

Ya, sorry. I meant playing in the MWC.
And nice 'fify' Applejack.

03-05-2018, 11:54 AM
What they currently bring will still be better than what half the MWC will be able to offer 50 years from now. Bring on UT-SA and they've got an even number of teams.

Why bring on UTSA? Do they drastically increase the money from their tv deal?

No. So, you increase costs and nothing else. That’s not smart. UTSA might be a sleeping giant, ala TCU, Houston or Louisville. So, you invite them in, they beat up on the MWC then jump ship in 2024. So, all your schools lost money to prop UTSA up. Not sure that’s a great selling point.

You think BYU is the class of the MWC right now. Do they significantly increase the tv deal for the MWC?

If BYU returns, will ESPN redo their deal with the MWC? Right now, MWC teams get about 1 million per year from their deal. Boise St gets around 3 million.

I doubt that changes. BYU might get 3 or 4 million from ESPN by joining, but the other teams would stay the same.

So, no real incentive there. BYU would sell more tickets in your stadium. That would be the biggest benefit.

But, BYU is a headache. They are a scheduling headache. They aren’t pleasant to be around. No one really likes them. So, why add them? Are the seats sold to one game worth the headache?

I’m not so sure.

03-05-2018, 12:00 PM
Why bring on UTSA? Do they drastically increase the money from their tv deal?

No. So, you increase costs and nothing else. That’s not smart. UTSA might be a sleeping giant, ala TCU, Houston or Louisville. So, you invite them in, they beat up on the MWC then jump ship in 2024. So, all your schools lost money to prop UTSA up. Not sure that’s a great selling point.

You think BYU is the class of the MWC right now. Do they significantly increase the tv deal for the MWC?

If BYU returns, will ESPN redo their deal with the MWC? Right now, MWC teams get about 1 million per year from their deal. Boise St gets around 3 million.

I doubt that changes. BYU might get 3 or 4 million from ESPN by joining, but the other teams would stay the same.

So, no real incentive there. BYU would sell more tickets in your stadium. That would be the biggest benefit.

But, BYU is a headache. They are a scheduling headache. They aren’t pleasant to be around. No one really likes them. So, why add them? Are the seats sold to one game worth the headache?

I’m not so sure.

I'm not sure about numbers/potential, but here's one thing: it would be very satisfying for the MWC to have BYU crawl back. The revenge factor may make it worth it.

03-05-2018, 12:04 PM
Also, there is already talk of Boise's special treatment and how that should go away. Boise isn't going to BCS bowls anymore. Heck, they've only won their division once in 4 years (I do believe). Some of those schools want Boise to not get special treatment anymore and they are smart to do so. Boise isn't going anywhere. They have no leverage here anymore.

If Boise is stuck in a hard place, what would BYU do? Why would any of those teams give special considerations to BYU money-wise?

So, I guess I am changing my stance as I look into this more. If I was a MWC team, I think I'd want BYU in. Bring BYU in, get a little more money, then demand equal pay to all schools, ala the PAC-12. Each school would get an additional $500,000 (approx), but BYU and Boise St would lose millions.

So why would BYU take that deal? Ha ha. What does all this mean? BYU is screwed. BYU would probably be best served trying to get a scheduling agreement with the MWC. Try to get 5 or 6 games lined up every year and have access to MWC Bowls ala Notre Dame and ACC. But why would the MWC do that deal? Ha ha.

BYU looks to be stuck in no man's land. They can't beat P5 schools on the regular. Their recruiting has been killed by independence and shows no sign of rebounding. They do not have any interesting games (they lose to most P5 games and all good ones, and they play a smattering of ridiculous teams, with 2-4 "rivalry" games from the MWC), they do not win good games, their bowl games suck, their money sucks and their recruiting sucks.

Ha ha.

Dwight Schr-Ute
03-05-2018, 12:30 PM
So, no real incentive there. BYU would sell more tickets in your stadium. That would be the biggest benefit.

