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11-11-2013, 07:51 PM
And yet, somehow Massey still has BYU rated at #24 and Utah at #32.



you sure spend a lot of time here with the folks you banished from the Cougar-Ute Forum. Are you still as butt hurt now that the Y vs. U series is back on in 2017 and 18?

Too bad Massey doesn't give any points for head to head competition. He has Oregon ahead of Stanford, and Utah ahead of Oregon State ... LOL

11-11-2013, 07:57 PM
you sure spend a lot of time here with the folks you banished from the Cougar-Ute Forum. Are you still as butt hurt now that the Y vs. U series is back on in 2017 and 18?

Leave Lebowski alone. He's a smart dude. He's not really making an argument that Masseyratings.com is more important than scoreboard. He's just trolling in the Utah-fan-self-trolling thread.

Jeff Lebowski
11-11-2013, 07:58 PM
you sure spend a lot of time here with the folks you banished from the Cougar-Ute Forum. Are you still as butt hurt now that the Y vs. U series is back on in 2017 and 18?

A lot of time? 149 posts in 9 months?

But now you mention it, that might make me one of your top posters. Good observation.

LA Ute
11-11-2013, 08:00 PM
Duderino, you're welcome here anytime. I hope you don't see that as me kissing your behind. I'm just in a good mood.

Jeff Lebowski
11-11-2013, 08:02 PM
Leave Lebowski alone. He's a smart dude. He's not really making an argument that Masseyratings.com is more important than scoreboard. He's just trolling in the Utah-fan-self-trolling thread.

No, I would take scoreboard over Massey any day. Grrr...

Just trying to correct the obvious nonsense about Utah running the table with BYU's schedule. And the nonsense about a world of difference between a 1-pt loss at home vs. a 10-pt loss on the road to two comparable ranked teams (Wisci should have beaten ASU - stupid Gary Anderson clock management).

11-11-2013, 08:09 PM
This is clearly true, but it doesn't make me feel much better right now. I need Utah to be winning before I can take much joy in BYU losing. It is, of course, preferable to have BYU losing while we are down.

With Notre Dame struggling vs Navy (?!) and losing to Pitt (!?!?), BYU does have a decent shot at finishing 9-3 with a few ok wins in there. 8-4 as a worst case. Not a bad season at all.

Their SOS is due for a hit, but Sagarin has BYU's SOS at 10 right now. Absent the head-to-head result, would you rather go 6-6/5-7 vs. the No. 1 schedule in the country, or 9-3/8-4 vs. the No. 40 schedule?

11-11-2013, 10:14 PM
Just saw the end of the BYU/Stanford first half after watching Kon-Tiki and before going to bed. At halftime, there was an ad for Stanford. It had the most pompous professor I have ever seen saying "I make it possible for students to pursue their passions." If I had that guy's class, I would drop out just to get away from him. And I'd be right to do it.

In the 2 minutes I saw, Stanford turned the ball over 48 times. I hope Johnny Dawkins enjoys his last year in Palo Alto.

LA Ute
11-12-2013, 07:33 AM
No, I would take scoreboard over Massey any day. Grrr...

Just trying to correct the obvious nonsense about Utah running the table with BYU's schedule. And the nonsense about a world of difference between a 1-pt loss at home vs. a 10-pt loss on the road to two comparable ranked teams (Wisci should have beaten ASU - stupid Gary Anderson clock management).

I don't see much point in comparing the two schedules. Don't we have just one common opponent? And even that game, against USU, was different because of the Keeton injury. We are having a frustrating season against a very, very difficult schedule, while your team is having a decent season against a schedule that is less difficult, but still no cakewalk. Although I wish your team were losing a lot more, and that we had pulled out wins in some of those agonizingly close games, them's the facts.

In hoops, however, your number is up. We're waiting for you. :evil:

11-12-2013, 08:51 AM
I don't see much point in comparing the two schedules. Don't we have just one common opponent? And even that game, against USU, was different because of the Keeton injury. We are having a frustrating season against a very, very difficult schedule, while your team is having a decent season against a schedule that is less difficult, but still no cakewalk. Although I wish your team were losing a lot more, and that we had pulled out wins in some of those agonizingly close games, them's the facts.

BYU has had a pretty good season. They are better than I thought they would be. But their computer numbers have been inflated by a pretty good run of luck:

They caught BSU and USU in the middle of QB turmoil. They are getting SOS credit for those wins when in reality Weber State would have won those two games.

They are getting SOS credit for Texas (obviously their best win and their only true quality win) which is boosted by Texas' own good fortune in an undeserved win vs ISU - a win that was determined by the worst call of the season so far.

And they are getting SOS credit for Houston because Houston is 7-2, even though Houston's 7 wins are all against pretty bad teams (best win = Rice?).

They are even getting some SOS credit for Middle Tennessee, which will finish at 8-4 with their best win against Marshall.

The CUSA is a potential SOS goldmine for BYU. There are no good teams in that conference, but if BYU can pick the right CUSA opponents, they can feast on easy wins without dragging their SOS down.

Jeff Lebowski
11-12-2013, 08:56 AM
BYU has had a pretty good season. They are better than I thought they would be. But their computer numbers have been inflated by a pretty good run of luck:

They caught BSU and USU in the middle of QB turmoil. They are getting SOS credit for those wins when in reality Weber State would have won those two games.

They are getting SOS credit for Texas (obviously their best win and their only true quality win) which is boosted by Texas' own good fortune in an undeserved win vs ISU - a win that was determined by the worst call of the season so far.

And they are getting SOS credit for Houston because Houston is 7-2, even though Houston's 7 wins are all against pretty bad teams (best win = Rice?).

They are even getting some SOS credit for Middle Tennessee, which will finish at 8-4 with their best win against Marshall.

The CUSA is a potential SOS goldmine for BYU. There are no good teams in that conference, but if BYU can pick the right CUSA opponents, they can feast on easy wins without dragging their SOS down.

lol. BYU is clearly in your head. You think the computer ranking don't take into account the strength of schedule of opponents?

Jeff Lebowski
11-12-2013, 08:57 AM
In hoops, however, your number is up. We're waiting for you. :evil:

How long has it been since Utah beat BYU in basketball? Ten years? I would have to look it up.

I think I am going to let SU off the hook this year on the bet. I feel guilty taking his money.

11-12-2013, 09:18 AM
lol. BYU is clearly in your head. You think the computer ranking don't take into account the strength of schedule of opponents?

I know exactly what goes into the SOS rankings. I'm just saying that BYU had some good luck with the computers this year.

If, for example, the refs call the clear fumble on Texas vs ISU, BYU's Sagarin SOS drops from 10 to 15, and their Sagarin ranking drops from 19 to 25.

If Keeton goes down during the SJSU game, USU is 5-4 now instead of 6-3, and BYU's SOS and overall rankings go down another few spots.

Look at Middle Tennessee - they beat Memphis, FAU, Marshall, and UAB each by 3 points or less. Suppose they split those games instead. BYU's SOS takes a hit.

There is always some luck involved in a 12 game season, and that luck has fallen BYU's way this year as far as computer #'s go. That is all. You still have a nice team full of dirtbags having a nice season.

Jeff Lebowski
11-12-2013, 09:28 AM
I know exactly what goes into the SOS rankings. I'm just saying that BYU had some good luck with the computers this year.

If, for example, the refs call the clear fumble on Texas vs ISU, BYU's Sagarin SOS drops from 10 to 15, and their Sagarin ranking drops from 19 to 25.

If Keeton goes down during the SJSU game, USU is 5-4 now instead of 6-3, and BYU's SOS and overall rankings go down another few spots.

Look at Middle Tennessee - they beat Memphis, FAU, Marshall, and UAB each by 3 points or less. Suppose they split those games instead. BYU's SOS takes a hit.

There is always some luck involved in a 12 game season, and that luck has fallen BYU's way this year as far as computer #'s go. That is all. You still have a nice team full of dirtbags having a nice season.


Yeah, and if Jamaal catches that pass and a few plays go the other way in the Utah and Wisci games, we would be undefeated. And if Stanford scores on that last drive you lose your signature win. Blah, blah, blah...

11-12-2013, 09:37 AM

Yeah, and if Jamaal catches that pass and a few plays go the other way in the Utah and Wisci games, we would be undefeated. And if Stanford scores on that last drive you lose your signature win. Blah, blah, blah...

Sure. I'm just pointing out how sensitive these rankings are to small, random things. I'm not talking about drops or poor execution (that's not bad luck, it's bad football). I'm talking about missed calls and injuries. That's where luck lives.

LA Ute
11-12-2013, 10:28 AM
How long has it been since Utah beat BYU in basketball? Ten years? I would have to look it up.

I think I am going to let SU off the hook this year on the bet. I feel guilty taking his money.


Right, and BYU has never had a down period in it history. Ours is ending, and you know it. Choke on it, man!

USS Utah
11-12-2013, 11:18 AM
How long has it been since Utah beat BYU in basketball? Ten years? I would have to look it up.

I think I am going to let SU off the hook this year on the bet. I feel guilty taking his money.

5 seasons. Last Utah win, 2009 94-88 (OT).

Last year BYU needed a huge second half comeback to win by 3, 61-58, in Provo.

LA Ute
11-12-2013, 12:04 PM
5 seasons. Last Utah win, 2009 94-88 (OT).

Last year BYU needed a huge second half comeback to win by 3, 61-58, in Provo.

Lebowski knows all this. He is simply preparing himself for an unpleasant reality.

11-12-2013, 03:54 PM
I'm not sure why I keep reading this thread.

I suspect it is the same reason I nostalgically drive by the first apartment my wife and I lived in every once in a while: it's always good to remember where you came from. It keeps your eye on the ball, as it were.

11-12-2013, 03:55 PM
Good lord, I realize this is the last bar that hasn't bounced you yet, but stop kissing so much Ute ass. Show a little dignity.

Meh. Utah is a much better team. One thing that I find cool about this place is how most people can be pretty civilized...borne of rejection as opposed to rejecting.

You should just close CUF to your fanboys.

Jeff Lebowski
11-12-2013, 05:08 PM
Meh. Utah is a much better team. One thing that I find cool about this place is how most people can be pretty civilized...borne of rejection as opposed to rejecting.

You should just close CUF to your fanboys.

You should just pray that your newfound homies don't search your old posts on that other site. Yowza.

LA Ute
11-12-2013, 05:12 PM
You should just pray that your newfound homies don't search your old posts on that other site. Yowza.

We know all about this young man's past. We forgive him and accept him. :p

11-12-2013, 05:39 PM
Good lord, I realize this is the last bar that hasn't bounced you yet, but stop kissing so much Ute ass. Show a little dignity.

You should just pray that your newfound homies don't search your old posts on that other site. Yowza.

What's next? Grammar or spelling smack?

Viking died on CUF quite intentionally and that body is buried and the ground is cold.

Go in peace, lebowski.

11-13-2013, 12:03 AM
We know all about this young man's past. We forgive him and accept him. :p

I disagree. No man knows Viking's history.

11-13-2013, 03:47 AM
I disagree. No man knows Viking's history.

That's awesome. There is no doubt as to my identity, but as to my posting history, yes.

I let the old cougarboard sophomoric behavior go on far too long and the death (suicide) of Viking on CUF was a few years past due. I like checking in on the football banter there but the community is better here and lacks the acerbic tone that I suppose grew out of the site's origins.

LA Ute
11-13-2013, 06:57 AM
That's awesome. There is no doubt as to my identity, but as to my posting history, yes.

I let the old cougarboard sophomoric behavior go on far too long and the death (suicide) of Viking on CUF was a few years past due. I like checking in on the football banter there but the community is better here and lacks the acerbic tone that I suppose grew out of the site's origins.

It's interesting. Some see that tone (sincerely, it seems to me) as like mere towel-snapping among friends. To me it is too often downright mean and can become dispiriting. To each his own.

11-13-2013, 07:49 AM
Their SOS is due for a hit, but Sagarin has BYU's SOS at 10 right now. Absent the head-to-head result, would you rather go 6-6/5-7 vs. the No. 1 schedule in the country, or 9-3/8-4 vs. the No. 40 schedule?

I'd rather be 6-6. Then I don't have to argue anymore. I know exactly how good I am. Utah is a mediocre BCS team. Utah is also 3-0 OOC, and has beaten Stanford, lost extremely close games to OSU, UCLA, and ASU.

Let's say we had BYU's schedule. There is a good shot we are undefeated right. We would be everywhere trying to convince everyone we were a championship level team. But we aren't, just because we have a favorable schedule.

Now we know. And guess what? Sure, we are 6-6 this year instead of a 9 win team like BYU, but there aren't any questions. And if we have another 2008 or 2004, we will be national champions. BYU might not even get a BCS bowl if they go undefeated.

11-13-2013, 08:28 AM
I'd rather be 6-6. Then I don't have to argue anymore. I know exactly how good I am. Utah is a mediocre BCS team. Utah is also 3-0 OOC, and has beaten Stanford, lost extremely close games to OSU, UCLA, and ASU.

Let's say we had BYU's schedule. There is a good shot we are undefeated right. We would be everywhere trying to convince everyone we were a championship level team. But we aren't, just because we have a favorable schedule.

Now we know. And guess what? Sure, we are 6-6 this year instead of a 9 win team like BYU, but there aren't any questions. And if we have another 2008 or 2004, we will be national champions. BYU might not even get a BCS bowl if they go undefeated.

There are so many holes in this argument, I'm not even going to contest it. You've earned the crown as the biggest, most irrational BYU hater ever. And this thread is appropriate for you to flash your bling. Congrats.

11-13-2013, 08:35 AM
You've earned the crown as the biggest, most irrational BYU hater ever.

Something we should all aspire to.

11-13-2013, 09:56 AM
There are so many holes in this argument, I'm not even going to contest it. You've earned the crown as the biggest, most irrational BYU hater ever. And this thread is appropriate for you to flash your bling. Congrats.

Let's break down BYU's amazing schedule:

at Virginia - First week of the year, USU is a better team than Virginia. Utah wins.
Texas at home - If Texas plays they way they played against BYU, Wilson runs for 200 yards and we smoke them as well.
BYU - seeing how we already won this game....
Middle Tenn - We beat them handidly
USU - we already beat them, and they lost Keaton as well, we destroy them
GT - Again, UCLA, OSU, ASU and Stanford are light years better than GT. We beat them as well.
at Houston - By this time, our secondary is a lot better, and guess what. Not getting Wilson hurt against Stanford (because instead of OSU, BYU, UCLA and Stanford on the schedule, we get Midd Tenn and an injured USU team, Wilson never hurts his hand) is huge. Our improved defense combined with Wilson being 100% healthy gives Utah the win. Heck, We were a top 20 offense against BYU, USU, and UCLA before Wilson got hurt. Give us the easier schedule and we are probably a top 10 offense right now. Our more zoob-ish fans (probably myself included) are debating whether or not we could take down Oregon and Alabama, and some of us actually believe it.
Boise - Without their QB, we roll.
Wisconsin - This is our first real test of the year. BUT, we are now 100% healthy, and our defense is rocking. Wisconsin's offense isn't as good as ASU's. This game is a 50/50 game RIGHT NOW. This is our most likely loss of the year.

