How did you pick your Moniker?

I have worked in the retirement plan consulting, administration and investment fields for over 25 years.

How did you discover UB5?

Saw the site mentioned on utefans, and decided to move away from that cesspool.

How many states/countries have you lived in?

Six. New Jersey, California, Arizona, South Africa, Idaho and Utah

What are your Sports Loyalties?

The Utes, the entire NFL (except the Cowboys), Atlanta Braves, RSL and Colorado Avalanche. And for the record, I despise the NBA.

What was the moment that cemented your Ute Fanhood?

When I moved to Utah and enrolled at the U.

What do you currently do for a living?

I founded and am senior partner of a retirement plan consulting and administration company. I have turned over most of the operational duties to my business partner and now primarily focus on the investment advisory side of retirement planning.

Are your religiously affiliated, and if so, what is your current standing?​