But, BYU is a headache. They are a scheduling headache. They aren’t pleasant to be around. No one really likes them. So, why add them? Are the seats sold to one game worth the headache?

I’m not so sure.

BYU already has half of these teams on the schedule anyway, so maybe bringing them on for an additional two games isn't worth the headache.

03-05-2018, 12:43 PM
BYU already has half of these teams on the schedule anyway, so maybe bringing them on for an additional two games isn't worth the headache.

Good point. BYU is really in a rough place right now. They need the MWC teams to play them to fill their schedule. But, the MWC don't need BYU enough to offer any concessions to let BYU back into the MWC. *giggles*

03-05-2018, 01:15 PM
BYU already has half of these teams on the schedule anyway, so maybe bringing them on for an additional two games isn't worth the headache.

ya, good point.
I wonder what the $$$ comparison would be for the MWC of byu as a member, vs byu as an independent.
MWC teams get X playing byu as an OOC game, vs, MWC teams get Y playing byu as a conference game (with the MWC getting a different TV deal with byu as a conference member).

Is X >, <, or = to Y.

03-05-2018, 01:46 PM
ya, good point.
I wonder what the $$$ comparison would be for the MWC of byu as a member, vs byu as an independent.
MWC teams get X playing byu as an OOC game, vs, MWC teams get Y playing byu as a conference game (with the MWC getting a different TV deal with byu as a conference member).

Is X >, <, or = to Y.

We know that MWC teams each get about 1.1 million per year from their tv deal. Boise St gets about 3 million. BYU gets about 4 million from ESPN.

I don't think it would vary too much. So, if you are BYU and can keep your 4 million per year, I'd say it would be a no brainer for BYU to join the MWC. Same money, easier schedules.

Here is the problem. The MWC deal comes up after 2019 (I think). I read in USA Today that some schools do not like that Boise St gets more money than they do. They talked about how Boise has only won their division once the last 4 years and aren't bringing in the sweet, sweet BCS Bowl money anymore. They were discussing having Boise go back to an equal pay member.

If that happens, then 1.1 * 10 +3 = a $14,000,000 pot or $1,272,727 per school, an increase of $172,000 per school.

If you added BYU to that pot (and I don't think BYU would drastically increase the value of the MWC, so I don't think that adding BYU would add any real money to their respective deals. I'd bet that BYU would increase their deal about 4 million per year...what they are currently being paid), then the pot becomes $18,000,000 or $1.5 million per school.

So, there is real value to adding BYU to the MWC in that case. Each school gets an additional $500,000 per year plus they get the gate receipts when BYU comes to town. Some real value there (and this is going against my initial opinion).

BUT, if you are BYU, do you take that deal? No way. I don't see the LDS Corp walking away from 2.5 million dollars per year to join the MWC. If you are the MWC, is adding BYU just to add BYU (with no increase in money) worth it to you? Nope. Not only because you'd be treating BYU differently, a school that tried to screw you over with backroom deals, but you'd lose any leverage with Boise, who you are trying to get some money from.

Ha ha.

03-06-2018, 04:16 AM
Interesting details.
Thanks for putting that together.

03-06-2018, 07:15 AM
A flip side to this for BYU is that it's easier for them to get into the tournament in the wcc than it would be in the mwc.

03-06-2018, 01:21 PM
A flip side to this for BYU is that it's easier for them to get into the tournament in the wcc than it would be in the mwc.

This is an issue they only have to worry about once every 50 years or so.

03-06-2018, 02:11 PM
This is an issue they only have to worry about once every 50 years or so.

Are you trying to summon Tooblue?


03-06-2018, 02:50 PM
Are you trying to summon Tooblue?


I don't want him to think we've forgotten about him.

03-07-2018, 05:17 AM
I don't want him to think we've forgotten about him.

Dang, slow on the switch again ... sorry ... Skim milk? SKIM!! How could you summon me with a picture of SKIM MILK.