For you to think there isn't a good shot that we are undefeated with BYU's schedule is just silly. What team beats us? The Texas team that didn't load the box against a QB that STILL CAN'T throw? A Houston team that isn't that good? A Wisconsin team that is a less talented, less tough, less good Stanford?

Again, this is why I think the Big 5 need to break off and form their own Division. To get rid of arguments like this. To get rid of teams that don't have the same week in, week out grind, yet run around proclaiming they are awesome. The fact of the matter is this:

TCU and Utah had better programs than BYU or Boise going into the PAC-12 and Big 12. And both have been mediocre (although Utah has been better than TCU, suck on that frog lovers). To think that TCU or Utah wouldn't be undefeated right now with Boise's or BYU's schedule isn't that crazy at all. Or Fresno's. Or Northern Illinois.

I don't think Utah was deserving of a shot at the NC in 2008 or 2004. And I still think that way. There is a HUGE difference between playing in a BCS conference and not.

11-13-2013, 10:12 AM
Mods, please delete this thread. It has gone bad. TIA.

Jeff Lebowski
11-13-2013, 10:13 AM
Mods, please delete this thread. It has gone bad. TIA.

Please, please, please do not delete this thread.

11-13-2013, 10:21 AM
Please, please, please do not delete this thread.

We are 18 pages into our own version of the "Big 12 Expansion Groundswell" thread.

11-13-2013, 10:26 AM
It's interesting. Some see that tone (sincerely, it seems to me) as like mere towel-snapping among friends. To me it is too often downright mean and can become dispiriting. To each his own.

It is more similar to taping somebody up and hanging him naked from a towel rack, by his Johnson, and then parading his prom date through the locker room to 'see the festivities' (as happened to the football player at Skyview back in the mid 90s).

Just harmless juvenile pranks, boys being boys. Right?

11-13-2013, 11:06 AM
Let's break down BYU's amazing schedule

Texas has played much better since then. Utah would be heavy favorites against everyone but Texas and Wisconsin. So 7-2 or 8-1. Or 6-3 if we blow one, which we have been known to do.

I don't think Utah was deserving of a shot at the NC in 2008 or 2004. And I still think that way. There is a HUGE difference between playing in a BCS conference and not.

I don't accept this. Those were good, deserving teams, as were the Boise State and TCU teams that were undefeated. They were as good as anyone those years.

11-13-2013, 11:08 AM
Mods, please delete this thread. It has gone bad. TIA.

If you're having thread problems, I feel bad for you, son. I have 99 problems but this thread aint one.

USS Utah
11-13-2013, 11:09 AM
Apparently BYU lost 3 players to injury during the Wisconsin game. Imagine playing a schedule full of tough teams like the Badgers -- oh wait, I don't have to imagine, Utah is doing it this year.

11-13-2013, 11:14 AM
Apparently BYU lost 3 players to injury during the Wisconsin game. Imagine playing a schedule full of tough teams like the Badgers -- oh wait, I don't have to imagine, Utah is doing it this year.

Or, imagine having a bye week against Idaho State every other week to recover from those types of injuries.

Jeff Lebowski
11-13-2013, 12:44 PM
Fascinating how the team that has gone 4-5 (likely to finish 5-7) against the #1 schedule would be a lock to go undefeated against the #10 schedule. That is real compelling logic folks.

But I certainly agree with the larger point you all are making: moving to the PAC-12 has exposed Utah.

USS Utah
11-13-2013, 01:00 PM
Fascinating how the team that has gone 4-5 (likely to finish 5-7) against the #1 schedule would be a lock to go undefeated against the #10 schedule. That is real compelling logic folks.

But I certainly agree with the larger point you all are making: moving to the PAC-12 has exposed Utah.

Undefeated is a stretch. Better than 4-5, a no brainer. The same as BYU, quite possible.

It would be a catastrophic failure if Utah lost to Colorado at home this year, so a 5-7 finish is unlikely. WSU on the road would be more of a challenge, but hardly insurmountable.

What's really been exposed is the weakness of the MWC. It turns out those "week-in-week-out" arguments were right.

Jeff Lebowski
11-13-2013, 01:15 PM
That's awesome. There is no doubt as to my identity, but as to my posting history, yes.

I let the old cougarboard sophomoric behavior go on far too long and the death (suicide) of Viking on CUF was a few years past due. I like checking in on the football banter there but the community is better here and lacks the acerbic tone that I suppose grew out of the site's origins.

By "acerbic tone", I would assume you are referring to posts like this:




11-13-2013, 01:50 PM
By "acerbic tone", I would assume you are referring to posts like this:




Those are all great posts. CUF is at its best when discussing Utah to the Pac-12. Very similar to this thread on many levels.

By the way, what ever happened to Cutty? He was a good Ute sports poster on CUF. Lebowski, can you transfer his account?

Jeff Lebowski
11-13-2013, 02:04 PM
Those are all great posts. CUF is at its best when discussing Utah to the Pac-12. Very similar to this thread on many levels.

By the way, what ever happened to Cutty? He was a good Ute sports poster on CUF. Lebowski, can you transfer his account?

I think he is busy killing zombies.


11-13-2013, 02:27 PM
I now realize why this thread is titled "I wish I knew how to quit you." All of you have a symbiotic, obsessive, dysfunctional relationship that probably requires years of therapy.

I have no problem pointing out the obvious from my objective, distanced, superior perspective. You are all welcome.

11-13-2013, 03:06 PM
A lot of time? 149 posts in 9 months?

But now you mention it, that might make me one of your top posters. Good observation.

for barely paying attention to this board, you sure hang out here a lot.

11-13-2013, 03:21 PM
Texas has played much better since then. Utah would be heavy favorites against everyone but Texas and Wisconsin. So 7-2 or 8-1. Or 6-3 if we blow one, which we have been known to do.

I don't accept this. Those were good, deserving teams, as were the Boise State and TCU teams that were undefeated. They were as good as anyone those years.

As far as the Texas thing, we would get the same Texas team BYU got. And part of Texas playing better is the refs giving them a win over Iowa (state?).

As far as 2004 or 2008, yes our #1's were amazing. I doubt we stay as healthy in a PAC-12 schedule and stay undefeated. That is where it isn't fair. That is why I think Utah is undefeated with BYU's schedule right now: The injuries. Imagine if Murphy doesn't break his wrist playing a top 15 UCLA team. How much better are we? If we got to play Midd Tenn that week instead and had the game in hand in the 3rd Q? Or instead of Wilson hurting his hand against Stanford, we got to play a USU with no Keaton? The week in, week out thing is real, and that is why I don't think Utah should have gotten a shot at the title in 04 or 08. In 04, Auburn, USC and Texas were all more deserving. In 08, if you give Utah Florida/USC/Texas's schedule, I doubt they go undefeated.

11-13-2013, 03:28 PM
Fascinating how the team that has gone 4-5 (likely to finish 5-7) against the #1 schedule would be a lock to go undefeated against the #10 schedule. That is real compelling logic folks.

But I certainly agree with the larger point you all are making: moving to the PAC-12 has exposed Utah.

Oh, yeah, what a tough road BYU has had to deal with....

A horrible Virginia team (which they lost to).
A Texas team that didn't scout them at all and was missing their starting QB most of the game
A mediocre PAC-12 team that kicked their ass
A terrible Midd Tenn team
A USU team with no Keaton
A GT team that might have had the only QB worse than Hill
A Houston team that beat...Rice?
A Boise St team with no QB
A Wisconsin team that kicked their ass

Do you realize that BYU is 2-3 vs BCS teams? And their two wins, Texas and GT, there were QB changes in the game?

Do you realize that BYU's other two top wins were USU and Boise, both teams were missing their starting QB?

Yes, BYU's schedule looks good on paper. But if you actually look at it, it sucks big time and is not comparable to Utah's at all. To insinuate that it is, shows you really aren't paying attention to what happens on the field and you are just as clueless as whatever person gave BYU a top 25 vote. They are not a top 25 team at all, nor are they close to one at all.

If BYU were to join a BCS league they would be worse than TCU right now, which has been worse than Utah in their transition. If BYU loses to ND coming up, do you realize that they will be 2-4 vs BCS teams? And their only two wins were against a team that lost their starting QB to injury and another who was actually in the Hill league of terrible passers?

BYU has lost 4 straight to Utah, and has gotten it handed to them every time they have played a good team this year. The last thing they should be doing is putting Utah down.

LA Ute
11-13-2013, 03:31 PM
Please, please, please do not delete this thread.

I agree. It's all we have that will lure JL here to play with us.

11-13-2013, 03:40 PM
Anyways, all this debating is why I think BCS teams should break off and form their own division. Right now, having it all mixed is not fair in two major ways:

1 - BCS teams have HUGE advantages over non-BCS teams in recruiting, money, facilities, coaches.

2 - non-BCS teams have HUGE advantages over BCS teams in scheduling.

Because of those two issues, it is impossible to compare the two and try to come out with a legit solution. How would Fresno, No Ill, BYU fare in a BCS league? History tells us, not so well. Yet here they are, getting publicity, for their weak schedule. How would TCU and Utah do with a non-BCS schedule? History tells us 10 wins this year. Maybe more. But both teams have losing records in BCS play. What's the difference? Utah and TCU have better coaches, better recruits, etc, BUT harder schedules.

Reality is the most likely Utah and TCU would have better records than Fresno/No Ill/BYU right now (or at least more impressive wins), and those three teams would be struggling worse in BCS play. So, why do those three teams get credit for not being as good?

11-13-2013, 03:47 PM
I just looked at Fresno's schedule. Wow. That is TERRIBLE. Utah and TCU are both undefeated with that schedule.

Cal Poly

Yikes. Now, No Ill:

Eastern Ill
Kent St
Cent Mich
Ball St
Western Mich

Yikes. At least it is better than Fresno's.

Who couldn't go undefeated with that schedule.

So, you want to tell me that they deserve a spot in the BCS over

Alabama (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/333/alabama-crimson-tide)

Florida State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/52/florida-state-seminoles)

Ohio State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/194/ohio-state-buckeyes)

Stanford (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/24/stanford-cardinal)

Baylor (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/239/baylor-bears)

Oregon (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2483/oregon-ducks)

Auburn (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2/auburn-tigers)

Clemson (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/228/clemson-tigers)

Missouri (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/142/missouri-tigers)

South Carolina (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2579/south-carolina-gamecocks)

Texas A&M (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/245/texas-a&m-aggies)

Oklahoma State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/197/oklahoma-state-cowboys)

UCLA (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/26/ucla-bruins)

Or are more deserving of a BCS bowl game than:

Oklahoma (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/201/oklahoma-sooners)

Arizona State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/9/arizona-state-sun-devils)

LSU (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/99/lsu-tigers)

Wisconsin (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/275/wisconsin-badgers)

Miami (FL) (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2390/miami-%28fl%29-hurricanes)

Texas (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/251/texas-longhorns)

Georgia (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/61/georgia-bulldogs)

When if they played any one of those team's schedule, they have at least twice the number of losses?

The BCS should split off from the mid majors.

11-13-2013, 03:54 PM
I now realize why this thread is titled "I wish I knew how to quit you." All of you have a symbiotic, obsessive, dysfunctional relationship that probably requires years of therapy.

True. The only thing that comforts me is that I have not yet reached the level of feeling compelled to go see what is posted on a rival's board. That's where dysfunctional crosses over into psychotic.

Imagine if Murphy doesn't break his wrist playing a top 15 UCLA team

I don't believe injuries are any more or less frequent in different conferences. Injuries just happen. I wish they happened to our opponents during games more often. BYU has been so lucky on that one over recent years.

So, you want to tell me that they deserve a spot in the BCS over ...

I have no sympathy for Oklahoma, ASU, Texas, etc if Fresno or NIU gets into a BCS game over them. Those programs have all had their money and glory. Let the little guys have a day in the sun. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, it has led to some amazing games. The BSU/OU game was the best football game ever played. NonBCS teams in BCS bowls have performed very well all in all.

11-13-2013, 03:57 PM
I disagree. No man knows Viking's history.

By "acerbic tone", I would assume you are referring to posts like this:




Yeah, I regret those posts. I would never speak that way in person.

11-13-2013, 04:00 PM
Yeah, I regret those posts. I would never speak that way in person.

You have a clean slate here. That site is not accessible through my filter.

Jeff Lebowski
11-13-2013, 04:01 PM
Oh, yeah, what a tough road BYU has had to deal with....

A horrible Virginia team (which they lost to).
A Texas team that didn't scout them at all and was missing their starting QB most of the game
A mediocre PAC-12 team that kicked their ass
A terrible Midd Tenn team
A USU team with no Keaton
A GT team that might have had the only QB worse than Hill
A Houston team that beat...Rice?
A Boise St team with no QB
A Wisconsin team that kicked their ass

Do you realize that BYU is 2-3 vs BCS teams? And their two wins, Texas and GT, there were QB changes in the game?

Do you realize that BYU's other two top wins were USU and Boise, both teams were missing their starting QB?

Yes, BYU's schedule looks good on paper. But if you actually look at it, it sucks big time and is not comparable to Utah's at all. To insinuate that it is, shows you really aren't paying attention to what happens on the field and you are just as clueless as whatever person gave BYU a top 25 vote. They are not a top 25 team at all, nor are they close to one at all.

I suppose you could be right and all of the computer models could be wrong. Of course it is those very same models are the ones coming up with the Utah rating.

LA Ute
11-13-2013, 04:11 PM
I suppose you could be right and all of the computer models could be wrong. Of course it is those very same models are the ones coming up with the Utah rating.

Look, JL, we are trolling ourselves over here. It ruins all the fun when we end up unintentionally trolling you.

(I kid, I kid. I am poking fun at myself and everyone else here. By the way, we will kill you guys in basketball this year. Absolutely kill you.)

11-13-2013, 04:11 PM
Todd Christensen passed away today. I know some of my Utes brethren weren't too happy with some of his work on The Mtn., but he got a pass from me because he did color for NBC for the Greatest Comeback in NFL history. He also was ahead of the curve in predicting our fortunes for 2008.