You see, it's much easier to get outraged over the fact you used a picture of skim milk in bags to summon me, than a discussion where a poster opens by telling us how little value BYU has, but then proceeds to tell us over multiple posts just how valuable they supposadly really are ... :blink:

Dwight Schr-Ute
04-07-2018, 08:52 PM
Woke as fetch!


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Diehard Ute
04-07-2018, 09:24 PM
Woke as fetch!


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04-08-2018, 10:53 AM
We know that MWC teams each get about 1.1 million per year from their tv deal. Boise St gets about 3 million. BYU gets about 4 million from ESPN.

I don't think it would vary too much. So, if you are BYU and can keep your 4 million per year, I'd say it would be a no brainer for BYU to join the MWC. Same money, easier schedules.

Here is the problem. The MWC deal comes up after 2019 (I think). I read in USA Today that some schools do not like that Boise St gets more money than they do. They talked about how Boise has only won their division once the last 4 years and aren't bringing in the sweet, sweet BCS Bowl money anymore. They were discussing having Boise go back to an equal pay member.

If that happens, then 1.1 * 10 +3 = a $14,000,000 pot or $1,272,727 per school, an increase of $172,000 per school.

If you added BYU to that pot (and I don't think BYU would drastically increase the value of the MWC, so I don't think that adding BYU would add any real money to their respective deals. I'd bet that BYU would increase their deal about 4 million per year...what they are currently being paid), then the pot becomes $18,000,000 or $1.5 million per school.

So, there is real value to adding BYU to the MWC in that case. Each school gets an additional $500,000 per year plus they get the gate receipts when BYU comes to town. Some real value there (and this is going against my initial opinion).

BUT, if you are BYU, do you take that deal? No way. I don't see the LDS Corp walking away from 2.5 million dollars per year to join the MWC. If you are the MWC, is adding BYU just to add BYU (with no increase in money) worth it to you? Nope. Not only because you'd be treating BYU differently, a school that tried to screw you over with backroom deals, but you'd lose any leverage with Boise, who you are trying to get some money from.

Ha ha.

$2.5 mil is chump change to BYU. BYU will not leave independence for a non-P5 gig due to pride and the inability to admit a mistake. They will continue to talk about how great it is to be able to play throughout the US.

04-08-2018, 05:53 PM
$2.5 mil is chump change to BYU. BYU will not leave independence for a non-P5 gig due to pride and the inability to admit a mistake. They will continue to talk about how great it is to be able to play throughout the US.

I agree with what you are saying, but BYU is run by LDS-Corp, the cheapest organization out there. From letting members die to save money with the handcarts to making members clean the chapels today, no dollar can be saved at too high a cost.

Id be shocked if the church would look away from 2.5 million for football.

04-08-2018, 06:51 PM
I agree with what you are saying, but BYU is run by LDS-Corp, the cheapest organization out there. From letting members die to save money with the handcarts to making members clean the chapels today, no dollar can be saved at too high a cost.

Only a complete ignoramus would make such a comment.

04-09-2018, 08:20 AM
Only a complete ignoramus would make such a comment.I agree. They already support the school to the tune of a billion or so a year, so $2.5m here and there is chump change by comparison.

04-09-2018, 09:49 AM
I agree. They already support the school to the tune of a billion or so a year, so $2.5m here and there is chump change by comparison.

I understand you are being obtuse, but the comment about hand carts is beyond the pale. You should be embarrassed for your fellow Ute fan and the flippant nature of his comment.

LA Ute
04-09-2018, 11:51 AM
I understand you are being obtuse, but the comment about hand carts is beyond the pale. You should be embarrassed for your fellow Ute fan and the flippant nature of his comment.

The part about the handcarts was dumb. But on this board we kind of let dumb stuff go, for the most part.

04-09-2018, 11:55 AM
The part about the handcarts was dumb. But on this board we kind of let dumb stuff go, for the most part.

For which he should be grateful.

04-18-2018, 02:14 PM
looks like Elijah Bryant is leaving BYU early to play overseas

04-18-2018, 03:04 PM

Two Utes
04-18-2018, 04:15 PM

I would assume it would be a lot easier for him basketball-wise to just transfer somewhere else. If he stays at BYU, they are going to make him wait until the NCAA investigation is over. If he leaves, he starts with a clean slate and BYU is just left with his mess. Don't be surprised to see Emery in a UVU uni next year.

04-18-2018, 04:40 PM
I would assume it would be a lot easier for him basketball-wise to just transfer somewhere else. If he stays at BYU, they are going to make him wait until the NCAA investigation is over. If he leaves, he starts with a clean slate and BYU is just left with his mess. Don't be surprised to see Emery in a UVU uni next year.

Except if he transfers now he has to sit out a full year, right? My understanding is that you have to have a full year at your new school before you can play, not just that you have to not play for your old team for a year. But I could be wrong.

Two Utes
04-19-2018, 09:46 AM
Except if he transfers now he has to sit out a full year, right? My understanding is that you have to have a full year at your new school before you can play, not just that you have to not play for your old team for a year. But I could be wrong.

I think this is wrong. he redshirted (or withdrew form school) last year and can play anywhere, I think.

04-19-2018, 11:46 AM
In addition, I don't think its a given that Childs returns.

04-19-2018, 01:05 PM
Are Gavin Baxter and Connor Harding any good? I had a friend talking them up to me, but I don't remember them being huge recruits (although I note that some services have them as 4* guys).

04-19-2018, 02:39 PM
Per 247sports, Baxter had offers from BYU, ASU, and USU. Doesn't show any other offers for Harding.

04-19-2018, 03:47 PM
Per 247sports, Baxter had offers from BYU, ASU, and USU. Doesn't show any other offers for Harding.

There are conflicting reports about whether UCLA offered Baxter. Usually that means there was not a legit offer.

05-15-2018, 01:15 PM
Jackson Emery on Twitter today. In stark contrast to his tweet at the time of the story about taking the high road.



05-15-2018, 01:32 PM
Who's Jackson again? Nick's older brother? Is he the one who played with Jimmer? What's his beef the SLTrib?

Former BYU basketball player. Yes. Yes. Trib got some intel on Nick and followed up (divorced, improper benefits), then reported on what they found. Nick was not allowed to comment because of his attorney. This hurt his feelings.

05-15-2018, 01:32 PM
Who's Jackson again? Nick's older brother? Is he the one who played with Jimmer? What's his beef the SLTrib?

Yes, yes, and he apparently feels that some at the SLTrib did his family wrong in reporting the possible violations by his brother with the Jetta.

Dwight Schr-Ute
05-15-2018, 01:37 PM
Who's Jackson again? Nick's older brother? Is he the one who played with Jimmer? What's his beef the SLTrib?

Jackson was on the receiving end of that viscous Marshall Henderson punch of 2010. He's mad at the Trib because they had the audacity to report that he was under NCAA investigation for receiving improper benefits from a booster. Plenty of blame to go around here. :eyeroll:

Diehard Ute
05-15-2018, 05:25 PM
Jackson Emery on Twitter today. In stark contrast to his tweet at the time of the story about taking the high road.



And ironically, the reporters who wrote the articles were not layed off.

One tweeted back to Jackson inviting him to meet with them anytime to tell “their side”

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05-15-2018, 05:40 PM
And ironically, the reporters who wrote the articles were not layed off.

One tweeted back to Jackson inviting him to meet with them anytime to tell “their side”

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Dwight Schr-Ute
06-17-2018, 04:42 PM
Siaosi Mariner had an inspiring Father’s Day message today.


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LA Ute
09-15-2018, 09:53 PM
OK, kudos to BYU. That was a good (astonishing) win today.