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fsports %2Fnfl%2F2013%2F11%2F13%2Ftodd-chistensen-obit-raiders%2F3516843%2F&ei=1QaEUqTPG6OKjAKu5IHYAg&usg=AFQjCNEsU3xYTDkPS8Xg9giEjQb4yLPRDQ&bvm=bv.56343320,d.cGE

LA Ute
11-13-2013, 04:14 PM
Todd Christensen passed away today. I know some of my Utes brethren weren't too happy with some of his work on The Mtn., but he got a pass from me because he did color for NBC for the Greatest Comeback in NFL history. He also was ahead of the curve in predicting our fortunes for 2008.

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fsports %2Fnfl%2F2013%2F11%2F13%2Ftodd-chistensen-obit-raiders%2F3516843%2F&ei=1QaEUqTPG6OKjAKu5IHYAg&usg=AFQjCNEsU3xYTDkPS8Xg9giEjQb4yLPRDQ&bvm=bv.56343320,d.cGE

By all accounts he was a good man who lived a big, good life. RIP.

USS Utah
11-13-2013, 05:04 PM
I just looked at Fresno's schedule. Wow. That is TERRIBLE. Utah and TCU are both undefeated with that schedule.

Cal Poly

Yikes. Now, No Ill:

Eastern Ill
Kent St
Cent Mich
Ball St
Western Mich

Yikes. At least it is better than Fresno's.

Who couldn't go undefeated with that schedule.

So, you want to tell me that they deserve a spot in the BCS over

Alabama (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/333/alabama-crimson-tide)

Florida State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/52/florida-state-seminoles)

Ohio State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/194/ohio-state-buckeyes)

Stanford (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/24/stanford-cardinal)

Baylor (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/239/baylor-bears)

Oregon (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2483/oregon-ducks)

Auburn (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2/auburn-tigers)

Clemson (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/228/clemson-tigers)

Missouri (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/142/missouri-tigers)

South Carolina (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2579/south-carolina-gamecocks)

Texas A&M (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/245/texas-a&m-aggies)

Oklahoma State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/197/oklahoma-state-cowboys)

UCLA (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/26/ucla-bruins)

Or are more deserving of a BCS bowl game than:

Oklahoma (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/201/oklahoma-sooners)

Arizona State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/9/arizona-state-sun-devils)

LSU (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/99/lsu-tigers)

Wisconsin (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/275/wisconsin-badgers)

Miami (FL) (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2390/miami-%28fl%29-hurricanes)

Texas (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/251/texas-longhorns)

Georgia (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/61/georgia-bulldogs)

When if they played any one of those team's schedule, they have at least twice the number of losses?

The BCS should split off from the mid majors.

You have a lot of free time on your hands.

11-13-2013, 06:46 PM
RIP. As a kid, he made me proud to be a Mormon

11-13-2013, 07:23 PM
I come to this thread just to read Utah's posts.

11-13-2013, 07:24 PM
You have a lot of free time on your hands.

'The Girls' do all the work around the office. :D

LA Ute
11-13-2013, 07:38 PM
I come to this thread just to read Utah's posts.

It is a fun thread.

11-13-2013, 07:40 PM
Todd Christensen passed away today. I know some of my Utes brethren weren't too happy with some of his work on The Mtn., but he got a pass from me because he did color for NBC for the Greatest Comeback in NFL history. He also was ahead of the curve in predicting our fortunes for 2008.

RIP Todd. He was a very good man, with a big heart. I saw him on TV a few years ago and it was apparent he was having some health issues.

LA Ute
11-13-2013, 07:44 PM
RIP Todd. He was a very good man, with a big heart. I saw him on TV a few years ago and it was apparent he was having some health issues.

I think he was waiting for a getting a liver transplant. The radio report was that he was actually on the operating table getting the transplant when he died. Maybe he just ran out of time.

A good reminder to all of us: Be an organ donor.

Diehard Ute
11-13-2013, 07:59 PM
I think he was waiting for a getting a liver transplant. The radio report was that he was actually on the operating table getting the transplant when he died. Maybe he just ran out of time.

A good reminder to all of us: Be an organ donor.

Deseret News reported he died shortly after the transplant

LA Ute
11-13-2013, 08:57 PM
Deseret News reported he died shortly after the transplant

My guess is that he just didn't get it in time. What a shame.

11-14-2013, 09:04 AM
Yeah, I regret those posts. I would never speak that way in person.

We're all about redemption and second chances here. I think I'm on my 5th or 6th second chance myself. Don't tell anyone though. Math is not their strong suit.

LA Ute
11-14-2013, 09:42 AM
We're all about redemption and second chances here. I think I'm on my 5th or 6th second chance myself. Don't tell anyone though. Math is not their strong suit.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to report this. !@?##!! sneaky engineers.

11-14-2013, 09:59 AM
Thanks to Senioritis, my first thought when seeing this news item on KSL was of Nate Cooper. Kind of like your mind would immediately go to Craig James if you heard that 5 hookers had been killed.

Ghonorrhea cases on the rise (http://www.ksl.com/?sid=27622250&nid=960&title=gonorrhea-cases-increasing-dramatically-in-men-and-women&fm=home_page&s_cid=queue-4)

11-15-2013, 05:10 PM
The thing that ripped cougaruteforum apart was the Utes getting into the Pac 12. The Pac 12 invited Utah and the next day we wake up and our friends hate us. They are throwing stones at us, breaking our windows and setting our homes on fire. We had to flee to this promised land. For BYU fans at least, this rivalry runs deeper than religion. Take it from me, because they never hated me for my unbelief. And we Ute fans didn't even do anything. We didn't put Utah in the Pac 12 or in any way cause it. I'm glad Chris Hill and Whit and others are trying to kill the rivalry, because it's ugly. I say kill it.

Jeff Lebowski
11-15-2013, 08:29 PM
The thing that ripped cougaruteforum apart was the Utes getting into the Pac 12. The Pac 12 invited Utah and the next day we wake up and our friends hate us. They are throwing stones at us, breaking our windows and setting our homes on fire. We had to flee to this promised land. For BYU fans at least, this rivalry runs deeper than religion. Take it from me, because they never hated me for my unbelief. And we Ute fans didn't even do anything. We didn't put Utah in the Pac 12 or in any way cause it. I'm glad Chris Hill and Whit and others are trying to kill the rivalry, because it's ugly. I say kill it.

I still love you, SeattleUte. With all my heart.

LA Ute
11-15-2013, 09:20 PM
I still love you, SeattleUte. With all my heart.

I believed you until your second sentence. It doesn't ring true. Sorry, just being...well, you know.

11-15-2013, 09:52 PM
The thing that ripped cougaruteforum apart was the Utes getting into the Pac 12. The Pac 12 invited Utah and the next day we wake up and our friends hate us. They are throwing stones at us, breaking our windows and setting our homes on fire. We had to flee to this promised land. For BYU fans at least, this rivalry runs deeper than religion. Take it from me, because they never hated me for my unbelief. And we Ute fans didn't even do anything. We didn't put Utah in the Pac 12 or in any way cause it. I'm glad Chris Hill and Whit and others are trying to kill the rivalry, because it's ugly. I say kill it.

No question it was done out of spite, its too bad because I thought it was a healthy interaction between fans.

11-15-2013, 11:35 PM
The thing that ripped cougaruteforum apart was the Utes getting into the Pac 12. The Pac 12 invited Utah and the next day we wake up and our friends hate us. They are throwing stones at us, breaking our windows and setting our homes on fire. We had to flee to this promised land. For BYU fans at least, this rivalry runs deeper than religion. Take it from me, because they never hated me for my unbelief. And we Ute fans didn't even do anything. We didn't put Utah in the Pac 12 or in any way cause it. I'm glad Chris Hill and Whit and others are trying to kill the rivalry, because it's ugly. I say kill it.

It was poor form to build a community around the concept of cohabitation and then abruptly change the name and then de facto invite your cohabitants to leave. I wasn't a part of CG and what little I've seen of Waters makes me both respect his blogging ability as well as think he is likely a total basket case in real life (whereas most of us play basket cases online but are real life normal people), so I'm not sure I blame them for ditching CG.

JL and others certainly can't believe their identities are unknown (just as most of us here...it would take even the most casual observer all of a Google search to discover my name, yours, etc) so perhaps they felt some zoobie/bubble peer pressure to cast out the non-zoob, non-bubble inhabitants. I have no idea.

It is a helluva lot more interesting to peruse for random news than CB and I have to believe JL is a really first class guy in real life but it was certainly kind of impish.

I go back and forth about the rivalry. I'd mainly like to stop it because I am tired of losing to Utah and to Whit.

As an aside, there is one guy there who has become a cherished member who is clearly a dupe account playing nice. I think it is Robin's last ditch attempt to be allowed into the uber dork club, or whatever they call the secret post section of the forum. Who knows, maybe he's already succeeded?

USS Utah
11-16-2013, 01:10 AM
Not Roger Waters?

11-16-2013, 02:50 PM
Hey look at that ... I am able to watch the Utes on tv this week. So, I am watching two back-up QB's play, BYU has already pulled Hill and taken the foot off the gas pedal before the end of the first half and it appears Utah has no choice but to play the former walk-on.

Oh, and who designed Utah's uniforms ... Lululemon?

LA Ute
11-16-2013, 06:29 PM
Hey look at that ... I am able to watch the Utes on tv this week. So, I am watching two back-up QB's play, BYU has already pulled Hill and taken the foot off the gas pedal before the end of the first half and it appears Utah has no choice but to play the former walk-on.

Oh, and who designed Utah's uniforms ... Lululemon?

Poor timing. Maybe you could wait a day or two, and also perhaps try another hobby horse besides TV broadcast availability? This is more reminiscent of cougjunkie than tooblue.

11-16-2013, 06:31 PM
Hey look at that ... I am able to watch the Utes on tv this week. So, I am watching two back-up QB's play, BYU has already pulled Hill and taken the foot off the gas pedal before the end of the first half and it appears Utah has no choice but to play the former walk-on.

Oh, and who designed Utah's uniforms ... Lululemon?
Get the eff out.

11-16-2013, 07:35 PM
Hey look at that ... I am able to watch the Utes on tv this week. So, I am watching two back-up QB's play, BYU has already pulled Hill and taken the foot off the gas pedal before the end of the first half and it appears Utah has no choice but to play the former walk-on.

Oh, and who designed Utah's uniforms ... Lululemon?

Only a zoob could find superiority in seeing byu beat up one of the worst teams in the country (my high school team, the mighty Jesuit Rangers, could beat ISU) while a PAC12 member Utah loses to one of the best teams in the country.

Don't embarrass us.

11-16-2013, 08:23 PM
This entire thread should be one word: scoreboard.

11-16-2013, 08:35 PM
this entire thread should be one word: Scoreboard.
x 4

11-16-2013, 10:33 PM
Who had the more impressive win today? 8-3 Old Dominion, winning 42-14 over Campbell Camels, or 7-3 BYU, winning 59-13 over Idaho State?

Ahhhh. To be a mid-major Independent team these days...

11-16-2013, 10:34 PM
Whenever I feel bad about how Utah lost, I look at BYU and TCU and realize that it could be worse. Ha ha.

11-16-2013, 10:47 PM
Yall's season has been a roller coaster. Too bad about today, but I'm guessing that next week will be better.

LA Ute
11-16-2013, 10:52 PM
Yall's season has been a roller coaster. Too bad about today, but I'm guessing that next week will be better.

There are grounds for optimism about the future but it has been frustrating.

Mormon Red Death
11-17-2013, 10:22 AM
Hey look at that ... I am able to watch the Utes on tv this week. So, I am watching two back-up QB's play, BYU has already pulled Hill and taken the foot off the gas pedal before the end of the first half and it appears Utah has no choice but to play the former walk-on.

Oh, and who designed Utah's uniforms ... Lululemon?

I thought you couldn't get Fox sports 1?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

11-17-2013, 03:23 PM
Only a zoob could find superiority in seeing byu beat up one of the worst teams in the country (my high school team, the mighty Jesuit Rangers, could beat ISU) while a PAC12 member Utah loses to one of the best teams in the country.

Don't embarrass us.

My comment was merely an observation and more of a lament than anything else. One that BYU was playing a stink pit of a game against Idaho State and two that Utah is the new old Utah. What's more, I'm neither zoob or zoot. I am a huge college football fan first, and though my allegiances are with BYU I watch Utah as much as I can, which isn't often despite the fact they play in the vaunted PAC12. I grew up at RES. It's hard to break a bad habit. I was sending my brother text updates of the game as he was elsewhere watching another family member play D1 basketball in person.

And seriously Viking, drop the butt kissing schtick. Just be yourself. This is a different group. Not as much self-loathing going on here.

11-17-2013, 03:33 PM
I thought you couldn't get Fox sports 1?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

I upgraded my programming package. My desire to watch games won out.

11-18-2013, 12:59 PM
My comment was merely an observation and more of a lament than anything else. One that BYU was playing a stink pit of a game against Idaho State and two that Utah is the new old Utah. What's more, I'm neither zoob or zoot. I am a huge college football fan first, and though my allegiances are with BYU I watch Utah as much as I can, which isn't often despite the fact they play in the vaunted PAC12. I grew up at RES. It's hard to break a bad habit. I was sending my brother text updates of the game as he was elsewhere watching another family member play D1 basketball in person.

And seriously Viking, drop the butt kissing schtick. Just be yourself. This is a different group. Not as much self-loathing going on here.

As it turns out, this is the first login I've ever had, all the way back to the CB days, where I'm the only one who has the log in and password. So, sorry...I am myself and myself alone.

(the multiple user happened starting in 2002 as I sat on a trading desk and my best bud, the guy who sat to my immediate right, and shared a screen with me, would routinely post jabs. This continued through CUF and only ended with the decision to kill off Viking on CUF, which was well executed. I disavow many of the jackass posts on CUF and CB, but certainly not all. I definitely have my moments.)

11-18-2013, 02:00 PM
Oh, and who designed Utah's uniforms ... Lululemon?

Just saw this post by tooblue. You can call us drunks or any other insult you like, but the moment you wanna say something about our unis..... well do like hostile says and GTFO!

Get the eff out.

USS Utah
11-18-2013, 02:12 PM
The unis were great -- unless you're a Ute purist who insists that "Utah's colors are red and white!"

LA Ute
11-18-2013, 02:56 PM
The unis were great -- unless you're a Ute purist who insists that "Utah's colors are red and white!"


I don't mind black trim but I do mind when our teams look like they are from San Diego State.