09-16-2018, 02:13 PM
Since Tooblue is the only BYU fan on the Board, enjoy the win. I'm still friends with ARod and to a lesser extent Kalani. I have mixed emotions watching BYU play now. I talk to ARod regularly and unlike the Utes, BYU has an offensive identity. Run the ball, play action, throw safe passes and don't force it. They did this against Arizona and Wisconsin, but not against Cal. I still think BYU is 8-3 when they get to Rice-Eccles. A few weeks ago I thought the Utes would be 9-2. I am now hoping we have 6 wins at that point.

10-03-2018, 01:55 PM

x:)x this is how I envision almost all BYU fans. The classic drink refill family rotation.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-03-2018, 07:26 PM

x:)x this is how I envision almost all BYU fans. The classic drink refill family rotation.

I’m pretty certain KC is trolling the poster, but there sure are some responses in that thread that are totally bonkers. And totally BYU.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
11-09-2018, 12:44 PM
NCAA filed sanctions against BYU basketball today for improper benefits from a booster.

BYU will vacate 47 wins, lose a scholarship, and take a decent hit on their recruiting abilities. Pretty harsh, which I’m fine with.


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11-09-2018, 12:45 PM
BYU employs the "BUT HER EMAILS" defense.

“The vacation-of-records penalty is extremely harsh and unprecedented given the details of the case,” the statement read, in part. “For more than two decades, the NCAA has not required an institution to vacate games in similar cases where the COI found there was no institutional knowledge of or involvement in the violation by either the coaching staff or other university personnel.

11-09-2018, 12:49 PM
BYU employs the "BUT HER EMAILS" defense.I'm sure Nick tried to use that excuse on his ex-wife and her family.

LA Ute
11-09-2018, 07:09 PM
No doubt the BYU’s Board of Trustees is thrilled about this.

Rocker Ute
11-09-2018, 10:06 PM
And Nick Emery returns to the team...

Just remember, when Utah gives a player a second chance it is because they have low standards. When BYU does it, it is being Christlike.

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LA Ute
11-10-2018, 06:52 AM
$12,000 doesn’t seem like much compared to the shenanigans we’ve heard about at other schools, but this makes the infractions look worse than they did at first glance:

Here is what four BYU basketball boosters provided Nick Emery to incur wrath of NCAA


My guess is that Mr. Tyndall is the booster whom BYU has banned from its programs. I hope Nick Emery, who seems like an angry young man, finds some happiness in his life. He’s gotten himself and those around him into a lot of trouble. I also hope we are spared any redemption story about him until after he’s done playing at BYU.

11-10-2018, 09:58 AM
$12,000 doesn’t seem like much compared to the shenanigans we’ve heard about at other schools, but this makes the infractions look worse than they did at first glance:

Here is what four BYU basketball boosters provided Nick Emery to incur wrath of NCAA


My guess is that Mr. Tyndall is the booster whom BYU has banned from its programs. I hope Nick Emery, who seems like an angry young man, finds some happiness in his life. He’s gotten himself and those around him into a lot of trouble. I also hope we are spared any redemption story about him until after he’s done playing at BYU.

I don't really follow sanctions imposed against schools for violating rules, but it is interesting that BYU would appeal the forfeiture of games in which Emery, the ineligible player, participated. At all levels of play up through and including high school, the participation of an ineligible player results in a forfeit.

LA Ute
11-13-2018, 03:58 AM
I stumbled across this. It’s fascinating. I almost never read comments to sports stories in the Utah papers, but I looked at the first 3-4 to this one. So interesting on so many levels, especially the way some BYU fans see their place in the world.

Dick Harmon: If NCAA hits BYU this hard, what's it going to do when FBI case is resolved with collegiate bluebloods?


Diehard Ute
11-13-2018, 07:32 AM
"Hit this hard"? I don't see this as a severe penalty. Just one scholarship and no postseason ban. Barely affects the program at all.

This is a fan base that lives off a 34 year old “national championship”. Having to give up wins is their worst nightmare

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Dwight Schr-Ute
11-15-2018, 09:53 AM


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11-15-2018, 10:09 AM


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That's fantastic. I assume it was intentional. Funny stuff.

11-15-2018, 10:35 AM


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Lol, that is great. I love this kind of stuff in the rivalry. Hopefully both AD’s can have fun with it.

11-15-2018, 10:54 AM
I recognize the street; it is around the corner from us and my kids played in that house all the time growing up. Maybe I can scarf some free stuff.

LA Ute
11-15-2018, 11:34 AM
I recognize the street; it is around the corner from us and my kids played in that house all the time growing up. Maybe I can scarf some free stuff.

He told us Saturday that he was moving into your neighborhood. You're now on intel duty.

11-15-2018, 11:45 AM
I am glad they finally found a use for the HD truck.

11-15-2018, 12:20 PM

It was funny and then Greg Wrubell got involved

11-15-2018, 01:35 PM
Theres no end to Wrubells pedantry.

Rocker Ute
11-15-2018, 02:49 PM

It was funny and then Greg Wrubell got involved

Who wants to bet we can go back less than 100 tweets of Wrubbel's to find a grammatical, spelling or punctuation error?

LA Ute
11-15-2018, 02:58 PM
Pretty classless for The Voice of the Cougars to make fun of the rival’s AD.

Rocker Ute
11-15-2018, 05:32 PM
Pretty classless for The Voice of the Cougars to make fun of the rival’s AD.

On another note, can someone please explain to me how Holmoe, who has presided over the current state of the Coogs, seems to escape virtually all criticism from their fans? I'm of the opinion that he might be the worst AD in the country for what he has done, and should have been fired long ago.

LA Ute
11-16-2018, 12:20 AM
On another note, can someone please explain to me how Holmoe, who has presided over the current state of the Coogs, seems to escape virtually all criticism from their fans? I'm of the opinion that he might be the worst AD in the country for what he has done, and should have been fired long ago.

The powers that be like him a lot?

Diehard Ute
11-16-2018, 12:56 AM
The powers that be like him a lot?

So are we talking The power or someone lower?

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11-16-2018, 08:03 AM
So are we talking The power or someone lower?

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Doctrine says they are virtually one and the same.

11-16-2018, 08:59 AM
On another note, can someone please explain to me how Holmoe, who has presided over the current state of the Coogs, seems to escape virtually all criticism from their fans? I'm of the opinion that he might be the worst AD in the country for what he has done, and should have been fired long ago.

he wins the AD Halloween costume contest.
13 years running.


11-16-2018, 09:11 AM
he wins the AD Halloween costume contest.
13 years running.


How many Deseret Duel points is this contest worth?

11-16-2018, 09:28 AM
On another note, can someone please explain to me how Holmoe, who has presided over the current state of the Coogs, seems to escape virtually all criticism from their fans? I'm of the opinion that he might be the worst AD in the country for what he has done, and should have been fired long ago.He is the best AD in history. He needs a lifetime contract. His move to pull them out of a conference (with help from Secret Agent Samuelson), plus his ability to scare away other conferences (Big 12) with his shrewd negotiation tactics is impressive. I mean, who does Texas think they are? UT's $5B endowment and $200M in annual revenue is small potatoes compared to byu-P's Corporate Mormon Jesus dollars.

LA Ute
11-16-2018, 02:54 PM
So are we talking The power or someone lower?

It’s never been clear to me.

11-16-2018, 03:52 PM
I think if the Utes beat Colorado and the Ducks beat ASU on Saturday, then the Utes should rest all of their starters vs. BYU to get ready for the CCG.

Turn this game from a draining, late-season distraction with a ton of potential for injuries into a late-season re-focus and get healthy almost-bye week.
A loss to the byu doesn't matter with the Rose Bowl on the line.

It would shift playing the BYU game from a disadvantage into an advantage vs. the Pac-North champion, IMO.