Diehard Ute
11-18-2013, 03:12 PM

I don't mind black trim but I do mind when our teams look like they are from San Diego State.

He also hates it when you're on his lawn :D

LA Ute
11-18-2013, 03:15 PM
He also hates it when you're on his lawn :D

You're just bitter because I kicked you off.

USS Utah
11-18-2013, 04:22 PM

I don't mind black trim but I do mind when our teams look like they are from San Diego State.


LA Ute
11-18-2013, 04:42 PM

I don't like that either but it looks worse on the field. I was watching the Chiefs-Broncos game last night and the Chief's unis made me nostalgic for the former look of the Utes (minus the Chiefs' gold trim).

11-18-2013, 04:58 PM
I don't like that either but it looks worse on the field. I was watching the Chiefs-Broncos game last night and the Chief's unis made me nostalgic for the former look of the Utes (minus the Chiefs' gold trim).

Funny, my 6 year old came in while I was watching the game, looked at the TV, and said "Go Utes" when he saw the Chiefs jerseys.

USS Utah
11-18-2013, 04:58 PM
I don't like that either but it looks worse on the field. I was watching the Chiefs-Broncos game last night and the Chief's unis made me nostalgic for the former look of the Utes (minus the Chiefs' gold trim).


LA Ute
11-18-2013, 05:59 PM

Stop torturing me!!! ;)

USS Utah
11-18-2013, 06:15 PM
I don't mind black trim but I do mind when our teams look like they are from San Diego State.

No problem there:



You're just proving my point.

11-18-2013, 10:09 PM
I loved the look on Saturday. anything blue is disgusting

USS Utah
11-18-2013, 11:09 PM
I loved the look on Saturday. anything blue is disgusting

Unless its worn by Navy.

USS Utah
11-18-2013, 11:11 PM
No problem there:



You're just proving my point.

If you can't see the difference, I can't help you.

LA Ute
11-19-2013, 07:42 AM
If you can't see the difference, I can't help you.

Of course they are not exactly the same. They are pretty doggone similar, however. Black is one of their official colors. It is not one of ours. When it becomes as prominent as it has been the last couple of seasons, our teams do not resemble the Utah teams that have played football for over 100 years. That is just a pet peeve of mine. I can live with it. But it's fun to gripe about.

USS Utah
11-19-2013, 11:33 AM
Of course they are not exactly the same. They are pretty doggone similar, however. Black is one of their official colors. It is not one of ours. When it becomes as prominent as it has been the last couple of seasons, our teams do not resemble the Utah teams that have played football for over 100 years. That is just a pet peeve of mine. I can live with it. But it's fun to gripe about.

Black is officially Utah's third color.

It's a different era.

LA Ute
11-19-2013, 11:57 AM
Black is officially Utah's third color.

It's a different era.

The U.'s marketing department (http://umc.utah.edu/branding/visual-style) has authorized the use of black as an accent color. They don't get to decide what the school's official colors are. (As you can see, and as Diehard knows, I'm stubborn on this one!)

The University of Utah is a public coeducational space-grant research university in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.

Address (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=e0r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=university+of+utah+address&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgzYHnxCHfq6-gXl5TpqWbHaylX5OfnJiSWZ-HpxhlZiSUpRaXMyZWCRl525tctnI7DmffDL7V5fsYwAhJH5GSA AAAA&sa=X&ei=j7OLUqnuJoX_4AOj2YDIBw&ved=0CNkBEOgTKAEwFA): 201 Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Mascot (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=e0r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=university+of+utah+mascot&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgxUHnxCHfq6-gXl5TpqWTnaylX5qSmlyYklmfh6ClZgTn5lXXJJZUgriWeUmFi fnl_S-8K8y6bm7RZfxyfbIVT3TM5xzywCrro8tVwAAAA&sa=X&ei=j7OLUqnuJoX_4AOj2YDIBw&ved=0CNwBEOgTKAEwFA): University of Utah Swoop

Enrollment (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=e0r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=university+of+utah+enrollment&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgx0HnxCHfq6-gXl5TpqWQXaylX5qSmlyYklmfh6ClZgTn5lXXJJZUgriWaXmFe Xn5OSm5pUwOBR5fJsuwCDBJRx2PI_tiE5rkg4AkpPHuVsAAAA&sa=X&ei=j7OLUqnuJoX_4AOj2YDIBw&ved=0CN8BEOgTKAEwFA): 31,660 (2011)

Acceptance rate (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=e0r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=university+of+utah+acceptance+rate&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgxkHnxCHfq6-gXl5TpqWRnaylX5qSmlyYklmfp5-aV5mWWpRcWZJpVVicnJqQUliXnKqQlFiSWrSZjXLgh3JLotVPA-F7hBYrPZBXQUAtBb_QFMAAAA&sa=X&ei=j7OLUqnuJoX_4AOj2YDIBw&ved=0COIBEOgTKAEwFA): 83% (2010)

Founder (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=e0r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=university+of+utah+founder&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgzEHnxCHfq6-gXl5TpqWanaylX5-UXpiXmZVYklmfh4KxyotvzQvJbVo-mmzOTIxOobFzoI3Q7lKlryRYtoHAJfv06VQAAAA&sa=X&ei=j7OLUqnuJoX_4AOj2YDIBw&ved=0COUBEOgTKAEwFA): Brigham Young (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=e0r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=brigham+young&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgy0HnxCHfq6-gXl5TpoSmGWYY26spZqdbKWfX5SemJdZlViSmZ-HwrFKyy_NS0ktKukxChdsZut01aneYucRffWSxHEuAHLeC65aA AAA&sa=X&ei=j7OLUqnuJoX_4AOj2YDIBw&ved=0COYBEJsTKAIwFA)

Colors (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&hs=e0r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=university+of+utah+colors&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgyUHnxCHfq6-gXl5TpqWdnaylX5qSmlyYklmfh6ClZgTn5lXXJJZUgriWSXn5-QXCcUfupR7NOzjhrUSD8QSBc-Ubnq8EADQ2RapVgAAAA&sa=X&ei=j7OLUqnuJoX_4AOj2YDIBw&ved=0COkBEOgTKAEwFA): White, Crimson

Our colors are crimson and white. Google it. Ki-yi! :D

USS Utah
11-19-2013, 12:16 PM
The U.'s marketing department (http://umc.utah.edu/branding/visual-style) has authorized the use of black as an accent color. They don't get to decide what the school's official colors are. (As you can see, and as Diehard knows, I'm stubborn on this one!)

Our colors are crimson and white. Google it. Ki-yi! :D

The official University colors are divided into two sections: primary and secondary color palettes.

The secondary color palette provides colors to complement the primary palette of red and black. Note that secondary colors do not replace the primary color palette of red and black.

The players really like it.

LA Ute
11-19-2013, 12:35 PM
The players really like it.


USS Utah
11-19-2013, 12:40 PM

Just be happy we're not doing what Oregon does.

Going away now.

LA Ute
11-19-2013, 12:41 PM
Just be happy we're not doing what Oregon does.

Going away now.

I don't want you to go away, just get off my lawn. And you're right about Oregon. And about the players liking the black. Yeccch.

11-19-2013, 12:45 PM
I don't want you to go away, just get off my lawn. And you're right about Oregon. And about the players liking the black. Yeccch.

We are so close to very good looking uniforms with the black/white, but we always mess it up with too much red. I want storm trooper style on those.

Red/white is still out best look.

USS Utah
11-19-2013, 12:50 PM

I didn't used to like even the black accents on Utah's uniforms. I hated the black on the road unis in 03-04. But since the blackout game in 08 I decided to embrace the black, and I like the different uniform combinations.

I'm still not much of a fan of white pants on the road -- though the Sugar Bowl ameliorated that a little.

11-19-2013, 01:08 PM
The U.'s marketing department (http://umc.utah.edu/branding/visual-style) has authorized the use of black as an accent color. They don't get to decide what the school's official colors are. (As you can see, and as Diehard knows, I'm stubborn on this one!)

Our colors are crimson and white. Google it. Ki-yi! :D

I am on a crusade to get white removed from the official colors list, as it really isn't a color at all, but the absense of color. In my perfect world the school color (singular!) would be red. Only red. Red would be the only color on unis and other paraphernalia. Now, a common concern regarding my crusade is "how do you trim a uniform, or number it, etc., with only one color?"

The answer?

Not. my. Problem.

USS Utah
11-19-2013, 01:26 PM
Everyone wears white jerseys on the road, even if white isn't one of their colors.

Diehard Ute
11-19-2013, 01:52 PM
I hate our all white look in football. It's like we're the groom in a cheesy 70's wedding

11-19-2013, 01:55 PM
All the matters with uniforms is that Utah does what the players want and what has the potential to bring in recruits. It isn't about what fans think of the uniforms.

Oregon shouldn't be a criticism, they should be held up as an example of the right thing to do for their players and recruits.

USS Utah
11-19-2013, 01:59 PM
All the matters with uniforms is that Utah does what the players want and what has the potential to bring in recruits. It isn't about what fans think of the uniforms.

Oregon shouldn't be a criticism, they should be held up as an example of the right thing to do for their players and recruits.

The criticism isn't what Oregon is doing with uniforms, but the degree to which they are doing it.

LA Ute
11-19-2013, 02:29 PM
All the matters with uniforms is that Utah does what the players want and what has the potential to bring in recruits. It isn't about what fans think of the uniforms.

Oregon shouldn't be a criticism, they should be held up as an example of the right thing to do for their players and recruits.


Rocker Ute
11-19-2013, 03:43 PM
All the matters with uniforms is that Utah does what the players want and what has the potential to bring in recruits. It isn't about what fans think of the uniforms.

Oregon shouldn't be a criticism, they should be held up as an example of the right thing to do for their players and recruits.

I'm not familiar with the nuances of recruiting, but are uniform options really a tipping point for a potential recruit? I don't doubt the kids like them, but I always feel like this is a line fed to us to get us to buy more merchandise.

And in that case I think they are forgetting the important 'Rocker Ute' segment. You know, the one that doesn't really give a sh**.

11-19-2013, 03:54 PM
I am on a crusade to get white removed from the official colors list, as it really isn't a color at all, but the absense of color. In my perfect world the school color (singular!) would be red. Only red. Red would be the only color on unis and other paraphernalia. Now, a common concern regarding my crusade is "how do you trim a uniform, or number it, etc., with only one color?"

The answer?

Not. my. Problem.

Oh my, look what I have done. I didn't mean to start a fight but seriously, Saturday's uniforms, particularly the pants, looked like they were designed by Lululemon or worse by a half-time dance team director. Football players should look like football players not dancers. And by the way, black is not a colour and if it is not in the primary pallet of a team colour scheme it should not be used as an accent. It's what lazy designers do.

And before you say it, yes I am a purist. But I understand the desire to go all jazzy with the uniforms, just don't make the players look like half-time dancers!

Rocker Ute
11-19-2013, 04:00 PM
Oh my, look what I have done. I didn't mean to start a fight but seriously, Saturday's uniforms, particularly the pants, looked like they were designed by Lululemon or worse by a half-time dance team director. Football players should look like football players not dancers. And by the way, black is not a colour and if it is not in the primary pallet of a team colour scheme it should not be used as an accent. It's what lazy designers do.

And before you say it, yes I am a purist. But I understand the desire to go all jazzy with the uniforms, just don't make the players look like half-time dancers!

Black is a color, in print it is the presence of all colors.

White is also a color, in light it is the presence of all colors.

But I'm curious, how do you know so much about yoga pants? Do you have a fit that works with your body type?

LA Ute
11-19-2013, 04:12 PM
Oh my, look what I have done. I didn't mean to start a fight but seriously, Saturday's uniforms, particularly the pants, looked like they were designed by Lululemon or worse by a half-time dance team director. Football players should look like football players not dancers. And by the way, black is not a colour and if it is not in the primary pallet of a team colour scheme it should not be used as an accent. It's what lazy designers do.

And before you say it, yes I am a purist. But I understand the desire to go all jazzy with the uniforms, just don't make the players look like half-time dancers!

I was focused on the colors issue. Sorry, I don't even know who Lululemon is, and I am not interested enough to Google the name. :p

11-19-2013, 04:12 PM
Oh my, look what I have done. I didn't mean to start a fight but seriously, Saturday's uniforms, particularly the pants, looked like they were designed by Lululemon or worse by a half-time dance team director. Football players should look like football players not dancers. And by the way, black is not a colour and if it is not in the primary pallet of a team colour scheme it should not be used as an accent. It's what lazy designers do.

And before you say it, yes I am a purist. But I understand the desire to go all jazzy with the uniforms, just don't make the players look like half-time dancers!

False. All of it. If our boys were wearing lululemons there would have been major wedgies going on and FCC violations for junk shown through transparent pants. Sorry to burst your bubble!

11-19-2013, 04:37 PM
Black is a color, in print it is the presence of all colors.

White is also a color, in light it is the presence of all colors.

But I'm curious, how do you know so much about yoga pants? Do you have a fit that works with your body type?

I teach colour theory in an art and design school. Yes, black is a colour in print but it is what lazy artists and designers use, especially if it is not a part of the original colour pallet. Using black get's you a failing grade in my design classes.

On my college campus yoga pants have become the preferred leg wear of nearly every young woman regardless of body type. Enough already I say. But there is little I can do about the issue except to rail against the lack of fashion sense of this generation. And call out the Utes for sending their players out on the field looking like drill team dancers and not football players!

11-19-2013, 04:40 PM
False. All of it. If our boys were wearing lululemons there would have been major wedgies going on and FCC violations for junk shown through transparent pants. Sorry to burst your bubble!
Those uniforms were FCC violations in my opinion. Enough already. The Utes are Crimson and White. And BYU should go back to Royal blue.

LA Ute
11-19-2013, 04:47 PM
And before you say it, yes I am a purist. But I understand the desire to go all jazzy with the uniforms, just don't make the players look like half-time dancers!


Rocker Ute
11-19-2013, 05:33 PM
Yes, black is a colour in print but it is what lazy artists and designers use, especially if it is not a part of the original colour pallet. Using black get's you a failing grade in my design classes.

Uh... okay.

Palette = a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors. Typically used with color palette.
Pallet = portable platform also sometimes called a skid.

Do you really teach this stuff or are we talking wood shop here? Also do you just add a 'u' to color to sound British?

Do you fail yourself when you wear black turtlenecks and hipster doofus black-rimmed glasses? I think you should be easier on yourself.

11-19-2013, 06:06 PM
Uh... okay.

Palette = a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors. Typically used with color palette.
Pallet = portable platform also sometimes called a skid.

Do you really teach this stuff or are we talking wood shop here? Also do you just add a 'u' to color to sound British?

Do you fail yourself when you wear black turtlenecks and hipster doofus black-rimmed glasses? I think you should be easier on yourself.

We are both using Eurpopean spelling conventions. You with your French 'palette' and me spelling colour the correct way.

As evidenced by my spelling I am too sloppy to be sporting black turtle necks and black rimmed glasses. I prefer a tattered sweat shirt, jeans and untied trainers.

Yes, I really do teach this stuff.

Mormon Red Death
11-19-2013, 08:07 PM
Those uniforms were FCC violations in my opinion. Enough already. The Utes are Crimson and White. And BYU should go back to Royal blue.

Byu is baby blue

11-20-2013, 12:05 PM
I teach colour theory in an art and design school. Yes, black is a colour in print but it is what lazy artists and designers use, especially if it is not a part of the original colour pallet. Using black get's you a failing grade in my design classes.

On my college campus yoga pants have become the preferred leg wear of nearly every young woman regardless of body type. Enough already I say. But there is little I can do about the issue except to rail against the lack of fashion sense of this generation. And call out the Utes for sending their players out on the field looking like drill team dancers and not football players!

This sounds like a letter to the Daily Universe.

11-20-2013, 12:19 PM
Using black get's you a failing grade in my design classes.

Would you have failed batman?


Or Pink Floyd?


Or Jamaica?


LA Ute
11-20-2013, 12:21 PM
Using black get's you a failing grade in my design classes.

As a Highland High Ram I deeply resent this opinion.

11-20-2013, 01:05 PM
Would you have failed batman?


Or Pink Floyd?


Or Jamaica?


I suppose Spinal Tap shouldn't even bother to show up.

11-20-2013, 01:06 PM
Would you have failed batman?


Or Pink Floyd?


Or Jamaica?

Or the French?


11-20-2013, 01:47 PM
Maybe this is more his speed


Diehard Ute
11-20-2013, 02:00 PM
Or the French?


Or Metallica


11-20-2013, 09:42 PM
http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z234/Hollie_090/HarleyBlack.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Hollie_090/media/HarleyBlack.jpg.html)

11-21-2013, 06:37 AM
As a fellow former Highland Ram I love the black and white because black is a part of the primary palette (spelled correctly for the french language sensitive among us). But as you have noted, Utah's colours are crimson and white. When you start introducing black, stuff like fans dressing as pirates while attending games happens. That's just embarrassing.

11-21-2013, 08:04 AM
The thing that ripped cougaruteforum apart was the Utes getting into the Pac 12. The Pac 12 invited Utah and the next day we wake up and our friends hate us. They are throwing stones at us, breaking our windows and setting our homes on fire. We had to flee to this promised land. For BYU fans at least, this rivalry runs deeper than religion. Take it from me, because they never hated me for my unbelief. And we Ute fans didn't even do anything. We didn't put Utah in the Pac 12 or in any way cause it. I'm glad Chris Hill and Whit and others are trying to kill the rivalry, because it's ugly. I say kill it.


Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk

Hot Lunch
11-21-2013, 08:33 AM
I have to say, I am laughing so hard right now. A BYU fan here at work just explained to me what the "ROC" banner means that I saw during last night's game. Roar Of Cougars! How did I not know this? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. That is awesome!

11-21-2013, 08:53 AM
I have to say, I am laughing so hard right now. A BYU fan here at work just explained to me what the "ROC" banner means that I saw during last night's game. Roar Of Cougars! How did I not know this? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. That is awesome!



I saw part of the second half last night. BYU looks pretty good. Great to see Haws stuffed on the last shot. BYU doesn't really put a premium on defense, and if you can get Mika out with foul trouble, there's nothing stopping anyone over 6' from scoring inside.

11-21-2013, 08:57 AM

Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk

In the interest of full disclosure, when Utah was invited to join the PAC12 I said both schools should part ways and discontinue the rivalry game. Nothing has changed for me. Though I find it interesting that Chris Hill felt he had to and in fact he did lie about why the break was necessary. All he had to say is both schools should view this as a fresh start and an opportunity to chart their own course ... to plot a new trajectory (a word employed by others here in this forum).

Speaking of trajectory, y'all can believe in your "exceptionalism" and that Utah's trajectory is something it's not. The fact Utah, it's fans in particular, have recommitted to play the rivalry game after you supposedly had a legitimate out is telling.

11-21-2013, 09:00 AM
All he had to say is both schools should view this as a fresh start and an opportunity to chart their own course ... to plot a new trajectory (a word employed by others here in this forum).

Right, then everyone would have just said "okay".

11-21-2013, 09:06 AM
I have to say, I am laughing so hard right now. A BYU fan here at work just explained to me what the "ROC" banner means that I saw during last night's game. Roar Of Cougars! How did I not know this? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. That is awesome!

Wow, that is so lame, and completely predictable from the TDS.

It was only 2-3 years ago that I learned about the opening prayer before each game. Now this? When will the weird revelations end?

11-21-2013, 09:07 AM
In the interest of full disclosure, when Utah was invited to join the PAC12 I said both schools should part ways and discontinue the rivalry game. Nothing has changed for me. Though I find it interesting that Chris Hill felt he had to and in fact he did lie about why the break was necessary. All he had to say is both schools should view this as a fresh start and an opportunity to chart their own course ... to plot a new trajectory (a word employed by others here in this forum).

Speaking of trajectory, y'all can believe in your "exceptionalism" and that Utah's trajectory is something it's not. The fact Utah, it's fans in particular, have recommitted to play the rivalry game after you supposedly had a legitimate out is telling.

what did chris hill lie about? This is the first I've heard about this...

11-21-2013, 09:12 AM
Right, then everyone would have just said "okay".

Who cares if everyone was OK with it? Are you saying Chris Hill lacks the courage of his convictions to be honest with his fan base? The evidence would suggest that maybe that is a correct assessment.

11-21-2013, 09:19 AM
So who then—which fan base—is the rivalry game more important to?

11-21-2013, 09:19 AM
Who cares if everyone was OK with it? Are saying Chris Hill lacks the courage of his convictions to be honest with his fan base? The evidence would suggest that maybe that is a correct assessment.

Sorry, I guess I misunderstood your ramblings. I thought you were saying you would have been better at explaining the break in games to the public than Hill was. Now I don't know what you were trying to say. Except that it was some dig at our AD, which is unacceptable.

11-21-2013, 09:27 AM
So who then—which fan base—is the rivalry game more important to?

There are plenty of people on both sides of the game who want to see it stay and plenty who want to see it go. There are also many who are indifferent.

But the real question is - to which team is the game more important? BYU obviously needs it for scheduling purposes now, especially if they can get more of the games moved back to November. For Utah, the game is an important reminder that we are the top local program.

11-21-2013, 09:29 AM
Sorry, I guess I misunderstood your ramblings. I thought you were saying you would have been better at explaining the break in games to the public than Hill was. Now I don't know what you were trying to say. Except that it was some dig at our AD, which is unacceptable.

It's not a dig at the AD. I have nothing against Chris Hill. It's a dig at the notion that somehow the rivalry is less important to Ute fans than it is to Cougar fans ... following the underlying theme of this thread.

11-21-2013, 09:37 AM
It's not a dig at the AD. I have nothing against Chris Hill. It's a dig at the notion that somehow the rivalry is less important to Ute fans than it is to Cougar fans ... following the underlying theme of this thread.

Well, I have said repeatedly on this thread that I care about BYU losing. The rivalry is alive and well with me. I will be upset if BYU beats Notre Dame this weekend. So...I thought the underlying theme of the thread was that Utah fans dislike BYU.

LA Ute
11-21-2013, 10:08 AM
I have always seen this thread's theme as, "We hate you and you hate us, and we both wish we didn't care about each other but we do and deep down we know we can't stop, and that's actually kind of funny at the end of the day." 953

I know that not everyone sees it this way.

Rocker Ute
11-21-2013, 10:29 AM
I will be upset if BYU beats Notre Dame this weekend...

This weekend is it... this is the weekend where I decide where my religious affiliation lies. If BYU Athletics is a missionary arm of the LDS Church, than surely Notre Dame Athletics is the same for the Catholic Church. So, if BYU wins I'll keep on keepin' on, and if ND wins, well I'm just going to have to take a closer look into what going to church on only Christmas and Easter is really all about.

Don't let me down Spencer Hadley... don't let me down.

11-21-2013, 10:44 AM
I have to say, I am laughing so hard right now. A BYU fan here at work just explained to me what the "ROC" banner means that I saw during last night's game. Roar Of Cougars! How did I not know this? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. That is awesome!

LOL! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Cougars success at Notre Dame this weekend, I hope the Cougs are able to ROC and roll in South Bend. Hopefully Williams will be able to hold onto the ROC, and the Cougs will be able to punch in many TDs in the BLUE-zone. Irish Nation is about to get ROCed!!

11-21-2013, 12:03 PM
This weekend is it... this is the weekend where I decide where my religious affiliation lies. If BYU Athletics is a missionary arm of the LDS Church, than surely Notre Dame Athletics is the same for the Catholic Church. So, if BYU wins I'll keep on keepin' on, and if ND wins, well I'm just going to have to take a closer look into what going to church on only Christmas and Easter is really all about.

Don't let me down Spencer Hadley... don't let me down.

Good thing BYU didn't schedule Baylor this year.

USS Utah
11-21-2013, 12:14 PM
As a fellow former Highland Ram I love the black and white because black is a part of the primary palette (spelled correctly for the french language sensitive among us). But as you have noted, Utah's colours are crimson and white. When you start introducing black, stuff like fans dressing as pirates while attending games happens. That's just embarrassing.


LA Ute
11-21-2013, 12:43 PM
BYU doesn't really put a premium on defense, and if you can get Mika out with foul trouble, there's nothing stopping anyone over 6' from scoring inside.

I really like and admire Dave Rose, but truer words were never spoken about his approach to coaching. That said, BYU's press seemed pretty effective in the closing minutes of that game (which is all I saw of it). Or maybe ISU just had too many young players on the floor that the time.

11-21-2013, 02:44 PM
Or the French?


this convict looks way too happy, someone needs to share with him the bosom burning Spencer Hadley story.

11-21-2013, 04:20 PM
There are plenty of people on both sides of the game who want to see it stay and plenty who want to see it go. There are also many who are indifferent.

There's nothing more pathetic than the faux too-cool-for-school attitude that some of our fans try and exhibit. It's what happens when spite is mixed with stupidity.

Also, I strongly doubt that each side of the fence is equally represented. Those that want to see it go are often of the same camp that thinks we're wasting our time with BYU because they're convinced we can get Ohio State home-and-home.

11-21-2013, 04:56 PM
There's nothing more pathetic than the faux too-cool-for-school attitude that some of our fans try and exhibit. It's what happens when spite is mixed with stupidity.

Also, I strongly doubt that each side of the fence is equally represented. Those that want to see it go are often of the same camp that thinks we're wasting our time with BYU because they're convinced we can get Ohio State home-and-home.

considering Utah has 4 games next season with teams currently in the top 15, 6 games against teams in the Top 25 and the University of Michigan, will I miss the game next year against the Zoobs?


11-21-2013, 11:53 PM
There's nothing more pathetic than the faux too-cool-for-school attitude that some of our fans try and exhibit. It's what happens when spite is mixed with stupidity.

Also, I strongly doubt that each side of the fence is equally represented. Those that want to see it go are often of the same camp that thinks we're wasting our time with BYU because they're convinced we can get Ohio State home-and-home.

Is that common? I just dislike them and want nothing more to do with them. The fact that I cannot articulate any advantage that accrues to us by competing with them makes it easy to not want to.

11-22-2013, 06:51 AM
There's nothing more pathetic than the faux too-cool-for-school attitude that some of our fans try and exhibit. It's what happens when spite is mixed with stupidity.

Also, I strongly doubt that each side of the fence is equally represented. Those that want to see it go are often of the same camp that thinks we're wasting our time with BYU because they're convinced we can get Ohio State home-and-home.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with admitting that the rivalry narrative has completely changed between the two schools. The reality is that there is literally nothing that either school/team can do that will impact the others' season outside of one win or one loss. Utah having a successful season does not hinge on beating BYU, as there is no longer a conference title we are competing for. Likewise, BYU has its own bowl contract and a number of built-in victories on the schedule to ensure they get there, so even though they've lost to Utah four years in a row, there's no real impact on the season outside of bragging rights. Even in recruiting, we're seeing the two schools go their seperate ways. Oh sure, we still battle for a few in-state or LDS guys, but in general we're not worried about losing guys to BYU because again, it's not going to impact things on the field but for one game a year. It becomes more of a "man, it'd be nice to get Troy Hinds," but beyond that, the devistation in a recruit picking one school over the other is gone.

I think the larger problem, or perhaps the area where the most frustration creeps in, is where fans from each side actually engage in debates with one another with a thought that they will be able to sway an opinion one way or another. We will always think that Bronco's antics are a bit gooberish, and they will always feel like Kyle is one shady step away from losing his temple recommend. That's just the rivalry. This is in part why I for the most part have stopped engaging that group in rivalry talk. They don't want to talk about it, or hear about this player or that player. Likewise, we don't want to hear how Taysom Hill went from the worst QB this side of Kevin Feterick to the second coming of Robbie Bosco in just a few games. It's uninteresting, and boring to a lot of folks. It's become a very bottom line oriented rivalry..."did BYU/Utah lose this week? Awesome!"

So, I don't look at it as a "too cool for school" attitude. They are our primary rival, and always will be, but beating them or losing to them has very little impact on our ability to win a conference title and compete week in and week out in the Pac 12. If fans want to focus more on that and less on the rivarly, I think that's a good thing.

11-22-2013, 09:25 AM
Is that common? I just dislike them and want nothing more to do with them. The fact that I cannot articulate any advantage that accrues to us by competing with them makes it easy to not want to.

We want to crush them and steal all their women recruits.

11-22-2013, 10:24 AM
They are our primary rival, and always will be, but beating them or losing to them has very little impact on our ability to win a conference title and compete week in and week out in the Pac 12. If fans want to focus more on that and less on the rivarly, I think that's a good thing.

If we didn't start a collective 1-11 three years running in the Pac-12, the horse would already be in front of the cart. Since we did, this point of view can hold only so much hubris. It's no different than Zoobs thinking they can bust the BCS next year.

11-22-2013, 10:30 AM
Is that common? I just dislike them and want nothing more to do with them. The fact that I cannot articulate any advantage that accrues to us by competing with them makes it easy to not want to.