I'm hesitant to post this for fear of karma and jinxing and hubris and all the times I've been let down by a Utah team close to winning something big, but Utah and Oregon both winning is a realistic scenario.

11-16-2018, 06:07 PM
Sr Day.
Last home game.
Last game in front of families.
Still need to improve the record to get the best possible bowl game (if not Rose). Vegas Bowl is not impossible.
Kids are all competitors.
Embarrass that other team.
The byu of Provo has a solid Defense and a win is far from guaranteed.

This is the start of a very long list of reasons why benching the starters I'd a non-starter.

That said, I would tell Covey to Fair Catch all 9 of the punts (and the two kickoffs the Cougars get - the one to start the 2nd half, and the one after they finally get on the scoreboard with a garbage time FG). Maybe sit Chase after the 3rd quarter.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-20-2018, 12:15 PM
Who wants to bet we can go back less than 100 tweets of Wrubbel's to find a grammatical, spelling or punctuation error?

Just needed a little patience. The wording choice in this is awful.


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11-20-2018, 01:49 PM
Just needed a little patience. The wording choice in this is awful.


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It's not easy wording obscure stats with multiple layers to them. Greg probably has the most practice doing it of anyone.

11-21-2018, 10:57 AM
I think if the Utes beat Colorado and the Ducks beat ASU on Saturday, then the Utes should rest all of their starters vs. BYU to get ready for the CCG........

Wait, do we even play BYU this year?

11-26-2018, 05:25 PM
Wait, do we even play BYU this year?

Only for two quarters.

11-29-2018, 12:39 PM

I am really loving this site.


LA Ute
11-29-2018, 04:17 PM

I am really loving this site.


So am I!

12-03-2018, 12:47 PM
BYU Fan: "I'm just so fricking sick of the Vegas Bowl. I wish we could go somewhere else!"

Monkey Paw curls...

12-21-2018, 02:01 PM
I just saw a photo from the Potato Bowl. The Y is wearing Royal Blue unis. Seems like an unfair advantage; its almost like wearing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. The opposing team wont be able to find them.

05-19-2019, 12:19 PM
I’ll just leave this here.


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05-24-2019, 07:36 AM
Wow. That was so special

Hot Lunch
05-24-2019, 01:16 PM
I’ll just leave this here.


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That was fun to watch again. I know and work with the "lead singer" in this video. I let him have it for days after I saw this the first time. Good time to bring this up and mock him again. :)

05-24-2019, 01:27 PM
That was fun to watch again. I know and work with the "lead singer" in this video. I let him have it for days after I saw this the first time. Good time to bring this up and mock him again. :)

That is some amazing dirt to have on him.


LA Ute
05-24-2019, 02:27 PM
I’ll just leave this here.



LA Ute
08-06-2019, 08:07 PM
Weird BYU shirt at a Dodgers game. What’s with the dog in the middle of the Y?



08-06-2019, 08:52 PM

08-06-2019, 09:16 PM
Bulldog, bulldog, bow wow wow

08-07-2019, 08:26 AM
Isn't Yale the Bulldogs?

Maybe it's a Yale shirt?

08-07-2019, 09:09 AM
Isn't Yale the Bulldogs?

Maybe it's a Yale shirt?

It is. And LA knows it, he's just screwing around.

08-07-2019, 10:00 AM
It is. And LA knows it, he's just screwing around.


LA Ute
08-07-2019, 07:02 PM
It is. And LA knows it, he's just screwing around.


10-01-2019, 01:55 PM
apparently everything is now Sitake's fault.

For 30 years during the WAC/MWC days BYU had a recruiting and financial edge over 80-90% of the teams on its schedule. They also had a once in a lifetime Hall of Fame coach. Now that all three of those advantages are gone its puzzling why they expect similar results to their glory days? Lavell didn't play and defeat 4-5 schools from power conferences every year, he feasted on the Utahs, New Mexicos and Wyomings to get his double digit wins every year.

10-01-2019, 02:04 PM
apparently everything is now Sitake's fault.

For 30 years during the WAC/MWC days BYU had a recruiting and financial edge over 80-90% of the teams on its schedule. They also had a once in a lifetime Hall of Fame coach. Now that all three of those advantages are gone its puzzling why they expect similar results to their glory days? Lavell didn't play and defeat 4-5 schools from power conferences every year, he feasted on the Utahs, New Mexicos and Wyomings to get his double digit wins every year.

I think BYU would be foolish to fire Kalani. I've made clear my feelings about the BYU Myth Swallowers and Pro-Indy forces. They're far more damaging to the program than any single loss.

But if the Cougars lose to USF coming off a bye, even without their starting QB, then nothing can save Kalani.

10-01-2019, 02:19 PM
I think BYU would be foolish to fire Kalani. I've made clear my feelings about the BYU Myth Swallowers and Pro-Indy forces. They're far more damaging to the program than any single loss.

But if the Cougars lose to USF coming off a bye, even without their starting QB, then nothing can save Kalani.

it appears to be a no win situation for any head coach. We're going to increase the difficulty of the schedule with essentially the same resources that you had in the MWC


Dwight Schr-Ute
10-01-2019, 02:30 PM
it appears to be a no win situation for any head coach. We're going to increase the difficulty of the schedule with essentially the same resources that you had in the MWC


Well, many of them are already starting to entertain the idea of Morgan Scalley coming to Provo to help pull them out of obscurity and darkness. Wouldn't that be a real mind blow for both programs?!

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-01-2019, 03:08 PM

I feel awful for Zach. Football can be so random. This also isn't going to help Sitake's situation. Unless, of course, QB2 turns out to be as amazing as their last QB2 over the easy part of their schedule. Would that cause Wilson to start looking around for a new landing spot?

10-01-2019, 03:14 PM
I feel awful for Zach. Football can be so random. This also isn't going to help Sitake's situation. Unless, of course, QB2 turns out to be as amazing as their last QB2 over the easy part of their schedule. Would that cause Wilson to start looking around for a new landing spot?

This thread is a must read.


LA Ute
10-03-2019, 07:48 AM
This thread is a must read.


LOL. A work of Twitter genius.

LA Ute
10-03-2019, 07:50 AM
Well, many of them are already starting to entertain the idea of Morgan Scalley coming to Provo to help pull them out of obscurity and darkness. Wouldn't that be a real mind blow for both programs?!

Many scenarios in life are hard to imagine. That one is almost impossible to imagine.

10-03-2019, 07:59 AM
This thread is a must read.


Pssh! Totally unbelievable. There is no way Wilson's parents would be sitting in the NE part of the stadium.

10-12-2019, 10:11 PM
It’s bizarre to think that for BYU at 2-4, their wins are against Tennessee and USC, and they have losses to Toledo and USF. Young fans 20 years from now will look back and think WTF?!?

11-30-2019, 10:24 AM
Hate to resurrect this thread, but this Tim Brando tweet is worth noting.


LA Ute
12-27-2019, 09:06 AM
I watched the last couple of minutes of the Hawaii Bowl, and was surprised to see an experienced D1 quarterback stare down a single receiver in probably the most important play of the game up to that point, resulting in an easy game-ending interception. Who is coaching the quarterbacks there?

12-28-2019, 03:34 PM
The coaching is pretty subpar down there. Between its recruiting and coaching I don’t see much hope for that fan base.

12-28-2019, 05:01 PM
I thought for sure they'd come away with 2 top-25 wins, including their first ever as an independent against a P5 team. But USC and Boise both lost their bowl games badly. BYU will end with 0 top-25 wins again.

12-28-2019, 06:27 PM
The coaching is pretty subpar down there. Between its recruiting and coaching I don’t see much hope for that fan base.

I just don't see much talent on that roster and unless Andy Reid is walking through that door, I don't see that changing. Bronco was correct when he said independence is not sustainable. Kids want to play for something.