There's one vote chalked up to spite. Or self-loathing. Weren't you a regular on CUF and CB for long stretches? I'll retract those last two sentences if that's not the case.

11-22-2013, 10:32 AM
There's one vote chalked up to spite. Or self-loathing. Weren't you a regular on CUF and CB for long stretches? I'll retract those last two sentences if that's not the case.

Self loathing?

11-22-2013, 10:42 AM
If we didn't start a collective 1-11 three years running in the Pac-12, the horse would already be in front of the cart. Since we did, this point of view can hold only so much hubris. It's no different than Zoobs thinking they can bust the BCS next year.

I think it is quite different, but that's ok.

LA Ute
11-22-2013, 10:53 AM
Self loathing?


USS Utah
11-22-2013, 11:33 AM

11-25-2013, 05:51 PM
Self loathing?

“Like all dreamers I confuse disenchantment with truth." --jean Paul Sartre

11-25-2013, 06:08 PM
“Like all dreamers I confuse disenchantment with truth." --jean Paul Sartre

LOL @ tooblue using a Sartre quote to cast his rival as "other."

11-25-2013, 08:15 PM
LOL @ tooblue using a Sartre quote to cast his rival as "other."

"We are our choices." --Sartre

11-30-2013, 03:57 PM
Utes, don't let your season get you down. It could be worse...far worse. You could be hoping to escape powerhouse Nevada-Reno with a victory.

I'm sure the folk on CUF have something pithy to say about this.

11-30-2013, 06:01 PM
In general I am fine with not playing BYU for several years. There was a time when I knew who BYU was playing and the result just as I did the U. They were the rival, what happened in their games had an impact on our season. The way they played against Wyoming or New Mexico gave me some insight to what the Utes would or should do. I know BYU is 8-4 and that they lost to Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and ND. I know they beat Texas, Utah State and Boise, but I couldn't tell you the score or whether they were close or not. I have no idea who else they beat. Having said that, as I entered RES today and felt the total lack of excitement I missed the emotion of those end of the season contests where both teams played with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

12-01-2013, 06:39 AM
In general I am fine with not playing BYU for several years. There was a time when I knew who BYU was playing and the result just as I did the U. They were the rival, what happened in their games had an impact on our season. The way they played against Wyoming or New Mexico gave me some insight to what the Utes would or should do. I know BYU is 8-4 and that they lost to Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and ND. I know they beat Texas, Utah State and Boise, but I couldn't tell you the score or whether they were close or not. I have no idea who else they beat. Having said that, as I entered RES today and felt the total lack of excitement I missed the emotion of those end of the season contests where both teams played with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

I flip flop more than Mitt Romney in a campaign on this issue.

Utah is on a completely different path than BYU: Utah has an incredible future, if it can execute; BYU is converging towards the likes of Utah State.

It makes sense that Utah would want to move on. However, watching the Ala/AU game and seeing another year go by without UT/A&M made me really nostalgic for the good old days of the last Saturday in November.

12-06-2013, 12:39 PM
I think that Haws should inspire the NCAA to make a rule change:

"A player standing behind the three point line who bounces the ball off their forehead will be awarded 4 points for a made basket."


12-16-2013, 08:45 AM
It's a difficult time to be a Cougar fan. That's all I have to say.

Go Cougars!

12-16-2013, 09:08 AM
It's a difficult time to be a Cougar fan. That's all I have to say.

Go Cougars!

Every moment of every day is difficult if you are a cougar fan.

12-16-2013, 09:50 AM
Every moment of every day is difficult if you are a cougar fan.

No body said it would be easy. Just that it would be worth it.

12-16-2013, 09:54 AM
No body said it would be easy. Just that it would be worth it.

he, he.
Frame it! You could make a killing at DesBook.
Maybe with a picture of Bronco's shumble face, or JD's cry of pain.

BTW, now you know what it feels like to be a Ute fan in the early 80s..... (c:

12-16-2013, 10:13 AM
No body said it would be easy. Just that it would be worth it.

Is it really any harder now than it usually is? Both the football and basketball teams are better than the 20-year average product out of Provo. You need to understand that these are the good times for BYU sports.


LA Ute
12-17-2013, 05:17 AM
Is it really any harder now than it usually is? Both the football and basketball teams are better than the 20-year average product out of Provo. You need to understand that these are the good times for BYU sports.


Not for BYU fans who were old enough to understand what happened in 1984. Any Coug over age 40 is doomed to a life of longing for a repeat. For the younger ones, it's almost as bad because that year has become the subject of song, story and fireside.

Rocker Ute
12-17-2013, 09:42 AM
In general I am fine with not playing BYU for several years. There was a time when I knew who BYU was playing and the result just as I did the U. They were the rival, what happened in their games had an impact on our season. The way they played against Wyoming or New Mexico gave me some insight to what the Utes would or should do. I know BYU is 8-4 and that they lost to Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and ND. I know they beat Texas, Utah State and Boise, but I couldn't tell you the score or whether they were close or not. I have no idea who else they beat. Having said that, as I entered RES today and felt the total lack of excitement I missed the emotion of those end of the season contests where both teams played with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

I just came to the realization that you know way more than I do. I was like you too... where being in the same conference and playing the same competition meant I knew what was going on with BYU. This year I could tell you that they beat Texas (and mostly that was because of a both funny and awful animated gif I saw related to the matter) and they lost to Utah. I honestly had no idea what they did or who they played for the rest of the season.

Same thing for basketball... I caught them play ISU out of sheer luck and I caught part of another game I can't recall. I came away thinking they were a very good team that had some exploitable weaknesses in Haws and Carlino, but that is it. Who remains on their schedule I don't know, other than their obvious WCC schedule.

It is hard to care any more particularly because you can't compare a PAC12 football schedule with anything else, and you can't compare a WCC basketball schedule with... well anything else either. Gonzaga will do well in the regular season for reasons that are obvious only to flame out spectacularly in the NCAA tournament, St Mary's will have moments of apparent brilliance and then I assume BYU will fall in about there.

In fact we might have a shot at seeing them in the NIT again... then I'll scramble to figure out how they did against the other teams of the WCC (Outside of Gonzaga and St Mary's I have no idea who those teams might be).

Jeff Lebowski
12-17-2013, 09:49 AM
Not for BYU fans who were old enough to understand what happened in 1984. Any Coug over age 40 is doomed to a life of longing for a repeat. For the younger ones, it's almost as bad because that year has become the subject of song, story and fireside.

You are correct. Winning a national championship was really cool. Would love to experience that again.

12-17-2013, 09:57 AM
You are correct. Winning a national championship was really cool. Would love to experience that again.

good luck with that. Wish you all the best for the holiday season.

Jeff Lebowski
12-17-2013, 10:02 AM
good luck with that. Wish you all the best for the holiday season.


12-17-2013, 10:16 AM
It is hard to care any more particularly because you can't compare a PAC12 football schedule with anything else, and you can't compare a WCC basketball schedule with... well anything else either.

This is exactly why the temporary cessation of the rivalry in football is only throwing gas on the fire. Athletic directors think that they have found a way to cool things down, when what they really have done is to light the fuse on a nuke. With lack of comparable schedules, fans are going to be going crazy with the chest thumping and comparative win/loss analysis bullshit, and at the end of each year that is all that you will have. There will be no scoreboard, only schedule smack. It will be like going into a bakery filled with deliciousl pastries on an empty stomach, smelling each of them and walking back out, stomach still empty every day, for 2 years. enough to make some people crazed ravenous animals.

Yes I am pretty sure that in 2016 when the rivalry comes back, the streets will run red with blood figuratively if not literally as emotions pent-up over that time are unleashed all at once. I will probably watch that rivalry game in my bomb shelter.

LA Ute
12-17-2013, 10:24 AM
You are correct. Winning a national championship was really cool. Would love to experience that again.

And I would feel the same way were I in your shoes.

Jeff Lebowski
12-17-2013, 10:52 AM
This is exactly why the temporary cessation of the rivalry in football is only throwing gas on the fire. Athletic directors think that they have found a way to cool things down, when what they really have done is to light the fuse on a nuke. With lack of comparable schedules, fans are going to be going crazy with the chest thumping and comparative win/loss analysis bullshit, and at the end of each year that is all that you will have. There will be no scoreboard, only schedule smack. It will be like going into a bakery filled with deliciousl pastries on an empty stomach, smelling each of them and walking back out, stomach still empty every day, for 2 years. enough to make some people crazed ravenous animals.

Yes I am pretty sure that in 2016 when the rivalry comes back, the streets will run red with blood figuratively if not literally as emotions pent-up over that time are unleashed all at once. I will probably watch that rivalry game in my bomb shelter.

Well said, Wally. I agree.

12-17-2013, 12:09 PM
It will be like going into a bakery filled with deliciousl pastries on an empty stomach, smelling each of them and walking back out, stomach still empty every day, for 2 years. enough to make some people crazed ravenous animals.

It's like being the fastest runner, but you're not allowed to win.

Or feeling the punishment, but can't commit the sin.

We want them, and they want us. No one is to blame (well, Chris Hill, maybe).

12-17-2013, 12:18 PM
This is exactly why the temporary cessation of the rivalry in football is only throwing gas on the fire. Athletic directors think that they have found a way to cool things down, when what they really have done is to light the fuse on a nuke. With lack of comparable schedules, fans are going to be going crazy with the chest thumping and comparative win/loss analysis bullshit, and at the end of each year that is all that you will have. There will be no scoreboard, only schedule smack. It will be like going into a bakery filled with deliciousl pastries on an empty stomach, smelling each of them and walking back out, stomach still empty every day, for 2 years. enough to make some people crazed ravenous animals.

Yes I am pretty sure that in 2016 when the rivalry comes back, the streets will run red with blood figuratively if not literally as emotions pent-up over that time are unleashed all at once. I will probably watch that rivalry game in my bomb shelter.

I believe that the next couple of years will be banner years for both teams, as they no longer waste a disproportionate amount of energy on a single game and are able to focus on conference games that matter more.

If the byu football team were in a conference, I think the rivalry would already be much more muted.

As it is, the game means more to the byu than it does to the Utes, at least in terms of overall goals in Conference. I think the unequal emphases on this game is reason enough to put it on the shelf.

12-17-2013, 12:38 PM
he, he.
Frame it! You could make a killing at DesBook.
Maybe with a picture of Bronco's shumble face, or JD's cry of pain.

BTW, now you know what it feels like to be a Ute fan in the early 80s..... (c:

I lived the life of a twisted and tormented Ute fan in the early 80's tagging along with my family to RES and the Huntsman Center. I still can't shake the habit, mostly cause family is family. Oh well. Next year!

At least I'll get to watch the Cougars in a bowl game. And hey, I'm OK with having to wait to watch the Utes in person next season at Michigan ... which will likely be the only Utah game I get to see next season despite being in the vaunted PAC12.

12-17-2013, 12:49 PM
I lived the life of a twisted and tormented Ute fan in the early 80's tagging along with my family to RES and the Huntsman Center. I still can't shake the habit, mostly cause family is family. Oh well. Next year!

At least I'll get to watch the Cougars in a bowl game. And hey, I'm OK with having to wait to watch the Utes in person next season at Michigan ... which will likely be the only Utah game I get to see next season despite being in the vaunted PAC12.

Were you able to watch the recent basketball game?

12-17-2013, 12:56 PM
I believe that the next couple of years will be banner years for both teams, as they no longer waste a disproportionate amount of energy on a single game and are able to focus on conference games that matter more.

See this is where we see things differently. Supposing both teams have banner years, I don't see a way, unless one of them wins the NC that the season doesn't end on a note of comparison between them. Assume Utah (in our wildest dreams) finishes 9-3 and BYU 11-1, cougs will claime superior record, Utes will claim superior SOS and the debate will rage as to which team is best in state. Take that to the bank. In fact, the only scenario for avoiding this conflict is for BYU to suck and Utah to shine, because if BYU sucks against a "lesser" schedule, the logical hoops to jump through to claim superiority over a good P12 Utah team become nigh-impossible.

Utah and BYU, both sons of Brigham Young, are entrenched in a vigorous sibling rivalry. sibling rivalry is never truly subverted no matter what state of inner rivalry nirvana the siblings think they have achieved. For evidence of this, see practically every one-on-one basketball game played by adult brothers. The fact that each institution is so different with respect to mission, culture, areas of academic emphasis, only distances the siblings enough regarding empathy for one another to allow for true loathing to exist. By the way, the institutions are separated by a mere 40 miles and compete for the adulation of the locals constantly, and in every way. Even if you live outside the epicenter of this conflict, you are subject to it when you interact with family in Utah or when you monitor the performance of your alma mater. This conflict catches easier than influenza.

12-17-2013, 01:02 PM
Were you able to watch the recent basketball game?


12-17-2013, 02:03 PM
See this is where we see things differently. Supposing both teams have banner years, I don't see a way, unless one of them wins the NC that the season doesn't end on a note of comparison between them. Assume Utah (in our wildest dreams) finishes 9-3 and BYU 11-1, cougs will claime superior record, Utes will claim superior SOS and the debate will rage as to which team is best in state. Take that to the bank. In fact, the only scenario for avoiding this conflict is for BYU to suck and Utah to shine, because if BYU sucks against a "lesser" schedule, the logical hoops to jump through to claim superiority over a good P12 Utah team become nigh-impossible.

Utah and BYU, both sons of Brigham Young, are entrenched in a vigorous sibling rivalry. sibling rivalry is never truly subverted no matter what state of inner rivalry nirvana the siblings think they have achieved. For evidence of this, see practically every one-on-one basketball game played by adult brothers. The fact that each institution is so different with respect to mission, culture, areas of academic emphasis, only distances the siblings enough regarding empathy for one another to allow for true loathing to exist. By the way, the institutions are separated by a mere 40 miles and compete for the adulation of the locals constantly, and in every way. Even if you live outside the epicenter of this conflict, you are subject to it when you interact with family in Utah or when you monitor the performance of your alma mater. This conflict catches easier than influenza.

Wally is exactly right. Think of how insufferable byu fans are this year claiming they are a superior team, despite the noteworthy fact that we beat them handily (in their stadium). Can you imagine what will happen when it is just a what-if discussion? No thanks, let's just beat them every year so I don't have to hear any more about masseyratings.com.

LA Ute
12-17-2013, 02:25 PM
Utah and BYU, both sons of Brigham Young, are entrenched in a vigorous sibling rivalry. sibling rivalry is never truly subverted no matter what state of inner rivalry nirvana the siblings think they have achieved. For evidence of this, see practically every one-on-one basketball game played by adult brothers. The fact that each institution is so different with respect to mission, culture, areas of academic emphasis, only distances the siblings enough regarding empathy for one another to allow for true loathing to exist. By the way, the institutions are separated by a mere 40 miles and compete for the adulation of the locals constantly, and in every way. Even if you live outside the epicenter of this conflict, you are subject to it when you interact with family in Utah or when you monitor the performance of your alma mater. This conflict catches easier than influenza.

The above is pure artistry. Bravo.

Diehard Ute
12-17-2013, 02:42 PM
You know I think there may be a really different view of this rivalry depending on your religious leanings.

While they're our rival, and I never like to see them do well, not playing them is fine with me. Because I don't have that built in church connection where it will constantly be brought up even if we don't play.

I have co workers who are BYU fans...we rarely even discuss it except during game weeks. Once that week is over, it's over. Seems that isn't the case with many others.

12-17-2013, 03:07 PM
Were you able to watch the recent basketball game?

Actually no. Thanks utes!

12-17-2013, 03:12 PM
Actually no. Thanks utes!
Sorry. Maybe you can look for it in HD replay on KBYU.

12-17-2013, 03:20 PM
Sorry. Maybe you can look for it in HD replay on KBYU.

Wish I could've watched it live but, well, it's Utah. And let me get this straight. If I read this board correctly the highlight of Utah's football season was beating BYU and it's quite possible the highlight of the Ute's basketball season may be ...

Diehard Ute
12-17-2013, 03:23 PM
Wish I could've watched it live but, well, it's Utah. And let me get this straight. If I read this board correctly the highlight of Utah's football season was beating BYU and it's quite possible the highlight of the Ute's basketball season may be ...

Nope. Stanford. Nothing else needs be said.

12-17-2013, 03:26 PM
Nope. Stanford. Nothing else needs be said.

Unfortunately, the more you deny it, the more it reveals how it really is. It's OK and quite understandable. Makes sense, as many have pointed out here in this thread.

12-17-2013, 03:50 PM
You know I think there may be a really different view of this rivalry depending on your religious leanings.

While they're our rival, and I never like to see them do well, not playing them is fine with me. Because I don't have that built in church connection where it will constantly be brought up even if we don't play.

I have co workers who are BYU fans...we rarely even discuss it except during game weeks. Once that week is over, it's over. Seems that isn't the case with many others.

You could be right, because if you are a non-lds ute fan, byu fan will pull back on smack talk significantly in hopes of baptizing you. Then when you are baptized, they will lay into you with the rivalry junk. It is all part of what the lds call "correlation."

Mormon Red Death
12-17-2013, 05:35 PM
Unfortunately, the more you deny it, the more it reveals how it really is. It's OK and quite understandable. Makes sense, as many have pointed out here in this thread.

No the CONSTANT of utah football is beating byu

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

12-17-2013, 09:53 PM
It's a difficult time to be a Cougar fan. That's all I have to say.

Go Cougars!

at least you'll always have scoreboard in righteousness

LA Ute
12-18-2013, 04:08 AM
Unfortunately, the more you deny it, the more it reveals how it really is. It's OK and quite understandable. Makes sense, as many have pointed out here in this thread.


12-18-2013, 08:04 AM

Hey look, I'm just pointing out the obvious. You've got MRD boldly claiming that playing BYU is essential to Utah's identity and state of well-being as a football team, and this is clearly manifest in it's fan base. Others here are already preparing for how to deal with the identity schism that will occur due to the Ute athletic director's sophistry and subsequent cancellation of the series for two years. It's fascinating.

12-18-2013, 08:23 AM
Wish I could've watched it live but, well, it's Utah.

BYUtv doesn't have the game up, yet. Do they only replay victories in basketball? I ask sincerely because I don't frequent the site.

The Utah-BYu football game from last year is up, however. Assuming you missed that, here's the link: http://www.byutv.org/watch/84583ca2-9f0e-4ed5-ab2f-d0b3101fc5cf/football-utah-byu-92113

Hope that helps.

Homer Crimson
12-18-2013, 08:33 AM
Hey look, I'm just pointing out the obvious. You've got MRD boldly claiming that playing BYU is essential to Utah's identity and state of well-being as a football team, and this is clearly manifest in it's fan base. Others here are already preparing for how to deal with the identity schism that will occur due to the Ute athletic director's sophistry and subsequent cancellation of the series for two years. It's fascinating.

The transition to being a PAC12 member is going to be a long one; the fan base won't make the shift overnight. But over time as fans become more familiar with our conference foes, the BYU games will matter less. It will always be an important OOC game simply because of instate recruiting, but it certainly isn't needed every single year, and I suspect the break will reveal that to fans. It seems like the old guard Ute fans are the ones who are as much BYU haters as fans of Utah. Once the next generation of football fans comes into their own, it will be easier to let that go and focus on PAC teams to develop rivalries with.

I suspect the thing that Ute fans will miss the most about the game the next two seasons is the built-in win, but unlike others here, I don't expect the fans to become increasingly rabid in its absence. I think it will actually cool, and that the two groups will be too focused on their own issues to worry as much about what the other is doing. BYU fans will laugh at the Utes struggling in the PAC and Utes will laugh at BYU's quest for relevance. The rivalry will survive the two teams not being conference-mates, but it is not going to define either team's identity.

12-18-2013, 09:04 AM
The transition to being a PAC12 member is going to be a long one; the fan base won't make the shift overnight. But over time as fans become more familiar with our conference foes, the BYU games will matter less. It will always be an important OOC game simply because of instate recruiting, but it certainly isn't needed every single year, and I suspect the break will reveal that to fans. It seems like the old guard Ute fans are the ones who are as much BYU haters as fans of Utah. Once the next generation of football fans comes into their own, it will be easier to let that go and focus on PAC teams to develop rivalries with.

I suspect the thing that Ute fans will miss the most about the game the next two seasons is the built-in win, but unlike others here, I don't expect the fans to become increasingly rabid in its absence. I think it will actually cool, and that the two groups will be too focused on their own issues to worry as much about what the other is doing. BYU fans will laugh at the Utes struggling in the PAC and Utes will laugh at BYU's quest for relevance. The rivalry will survive the two teams not being conference-mates, but it is not going to define either team's identity.

You make a compelling case, but I just can't believe in this outcome. I suppose this mindset is also why I don't believe in amicable breakups. Maybe some people can "just be friends" with an ex, but I am guessing that is, like <1% of people. Bad blood doesn't just cool off after a couple of years.

The absence of the rivalry for 2 years is a slap in the face of BYU and its fans. At present, Utah is totally all up in BYU football fans' heads, and probably even Bronco's and the players' heads as well. I am concerned that the absense will give BYU nation the time to see a shrink about things and that in 2016, they will slap us in the face figuratively on the football field. If that happens, watch and see how quickly the rivalry fires are rekindled in the hearts of Ute fans who have transcended this "petty non-conference game."

12-18-2013, 09:07 AM
Hey look, I'm just pointing out the obvious. You've got MRD boldly claiming that playing BYU is essential to Utah's identity and state of well-being as a football team, and this is clearly manifest in it's fan base. Others here are already preparing for how to deal with the identity schism that will occur due to the Ute athletic director's sophistry and subsequent cancellation of the series for two years. It's fascinating.

There is no yin without yang.

12-18-2013, 09:14 AM
The rivalry has changed significantly for me since the move to the PAC. As conference mates, the road to the conference championship usually (but not always) required that Utah beat BYU. As a result, even when the game had been played, win or lose, there was a reason to watch what BYU was doing as the wins and losses not only had an impact on conference championship determination, but gave me an indication on how Utah would fare against upcoming opponents. That is no longer the case. The game is played and win or lose, for me it is over. By the time the basketball season ended a year ago, did anyone really care that BYU had again beat the Utes for the 10,000th straight time. When the Utes failed to make a bowl game in the last two years was it satisfying to remember, oh yeah, but we beat BYU?
I guess it still continues to be most important game of the year for some, but it has changed for me and I suspect that it will continue to change for most Utah fans.
The people it will not change for is the media. It is their crutch, the thing they go to 24/7/365 to fill hours and hours of drive time sports talk. It is one of the reason I cannot listen to Utah sports talk radio. I don't value the opinions of the hosts or the callers. They know less than the better posters here and on other message boards.

Homer Crimson
12-18-2013, 12:16 PM
At present, Utah is totally all up in BYU football fans' heads, and probably even Bronco's and the players' heads as well. I am concerned that the absense will give BYU nation the time to see a shrink about things and that in 2016, they will slap us in the face figuratively on the football field. If that happens, watch and see how quickly the rivalry fires are rekindled in the hearts of Ute fans who have transcended this "petty non-conference game."

You give Bronco and the Cougs too much credit. The talent gap between the two programs is ever-widening, and even a bottom-third PAC Ute team should defeat BYU- where are their signature wins? They beat a Longhorn team who's coaching staff was MIA and couldn't be bothered to make adjustments, and then proceeded to lose to every other BCS opponent they played. Watch the 2013 BYU-Utah game again- it was a workman-like performance and the Utes were in the driver's seat the entire game. Despite what local hacks and zoobs claim, Utah has clearly passed them by. The Utes are putting more players in the NFL; as dreadful as some of our coaches are doing, we consistently out-prepare and -scheme them. Our athletes are, well, more athletic. Too bad that being superior to what is essentially still a good MWC team isn't good enough to compete in our new conference, contrary to what we used to think.

I'm not saying the rivalry will fade away or even become more amicable; just that it will cease to be the game that defines each season FOR THE UTES. I forgot that for KVN, it was their Super Bowl. I was ecstatic that we beat them in LES this year, but it was little consolation at season's end. I'd trade the BYU victory for a win over USC or Oregon in a heartbeat.

Jeff Lebowski
12-18-2013, 04:58 PM
You give Bronco and the Cougs too much credit. The talent gap between the two programs is ever-widening, and even a bottom-third PAC Ute team should defeat BYU- where are their signature wins? They beat a Longhorn team who's coaching staff was MIA and couldn't be bothered to make adjustments, and then proceeded to lose to every other BCS opponent they played. Watch the 2013 BYU-Utah game again- it was a workman-like performance and the Utes were in the driver's seat the entire game. Despite what local hacks and zoobs claim, Utah has clearly passed them by. The Utes are putting more players in the NFL; as dreadful as some of our coaches are doing, we consistently out-prepare and -scheme them. Our athletes are, well, more athletic. Too bad that being superior to what is essentially still a good MWC team isn't good enough to compete in our new conference, contrary to what we used to think.

I'm not saying the rivalry will fade away or even become more amicable; just that it will cease to be the game that defines each season FOR THE UTES. I forgot that for KVN, it was their Super Bowl. I was ecstatic that we beat them in LES this year, but it was little consolation at season's end. I'd trade the BYU victory for a win over USC or Oregon in a heartbeat.

lol. Homer indeed.

Jeff Lebowski
12-18-2013, 05:00 PM
It tickles me that this is still your #1 thread over here.

Mormon Red Death
12-18-2013, 05:30 PM
It tickles me that this is still your #1 thread over here.

It tickles me that the big 12 expansion thread is #1 on cuf

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

Jeff Lebowski
12-18-2013, 06:05 PM
It tickles me that the big 12 expansion thread is #1 on cuf

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2


Anything but that godawful Lakers thread.

12-18-2013, 06:31 PM

Anything but that godawful Lakers thread.

Isn't the Call of Duty thread a behemoth as well? Big 12, Lakers, and First-Person-Shooter games: seems like both boards enjoy discussing things that have little relation to the home team.

12-18-2013, 07:25 PM
It tickles me that this is still your #1 thread over here.

I'm not very good with numbers, but I would guess there are 20-30 posts here on other threads for every 1 post on this one.

I would also guess that you BYU fans are among the top posters on this thread. I suppose I could figure out where your board is, go there, post every day in a thread about herpes,and then point out that the herpes thread is your #1.

12-18-2013, 07:36 PM
I'm not very good with numbers, but I would guess there are 20-30 posts here on other threads for every 1 post on this one.

I would also guess that you BYU fans are among the top posters on this thread. I suppose I could figure out where your board is, go there, post every day in a thread about herpes,and then point out that the herpes thread is your #1.

The thread was started by a Ute. But I won't accuse Senioritis of having herpes.

LA Ute
12-18-2013, 07:40 PM
It tickles me that this is still your #1 thread over here.

Your board needs supervision. Don't you realize what is going on over there? For heaven's sake, man, get back there and take care of matters before something terrible happens!

12-18-2013, 08:07 PM
The thread was started by a Ute. But I won't accuse Senioritis of having herpes.

I wouldn't consider it an accusation anyway. More like a badge of honor.

This thread is serving its intended purpose perfectly. All of the obsession in one tidy little place. The rest of this glorious board remains uncluttered from tired honor code jokes, the ubershmarm of Captain Bronconi, and the smooth country stylings of the pug nosed Dave Rose.

And Nate Cooper can die of gonorrhea and roast in hell.

Jeff Lebowski
12-18-2013, 08:39 PM
I'm not very good with numbers, but I would guess there are 20-30 posts here on other threads for every 1 post on this one.

I would also guess that you BYU fans are among the top posters on this thread. I suppose I could figure out where your board is, go there, post every day in a thread about herpes,and then point out that the herpes thread is your #1.

Sancho, you seem really tightly wound. You are becoming one of my favorites here.

Rocker Ute
12-18-2013, 08:43 PM
Sancho, you seem really tightly wound. You are becoming one of my favorites here.

Our BYU brethren will always be hovering nearby to keep us in check. I personally think it is derived from a Home Teaching guilt complex. I do have to say Brother Lebowski, if you are going to stop by, don't you think you should share a message and ask us if you can do anything for us?

Diehard Ute
12-18-2013, 08:46 PM
Our BYU brethren will always be hovering nearby to keep us in check. I personally think it is derived from a Home Teaching guilt complex. I do have to say Brother Lebowski, if you are going to stop by, don't you think you should share a message and ask us if you can do anything for us?

He could at least bring us some Epic brews.

Rocker Ute
12-18-2013, 09:09 PM
He could at least bring us some Epic brews.

It would be the polite thing to do.

Jeff Lebowski
12-18-2013, 09:22 PM
Our BYU brethren will always be hovering nearby to keep us in check. I personally think it is derived from a Home Teaching guilt complex. I do have to say Brother Lebowski, if you are going to stop by, don't you think you should share a message and ask us if you can do anything for us?

I am going to wait until the end of the month.

12-18-2013, 09:34 PM
I don't understand why we are still talking about BYU. I guess I understand why they care what we are saying though there are several boards for talking about BYU. This is a Utah board.

LA Ute
12-18-2013, 09:36 PM
I don't understand why we are still talking about BYU. I guess I understand why they care what we are saying though there are several boards for talking about BYU. This is a Utah board.

Find Wally's post somewhere below. He nails the answer to your question.

12-19-2013, 10:18 AM
This (http://www.bigstory.ap.org/article/fight-hunger-bowl-will-have-2-female-officials) ought to be interesting for BYU fans...

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The Fight Hunger Bowl will make history with two female officials this year.

The game between BYU and Washington on Dec. 27 in San Francisco will be called by a crew from Conference USA that includes Sarah Thomas as line judge and Maia Chaka as head linesman.

NCAA national coordinator of officials Rogers Redding says it is the first time two female officials have worked the same FBS game.

Thomas became the first female official in major college football in 2007 and the first to work a bowl game in 2009 at the Little Caesars Bowl.

A Division II game earlier this year between Miles College and Lane had four female officials. That was billed as the first NCAA game with a majority-female officiating crew.

Jeff Lebowski
12-19-2013, 10:18 AM
It tickles me that the big 12 expansion thread is #1 on cuf

Your post made me curious so I checked. The #1 thread (in terms of # of replies) is the Utah Jazz thread, not the B12 thread. The Lakers thread isn't even in the top 10 anymore (phew).

Mormon Red Death
12-19-2013, 10:42 AM
Your post made me curious so I checked. The #1 thread (in terms of # of replies) is the Utah Jazz thread, not the B12 thread. The Lakers thread isn't even in the top 10 anymore (phew).

What place is the b12 thread?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

Jeff Lebowski
12-19-2013, 10:44 AM
What place is the b12 thread?

Second I believe. The Romney vs Obama thread is right up there. As is the photo thread in the private forum.

USS Utah
12-19-2013, 12:19 PM
Assume Utah (in our wildest dreams) finishes 9-3 and BYU 11-1, cougs will claime superior record, Utes will claim superior SOS and the debate will rage as to which team is best in state.

But we have a choice on whether to participate in the debate or not. Sure, zoobs will claim superiority, but they do that no matter what the facts are. We don't have to listen or engage them in discussion. And talking to zoobs is usually a waste of time, anyway So why bother? Now, if you want to chat with some non-zoob BYU fans, that's something else, but being non-zoobs, they should be able to accept the facts, including SOS and head to head. Nonetheless, we get to decide how we feel about Utah's season, not anyone else, not the local media, not cb or cuf.

Think of how insufferable byu fans are this year claiming they are a superior team, despite the noteworthy fact that we beat them handily (in their stadium).

If they are insufferable, it is because we allow them to be by engaging them in discussion. Zoobs are just like conspiracy nuts who will believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. "Oh, you're one of those." you say, "moving on."

A wise man once said "It takes emotion to hate and emotion to love, but no emotion is required to be indifferent." Zoobs aren't worth any emotion at all.

12-19-2013, 12:39 PM
I don't understand why we are still talking about BYU. I guess I understand why they care what we are saying though there are several boards for talking about BYU. This is a Utah board.

Find Wally's post somewhere below. He nails the answer to your question.

See this is where we see things differently. Supposing both teams have banner years, I don't see a way, unless one of them wins the NC that the season doesn't end on a note of comparison between them. Assume Utah (in our wildest dreams) finishes 9-3 and BYU 11-1, cougs will claime superior record, Utes will claim superior SOS and the debate will rage as to which team is best in state. Take that to the bank. In fact, the only scenario for avoiding this conflict is for BYU to suck and Utah to shine, because if BYU sucks against a "lesser" schedule, the logical hoops to jump through to claim superiority over a good P12 Utah team become nigh-impossible.

Utah and BYU, both sons of Brigham Young, are entrenched in a vigorous sibling rivalry. sibling rivalry is never truly subverted no matter what state of inner rivalry nirvana the siblings think they have achieved. For evidence of this, see practically every one-on-one basketball game played by adult brothers. The fact that each institution is so different with respect to mission, culture, areas of academic emphasis, only distances the siblings enough regarding empathy for one another to allow for true loathing to exist. By the way, the institutions are separated by a mere 40 miles and compete for the adulation of the locals constantly, and in every way. Even if you live outside the epicenter of this conflict, you are subject to it when you interact with family in Utah or when you monitor the performance of your alma mater. This conflict catches easier than influenza.

A can't even believe I wrote this. Makes me nervous that I am unknowingly sharing my login with some other dude who is erroneously giving people around here the impression that "wally makes sense."

I am going to print this page off and put it on the fridge next to my kids' homework assignments. My wife will probably throw it in the trash, though.

12-19-2013, 12:46 PM
I wouldn't consider it an accusation anyway. More like a badge of honor.

This thread is serving its intended purpose perfectly. All of the obsession in one tidy little place. The rest of this glorious board remains uncluttered from tired honor code jokes, the ubershmarm of Captain Bronconi, and the smooth country stylings of the pug nosed Dave Rose.

And Nate Cooper can die of gonorrhea and roast in hell.

I for one am happy that Senioritis threw himself on this grenade by having the stones to start this thread. People may tease about phased shaving and the like, but while many consider him to simply be a Consigliere, Senioritis is in fact not afraid to get his hands dirty, and nothing he does is without its strategy. I for one, thank you, sir.

12-19-2013, 02:11 PM
Your post made me curious so I checked. The #1 thread (in terms of # of replies) is the Utah Jazz thread, not the B12 thread. The Lakers thread isn't even in the top 10 anymore (phew).

Wait, you went to check? I'll accept being tightly wound if you accept being high strung. Or insecure. Your choice.

Jeff Lebowski
12-19-2013, 02:22 PM
Wait, you went to check? I'll accept being tightly wound if you accept being high strung. Or insecure. Your choice.

Thanks for doubling down. I rest my case.

MRD is a good friend. I was genuinely curious if the B12 thread was still at #1. I assumed it was. Had no idea the Jazz thread had that many posts.

Jeff Lebowski
12-19-2013, 02:25 PM
A can't even believe I wrote this. Makes me nervous that I am unknowingly sharing my login with some other dude who is erroneously giving people around here the impression that "wally makes sense."

I am going to print this page off and put it on the fridge next to my kids' homework assignments. My wife will probably throw it in the trash, though.

You nailed it, wally. lol @ UtahDan.

LA Ute
12-19-2013, 02:32 PM
Thanks for doubling down. I rest my case.

MRD is a good friend. I was genuinely curious if the B12 thread was still at #1. I assumed it was. Had no idea the Jazz thread had that many posts.

I can say with 100% certainty, and without fear of being exposed as a liar, that I don't care a bit about the Jazz.

12-19-2013, 03:46 PM
Thanks for doubling down. I rest my case.

I feel like you're that guy on Seinfeld that always has a comeback. I can't beat you. Anyway, the jerk store just called, and they're running out of you.

LA Ute
12-19-2013, 04:11 PM
I feel like you're that guy on Seinfeld that always has a comeback. I can't beat you. Anyway, the jerk store just called, and they're running out of you.

I have tried but I can't come up with a comeback to this.

Jeff Lebowski
12-19-2013, 05:07 PM
I have tried but I can't come up with a comeback to this.

Nor can I. Can't stop laughing.

12-19-2013, 09:26 PM
You nailed it, wally. lol @ UtahDan.

There really is a place where Ute fans go to have BYU fans act like dicks to them. Seemingly they enjoy it. It's just not here.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

12-19-2013, 10:19 PM
There really is a place where Ute fans go to have BYU fans act like dicks to them. Seemingly they enjoy it. It's just not here.

Yeah. Some would call that place "church".

LA Ute
12-19-2013, 10:28 PM
Nor can I. Can't stop laughing.

The Lebowski posting in this thread isn't the one I've known. What's up with this?

12-19-2013, 10:42 PM
Yeah. Some would call that place "church".

You just won the internet. *deep bow*

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

Jeff Lebowski
12-19-2013, 10:42 PM
There really is a place where Ute fans go to have BYU fans act like dicks to them. Seemingly they enjoy it. It's just not here.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

Geez, lighten up Francis. I was teasing you about your ongoing insistence that the rivalry no longer exists.

Homer Crimson
12-20-2013, 12:22 AM
Our BYU brethren will always be hovering nearby to keep us in check.

They will but I don't feel the need for this. Most Ute fans that have a tendency to be zoobish get over it quickly when they realize the Utes are not as good as we thought they were in the PAC. The converse does not seem to apply; even when we were in the same conference a large contingency of TDS fans could never admit that Utah had bested them. This is probably the main reason that I'm cooling on the rivalry; what's the point of defeating someone when they can't recognize that they're beaten? 54-10 was the height of zoob delusion- by the end of that season, that game was a "fluke" and TDS would have destroyed Utah if they'd played again. Zoobs are the pathetically taunting Black Knight and Ute fans are King Arthur riding off in disbelief that the idiots can't recognize the bloodbath that is 4 in a row and 9 of 12, etc.

No zoob will ever welcome a Ute in the interest of helping them maintain perspective; other Cougs administer the reality checks for them. I feel like we do the same and police ourselves pretty well. When a zoob gloats over the Utes struggling in the PAC, scoreboard smack should shut them up, but they aren't rational. Have you heard Brady Poppinga insisting that results on the field aren't indicative of the relative states of the two programs? I'd think he was severely brain damaged except that I hear the same pretzel logic from too many zoobs that insist BYU has a better football program right now than the U.

I remember the 80s and 90s; I remember hating BYU but begrudgingly admitting that we were beaten and they were better. I remember after certain victories, knowing we'd pulled a fast one- we had been the better team THAT day, but overall- they were better; and I could acknowledge it to their faces, painful as that was. I see very few zoobs being that honest now that the tables have turned. Fine, screw them. Reading this, it sounds like they really live in my head, and they do, a little, but this is more about purging and the fact that I'm just tired of them. If it's no fun to beat them, and you get so little credit for defeating them, what's the point? I will be perfectly happy to see the Utes play them every couple or three years, or every year. The results will be the same- a win most years and a clear message to local recruits about which program is dominant.

Personally, I feel like I'm ready to begin my 2 year break with their fanbase. Their zoobishness has become intolerable to me; I've reached my threshold of smug self-righteous a-holery and delusions of superiority and being on the cusp of contending for a MNC. I'm tired of pointing to the scoreboard and hearing excuses and logic more tortured than an Al-Queda leader in Camp X-ray.

There really is a place where Ute fans go to have BYU fans act like dicks to them. Seemingly they enjoy it. It's just not here.

Exactly, so I guess it's time to stop contributing to this thread if I'm as done with the d-bags as I think I am. Enjoy you're Poppinga victories Cougars; try not to think about how long it's been since you had an undefeated season, or that you're first, inevitable defeat each season ends your quest for a major bowl; ignore those two-and-ones that everyone knows are really just two one-and-dones. Keep imagining that Sunday play is what's keeping you out of the Big Boy conferences. Bask in the anti-gonzo weirdness that is Bronco Mendenhall and keep telling yourself that he routinely declines offers to coach top-ten programs, and that no one could possibly be a better coach for BYU (except maybe the guy they tried to hire before approaching Bronco). Ignore all those Utes marauding the fields of NFL highlights while a handful of Cougars languish on the sidelines. Gear up for the next Heisman campaign for the best darn mid-major player no one outside of Provo has heard of. I could go on, but I think that got most of it out of my system.

I eagerly look forward to your rationales for the Kraft Hunger Bowl loss; wait, no I don't.

12-20-2013, 07:39 AM
They will but I don't feel the need for this. Most Ute fans that have a tendency to be zoobish get over it quickly when they realize the Utes are not as good as we thought they were in the PAC. The converse does not seem to apply; even when we were in the same conference a large contingency of TDS fans could never admit that Utah had bested them. This is probably the main reason that I'm cooling on the rivalry; what's the point of defeating someone when they can't recognize that they're beaten? 54-10 was the height of zoob delusion- by the end of that season, that game was a "fluke" and TDS would have destroyed Utah if they'd played again. Zoobs are the pathetically taunting Black Knight and Ute fans are King Arthur riding off in disbelief that the idiots can't recognize the bloodbath that is 4 in a row and 9 of 12, etc.

No zoob will ever welcome a Ute in the interest of helping them maintain perspective; other Cougs administer the reality checks for them. I feel like we do the same and police ourselves pretty well. When a zoob gloats over the Utes struggling in the PAC, scoreboard smack should shut them up, but they aren't rational. Have you heard Brady Poppinga insisting that results on the field aren't indicative of the relative states of the two programs? I'd think he was severely brain damaged except that I hear the same pretzel logic from too many zoobs that insist BYU has a better football program right now than the U.

I remember the 80s and 90s; I remember hating BYU but begrudgingly admitting that we were beaten and they were better. I remember after certain victories, knowing we'd pulled a fast one- we had been the better team THAT day, but overall- they were better; and I could acknowledge it to their faces, painful as that was. I see very few zoobs being that honest now that the tables have turned. Fine, screw them. Reading this, it sounds like they really live in my head, and they do, a little, but this is more about purging and the fact that I'm just tired of them. If it's no fun to beat them, and you get so little credit for defeating them, what's the point? I will be perfectly happy to see the Utes play them every couple or three years, or every year. The results will be the same- a win most years and a clear message to local recruits about which program is dominant.

Personally, I feel like I'm ready to begin my 2 year break with their fanbase. Their zoobishness has become intolerable to me; I've reached my threshold of smug self-righteous a-holery and delusions of superiority and being on the cusp of contending for a MNC. I'm tired of pointing to the scoreboard and hearing excuses and logic more tortured than an Al-Queda leader in Camp X-ray.

Exactly, so I guess it's time to stop contributing to this thread if I'm as done with the d-bags as I think I am. Enjoy you're Poppinga victories Cougars; try not to think about how long it's been since you had an undefeated season, or that you're first, inevitable defeat each season ends your quest for a major bowl; ignore those two-and-ones that everyone knows are really just two one-and-dones. Keep imagining that Sunday play is what's keeping you out of the Big Boy conferences. Bask in the anti-gonzo weirdness that is Bronco Mendenhall and keep telling yourself that he routinely declines offers to coach top-ten programs, and that no one could possibly be a better coach for BYU (except maybe the guy they tried to hire before approaching Bronco). Ignore all those Utes marauding the fields of NFL highlights while a handful of Cougars languish on the sidelines. Gear up for the next Heisman campaign for the best darn mid-major player no one outside of Provo has heard of. I could go on, but I think that got most of it out of my system.

I eagerly look forward to your rationales for the Kraft Hunger Bowl loss; wait, no I don't.

Oh the piety and condescension. LOL this is priceless.